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Shackled City: A Gestalt Campaign (PG-13/R)


First Post
jeremy_dnd said:
* * *​
Hershan's chair fell behind him as he jumped to his feet and searched the crowd.

The half-orc at the bar was nonplussed.

"You mean the Shadow?" he asked, cleaning a glass with his rag. "I don't rightly know who, and definitely not what, but he comes in here from time to time. He doesn't pester, doesn't bother. But he doesn't drink, neither."

The barkeep paused, bringing a meaty hand to his square jaw. "Come to think of it, I can't be entirely sure if he is actually a he. As for the Gurnezarn smithy, it's on the east side of town, on the upper side. You shouldn't have no trouble finding it. The Shadow has never brought no harm to no one."

* * *​

Curiosity not satisfied, Hershan decided to leave the rest of his drink. He decided that the best thing to do would be to make his way to this smithy, maybe somebody there would have some information for him about this "Shadow".

Nodding in thanks to the barman he left, making his way outside and in the direction (correct one he hoped) of the smithy. Well, if this is fate, she is definitely playing it coy. Maybe it is Tymora's blessing and this is the lucky break I have been hoping for. Thanks be to Tymora if it is!

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Quantum Chronomancer
* * *​

rangerjohn said:
OOC: Past tense makes things kind of messy, I have to assume success.
OOC: No need to assume success or defeat. Simply post your intended actions, but in the verb's past tense. Write just as you have been, but instead of saying is please say was, and attacked instead of attacks. Check out the posts by some of the other players for pointers, if you like.

James and his companion reacted immediately to the threat. With a growl in her throat, Snow leapt at one of the assailants, narrowly missing one of his legs, as James drew his spear upon another.

"Get away from me, you mutt!" yelled one, swiping at the wolf, missing.

"We were just roughing him up a bit," responded the other to James. He whirled around, knocking the spear away, but James deftly stepped to one side to avoid the blow.

James caught sight of the young man rising to his feet and pull a weapon from his side. He clenched it tightly, almost as if in prayer, and James saw the youth's mouth begin to move.

OOC: Since Snow has learned the "attack" action, it took only a free action for James to handle Snow to do so. He then used a move action to draw his weapon and approach one of the attackers. Unfortunately, James missed on his attack (rolled a 6). Snow missed on her bite attack, and could not attempt a trip.

Polaris charged from the other side and brought his large greatsword to bear upon the center attacker. The man with the strangely painted face gripped his sword tightly and held it steady, sliding it into an opening as Polaris charged into him. He could not, however, parry the blow of the greatsword. For a brief moment, the two men were locked in an embrace, both weapons thrust through each other's shoulders. Slowly, they stumbled backward, blades sliding cleanly from the wounds.

Polaris was dazed, but could still move his arm. The assailant, however, was not quite as lucky, the wound far too close to his heart. He coughed, sputtered blood, and stared in fascination at his wound as the bloodstain quickly blossomed. Surprisingly, even to himself, he remained standing.

OOC: Polaris took 4 damage, down to 6hp. The attacker took 12 damage.

* * *​

OOC: Telenor's AC increases to 17 with the +4 armor bonus.

Telenor skidded to a stop in front of a dark alley, untouched by the slanting rays of the setting sun, to see the beginning of a brawl. No, not a brawl: a battle. Three men with painted faces stood roughly in the center of the upward sloping alley, assaulted on both sides by two men and what looked like a large wolf. Everyone held weapons.

"When you attack the young and weak, we make it our business." he heard the wild man say, an unpainted face but adorned with tattoos.

"We were just roughing him up a bit." came the reply.

Telenor recognized those painted faces, half black and half white, though he could not quite remember from where...

OOC: Initiative order: James and Snow, cleric victim, attackers, Polaris, Telenor

The alley is 10 feet wide and sixty feet long, opening into a street at either end. Two-story buildings loom on either side. Telenor is at the bottom end. James, Snow, Polaris, and the attackers are roughly in the middle. The cleric is near the top end. Polaris is currently higher than the attackers, and the attackers are higher than James and Snow.

Anyone attacking from "higher ground," from higher up the slope, gets a +1 bonus to their attacks.

* * *​

After a few more questions, Hershan got specific directions to the smithy. The sun was already low in the sky, and it would be near evening by the time he arrived; Gurnezarn's was on the opposite side of the city.

Hershan was almost there, the sun's light fading as it dropped below the city wall, when he heard scuffling further up the road. As he drew closer to the sound, he heard the ringing of clashing weapons, grunts, and a snarling growl from a nearby alley.

Tymora, it seemed, was indeed interfering.

* * *​
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jeremy_dnd said:
Slowly, they stumbled backward, blades sliding cleanly from the wounds.

"Give up now brigands! Lay down your weapons and surrender, you are surrounded." Polaris said, careful to keep himself between the villains and the young man behind him. He was ready to launch another attack if they did not toss their weapons aside.​


First Post
If the wild man is telling the truth, then these fellows could know something about the children... But diving into a conflict without knowing who is in the right is a good way to get the wrong kind of necktie.

Telenor cast Shield on himself, readied his weapons, and waited at the bottom of the alley. "What has happened here?" he called out.


jeremy_dnd said:
* * *​

OOC: No need to assume success or defeat. Simply post your intended actions, but in the verb's past tense. Write just as you have been, but instead of saying is please say was, and attacked instead of attacks. Check out the posts by some of the other players for pointers, if you like.

James and his companion reacted immediately to the threat. With a growl in her throat, Snow leapt at one of the assailants, narrowly missing one of his legs, as James drew his spear upon another.

"Get away from me, you mutt!" yelled one, swiping at the wolf, missing.

"We were just roughing him up a bit," responded the other to James. He whirled around, knocking the spear away, but James deftly stepped to one side to avoid the blow.

James caught sight of the young man rising to his feet and pull a weapon from his side. He clenched it tightly, almost as if in prayer, and James saw the youth's mouth begin to move.

OOC: Since Snow has not learned the "attack" action, it took a move action for James to push Snow to do so. He then used another move action to draw his weapon and approach one of the attackers. Snow missed on her bite attack, and could not attempt a trip.

Actually, according to Handle Animal in the SRD, Hunting includes: Attack, down, fetch, heel, seek and track.
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Quantum Chronomancer

rangerjohn said:
Actually, according to Handle Animal in the SRD, Hunting includedes: Attack, down, fetch, heel, seek and track.

Woops, my bad. I double-checked, but I must have missed that on your character sheet.

I'll edit the post, now.

Thanks for the correction! :eek:


First Post
jeremy_dnd said:
* * *​

After a few more questions, Hershan got specific directions to the smithy. The sun was already low in the sky, and it would be near evening by the time he arrived; Gurnezarn's was on the opposite side of the city.

Hershan was almost there, the sun's light fading as it dropped below the city wall, when he heard scuffling further up the road. As he drew closer to the sound, he heard the ringing of clashing weapons, grunts, and a snarling growl from a nearby alley.

Tymora, it seemed, was indeed interfering.

* * *​

Hearing the sounds fron up ahead Hershan stopped. Moving into the surrounding shadows and trying to ove as silently as possible.

ooc Move Silently and Hide are both +5

Hope I haven't been sent into a trap. Well, I f I have hopefully I can see who it is that is after me. Finally a chance to prove that I can stand on my own without the support of my brothers!

Carefully he moved towards the sounds, to discover what lay before him.


Quantum Chronomancer
* * *​

Hershan melted into the surrounding shadows and edged along the side of one building toward the source of the sound. With his back to the wall, he turned his head and peered around the corner.

A battle, it seemed, was in full swing. Not ten feet away, a young man in cleric's robes with two bruised eyes, a mangled lip, and bloodstains on his vestments struggled to remain standing. Yet, the cleric still managed to hold up a mace and began to chant a prayer to his god. Further down, into the alley, two men and what Hershan could have sworn was a wolf, fought with three other men with faces painted in black and white, one seriously wounded. Everyone's attention was focused on the battle: no one had seen nor heard his approach.

From the other side of the alley, behind the raging battle, he heard a voice call, "What has happened here?"

* * *​

James and his companion pressed the attack with their respective opponents, without success. James thrust forward his spear, but the attacker was on his guard, and dodged out of his way. Snow growled deep in her throat as she pounced forward, again, and once again missed the leg for which she had aimed. The attackers, black and white paint twisting their faces into maniacal grins, simply laughed in response as they both readied their swords.

From behind him, Polaris heard the cleric finish a second prayer, and again felt the power of the young man's god course through him. His senses sharpened, his grip tightened, and his mind cleared. His voice ringed out in the alley, but the attackers did not even pause, continued with abandon as if they had not heard his voice. Polaris easily sidestepped a half-hearted swing from his attacker and brought down his own greatsword, cleaving through the man's shoulder. (Note: graphic description follows.)
The black and white painted face froze, and the man's eyes rolled into the back of his head, his dead body slumping to the ground as the blood pumped out of his gaping side.

Polaris looked further into the alley to see his newfound allies battling the other two brigands. With the fall of one of their own, their confidence was shaken. Neither could help from glancing over their shoulders at the body and the blood. James and the wolf had little trouble staying out of the way from their swings.

OOC: James and Snow missed, but so did their attackers. Polaris definitely did not miss, and killed his attacker outright.

The cleric cast a bless spell, centered on himself, and now affects Polaris, James, and Snow, as well as Telenor and Hershan, if they decide to join the fight as an ally of the cleric.

Recall, Polaris is still under the effects of the guidance spell. At any time you want to take advantage of the +1 competence bonus on the attack, Erekose13, let me know in your post.

* * *​

No one had answered Telenor's question, all of them too involved in the battle. One man was already down, blood pooling in the cobblestones and slowly trickling its way toward him. He glanced up along the wall of one of the buildings lining the alley, and his eyes narrowed. A figure, silent, clung to one wall just below the second story eaves, like an unmoving spider. It was a woman, Telenor could just barely make out, and she, too, had the same painted face. Dressed all in black, it was a wonder he had even spotted her in the deep shadows.

OOC: Telenor's AC increases to 21 with the +4 shield bonus.

Initiative order: Hershan, James and Snow, cleric victim, attackers, Polaris, Telenor.

Please visit the OOC thread for a poll.

* * *​


Enraged at the laughter and his lack of success, James cast chill touch and attemptted to slap his opponent. Meanwhile, Snow continued to press the attack against her elusive foe.

Voidrunner's Codex

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