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Shackled City - OOC I


First Post
Here it is let me know what you think and I sent you off an email.

Althron Fellowson
Cleric 2nd level
Race: Dwarf (Hill)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Diety: St. Cuthbert
Age: 66
Sex: Male
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 140 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Strength 14 +2
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 16 +3
Charisma 9 –1
HP 23

AC 19 = 10+5+2+1 TOUCH=12 FLAT-FOOTED=17


BAB +1
Grapple +3

Heavy Mace +3 1d8+2 20/x2
Shortspear +3 1d6+2 20/x2
Shortspear +3 1d6+2 20/x2
Appraise +1
Balance -2
Bluff -1
Climb -2
Concentration +4 (1 rank)
Diplomacy +2 (3 rank)
Disguse -1
Forgery +1
Gather information -1
Heal +7 (4 rank)
Hide -2
Intimidate –1
Jump –8
Knowledge (arcana) +2 (1 rank)
Knowledge (history) +1
Knowledge (religion) +4 (3 rank)
Knowledge (the planes) +1
Listen +3
Move Silently –2
Ride +2
Search +1
Sense Motive +3
Spellcraft +4 (3 rank)
Spot +3
Survival -6
Use Rope +1


Heavy Mace 12 gold
Short spear X2 4 gold
MW Breastplate 350 gold
MW Heavy steel sheild 170 gold
Explorer's outfit 0 gold
Holy symbol (silver) 25 gold
Spell component pouch 5 gold
Water skin 1 gold
Whetstone 2 cp
Flint and steel 1 gold
2 days trail rations 1 gold
Bedroll 1 silver
Pouch 1 gold
2 potions cure light wounds 100 gold
4 scolls cure light wounds 100 gold
1 scroll Bless 25 gold
1 scroll magic weapon 25 gold
Scroll case 1 gold
Healer's kit ( 10 charges) 50 gold
Money: remaining 28 gold 8 silver 8 copper
Weight: 75 (medium load) movement 20 feet

Destruction: You can smite an opponent once per day, gaining a +4 bonus to your attack and +2 to damage.
Strength: You can perform a feat of strength once per day, adding +2 to your Strength score for one round as a free action.

Spells: 0/4 1/3
lvl 0
Read Magic
Purify food and drink
Create water

enlarge person (domain)
Comprehend laguages

• +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
• Base land speed of 20 feet.
• Darkvision 60 feet.
• movement 20 feet even with medium or heavy load
• Favored Class: Fighter
• +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
• Stonecunning:
+2 racial bonus on checks to notice unusual stonework.
Can find such by passing within 10 feet, and can find stonework traps as a rogue can.
Can intuit depth.
• Weapon Familiarity:
You treat dwarven waraxes and dwarven urgroshes
as martial weapons, rather than exotic weapons.
• Stability: Dwarves are exceptionally stable on their feet. A dwarf gains a +4
bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground.
• +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects
• +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids
• +4 dodge bonus against giants
• +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Craft checks that deal with stone or metal.
• Proficient in all armor, and all shields(except tower shields)
• Proficient with all simple weapons.
• Aura(Ex): You have a faint aura of Good.
• Spontaneous Casting: Can spontaneously cast cure spells, by sacrificing
a pre-prepared spell of equal or higher level.
• Restricted Spells: cannot cast Evil spells.
• Turn Undead (Su): Can turn undead 2 times per day. A turning
check is made on 1d20-1; turning damage is equal to 2d6+1 on a successful check.
–– FEATS ––
• Toughness

Description: Short even for Dwarven standards Althorn is as wide as he is tall. His hair and beard are both black with his beard neatly braided into four seperate braids, reaching close to his knees. His hair is short and unkempt. He is almost driven in his desire to root out and destroy evil, extracting justice to those who have gone unpunished. He does have a sense of humor but that is pushed out of the way when sees a need to bring justice

Background: Althron was raised as a standard Dwarf, during his childhood it was discovered that he had clerical aptitude and was encouraged to develop it although his clan was surprised when they learned he worshipped St. Cuthbert instead of Moradin. Although he wasn't openly shunned they did whisper behind his back and treated him with indifference at the best of times. Sensing this rift between him and the rest of his clan he packed up and went out to explore the world ending up in the volcanic city of Cauldron.
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First Post
Mimic - Character sheet looks good so far. I'll give it a more indepth review tommorrow and get back to you if theres any problems, but for now you can post him in the rogue's gallery and start posting. Priestess Urikas awaits. ;)


All...just as a quick FYI, I am in a class this week, so I will have limited access during the day when the class is on breaks and what not. So, I will be trying to make the most of it while I can..:)

I would like to say welcome aboard to Mimic and its great to have you with us. We are a pretty easy going group and have been playing together in this game and in Lamentation for awhile, so I can honestly say from experience that you are getting to play with some great guys, and gal...:)

Look foward to writing with you..

On the game topic, my Round breakdown goes something like this...

Round 1: Knock Starbrow from the mimic and let the others start attacking
Round 2: Use my curse on the mimic
Round 3: Attack until it falls, or I do..:)

Lets get some monster butt guys..:)


Don't apologize to him too fast...afterall, he is sent to watch over me, and we all know how stable Zeric is...and if you think he is a little unhinged now, just wait until he starts seeing visions and thinks he is touched directly by a higher power to bring "justice" to the world...*eg*

There might be a battle royal as Zeric has to square off against some of the party members to see "justice served" against those he sees as guilty....I plan on taking the adage of "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back" to heart with him....

As long as it still remains fun for you guys with him in the party..:)


First Post
hippocrachus said:
I kinda feel bad welcoming Mimic, as I mean to kill one IC.
Oh well, you will forgive us this treachery? :D

Personally I found that pretty ironic, just don't die before he can get there.

Verbatim said:
I would like to say welcome aboard to Mimic and its great to have you with us. We are a pretty easy going group and have been playing together in this game and in Lamentation for awhile, so I can honestly say from experience that you are getting to play with some great guys, and gal...

Thanks, can't wait to get into the thick of things... I anticipate fun for all, can't wait to see how Althron and Zeric get along.


The kicker is, as Majin and I have talked about alot off topic is that Zeric has nothing but contempt for Hextor, a fact that would be more obvious if I got off my butt and finished his history and posted it...*L*

However, he is by no means a paladin-to-be, as his class represents, and while at first Zeric and Althron may clash, due to mutual IC misreads, in time I truthfully think they will come to respect each other. Now is this going to be before or after the fist fight between the two of them I can't say...:) *no spells or curses obviously..:)*

I also am liking the way that Raven and Zeric can function as a team...she can flank whom he faces, and when that happens, sneak attacks will reign supreme.

Now if we could just find some use for that dandy in the group...*ducks Hippocrachus' thrown chair*


First Post
This is my first time playing a bard, so I'm not really sure what they're supposed to do; besides play music and hit on women-folk and generally stand as comedic relief.
Really I created Orpheus to act as speaker, but until I get some spendable skill-points to learn Undercommon, he's kinda just there.
With a cleric in the party now, I can devote him to character buffs and not worry too much about keeping people alive as far as spells are concerned.
*calmly picks up his thrown chair and breaks it over Verbatim's ducked head* Now then... :cool:


Verbatim said:
Don't apologize to him too fast...afterall, he is sent to watch over me, and we all know how stable Zeric is...and if you think he is a little unhinged now, just wait until he starts seeing visions and thinks he is touched directly by a higher power to bring "justice" to the world...*eg*

I’m glad you’re in the game Mimic. Zeric is a real hand full and spanking really doesn’t help with someone of his size. :p


I can feel the love flowing around me like lava...thanks guys..*L*

I would say definately pick up all the language skills you can, and the bardic songs will start coming in handy soon. Plus you can assist the cleric as a back-up healer, assist Kirinke as an archer, use both arcane and divine magical items (scrolls, wands, what nots), and have an atomic buttload of random skills.

They really are the jack-of-all trades class, and the great thing is no two bards are the same. You could have him sing, play an instrument, hell have him be a poet, all count as bardic expression. Even oratory speeches would work for the bardic effects, so really it is only limited by what you want to sink into him.

With that said, I know you knew this all ready and just wanted me to be a quick cheerleader to you OOC since I know we are like oil and water IC...*L*

Now, on with the combat...we're burning daylight here folks, and class is over at 4:30pm...*stares at watch*

Voidrunner's Codex

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