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Smashed world casting call - finally running


Dalamar said:
You are people from all the kingdoms and you have decided that you nedd more, more than just the infinite fighting that helps in no way to rid the world of the undead plague. You have decided to go out of the valley other call 'the whole world' and form your own kingdom, kingdom where prejudice against your profession does not exist.
While I'm sure you don't need my creative observations, may I offer a couple:

The concept of a world where all the people but US are totally blinded by racism and tradition (not thinking for themselves at all) strains my credulity.

Why would anyone have a problem with paladins, for example?
I can see them being a bit put out by their extreme goody-goodyness, but unless the whole kingdom is LN, there wouldn't be too much not to like.
And how could the fighters and barbarians have THAT much conflict with druids and rangers?

The classes in 3E aren't exactly diametrically opposed enough to (in my mind) support such a polar conflict.

And here's the real cincher:
IF the people are that entrenched, that they just hate and die and kill the other kingdoms just because they've been taught that, and that's the way it's always been.....
than HOW the heck can 5 people really change blind intolerance like that?

In my eyes, it would take but 2 things that could really change that kind of world:
1) Time. Cultural beliefs take generations to weed out. People really don't change their core beliefs on their own. Unless....
2) We REALLY are heroic figures, that band together, and perform very great deeds by working together, thereby showing everyone quite dramatically how wrong their current thinking is.

That would require quite high levels.
At least mid-level PC's, which is why I'm asking....

Hopefully these ideas help spurn creativity ...?

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First of all, there is no racism, just professionism (sp?). It has been wrought out by human (and, in this case: elf and dwarf) nature's tendency to shift blame to somebody else. This post is a good example: I'm shifting the blame on human nature.

What began as blaming and occasional insulting has, during the centuries, become open hostilities among the kingdoms.

You are not the only ones to see the meaningfulnes of the situation. But, you are the only ones to actually talk to others from other kingdoms. You see, every kingdom thinks, that one of the others has taken their water, their properous lands etc. This has been told to many people since they were young, others have been targets of prejudice by those who were taught.

There have been adventurers in the valley before, they were like you and left to seek better fortunes. But none have returned to tell what they saw outside so it is thought that they died. But what if they didn't die? What if they already have formed kingdoms outside the mountainrange? THAT is what you need to know. And maybe, just maybe, you can do it too...
(This thread has inspired me, it seems. I don't remember writing this long posts, so that means I really care. Even thought we talked about this the first time at Sunday, IIRC)

The level isn't really under my decision as GWolf was the 'father' of this idea and so deserves some rights to do as he wishes, I'll just enjoy myself on the plot side of DMing.


First Post
I've come to answer your casting call and am interested in joining the group. Call me dumb, but I'm still a little unclear on the ability score assignment system which we will be using. Is it a) 80 ability score points added to a minimum of three, whereby each player will have a total of 98 between all their ability scores (an average of 16.33), b) 80 ability score points with a minimum of three, whereby each player will have a total of 80 between all their ability scores (an average of 13.33) or c) a point-buy system where stats start at three and cost one point per ability score increase up to 14, two points from 14 to 16 and three points from 16 to 18 (an average of 15 to 16, where an 18 will cost you twenty-one points)?

Regardless, I would be proud to represent the wizards/psions. BTW, is there an adjustment to be made for the psions or are they by the book? (In my experience, they're underpowered without any adjustment). What about sorcerors? Are monks allowed to multiclass at all?


First Post
Ok Clarifaction

Per, It is letter b. Each stat starts at 3 and you can add 72 points from there. The reason not many venture outside is that the fact the world is swarming with undead. Humans lost the undead war, and now war among themselves for the remaining lands.


BTW, is there an adjustment to be made for the psions or are they by the book? (In my experience, they're underpowered without any adjustment). What about sorcerors? Are monks allowed to multiclass at all?
The psion is not adjusted in any way outside the book (atleast, we haven't yet made any adjustments but might do), but the 'psionics is different' variant is in use with a slight mod: elves get their bonus against psionic charms as compulsions, dwarves get their bonus against all psionic effects. The simple guide is the if the bonus just says 'magical' it also affect psionics, if 'arcane' or 'divine' magic, it doesn't.
We haven't completely agreed on what sources we will be using in addition to the core books and PsiHB, but I think if you pass any psionic feats and/or powers by us, we might allow them. But didn't kaboom already sign in for wizard/psion?

Sorcerers don't exist, as don't psychic warriors or bards. There is no real reason for this.

Heh... hadn't thought of the monk part at all, will have to talk with GWolf about that.

What about prestige classes?
This question slipped me the last time I was answering questions.
Prestige classes will be available, but we haven't yet decided what sources in addition to the corebooks to use so the list of what PrCs are available isn't nailed down yet.

Humans lost the undead war, and now war among themselves for the remaining lands.
I believe you just forgot to mention elves and dwarves.
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More info:
The books in use are PHB,DMG,MM, all class books, OA, Psionic Handbook, Manual of The Planes. Also, if you have a book that has material that you really want to use, just ask if either of us has it and if you can use the material or, if neither has it, send the material to us and we'll see if it will be allowed.

On psions: They are proficient with one martial weapon of choice, which can't be of size larger than the psion. (So no greatsword wielding psions without taking a feat for it) Also, psychic combat is dropped.

Also, in the non-spellcasting kingdoms, there are nearly none spellcasters and consequently nobody able to enchant magic weapons. To make up for this lack, weapon- and armorsmiths have developed the skills to make their weapons almost as good as magic: they are able to produce weapons upto +2 enchantment (These weapons operate exactly as magic weapons except the only special ability they can have is Keen)

Monks can multiclass to any class from the kingdoms but their normal restriction still applies.


First Post
I am really be interested in joining the group. Having a NG Druid that (like most if not all druids) feels that the undead need to be destroyed and irradicated should be more than welcome in a storyline like this:D . I really hope I can join your crusade:D .

I was also wondering if the use of Great Scimitars will be allowed, so that the druid may have a good melee weapon. If it is allowed, what damage should it deal(it dealt 4d4 in 1st addition AD&D). I do realize a weapon profficiency feat will be required(whether it is martial or exotic I am unsure). If it isn't allowed, then it isn't any big deal, just wondering.
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First Post
If you are going to do the druid then I'll change my char to a monk...(I was going to do the druid...but I'm fine with changing)


Let's see who we have already:
Kaboom: has taken psion/wizard
Darkwolf: first said druid/ranger but changed to monk. DW, you have the right to play a druid instead of Zack2216 as you made your reservation first, but its your choice
Perivas would've liked psion/wizard, but kaboom came first
Zack2216 would've liked druid/ranger, but Darkwolf was there first (but he has said he will change to monk, need affirmation on here)
Reapersaurus has shown interest but hasn't chosen a kingdom

The kingdoms of cleric/paladin and fighter/barbarian are still unchosen. Nobody has yet wanted to play a rogue.

Also, the reason for such a low level is to keep you from going to the front line of kingdom vs. kingdom battles, as that is not the main element of the story (of course, if you really want to get killed, you can go battle the other kingdoms).
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