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Sniktch's Story Hour - City of the Spider Queen (Updated 04/25)


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First drow sighting

As soon as Malobar was cured of the effects of the poison he headed in the direction of the exit. Throughout the fight, he had been aware of a black-skinned, white-haired figure that kept peeking into the room and watching the battle.

He quietly informed the others. “I think there are dark elves in the next room – one of them kept watching the battle,” he explained. “Stay out of sight but close to the entrance in case I need help. I’m going to try to find out some more information.”

The elf withdrew a steel vial from his belt and swallowed the contents. Instantly he began to undergo a startling transformation; his hair turned white, his skin black as coal, and his armor and weapons also underwent a metamorphosis, now resembling the adornments of a common drow soldier. He had spent much time in the underdark during his career, and he knew a fair bit about his dark brethren and their ways, as well as the ability to speak undercommon fluently.

When he was satisfied that his magical disguise was complete he strolled casually into the next room. It was another moldy old crypt, again with thick sheets of spider web hanging down from the ceiling. In the middle of the floor sat a beautiful female drow, completely nude and sobbing into her hands. She raised a tear-streaked face and her jaw dropped in astonishment to see another dark elf before her.

“What are you doing here?” she hissed.

“I could ask you the same thing,” Malobar replied. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

She answered with another question, “Are you a Spider Kisser?”

The rogue tried to think. He couldn’t remember hearing this term before, but it sounded derogatory. “Uh, no,” he admitted.

“Then what goddess do you pledge faith to?” she demanded.

He considered the question. So that was what “Spider Kisser” meant, she had wanted to know if he was a follower of Lolth. He tried to think of the other drow deities, but his mind was coming up blank. “I serve Eilistraee,” he finally responded.

Her beautiful features scrunched up in rage. “Surface dwelling scum!” she spat at him. “Prepare to meet your doom!”

She hopped to her feet and began climbing up the wall, undergoing a curious change. Extra sets of long, thin legs began sprouting from her sides, her face melted and reformed into the head of a spider, and soon it was a man-sized arachnid crawling across the wall and not the lovely woman with whom he’d been speaking. He recognized the creature as an aranea, a race of intelligent spiders that possessed the power to alter their form.

A second aranea dropped from the ceiling, taking the form of a female dark elf on its descent and attacking him with a rapier and light pick. He parried the initial strike and began shouting for help, then launched into an attack routine of his own, also failing to score a hit. He heard his companions enter the room as he dodged another blow, then a sheet of webs hit him and pinned him to the floor.

After the bebiliths, Jack was very happy to be facing an opponent that was soft and weak. He was willing to bet that his axe wasn’t going to just bounce off these creatures. Kicking in his boots, he charged the one on the ground and delivered two devastating chops with his axe. The aranea’s eyes widened in pain and fear and it attempted to retreat from him, thrusting with its rapier in a futile attempt to keep the dwarf at bay. The other one attempted to cover its companion’s withdrawal, first with a thick stream of webbing that the dwarf miraculously dodged and then by aiming a wand and bombarding him with one salvo of magic missiles after another. Quinn tried to retaliate by firing a ray of searing light, but the nimble creature easily avoided the attack and shifted its attentions to her.

Artimas surveyed the fight; the one on the ground would soon be finished, he decided, but the other, on the ceiling with that wand, could prove to be a thorn in their backsides. He cast a series of spells from the cover of the entranceway, enhancing his weapon with sharp spikes, gaining the ability of flight, and raising a shield to absorb any missiles that were fired toward him. He flew into the room and towards the monster hanging from the ceiling. Grick ran up the walls to join him and Welby readied his shortbow and provided covering fire.

Jack caught the one on the floor before it could get away, and despite its skillful defense and several stinging blows, they quickly finished it. Quinn concentrated on freeing the elven rogue from the webs holding him in place. The other aranea evaded Grick and Artimas for a few moments, continuing to spray glowing orbs of force from the wand, but finally Artimas slipped through its defenses and cracked his spiked walking stick across its ribs. Grick took the opportunity to focus his ki and smash it with an attack that stunned the creature and made it lose its grip. It fell from its perch and broke upon the unyielding stone below.

There did not appear to be any further exits from the chamber, but Malobar concentrated on the movement of the air and the echoes rebounding from the walls and made a discovery. “Hey everyone, there’s another illusionary wall here!”

He felt a sting in his side as he finished speaking and looked to see a small crossbow bolt imbedded in his flesh. He pulled it out and saw the residue on the metal tip – drow sleep venom! Fighting against an attack of drowsiness, he plunged into the false wall…and got stuck. Someone had set up a web inside the illusion, and Malobar found himself once again pinned in place as a laughing dark elf stepped into view, rapier in hand, and lunged toward him.

Artimas heard the thief’s scream from the spot where he had disappeared and focused his energy on the illusionary wall, dispelling the magic that held the image in place. They saw Malobar hanging in a web at the mouth of a corridor, a male drow standing before him and repeatedly stabbing with his rapier at the squirming elf. He could see three other drow in the hallway beyond, two more males and a female, and he grasped his wand of fireballs and caused a detonation that engulfed all three of them. When the flames died out all three still stood, with nary a scorch mark upon them, their innate resistance to spells nullifying the effects of the blast. The foremost of the three shot him with a hand crossbow and the mage’s greatest task became concentrating on remaining awake.

Welby rolled unseen through the opening, avoiding the web trap that had been captured Malobar. His ring of the darkhidden allowed him to bypass the first warrior, but before he could travel further purple flames wreathed his body and clung to him, providing a glowing silhouette for the dark elves to aim at. The warrior who’d just shot Artimas dropped his hand crossbow and moved to intercept the halfling shaped flames. In the background, the female levitated to the ceiling and readied a wand.

Jack and Grick dashed up and cut the wriggling elf free of the web, and then a storm swept over them, buffeting them with cold wind and falling blocks of ice. The dark elven spellguard admired his handiwork for just a moment before raising a shield of fire to protect himself and then following the attack with a stroke of lightning. The crackling bolt tore through the hallway, injuring both dwarves and the necromancer, everyone else managing to evade or resist. Seeing the hated surface dwellers still moving, he pulled a wand from his belt and sent two more forked tongues of electricity blazing through the darkness, this time knocking Jack unconscious and forcing Quinn and Artimas to take cover lest they be slain.

A desperate melee ensued between the two dark elf warriors and the elf, halfling, and half-orc, neither side able to gain the advantage in the magical globe of darkness that enveloped them. The dark elves were much more adept at fighting without sight, but Grick evened the odds by constantly tripping them or stunning them with his ki.

The sneering dark elf wizard remained out of reach, bombarding the combatants with ravening energy, caring little if his allies were slain as long as his enemies died with them. Welby mentally directed his shadow to attack the evoker and it rose from the floor before him with grasping claws, but the female fired a ray of light from her wand that almost snuffed it out completely. Feeling his companion’s pain, Welby ordered it to sink into the floor and stay out of sight until the battle ended.

Grick swept his opponent’s legs out from under him and heard the dark elf curse as it hit the ground for perhaps the third time. He lashed out towards the sound, bringing his hand knifing down onto the dark elf’s windpipe. The curses ended in a weak gurgle and he rolled away, coming free of the darkness. Seeing the female suspended in the air he ran and jumped at her, kicking her solidly and sending her spinning across the ceiling. She screamed in pain and raised darkness surrounded her, blocking her from view. He turned to concentrate on the wizard as he felt a barrage of stinging missiles impact on his exposed backside.

Artimas and Quinn, their wounds partially healed, poked their heads back into the room just in time to absorb another lightning bolt, and they ducked right back out of sight. Before withdrawing again, Artimas did manage to summon a couple of shadows, which he set upon the powerful enemy spellcaster. Unfortunately he was too well shielded, and the undead creatures were not even able to touch him.

Quinn turned to him from her side of the entrance. “Do you have any way to dispel some of his protective magics?” she implored.

Artimas shook his head dolefully. “I wish I did, but I used my only one to get rid of that illusionary wall.”

Welby and Malobar still battled the other drow warrior in the globe of darkness. The savage little warrior was having a difficult time hitting his opponent, but the darkness did not hinder the elf’s keen senses one bit and he scored several bleeding lacerations on the enemy. Finally, a stray lightning bolt overcame the drow’s innate resistance and fried him, and Malobar sank to the floor, exhausted and bleeding from a score of cuts both large and minor. Welby was in a berserk fury and did not feel his injuries, so he went charging off to help Grick deal with the spellguard.

Grick was having a difficult time dealing with the wizard, even after the flaming shield expired. His enemy moved twice as quickly as a normal man and seemed to be enveloped by an invisible bubble of force that deflected any blow that came close. Frustrated, the drunken brawler pulled off a last ditch maneuver, feinting low and to the left before reversing his movement and cuffing the drow under the jaw. The dark elf dropped to one knee, momentarily stunned, and then the enraged halfling fell upon him, swinging his sword two-handed and continuing to hack at his fallen opponent’s body long after the life had left it.

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Quinn healed Jack and Malobar, but the group as a whole was now badly hurt and needed to withdraw and rest. Artimas had an ugly thought.

“Where’s the female?” he asked, but no one had seen her. She had disappeared into the globe of darkness and not resurfaced for the rest of the battle.

“Ugh,” sighed Grick and collapsed on the floor, fishing through his pack for the extra bottle he kept stashed.

Welby, still breathing hard from the exertion of the battle, pointed down the hallway. “She must go this way. Welby find?”

“Nah, we should go together. Best that way, if’n she went ta find friends. But we should find ‘er now, I don’t think we wanna leave ‘er runnin loose,” Jack said.

“One thing bothers me here,” Artimas stroked his whiskers thoughtfully. “She was obviously a priestess of Lolth; she wore the symbol and she was a female. That should have made her our most powerful opponent, from what I know of drow. And yet, other than using that wand I can’t recall her casting a single spell, and she seems to have run away as soon as she was attacked.”

Malobar shrugged, “She may have been an acolyte, who knows? But I do agree with Jack – we should catch her, if possible.”

They moved down the hallway in a state of extreme paranoia, expecting more black-skinned killers to strike from the gloom at any instant. It opened into a smaller chamber, the floor swept clean of bones and skulls, which were now piled against the walls. The elf activated his powers of blindsight and confirmed that this room really was a dead end.

A clatter attracted their attention from a mound of skulls near the far end of the catacomb. All attention focused upon the pile as everyone prepared for another attack. The female drow stepped from behind her hiding place, realizing she had given herself away. Seeing the array of might before her, she threw the wand to the ground, then drew her dagger and tossed that aside also. She regarded them all with a face that could have been lovely if not for the hateful sneer that marred its delicate features. She spoke then, her words a venomous hiss that knifed through the silence:

“You will regret this affront to the Spider Queen, surface dwelling scum! I must admit defeat… I surrender myself to your mercy.”

Next: Conversations with the drow (next session – we are all caught up for now)


First Post
The following exchange was initiated during our last session but we couldn't finish since it was late and both of us were falling asleep. I managed to get ahold of my player and wrap this up the other night, though. Made sense to get it out of the way since only one party member was involved.

Might have to push our next session back due to vacation plans for the Thanksgiving holiday. I am going to try to rearrange our schedule to get in a game before I leave, but I have no idea if this will happen. Hopefully this morsel will keep you hungry for more until I get back ;)


First Post
Intermission: A Conversation with the Drow

The party withdrew to the wagon to lick their wounds, dragging the bound dark elf with them. The priestess of Lolth remained sullen and withdrawn, not responding to any of their attempts to extract more information from her.

Artemis locked himself in his wagon upon returning and prepared for his midnight communion with Arawn. He slept for two hours, all that he required with his magical ring, then spent another couple of hours in silent study and meditation. When he was finished he left the friendly confines of the cart and relieved Malobar from his watch. He took a seat not far from the white-haired priestess and waited silently, staying alert particularly for any disturbances from the direction of the crypts.

The dark elf gazed left and right until she was convinced that the rest of the party had bedded down or was out of earshot, then leaned closer and called the mage near. "You, wizard. Yes, come closer; I would have words with you."

Artemis nodded agreeably and cast a spell that would surround him with an area where falsehoods would be impossible to speak, then moved closer and sat beside the dusky-skinned beauty.

She began, "You are an outsider even amongst your friends. I have seen their ilk foolishly throw their lives away many times in the realm below, but you serve a darker master. Why do you travel with these simpletons?"

Artimas smirked at her and replied, "Looks can be deceiving. I'm always willing to lend a hand to those in need, and right now I'm helping the locals quell some drow raids. It would appear my task may be complete with the destruction of your band."

She sneered at this. "We had nothing to do with this. You have solved nothing but the destruction of homeless refugees." After a brief pause she leaned forward and whispered sulkily, "Give me my freedom and I will tell you of the true enemy you face."

Artemis considered her statement. Thus far the drow had spoken no lies to him that he could detect. "I did notice you were well hidden," he said. "I also stepped over a few drow corpses on my way into the crypts, and I assumed the cause to be infighting amongst your people. Tell me who is responsible for the recent raids and why you are running from them; then we will see if you have earned your freedom."

She sighed and seemed to gather her thoughts. “Remove my bindings,” she demanded. “I am in your power but I would at least converse in comfort. I am no threat to you at the present time.”

Artemis produced a dagger with a casual flick of his wrist. His captive fell silent and waited for him to finish sawing through the ropes that tied her wrists together before proceeding, rubbing the chafed skin as she spoke.

"Lolth fell silent several months ago. Try as we might none of her priestesses have been able to reach her," she explained. "Did you not wonder why I did not simply strike you down with my magic? But no, the Spider Queen has withdrawn her favor from us, or else she is dead."

"Everything dies," the necromancer interjected with a smug grin.

She ignored the interruption, continuing, "Into the void have stepped the followers of the White Lady, Kiaransalee. The priestesses of Lolth were the first to fall before them - now they have been stripped of their flesh and wait as eternally vigilant guards against intruders. Beware, mage, for you will share their fate if you continue upon this road!"

Her warning drew a snicker from the wizard. "I'm touched by your concern for my well being. How thoughtful of you. Tell me then, how strong are the Pale Lady's forces?"

"We heard that Maerimydra fell to them over a month ago. Before we knew it, their forces attacked Szith Morcane and sacked it within a matter of hours. I was one of the lucky few to have escaped the disaster. The leaders in Szith Morcane decided that it was time for the drow’s vengeance to begin upon the hated surface world. Those are your raiders!"

How lovely, an entire city of drow to deal with, thought the mage. “This Szith Morcane, is it a city? How did you manage to win free? Secret tunnels? A small band such as yours would have been very lucky to escape.”

"Yes, a drow settlement. I am Tierak Morcane, of the ruling house of Szith Morcane. My family was able to hold out against the new leadership longer than most due to our strength, and a few of us were able to flee from the fall of Szith Morcane. Apparently the new regime has not yet learned of the secret caverns we hid in.

"Now, I have told you all that I know. Set me free!" she pleaded. "I am powerless and no threat to anyone in my current condition. Your friends will turn me over to the authorities and do you think that I will find proper justice at their hands?"

"Ah yes, about that .. how much do you know of the surface? What will you do ? I can not in good conscience leave a dark elf to run free and wreak havoc on the surrounding settlements.”

"I have no interest in spreading destruction, only in leaving this place far behind," her full bottom lip turned down as she pouted. Then deciding to try a different tack, the woman leaned back and stretched languorously, giving Artimas full view of her lithe, athletic body. "I have other ways to reward you for your aid," she purred.

Artemis realized that they had been walking as they spoke and now stood by the entrance to the cart. Convenient, he mused, perfect timing for such a proposal. "My thoughts exactly, although not, I think, with the same intent. I am sure you would be caught soon if you fled, as the country is crawling with adventures seeking to earn the bounty on drow heads,” the mage bluffed. “I believe that its well over 500 gold coins per confirmed kill. Oh, and have you ever seen the morning sun ?”

"That is my concern and none of your own. The world is full of places to hide. The important thing is that I will be well away from here." She reached out and caressed the wizard’s cheek as she spoke.

"I cannot set you free; my friends would not be pleased with me.”

Tierak flashed Artemis what she hoped was a winning smile, but the mage actually found it disconcerting to see the friendly expression on the face of a wicked drow. The priestess moved her hand down and felt his chest through the thick robes he wore. "Shall I await your pleasure in the wagon, then, so that we can discuss it further?"

"Ahem, you are much too... lively for me I assure you. Now behave yourself or I will be forced to redo your bindings.” Artemis looked at the defeated drow with a calculating gleam in his eye, the new kernel of an idea forming in his head.

"You realize that I could be the vehicle of your revenge,” he stated flatly.

Tierak was startled by the abrupt change in direction. "How so?"

"What a satisfying thing it can be to turn your enemies into your eternal slaves,” Artemis pointed to the silent form of Igor standing nearby. “This one, for example, once stabbed me in the back and now his form is forced to die over and over again. If you would learn the teachings of Arawn from me then the power I wield could be within your grasp as well.”

He sat with a curious half-smile on his face as he waited for his statement to sink in. "Once we return to the crypts stay with the wagon and care for the horses. I have a collection of books in the cart that would be a good place for you to start reading. There are other Powers in the world than Lolth. Allow me to show you and you could have all that you desire.”

She stroked her chin absently before replying, "I will give some thought to what you have said. I will agree to remain your prisoner in the cart... at least until you depart. After that I make no promises."

Now how do I ever convince the others that leaving her behind is a good idea? he wondered. A nice idea, but a waste of time. Then he realized what he had to do.

“Come,” he opened the door and led her into the confines of the wagon. He bade her to lie upon the small bed and relax and she hesitantly obeyed. He stood over her and chanted a spell, surrounding his right hand with a cold nimbus of black light.

A malicious smirk played across his features as he said, “Now try to trust me and do not attempt to resist. This is going to hurt a bit so please try not to scream.”

With a quick movement he brought his hand down against her chest. She did cry out in raw agony as the summoned negative energy surged into her body, then fell unconscious from the pain and quit struggling. Artemis dug through his desk and produced a worn scroll.

“Ah, yes, here it is. This will do nicely.” Each word burst into fire as he read them from the aged parchment until it disintegrated completely. He leaned over the still form and placed his hand over her chest again, smiling in grim satisfaction as the rise and fall of her chest ceased and her heart stopped.


First Post
Oh my god ?

I miss understand the Oh my god post. Are you shocked by arty's actions , or just Startled by the story in general. Atimas isnt a bad guy honestly .... Though there is a lingering thought of Necrophilia under them there words. Im looking forward to more coments on my favorite creepy wizard with the heart of gold, especialy during the down time between games.



yes, i am kind of shocked at artemis' actions. i guess i too have been deceived by his scholarly demeanor. i had him pegged as much more of the true neutral type that just enjoyed pulling jack's strings time and again. but this ... well, i have to reconsider. guess he does stray to neutral evil at times.

great development. i love the character concept.

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