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D&D 5E Spell & Crossbones

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D'avard barks his response to Katarina above the winds across the hundred paces to the house on the hill. "The Tengu King has a way with spirits. Cap'n has plans for the spirit haunting La Gloriosa. Cap'n won't have du Tourbillon getting to the ship ahead of him." He pauses for a moment to appraise the house, attempting to locate Katarina who'd just spoken to him thru the blinds, unholstering his pistol and letting it dangle flippantly at his side. "And this isn't no negotiation."

As the rest of the party prepares for a confrontation and Caillou's kobold majordomo opens the hatch to the rum smuggler's tunnel beneath the house, those of you at the windows can see several pirate heads bobbing about the jungle's edge directly behind D'avard. In the dim light, numbers are hard to count, but there's at last a half dozen, if not the full dozen that D'avard boasted. They appear to be spreading out.

OOC: The first person to make a spell attack or magic weapon attack against D'avard may opt to replace their attack roll with a 15. You can roll first, and if you don't like your roll you may use the 15 instead. This is a one time thing, thanks to Katerina relaying du Tourbillon's warning...which was actually a divination-specialist wizard Portent.

Descending from the jungle shadows, Barrington strikes the pirate cohort soundly over the back of his head with the basket hilt of his rapier, knocking the pirate out cold. No sooner than the pirate collapses, Barrington's pistol comes to bear. Stunned, the slender beady-eyed Spanish rifleman doesn't even have time to pull the hammer back on his musket when he finds himself staring down the barrel of Barrington's pistol. He can tell Barrington makes no idle threat, and slowly eases away from the musket, keeping his hands away from the pistol and saber at his side. "You are the Englishman, aren't you? I see you made short work of the rabble señor D'avard sent after you...Easy now..." He speaks with a muddled Spanish accent as he steps away from the long musket lodged in the tree.

OOC: Hah, yeah the Battlemaster is a bit complex! 

Ok, so I handwaved the knockout - you didn't do enough damage to drop the pirate to 0 HP, but I'm fine with you guys knocking out minor NPCs on a hit when they are surprised. No need to spend a superiority die there.

We'll treat Barrington as having a readied pistol shot if the Spanish rifleman makes a move for a weapon or tries to attack.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Descending from the jungle shadows, Barrington strikes the pirate cohort soundly over the back of his head with the basket hilt of his rapier, knocking the pirate out cold. No sooner than the pirate collapses, Barrington's pistol comes to bear. Stunned, the slender beady-eyed Spanish rifleman doesn't even have time to pull the hammer back on his musket when he finds himself staring down the barrel of Barrington's pistol. He can tell Barrington makes no idle threat, and slowly eases away from the musket, keeping his hands away from the pistol and saber at his side. "You are the Englishman, aren't you? I see you made short work of the rabble señor D'avard sent after you...Easy now..." He speaks with a muddled Spanish accent as he steps away from the long musket lodged in the tree.

Barrington smiles at being recognized (vanity is a shameful thing), and nods. Recognition makes this easier. "I'll make short work of you if you don't cooperate. Hold steady, stay quiet, and you'll see the dawn. Anything else, I fire." He pauses to make sure the man understands, holding the pistol ready. He gestures to the ground. "Have a seat; this should be over soon."
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First Post
OOC: Just to get the ball rolling again, let's pause and talk tactics before we get back into character. Do we want to fight this bunch? Set an ambush? Lay a diversion to give us some time to scurry out the back way? The party's spellcasters are all here, so depending on what our wizard and druid's respective loadouts are, we might be able to nip this problem in the bud right now...depending on how much backup they have elsewhere. Captain, your thoughts?
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Queen of Everything
OOC: Yes I agree we should talk strategy - I feel I need to go back and reread the last couple of pages to get back into the game, I just haven't had the time. I will try later tonight but I. The meanwhile am open to suggestions! And also, even though she is Captain I've never felt I make the decisions so everyone feel free to chime in :)
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Queen of Everything
OOC: Edit: oh yes, I am probably more for fighting now rather than running and waiting for them to catch up to us again. But it's good to have options, just in case ;)
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Queen of Everything
Katerina took stock of the situation, pausing to quickly look outside then over the group. What a bunch they were; old salty men, an apparent voodoo queen, a bird. She was the only one who was young and appeared to be able to physically fight. For a moment, just a moment, she wished the young Barrington was with them. He at least looked as if he wouldn't have a heart attack having a gun to his head or a sword in his face. She sighed inside, a little angry at herself for not keeping her temper, but she would never admit THAT out loud. She shook the thought away quickly, there was no time for that now.

Not having personal knowledge of some of these new friend's skills she says to them, "Those who cannot or will not fight should take the secret way out. I will fight and keep these adversario (enemies) at bay. Escape safely, and if I survive, I will meet you at the tavern back in town." She nods at the old men. "Zef, Hugo, I know you will stand by my side. Prepare your spells, we are about to need them. Any one else who may want to stay and help, magia (magic) is needed now. Prepare quickly, we should strike first. Something to disable them preferably so we can question them. " She shrugs her shoulder and her ever present companion crawls down her arm to her hand. She kisses the small monkey on the head then nods towards the back of the room. This is something the monkey knows well, and it skitters off to hide behind a broken down piece of furniture.

Kat stands up tall and proud, her words echoing her posture as they roll off her tongue in her thick Spanish accent. She says calmly, "I am Katerina du Corazon, la hija (daughter) of the fierce pirate Blackheart, I do not back down from fights. Nor do I easily give up what is mine to have or protect. You will be leaving without the Tengu King, as you say, or you will be muerto (dead). This is not a negotiation either so make your choice wisely." She pulls her gun in one hand and keeps the other on her sword, trying to stay in the shadows as much as she can but still see outside.

OOC: @Quickleaf before I go searching through mounds of info, do you happen to have the page or post that Kat's magic items are on? The corset and the spyglass? They never made it on my character sheet :blush:

Also, I really only paused to make sure everyone shows up back to the thread - we won't be waiting long to let them prepare and get the drop on us.
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First Post
Caillou peers through the crack in the window. The gris-gris bag, tied to his forearm, slips from within his coat-sleeve and into his left hand. The dim susurrus of the Loa sound at the back of his skull.

He gives an abrupt, birdlike tilt of the head, and his beak opens a mere crack and a stream of elegant, aristocratic French pours from him. There is a strangeness to it-- muffled, as if heard from behind a door. He addresses his peculiar allies in the house. The gypsy girl, Lorelei, grins and then curtsies, sweeping down the stairs and heading for the cellar. The kobold, Magnussen, grimaces and goes to the cellar door just ahead of her, skirting the walls, avoiding the wedges of dim evening light that fall through the planked-over windows. Gunner Teague takes a pistol in hand, one eye glittering, tattooed chest creasing like parchment, and steps in front of those others gathered. A watchful onlooker might notice he pointedly avoids looking at the Tengu King.

Stopping at one side of the captain, he stands to, something of an old soldier's steel coming into his spine. "At yer orders, captain," the old salt mutters.
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First Post
Nia thought for a moment...not about whether to face this threat, but about how best to face it. A combination of unsettling facts made simple escape far from the best option. First, he was after the ship she wanted. Second, he was some kind of creature of magic disguised as a man. There were no shortage of such creatures in the deep blue sea, but most were predatory in nature. What sort of man was this 'Cap'n' to command the loyalty of such a thing?

Or was he a man at all?

She glanced at Katerina. "If it can be done widdout undue risk, we should try to take dis D'avard alive. It will make questioning him...a little simpler."


OOC: Queenie, you can find magic items over on the "Skull & Crossbones" Group page: http://www.enworld.org/forum/group.php?groupid=430 I highly recommend folks join the group and/or bookmark that page. I went to a lot of effort to organize all game information there and make it handy for us.

Also, I'm handling initiative differently. It's something I pointed out early on, but easily overlooked. Basically, you guys won't roll at all and will just use your static modifiers. Monsters will get a +/- of 2 to 0, depending on a d6 roll. Tie breakers will usually go to you the players (though major Enemies may get a tie-breaker roll). Then we'll do group initiative counts, which I've been told is the best way to handle it PbP.

Voidrunner's Codex

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