• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

(Spirit Of the Century) "So Let it be Written, so Shall it be Done!"


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Psion said:
FWIW, since I last posted, I've run a game.

I'm sort of thinking Judd was right. We did full blown chargen, and it took a while. So anything you might want to do to accelerate things would probably be a good thing.

Perhaps picking out 12 or so of the stunt packages and pre-filling a character sheet with the stunts and best 2 or 3 skills, especially for those who have no exposure to the game.

I also think a sheet that has the ladder and skills printed on it would be a good thing.

I'd offer to help, but I have my own game to prep. :)
I think you're probably right on this... hard to let some things go, but hey, some chargen is better than no chargen at all.

With that in mind, the following link contains 99% of the text one will find in a purchased copy of the game book... I'd suggest everyone take a skim through it just for a taste and sense of the what SotC is all about, plus you can even can a jump on your ideas for the kind of character you want to play:

The Spirit of the Century SRD!


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QuinnHarlech said:
Argh! It looks even bigger online than it does in print! I'll do my best to look over it and have an idea, but I'm sure I won't have read it all. Especially since the latest Pratchett is apparently on hold at the library for me. Somehow I think that'll distract me tomorrow....
Well, there's definitely no need to read the whole thing! Skimming the Basics section, Character Creation, Aspects, and How to Do Things is about all you'll need. I'll come prepared with some Quick Pick Stunt Packages printed up, and some other aids to help with easing everyone into the game.



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I'd like to thank everyone who played in my session yesterday -- it's cliche to say it, but it was really cool to meet all of you and get the chance to play with you.

Of course, I really wish we had been able to get further into the adventure. I think if we had started on time, and if I had a better knowledge of the rules and mechanics, we probably would have. Well, no, we probably would have needed another hour or so to complete the whole three-encounter arc I had planned

Your patience and willingness to go along with my insistence on doing the whole collaborative character creation process meant an awful lot to me, although it shortened our game a lot, although, as I said yesterday, character creation is a small but important part of the actual pulp pick-up experience. You guys took to it like champs, and I will do a write-up of your characters and "pulp novel" cards and post them here so that you all will get the chance to see what everyone came up with. I think you're all gonna truly dig what y'all created together!

I look forward to seeing y'all at the next Gameday, and hopefully somewhere else along the line as well... pulp pickup game, anyone? :D



Given how important character creation is to SotC, and how much I'd heard about it, I'm glad I got to see it in action. I certainly had fun, both by learning about the game and by playing it.

As for pulp pickup, well, I'm certainly game for it. Especially if it lets me see more SotC in action. :D

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