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Spycraft 2.0: INTERCEPT (recruiting)


Renfield Greenacre

Here is the start of my Submission:

Character Sheet:
Character Name: Renfield Greenacre
Class: Hacker Level: 1
Origin: Clever Geek
Attributes: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 13
Defense: 12
Initiative: +2
Vitality/Wounds: 9/12
Stress Threshold: 13 Subdual Threshold: 12
Request Check: +2 Knowledge Check: +4
Saves: Fort +3, Reflex +4, Will +3

Focuses /Fortes: Culture (Native), Drive (Standard Ground Vehicles), Profession (Technical Security Specialist), Science (Chemistry, Programming +1 forte, Mathematics, Super-Science)
Proficiencies: Edged, Handgun

Class Abilities (page 35)
Custom ‘Ware: Once per mission during the Intel Phase, you may tune your computer to increase its Power Rating by an amount equal to your starting action dice. Thereafter, this computer is also considered to be running security software with a Power Rating equal to the computer’s Power Rating (this software doesn’t count toward the maximum total software that may run on the system).
‘L337: When you fail a Computers or Falsify check with a DC or opponent’s check result up to your class level + 20, you still succeed.

Talented (Observer) (page 201): Notice and Search are always class skills, buying ranks in one of these skills grants equal ranks in the other, +5 to result cap with Notice and Search checks
Techie (page 199): +2 insight bonus with Computers and Electronics checks, threat range 19–20 with Computers and Electronics checks

Special: Once per session, you may make 1 Electronics Request check without spending any action dice. Also, you gain a +1 bonus with checks made to determine surprise.

Contacts: 1 acquaintance-grade

Interests: Codes, Internet surfing, video games

Wealth: Lifestyle 2 (–1 Appearance), Possessions 3, Spending Cash 1 ($100)

Possessions: Laptop computer (PR 6, +5 result cap, 2-hr. battery, security software (PR 6)), tuxedo liner (DR 2/3), disguise kit, electronics kit (+1), forgery kit, 13 Common Items

Mission Gear: (will Edit per mission as needed) Glock 29 backup pistol, probe software (PR 4), 5 Common Items

Attacks Atk Dam Error Threat Rng Recoil Modes Hand Ammo
Unarmed +0 1d3 subdual 1 –– –– –– –– –– ––
Glock 29 backup pistol +2 2d6 lethal 1 19–20 20 ft. 22 S 1h 10M3

Skills Ranks Total Cap Error Threat Synergy
Bureaucracy/Bribe (Cha) 2 +3 20 std 20
Computers/Optimize (Int) 4 +9 30 1 19–20
Cultures/Communicate (Int) 1 +4 20 1 20
Drive/Maneuver (Dex) 2 –– 20 1 20
Standard Personal Vehicles +4
Electronics 4 –– 30 1 19–20
Build (Int) +9
Skills Ranks Total Cap Error Threat Synergy
Disable (Int) +9
Modify (Wis) +7
Optimize (Int) +9
Repair (Int) +9
Sabotage (Wis) +7
Falsify 4 30
Cover-Up (Wis) +5 varies 20
Disguise (Wis) +5 1 20
Forgery (Int) +7 1 20
Mechanics 1 –– 20 1 20
Build (Int) +4
Disable (Int) +4
Modify (Wis) +2
Optimize (Int) +4
Repair (Int) +4
Sabotage (Wis) +2
Notice/Awareness (Wis) 4 +5 35 1 20
Profession/Accomplish (Cha) 2 +3 20 1 20
Resolve 3 20 1 20
Concentration (Con) +4
Morale (Wis) +4
R&R (Con) +4
Resist Impress (Wis) +4
Resist Intimidate (Wis) +4
Science (Int) 4 ––
Chemistry +7 30 1 20
Mathematics +7 30 1–2 20
Programming +8 (forte +9) 30 1–2 20
Search/Perception (Int) 4 +8 35 1 20
Security (Int) 5 +9 30 1 20
Disable, Hotwire, Installation
Sneak 4 30 1 20
Hide (Dex or Cha) +6 or +5
Stash Item (Dex) +6
Streetwise 4 –– 30 1 20
Black Market (Cha) +5
Bribe on Streets (Cha) +5
Gambling (Wis or Cha) +5 or +5
Haggle (Wis) +5
Personal Common Items[sblock]
1. Ipod
2. Painball Gun, Automag Lvl 7 with 20oz CO2 and Motorized Hopper
3. Couple thousand Magic the Gathering Cards
4. Flashlight
5. Roadside Emergency Kit
6. Bicycle
7. Digital Camera, 5mp with SD card
8. Purple Aircraft Weight Aluminum Baseball Bat
9. Collection of Star Wars Figures
10. Collection of Current MMORPG's
11. Science Fiction Book Collection
12. Old computer peripherals (8gig Hard Drives and Such)
13. Cell Phone

Mission Common Items [sblock]
1. Cell Phone
2. Handcuffs
3. Small Electronic Address Book/reminder tool (About $20 at Radio Shack)
4. Video Ipod
5. Computer Encyclopedia
Boy is that ugly, attaching document as well....will write/post the background tomorrow.

I will update this post with things like common items and such. I will also try to have 5-6 paragraphs of background and stuff lik that....

Name: Renfield Greenacre
Age: 32
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 165lbs
Important NPCS:
Wife: Janet Greenacre (nee Rebah)
Sister: Elizabeth
Best Friends: Walter Chachahama, Matthew Donopoli, Tracey Johnson

Hobbies: Paintball, MMORPG, hacking scammers


Renfield was born in an era where the children were teaching the adults about the computers. He went to a special school as he had a greater learning potential and was seen by the teachers as a problem student. He did not do well in school as he found the repetition to be mind numbing, but every night when he went home he would be on the Bulletin Boards and playing MUDS. This all changed when he was 16, he met a new guy at the school named John K. Kennedy who had some ‘connections’. These connections saw Renfield as the perfect chance to score some new ‘Business Ventures’ and had him tutored in the grand school of hacking.

About 6-8 months of ‘tutoring’ later, Renfield was more than comfortable with the computer and was hacking databases of big firms for fun. He would look for interesting things and sell information to his ‘friends’ for a few bucks. What he did not realize (as his thoughts were not pointing in that direction) was that he was making his ‘friends’ a lot of money with the information that he was selling them. He didn’t even see it in that light, he saw it as getting them what they asked him to get, getting to have fun thumbing his nose at the big dogs, and getting gifts for helping his ‘friends’. As this was a scheme made by 18-20 year olds, they were destined to fail.

His mother screaming awaked Renfield, and some guys in Uniforms kicked in his bedroom door, this was at the age of 19. He had no clue why they were putting him in handcuffs, as hacking was not even well publicized yet. He was arrested for Insider Trading, Information theft, and a host of other charges. The DA plea-bargained him down by turning his ‘friends’ in. He got off with 6 months probation, and mandated remediation in a government environment. What this meant is the FBI hired him to track other kids who were doing the same. He spent the next few years doing this and finally asked for a transfer to the Internet Crimes Division at 26.

At the age of 30, Renfield decided that he wanted to do something important with his life, so he again requested a transfer. He went into the business of tracking down and busting Internet Predators. He was highly successful and his last bust netted him a chance at a promotion. It also got him into the sights of some recruiters, and that is where we stand.


UPDATE: Added a lot, please tell me if it looks good.... :)


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Looks good, just a few comments.

First, I'd really appreciate it if you could clean up the character sheet a bit after you put it into the Rogue's gallery, thanks. Second, you should wait until the intel phase of the mission before choosing your mission gear. Third, radios are electronics picks, not common items.

Okay, now that we've got three players, I'm going to be putting up the IC post shortly, and we can begin.


AH, will edit those then, the mission gear was pre-built into the sheet. I will not have my rules available for at least 1-2 weeks it seems. May need to get the New 2.0 PDF... :)


Well, it just so happens that the first mission I'm going to run you guys through will be caliber II, so you can use your listed mission gear for this one.


First Post
Just to make sure we are still in the Intel Phase. Would this be the time to requistion gear? Should we just say this is what I am requesting for this reason and so on...?


Yup, this is the intel phase. To make things quicker, you should just simply post a list of your chosen mission equipment. Remember, your gear prep ability allows three gear picks for you or your teammates to be chosen at caliber III instead of II, and it's up to you to decide how to distribute them.


I need a link to the Rogues Gallery, I will try to make the sheet Pretty.

My Picks are as follows:
Credit Card records for the user (Tradecraft) (III)
Wireless Modem (Electronics) (II)

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