Star Wars: Birthplace


Artellan said:
Hey, I was thinking, when you post swears in your story you might be better off asterisk-ing out the vowels or whatever, so we can tell you mean "bullsh*t" instead of just seeing ":):):):):):):):)".

- Artellan

I probably should use the Star Wars aphorisims for our popular curse words, but I think they are too lame to do it. I write everything up in notepad and I'm usually not too aware where there are swears, but I could probably alter it somehow. Although I'm not sure if "bullsh*t" is kosher here on EN World.

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Gordin Fin & the Rogues


The cockpit of the Outlaw Star is cramped with five beings in a space made, at its maximum, for three. Lita swivels around in her pilot's chair and comes face-to-chest with Six-Four.

LITA: "Can I get some space here, please?"

SIX-FOUR: "Sure." He takes a step back.

LITA: "Much better. I don't know why we always have to crowd in up here."

SIX-FOUR: "The view here's good?"

LITA: "Ha ha, very funny." She gets up. "We should reach Ottega within 24 hours. You guys can entertain yourselves however you want. I'm going to dump that spice out into space and then go to sleep."

Six-Four's eyes go wide. He's obviously having a hard time believing what he's hearing.

SIX-FOUR: "WHAT are you planning on doing?"

LITA: "Dump the spice into space."

SIX-FOUR: "Wha- wha- why would you do something like that?"

LIA: "I don't traffic in drugs. I won't have anything to do with them. They just ruin lives."

SIX-FOUR: "Okay, so you're not a big fan of the junk. But - think about this for a second - don't you think it might be a SLIGHTLY bad idea to get rid of a dealer's stash?"

RAYNOR: "There wasn't that much there-" Nobody is listening to him (for once).

LITA: "I don't care!" she yells. "I won't have anything to do with them! Ori Maav knows that. And if he tried to smuggle some on my ship-"

SIX-FOUR: "That's my point. He knows you won't smuggle drugs, so he plants them without you knowing. He doesn't like you much, does he? Didn't he try to kill you?"

LITA: "Just once, and that was a long time ago. We've both moved on."

SIX-FOUR: "I don't think he's the type to forget. Dumping his stash into space will give him all the reason he needs to come back after you. Not that I have a problem with that-"

LITA: "Oh, that's nice."

SIX-FOUR: "-but when he comes after you, he'll come after me. I don't want to have to look over my shoulder for bounty hunters."

LITA: "I'm going to do it, and that's that."

Lita leaves the cockpit with a head full of steam (or rather, plasma gas).

SIX-FOUR: "Fine, but when they come after you I'm not helping."

RAYNOR: "This is going to be a fun trip."



The Ottega system is known as the "Million Moons" for its array of planets and their sattelites. They number in the hundreds - 75 planets and 622 moons, to be exact - and is a well-known tourist destination. Nearly every planetary body has a sunset that would dazzle the common rimmer - if they could afford the trip.

The Outlaw Star flies through space. Pleasure yachts and cruise ships dot the starscape. An Ithorian herdship is clearly visible.


The Outlaw Star approaches the paradise moon of Janos. It is a small world covered in a shallow, crystal-blue sea. Thousands of islands offer pristine beachfront to the weary traveller. In the background, the gas giant that Janos circles is setting like some massive, pale-blue moon in a blue-pink sky.


The Outlaw Star approaches one of the island resorts and sets down on a landing pad that reaches out over the sea. Many other ships, mostly small drop-pods from noble's yachts, are parked here. In the background, a CORELLIAN GUNSHIP dwarfs them all.

The group debarks from the Outlaw Star. GORDIN FIN is waiting for them. He is a fit, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, thirty-something man with an almost-too-charming smile. He looks like the holo-pic in the Spacer’s Guide’s definition of swashbuckler. He wears an old flight jacket studded with medals of his own creation.

Gordin Fin waves to the group.

GORDIN FIN: "You must be Lita Moren," he says, taking Lita's hand and kissing it. "Ori Maav told me about you - but he didn't tell me you were beautiful."

Lita blushes.

LITA: "I'm sure he told you a lot of things."

GORDIN FIN: "And only half of them good - which makes you my type of woman." He smiles. "What do you say we take care of business as quickly as possible so we enjoy our stay here? This world is a paradise."

LITA: "That sounds good to me. My money?"

GORDIN FIN: "Of course," he says, and with a flourish he presents a credit stick. "As you were promised. I'll have my men remove the cooling units - we desperately needed them! - and we can relax and watch the planet set."

SIX-FOUR: "What do you need with cooling units?"

GORDIN FIN: "What DON'T I need with cooling units. I need them for my ship - the Dilletante, you can see her there." He points to the Corellian Gunship parked nearby. "I've been - no, we've been waiting for them for a long time. My Rogues are getting antsy, even on a world like this."

RAYNOR: "Antsy?" Raynor eyes a beautiful native girl in the ocean. "I don't think you'd have a hard time finding action here." He smiles.

GORDIN FIN: "Ha!" he laughs. "I like this guy." He moves in close. "No, what we're looking for is the type of action you can only find when there are Imperials around."

SIX-FOUR: "Oh yeah. The kind that involves blasting them to bits."

GORDIN FIN: "Exactly!" He pauses for a moment and seems to think about something. "We've been preparing for a strike against an Imperial Mining Colony. We're going to hit it and liberate their "forced employees" - slaves, really. Some of them are almost children."

SIX-FOUR: "Wait for it..." he says, nudging Raynor.

GORDIN FIN: "We could use all the help we can get. They've got a Carrack cruiser out there - I can take that out with the Dilettante - and hordes of TIE fighters. A ship as fast and as well armed as yours could come in handy."

LITA: "Well..."

GORDIN FIN: "Come on! Take a chance to strike against the Empire! Throw off the yoke of slavery! Fight for freedom!"

SIX-FOUR: "I'll fight for any cause as long as it means blowing up Imperials."

RAYNOR: "How much are you going to pay?"

GORDIN FIN: "That depends on how much we can liberate from the mine. I'll give you a cut of whatever we get. It won't be too much - we'll have to get out of there before they call in for reinforcements. Come on! What do you say?"

LITA: "What the hell, let's do it."

GORDIN FIN: "Excellent. Now that that's taken care of, let's get down to the real business."

LITA: "What about the doctor?"

GORDIN FIN: "Excuse me?"

LITA: "The doctor - Tel-bo-an Alphan, or whatever his name was. The one that Ori Maav wants brought back to him."

GORDIN FIN: "Oh, Tegoran Alphan! He's sick - we've got him in a cellular regeneration capsule. I'll get my men to bring him onto your ship just before you're ready to leave."

LITA: "Good."

GORDIN FIN: "I can see you spending those credits in your head. Well, don't worry about that here - I'll get you whatever you want. You're guests of the infamous Gordin Fin and his Rogues!"


I have another update in the cooker, but it's been a while since I've written more than that. Still planning to get around to it sometime. And we're still playing. PC's are around 6th level now (6.6, I think). Started at 4th.


I've had somewhat of a crisis of faith with this game. Haven't played for a while (although we're up to episode XV or so), but I've lost some interest. Going to change some of the rules and how I run the game to see if I can get it back.

Which is why I haven't been writing much lately.

Anyway, I still have some posts left...



The camera opens up in the living room of a beachfront cottage, and we see what you get when you're a guest of Gordin Fin and his Rogues. The whole place is completely trashed. There are about a dozen people, all in various stages of undress, lying in the awkward poses of the newly hung-over. Glasses and bottles, some empty, some half-full, stand on all the flat surfaces. Snacks and sandwitches are here and there. So are various pairs of underwear. The wooden double doors that lead to the beach are wide open, and the gentle breeze is blowing at the curtains.

Lita Moren is lying on a couch under a heavy-set man. She does a quick check - good, still fully-clothed - and pushes the man off onto the floor. He falls with a heavy thump.

LITA: "Is that turbolaser fire or is it my head pounding?"

Lita gets up, stumbles over some drinks, and looks around the room. She sees Raynor lying on a couch with two half-naked WOMEN, one human, the other a reptilian humanoid, lying on him. He is awake, and smiles at Lita. He raises the women's hands and waves them at Lita.

LITA: "Come on, get up," she says, shaking her head with the standard "dealing with Raynor" smile on her face.

RAYNOR: "So early... head hurts... must sleep..."

LITA: "I've got something in the ship that will take care of the hangovers. Come on. Let's find Six-Four and Trevor."

RAYNOR: "Fine, fine." He gently extricates himself from the tangled pile of flesh and kisses them both on the cheek. They both smile, and one stirs from her sleep.

WOMAN: "You're leaving?" she says, half-asleep.

RAYNOR: "I'll see you on the Geoaurach."

WOMAN: "I'll look forward to it." She falls back to sleep.

LITA: "The Geoaurach?"

RAYNOR: "An Ithorian herdship run by a friend of mine. They're having some kind of holy festival in a few days - they're going to watch some stars collide."

LITA: "Sounds interesting."

Raynor and Lita walk out of the beachhouse. The sun is shining. The deep-green sea reaches out to the horizon, where it seems to meet the great gas giant on the edge of the world. Raynor and Lita relax and take in the sight, the sea breeze blowing in their hair.

From somewhere above them, we hear a VOICE.

VOICE: "Uhhhhh..."

Raynor and Lita look up. They see Six-Four, draped on the roof of the cottage, a can of dantic in one hand and a bikini top in the other. He's passed out. Which is probably the only reason he's letting Trevor place an ever-growing tower of shells on him, the keystone of which is the giant pink shell that hangs on his head.

Trevor approaches Six-Four with a strand of orange-red seaweed, which he's using to give Six-Four a long, fake moustache. A-One is scurrying about, collecting shells and seaweed and depositing them next to Trevor.

Lita and Raynor laugh. Six-Four wakes up and looks at them with bleary eyes. Trevor and A-One slink away.

SIX-FOUR: "Huh?"

RAYNOR: "Thus spake 'Six-Fouricus', king of the sea."

SIX-FOUR: "What - who put all this $#!& on me? What the %#&^?"

Raynor and Lita keep laughing.

SIX-FOUR: "Oh, ha-ha, very funny guys."

LITA: "Come on. We're going to the ship to sober up."

Six-Four jumps off the roof, sending the shells scattering all over.



The Outlaw Star is in orbit around Janos. Lita and Trevor are in the pilot's and co-pilot's chairs respectively. A-One is where you'd expect an astromech droid to be (the astrogation computer). Raynor's leaning over Lita's chair, looking out into space.

Six-Four enters the cockpit, rubbing at his wet hair with a towel.

SIX-FOUR: "I can't get this bloody sea-stink out of my hair!"

Raynor points at a ship coming from Janos.

RAYNOR: "There he is."

Gordin Fin's Corellian Gunship, along with a host of Z-95 HEADHUNTERS, is breaking free of Janos' gravity well.

LITA: "About time." She flips on the communicator. "Outlaw Star to Dilettante. This is Captain Moren."

GORDIN FIN: (via comlink) "Lita, no need to be so formal. We're all friends out here in the black."

LITA: "We've got the co-ordinates plotted. I'm sending them over to you now."

GORDIN FIN: (via comlink) "We're getting them. We're ready to jump on your mark."

LITA: "All right." She turns to A-One. "Are you ready?"

A-One beeps: "Blurk BLEE-dy boin." Lita turns to Trevor.

TREVOR: "He says we're good."

LITA: "Okay. Captain Fin, on my mark... three - two - one - mark!" She hits the hyperspace motivator and the Outlaw Star slides into hyperspace along with Gordin Fin and his Rogues.


Starfighter combat


Imperial Mining Outpost PY-N22 is a heavily-fortified rock, slightly larger than a moon, in the vast emptiness of space. On its surface is the tip of the mining operation - a heavy freighter landing pad, shield generators, TIE fighter hangers, and living quarters that lead into the honeycombed depths of the planet. A flight of TIE fighters patrols the moon and the Carrack light cruiser that serves as its main defense.

Space suddenly fills with a dozen new ships - Gordin Fin's Corellian Gunship and his Z-95 escort. The Outlaw Star drops out of hyperspace a second later.

There are a few, quiet moments, and then the shooting starts. The fighters meet each other in a chaotic dogfight. Turbolasers from each of the capital ships lance out at each other - first off-target, firing into empty space, then hitting each other's shields in small explosions as targetting solutions are corrected.


Lita Moren sits in the pilot's chair, Trevor and A-One flanking her. Through the front window we can see TIEs and Z-95s twisting and turning with each other, and the Gunship blotting out space just above her.

Gordin Fin's voice crackles through the com.

GORDIN FIN: (via comlink) "All right, this is it. You've got the speed - take out that generator."

LITA: "Just keep those fighters off my back. I won't have much room to maneuver."

GORDIN FIN: (via comlink) "Don't worry about a thing. This is going to be one hell of a fun dust-up!"

The comlink switches off. Lita GUNS the engine and the ship shakes as it ROARS through space, past the cloud of fighters.

TREVOR: "One of the TIEs is breaking off," he says, looking at the sensor screen. "No, wait - it just went down. We're clear from behind."

LITA: "Okay. Set shields double-front."

TREVOR: "Got it." He flips some switches and pulls on a lever. "Hang on - I'm getting two new contacts. TIE fighters, coming from the base, right for us."

LITA: "Guys, looks like we're going to get some action."



The screen cuts into two panels. In one we see Raynor, sitting in a turret with a big grin on his face; in the other, we see Six-Four, his face a mask of grim determination.

SIX-FOUR: "Roger."

RAYNOR: "Let's get this show on the road!"



The Outlaw Star flies straight at the small planet. The laser turrets dotting the mining outpost suddenly BURST to life, sending out a stream of fire. A large TURBOLASER battery begins firing massive bolts. The Outlaw Star bobs and weaves slightly out of their way.

Two TIE fighters DIVE in at her from a high angle. They snap out a few shots which sail behind the Outlaw Star, and then pull in on her tail.



Lita Moren is grimacing, pulling on the controls and bunching up her face every time one of the turbolaser bolts comes near. A red light is flashing on Trevor's console, but he is ignoring it, instead focusing the sensors on the TIE fighters.

LITA: "Get those TIEs off my back!"

The Outlaw Star's gun turrets swivel to face the TIEs. BAM-BAM-BAM! Bolts fly out from the ship at one of the TIE fighters. He banks right, one miss; jinks left, another; and then one bolt hits him, SHEARING off his left solar panel.

RAYNOR: "All right! That's some nice shooting!"

SIX-FOUR: "Cocky bastard."

The Outlaw Star approaches the first line of laser batteries, weaving through a forest of plasma. One of the quadlaser turrets hits, and the shields spark red as the Outlaw Star rocks up and down. She then BLAZES past the laser batteries, racing over the terrain towards the main generator. More batteries begin firing.

LITA: "We'll reach the generator soon. Take care of that last bastard behind us, then you can start in on the generator."

In response to her orders, Raynor and Six-Four send trails of fire at the TIE fighter. One bolt clips its wing, and it starts to spin; then another hits the same wing, and the TIE fighter SPINS out of control and CRASHES into the planet.

Another quadlaser barrage hits the Outlaw Star. The shields fade and the bolts leave great scars on its surface.

LITA: "Damn! That's going to cost a lot to repair. Trevor! Get those shields back up."

TREVOR: "Don't yell at me. I was getting to it. A-One, give me a hand here."

A-One beeps and whistles.

The Outlaw Star BUZZES the surface, kicking up dust that hasn't moved in a thousand years. Over her head there is a sheet of fire, punctuated by the BOOM - BOOM - BOOM from the turbolaser battery.

The Outaw Star reaches the ridge which houses the outpost. Her turrets are ablaze with fire, sending out bolts at the generator. They hit an invisible wall just above it that glows red.

SIX-FOUR: "That thing is pretty heavily shielded. We're going to have to make a few passes."

The Outlaw Star flies past the generator and loops around, coming right back in. She sends out more fire. Lita YANKS the ship down in a steep dive, just narrowly avoiding one of the turbolaser blasts, and is struck again by the quadlaser fire.

In the cockpit, warning lights flash.

TREVOR: "Our armour is going down - one more hit..."

LITA: "Do what you can for those shields!"

The Outlaw Star passes over the generator again, and this time the generator's shields fall. Arcs of fire EXPLODE on its surface.

RAYNOR: "We're hurting them now!"

The Outlaw Star TWISTS and TURNS, avoiding the fire. Below it, the generator is hit by barrage after barrage. Suddenly, the entire building SHUDDERS and a great plume of fire rises out from its centre. The major explosion is followed by a series of minor ones, until the generator is CONSUMED with flame.

The laser towers suddenly stop. Space is quiet once again.



LITA: "We did it!" She flips on the com. "Dilletante, this is the Outlaw Star. We've taken down the generator. You need any help out there?"



The bridge of Gordin Fin's Corellian Gunship is buzzing with the adreneline-fueled actions of war. Gordin Fin is lounging back in the captain's chair, watching the Imperial Carrack light cruiser through the viewport BURN as it pitches down, out of control. Z-95 Headhunters buzz its surface, setting off more explosions.

GORDIN FIN: "I think we're good here. We'll meet up with you in a moment. We still have their token ground force to take care of."



Raynor and Six-Four have joined the flight crew in the cockpit. Six-Four cocks his rifle.

SIX-FOUR: "Did I hear something about ground troops?"

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