Star Wars Saga: The Dawn of Defiance [OOC Thread]

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
“Well, cawnt me awt; the Empire dawsn’t like my kind apparently, sure as frek nawt in any awfficial capacity...” He raises a warning finger as the next thought occurs to him, “And I ain’t playing your pet either, Sra! Naw way.”
Not even a smirk at the thought of Sloor on a leash with a big pink bow around his neck? Tough croud. ;)

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Hey there Possum. Sloor is mostly waiting for a yay or nay on their fee negotiation. 5000 each was prososed earlier, which Mack climbed up to 6000 in a fearless Aid Another attempt. ;)

One minor question from Sloor left hanging as well, but I'm guessing I can assume a no on this one...?

Sloor swivels towards Varth, “Dan't suppawse we have any idea haw awften the trades between Darga and the Imprials awccur, where they takes place awr when the next awne’s scheduled fawr, Varth man?”


Tomorrow finds me out of town (yeah, out of town from being away from home already), driving 18 hours to attend my brother's wedding. I will be a tad scarce during the weekend until returning on Tuesday.

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