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Stonefist Academy - 3.5 D&D - OOC - Recruiting Closed


First Post
allright, I wanted to make sure the SRD was not lying to me.

For Power Attack, in the SRD you do NOT have to have 1 +1 BAB to take it. Is this the same in PHB 3.5?

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Fangor the Fierce

First Post
It is the same, but it's kind of weird that you can not go any higher than your BAB. That would mean you can't benefit from Power Attack until you get to at least BAB +1. But, it allows you the ability to have Power Attack if it is needed for a requisite on another feat.


Darn you [MENTION=84167]HolyMan[/MENTION] - that character sheet is the most unwieldy thing in the universe... in post form.

I'm still not feeling the group. I'd hate to make Yet Another First-Level Bard... surely there's some way to make a Rogue more interesting?


Thy wounds are healed!
ranger trapper??

It (the sheet) is good for DM's and checking and not so good for players. As I DM more than play, well there you go.



On second thought...

I have enough 1st-level games as it is. I'm going to politely thank the DM for including me, but politely step out and let some fresh blood take a spin. :)


First Post
First up! Put here for vetting and checking prior to sticking him into the Student Roster. Background and other non-crunchies is still WIP.

A few notes before you get anywhere:
1. I know Fighter is considered underpowered. I don't care, and avoid "munchiknism" wherever I can.
2. I know my level 1 feats are ordinary. The why will come out in Olek's background.
3. Pious Defence is on p86 of Complete Divine. DM's discretion on how it will work. FtF, if this is too much effort let me know and I will substitute for Power Attack.
4. Seems like a PF character sheet. Have noted areas where there is conflict, as I thougt this was a D&D 3.5 game. Happy to play PF though!! :)

So, here we go.
[sblock=Olek Hammerblow]
[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter
Level: 1
Alignment: Lawful Good
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Deity: Moradin the All Father[/sblock]
STR: 17 (+3)

DEX: 11 (+0)
CON: 16 (+3)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 14 (+2)
CHA: 7 (-2)[/sblock]
HP: 13 = [1d10 + 3] <<+ 0 (favored class bonus) Holdover from PF character
AC: 14 (18*) = 10 + 4 (armour) + 4* (vs giants, racial)
AC Touch: 10 (14*) = 10 + 4* (vs giants, racial)
AC Flatfooted: 14 = 10 + 4 (armor)
INIT: +0 = +0
BAB: +1 = +1 (Fighter 1)
CMB: +0 = +0 (STR) + 0 (BAB) <<Another PF holdover?>>
CMD: 00 = 10 + 0 (STR) + 0 (DEX) + 0 (BAB) <<PF holdover??>>
Fort: +5* = +2 (base) + 3 (Con) + 2* (racial vs poison)
Reflex: +0 = +0 (base) + 0 (Dex)
Will: +2 = +0 (base) + 2 (Wis)
Speed: 20'
Damage Reduction: 0
Spell Resistance: 0[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
NOTE: +1 racial bonus to hit all orcs and goblinoids not included in stats
Greataxe(melee): +5 = +1 (BAB) + 3 (STR) + 1 (feat)/ DMG = 1d12+4(S), CRIT =
Warhammer(melee): +4 = +1 (BAB) + 3 (STR) / DMG = 1d8+3(S), CRIT = 20x3
Spiked gauntlet (melee): +4 = +1 (BAB) + 3 (STR) / DMG = 1d4+3(S), CRIT =
Light Crossbow(missile): +1 = +1 (BAB) / DMG = 1d10, CRIT = 19-20x2, range
increment = 80'
[sblock=Racial Traits]
+2 Con, -2 Cha. Already included above.
Medium size.
20' movement. Never reduced for armour or encumberance.
Darkvision (60')
Stonecunning. +2 to Search checks to notice unusual stonework; intuit depth
underground; notice unusual stonework passively if within 10'.
Dwarven Waraxes and Dwarven Urgoshes are martial weapons.
+4 bonus to resist being bull-rushed or tripped if standing on the ground.
+2 racial bonus to saves vs poisons.
+2 racial bonus to saves vs spells and spell-like effects.
+1 racial bonus to attack rolls vs orcs and goblinoids.
+4 dodge bonus to AC vs giant-type monsters.
+2 racial bonus to Appraise checks related to stone or metal items.
+2 racial bonus to Craft checks related to stone or metal items.
Automatically known Dwarven language.
Favoured class: Fighter.
[sblock=Class Features]
Bonus Feat (Fighter 1)[/sblock]
[sblock=Feats & Traits]
Level 1: Pious Defence. Expend 1 faith point to cause an attack that would
otherwise reduce character to <1 HP to do half damage.
Remaining Faith Points: 4
Bonus Feat (Fighter 1): Weapon Focus (Greataxe). +1 to hit with Greataxe.
Skill Ranks: 2/level (x4 for level 1) = 8 points
Max Ranks: 4
ACP: -4 (Scale Mail)
Total   Skill            Ability  Rank Misc Misc  ACP  Stat
+0*  =   Appraise            +0    +0    +2*   +0   --    INT
-4  =   Balance             +0    +0    +0   +0   -4    DEX      
-2  =   Bluff               -2    +0    +0   +0   --    CHA
+3  =   ()Climb               +3    +0    +0   +0   +0    STR
+3  = Concentration       +3    +0    +0   +0   --    CON
+4  =   ()Craft: Weaponsmithing             +0    +2    +2   +0   --    INT
+0  =   Decipher Script^    +0    +0    +0   +0   --    INT
-2  =   Diplomacy           -2    +0    +0   +0   --    CHA
+0  =   Disable Device^     +0    +0    +0   +0   --    DEX
-2 =   Disguise            -2    +0    +0   +0   --    CHA
-4  =   Escape Artist       +0    +0    +0   +0   -4    DEX
+0 =   Forgery             +0    +0    +0   +0   --    INT
-2  =   Gather Information  -2    +0    +0   +0   --    CHA
-2  = ()Handle Animal^      -2    +0    +0   +0   --    CHA
+2  = Heal                +2    +0    +0   +0   --    WIS
-4  =   Hide                +0    +0    +0   +0   -4    DEX
-2  =   ()Intimidate          -2    +0    +0  +0   --    CHA
-1  =   ()Jump                +3    +0    +0   +0   -4    STR
+0  = Knowledge:Arcana^   +0    +0    +0   +0   --    INT
+0  = Knowledge:Arch&Engn^+0    +0    +0   +0   --    INT
+0  = Knowledge:Dungeons^ +0    +0    +0   +0   --    INT
+0  = Knowledge:Geography^+0    +0    +0   +0   --    INT
+0  = Knowledge:History^  +0    +0    +0   +0   --    INT
+0  = Knowledge:Local^    +0    +0    +0   +0   --    INT
+0  = Knowledge:Nature^   +0    +0    +0   +0   --    INT
+0  = Knowledge:Nobility^ +0    +0    +0   +0   --    INT
+2  = Knowledge:Religion^ +0    +2    +0   +0   --    INT
+0  = Knowledge:Planes^   +0    +0    +0   +0   --    INT
+0  =   Listen              +0    +0    +0   +0   --    INT
+0  =   Move Silently       +0    +0    +0   +0   --    DEX
+0  =   Open Locks^         +0    +0    +0   +0   --    DEX
+0  =   Perform: Storytelling             -2    +2    +0   +0   --    CHA
+2  =   Profession^         +2    +0    +0   +0   --    WIS
+0  = ()Ride                +0    +0    +0   +0   --    DEX
+2  =   Sense Motive        +2    +0    +0   +0   --    WIS
-4  =   Sleight of Hand^    +0    +0    +0   +0   -4    DEX
+0  = Spellcraft^         +0    +0    +0   +0   --    INT
+2  =   Spot                +2    +0    +0   +0   --    WIS
+2  = Survival            +2    +0    +0   +0   --    WIS
-5  =   ()Swim                +3    +0    +0   +0   -8*   STR
-4  =   Tumble^             +0    +0    +0   +0   -4    DEX
-2  =   Use Magic Device^   -2    +0    +0   +0   --    CHA
+0  =   Use Rope            +0    +0    +0   +0   --    DEX
() = class skill
^ = trained only
* = double ACP
Equipment                    Cost   Weight
Scale Mail   30 30
Greataxe   25 12
Warhammer   12 5
Light Crossbow   35 4
 - 20 Bolts   2 2
Spiked Gauntlets  5 1
Backpack   2 2
Bedroll    0.1 5
Rope (50', hemp)  1 10
Grappling Hook   1 4
Belt Pouch   1 0.5
Trail Rations x7  3.5 7
Waterskin   1 4
Signet Ring   5 -
Oil Flask x3   0.3 3
Acid Flask   10 1
Flint & Steel   1 -
Treasure: 0gp, 1sp, 0cp
Total weight carried: 90.5 lbs (medium), ACP: -3
Armour: 30
Weapons: 24
Gear: 36.5
Maximum weight possible: 260 lbs[/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 54
Height: 4'4"
Weight: 141 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Dark brown/earthy
Appearance: Muscular and stocky. Slight pot belly. Bearded.
Deamenaor: Devoutly religous. Concerned with personal and clan honour. [/sblock]
[sblock=Background]... [/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Log] None yet[/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups] N/A only first level[/sblock] [/sblock]


First Post
i dunno, weapon focus is still a good feat any day of the week.

[sblock=Lune Xanfire]
[sblock=Game Info]
Level: 1
Alignment:NG of Heironeous
Languages: Common, Celestial, Dragonic
HP: 10 = [1dd8 + 2] + 0 (favored class bonus)
AC: 17 = 10 + 4 (armor) + 2 (shield) + 1 (DEX),
AC Touch: 11 = 10 + 1 (DEX)
AC Flatfooted: 16 = 10 + 4 (armor) + 2 (shield)
INIT: +5 = +1 (DEX) + 4 (FEAT)
BAB: +0 = +0 (Cleric)
Fort: +4 = +2 (Cleric) + 2 (stat)
Reflex: +1 = +0 (Cleric) + 1 (stat)
Will: +5 = +2 (Cleric) + 3 (stat)
Speed:20'(30 base)
Damage Reduction:
Spell Resistance:[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Longsword(melee): +4 = +0 (BAB) + 3 (STR) + 1 (feat)/ DMG = 1d8+3(S), CRIT 19-20x2
Morningstar(melee): +3 = +0 (BAB) +3 (STR) + 0 (feat)/ DMG = 1d8+3(B)
[sblock=Racial Traits]
Extra Feat: Humans gain an extra feat at level 1
Skilled: Humans gain an addional 4 skill points at level 1, and 1 more after every level. [/sblock]
[sblock=Class Features]
Domains: Good and War
Turn Undead(5/day): 1d20 + 2(CHA), 2d6 + 1(Cleric) + 2 (CHA) [/sblock]
[sblock=Feats & Traits]
Light, Medium, and Heavy Armor(Cleric)
Light, Heavy Shield(Cleric)
Simple Weapon Proficiency(Cleric)
Bonus(War):Martial Weapon Proficiency(Longsword)
Bonus(War):Weapon Focus (Longsword)
Human:Improved Iniative
Level 1:power Attack[/sblock]
Skill Ranks: (2+ 2(int) + 1 (Human))x4 = 20
Max Ranks: 4/2 ACP:
Concentration: 4 + 2 = 6
Diplomacy: 4 + 2 = 6
Know(Arcana): 4 + 2 = 6
Know(Religion): 4 + 2 = 6
Spellcraft: 4 + 2 = 6

Equipment                Weight  Cost
Acid (Flask)             1         10
Backpack                  2         2
Bedroll                      5         0.1
Bolts, Crossbow (20)     2         2
Chain Shirt    Armor           25         100
Crossbow, Light    Weapon     4         35
Flint and Steel             0         1
Holy Symbol (Wooden)x2   0         1
Ink (1 Oz. Vial)         0         8
Inkpen                      0         0.1
Longsword                  4         15
Morningstar                  6         8
Outfit (Traveler's)      5         0
Parchment (Sheet)x4      0         0.8
Rations (Trail/Per Day)x5    5     2.5
Shield, Heavy            10         7
Spell Component Pouch     2         5
Waterskin (Filled)         4         1
Treasure: 5 sp Gems:
Total weight carried:75 lbs
Maximum weight possible: [/sblock]
Hair Color:long, Black hair
Eye Color:Brilliant Blue
Skin Color:Tanned from working out in the sun.
[sblock=Background]... [/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Log] None yet[/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups] N/A only first level[/sblock] [/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
1. I know Fighter is considered underpowered. I don't care, and avoid "munchiknism" wherever I can.

In defense of CharOp: making a skilled/strong character is not "munchkinism". Doing so by attempting to exploit rules loopholes, bother the DM into allowing something just to shut you up, or to intentionally overshadow other characters is "munchkinism". "Munchkin" is also most-often used in a derogatory manner, so it can incite anger in folks, even if you were not intending to do so.
And picking a "weak" class isn't necessarily a bad thing. Fighter has a number of things going for it, particularly early-on. Most optimizers will tell you to ditch out after 2 or 4 levels, but Fighter is often suggested for scoring some decent HP, BAB and bonus feats.
Picking something to intentionally make a weak character, when the rest of the party is competent/good... well, that's an issue, in my eyes. But I trust you wouldn't do such a thing. :)

2. I know my level 1 feats are ordinary. The why will come out in Olek's background.

Very rare is the level 1 feat that is fantastic right off the bat. ;)
And those that are usually get nerfed. :lol:

4. Seems like a PF character sheet. Have noted areas where there is conflict, as I thougt this was a D&D 3.5 game. Happy to play PF though!! :)

It is a PF sheet... And FWIW, I totally agree with Herobizkit on what a pain this sheet is for players.

I'm working on my Swashbuckler (as I will start with Swash to give the character a more skillful flair)... I'll be using Set 1 (9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 18). The trouble is allocating those scores. :erm: I had hoped for a reasonably-charismatic character, the classic dashing swordsman style. I'll just have to fiddle with the numbers and see what I can come up with. I may end up with a fencer-brute, as strange as that sounds.


First Post
In defense of CharOp: making a skilled/strong character is not "munchkinism". Doing so by attempting to exploit rules loopholes, bother the DM into allowing something just to shut you up, or to intentionally overshadow other characters is "munchkinism". "Munchkin" is also most-often used in a derogatory manner, so it can incite anger in folks, even if you were not intending to do so.
And picking a "weak" class isn't necessarily a bad thing. Fighter has a number of things going for it, particularly early-on. Most optimizers will tell you to ditch out after 2 or 4 levels, but Fighter is often suggested for scoring some decent HP, BAB and bonus feats.
Picking something to intentionally make a weak character, when the rest of the party is competent/good... well, that's an issue, in my eyes. But I trust you wouldn't do such a thing. :)

You're right, like normal. I have a tendency to see the world in black, white and grey (only one shade of grey). My communication style also tends toward direct and borderline confrontational, whether this is verbal, written or otherwise. It's just who I am, and I am slightly pleased that it comes across through the internet - apparently I am being myself and communicating as I would across a table. :)

Intentionally making a weak character is poor form, unless the entire group is doing so and/or understands why. I don't do that, and haven't ever done that. Have I made weak characters? Yes. When learning the 3.0/3.5 game, mostly. Worse feat choice ever: Mounted Archery in a dungeon setting... I've also played with people that probably fit the "power gamer" stereotype and didn't make an "uber-character"...never again.

Anyway, munchikinism for me revolves around people going out of their way to make their character more powerful than others for the sake of being better and trying to "win" at D&D. The type of guy who takes loads of flaws to get Persistent Spell, Extra Turning and Divine Metamagic (Persistent Spell) at level 1. That sort of guy. I won't do it unless that is the point of the campaign.

Anyway, 'nuff said on my account. My preparation points were more fore-armouring myself against what can sometimes be brutal criticism. Constructive criticism is, however, entirely welcome. :)


First Post
I never liked DMM persist. It takes 7 of you turn undead charges, which is normally all of them at level 1. I liked DMM quicken or extend. Cheaper, more versatile, and less feat intensive.

That being said, my characters probably not seeing DMM until 18, as all my feats are eaten up from 1-12:
3 touch of healing or extend
6: The other level 3 feat or practiced spell caster
9: holy warrior
12: quicken spell

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