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Stonefist Academy - The Beginning


Leilani bristled when she heard the Academy rules, few though they were. She spent her entire life under the yoke of two masters; she did not relish the idea of becoming a slave to another.

"With some trepidation, I accept your offer," she said carefully to the gnome, "But I do ask this... what sort of freedoms will be allowed to us while attending the Academy? Are we expected to practice all day, study all night, and sleep when we can? Or will there also be time allotted for some form of social activity, camaraderie, perhaps the availability a student tavern on the grounds...?"
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Lune nods his head and says "Such a lesson is well learned here, Ferro. I accept your terms, and look forward to more lessons with the teachers of this Academy."


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Silvas' eyebrows raise sharply at the stark contrast in the words the gnome gave. Before he could begin to articulate his thoughts master Ararion had already got his question out and worded as good as if not better than he could do himself. He steps to the side to get a clear line of sight on the gnome and awaits to here the response given.



Miranda listened carefully to the Gnome's words. One of the others questioned the Gnome's logic of following orders without question from the teachers and questioning those that one does not know. It did seem like a contradiction to her. However, since she was here to learn more about herself, her abilities, and how she, of all people, was gifted with them. The Gnome mentioned danger and possible death. Death could happen to anyone at anytime. People get attacked by wild animals, bandits, and die of all sorts of things all the time. No, death was not something she was afraid of. Certainly she wished to live for a very long time but if it was Pelor's wish that she not do so, then she would accept that.

"Death happens to all creatures at some point in their lives. The possibility of death does not frighten me away. I traveled here for many reasons and I will not allow your attempt to intimidate and frighten us scare me away. I, Miranda of Riverbend, accept your conditions and look forward to learning many things."

Fangor the Fierce

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The gnome nods to the five that accepted the terms. He then looks to Ararion and Silvas as he speaks.
The rules are simple. You will meet the instructors. They will then be known to you. Their requests must be obeyed while within these walls. Outside of these walls, question that which you do not understand. Question those that you do not know that ask things of you that you are uncomfortable with. The teachers are honor bound to only ask that which does not go against the Academy's beliefs. Honor, kindness, guidance, and humility are among them. Those are things that you will learn, if you allow us to teach you. I ask once more, do you accept Ararion and Silvas?


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Silvas listens very carefully to the gnomes words and nods at the conclusion. He is not entirely happy with them but they could be much worse.

It is either this, solitude or home. Home is not an option and these companions are very interesting so far.

"I accept your terms."

And with that he returns to the rear of group.

Fangor the Fierce

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Ah! Now that we have taken care of that little business, let's go meet Maximo!

He beckons you to follow him, as he walks down the right hand path this time. As you walk, you can see that the hallway opens up to the left and sunshine can be seen.

As for the enrollment, there is something more to be done. Maximo will have to assist with the induction. There are daily training exercises that all students must attend, based on their specialty. There are also sparring sessions to hone those skills as well with rules that will be announces once you take part in your first spar. The library is also available, which houses many scriptures, arcane writings, divine revelations and general topics on most anything you can think of. You will each be given a room to share with another student, as we have limited space for the quarters on the second floor.

You turn towards the sunlit entrance and find yourself in an open courtyard of sorts. There is a large shale square with a ring of symbols decorating it's surface. Along the south wall, there are weapon racks and practice dummies. The right wall fades away to reveal stairs leading up to a second level of the Academy overlooking the courtyard. A wall to the left of it reveals an archway leading to a mirrored setup of the sqaure and the stairs. There is also an open doorway on the right wall that you pass as you head straight towards the back wall.

The grounds, as you see, are open for use when training sessions are not in place. Usually, there are students and teachers alike all over the place, but today, they have the day off. Maximo is not as busy as he usually is, so this should not take too long.

He leads you to the northern wall and through a doorway. Inside, you see ornately decorated walls with various relics unfamiliar to you. The doorway on the right wall is where Ferro takes you. Inside, a figure sits at a desk, looking over a pile of documents spread out before him. Looking up, he smiles at Ferro, and raises his eyebrows when the rest of you file in. He turns to Ferro, with an unspoken question.

These travelers have decided to become students of the Academy. They have agreed to the terms and now seek your approval. Their introductions are quite unique, if I say so myself.

Maximo looks to each of you, a warm smile on his face. He stands, putting down a white quill pen and beckons Ferro to close the door. He is a tall man wearing newly polished half-plate armor. A crimson cloak is held in place by a golden brooch in the shape of a tower shield. His hair is greying, but his moustache has somehow kept its youthful color of a dark brown hue.
I am sure that Ferro here has briefed you on the requirements for attending here, and I am quite please to see that you have accepted them. There is just one last thing to complete the induction. I hope none of you have reservations on what is about to be asked of you.

He proceeds to pull a small locked chest from a shelf behind his desk. A chain is pulled from beneath his armor which then shows a key. He opens the small chest and removes a few items. The first is an inkwell, with a rainbow colored liquid inside. The second item is a rainbow colored feather. He removes the stopper from the inkwell and holds the feather in his hand.

The students here are granted a boon to assist them in learning while attending the Academy. To do so, a drop of ink is places upon their skin. The ink is magical, allowing it to sense just what each students' strengths and weaknesses are. It will then take a random form, small and easily concealable. While you are here, and should you show progress, this tattoo will strengthen you as well. You may choose where to place the drop, but most students place it somewhere like their wrist or forearm. It causes no discomfort and will not harm you. If that is agreeable, then please, step forward and this will complete the induction.

Maximo stands there, waiting for the first prospective student to step forward.


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With a proud step forward, Lune says "I will have it placed on my hand, as a reminder to use what I have learned here to defend those against injustice." It was not common thing, a left handed swordsman. Lune took this as a sign, and practiced everyday with his sword and shield, mirroring those whom he sparred with in an attempt to better himself.


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Silvas looks in admiration of the man Maximo. A man of such prestige and yet humility. Above all this there was such a warm demeanor about him as well. For some reason the elf feels like this is a trustworthy man and yet he has just met him.

Magically imbued ink? I wonder what shape mine will take?

Silvas steps forward and extends his right arm with his palm facing up and points to the spot that parallels the scar he has on his left forearm a few inches below the elbow.

"Master Maximo, it is an honor to study at the prestigious school."

Silvas tightens the muscles in his arm expected at least a slight pain, pressure or something to occur when the ink touches his body.

Voidrunner's Codex

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