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Storms of Change [IC]

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The threats from Goruka and Pachen hung like a dark cloud over the Kingdom of Shillen. The devastating invasions had shaken the kingdom. The population of the Duchy of Rogan, bordering Goruka, had been decimated, especially among the young men and women who had taken up arms to defend their homeland. In the towns closest to the border, you hardly ever saw a young person of fighting age anymore! And with the rumors of Goruka raising horrible armies of orcs, goblinoids, and undead, there has been a slow trickle of folk leaving the border towns to find safer lives deeper within Shillen. If the roads weren’t filled with bandits and evil humanoids, a lot more probably would have left.

Meanwhile, throughout the Duchy…

Alan Diagabon had not found any mercenary work for a while, and felt trapped in this no-where village. He had spent all day making straw practice dummies, and was just about to get to the fun part, which was whacking them with a stick (swords shredded the dummies too quickly), when he heard someone shout "Alan Diagabon?" Hey, that's me, damn it. He turns, about to tell whoever it is to bugger off and come back at a better time, but stops when he sees a strange man on a horse. Huh? Who's that?

Filbert ‘Bert’ Wateryfoot was reading a nice travel scroll about sightseeing in the capitol city of Mintra. Re-reading it, actually, there was so little travel literature in this village! OK, not really even reading, just mostly daydreaming of travelling to distant, exotic places, and some good halfling food, when a sister of Fharlangan called him. Someone had come to the temple with a message for him! For me, he wonders? He goes outside to see who it could be.

Zanock was relaxing in a pleasant glade when he heard the hooves. He squinted as he saw a mounted rider crest the ridge, heading straight towards the massive orc. His mouth widened in delight as he jumped up, wondering if this silly human was going to challenge him to a pummeling bout. Gosh, it's been a long time since someone wanted to fight him! But the human, seeing the eagerness to fight in Zanock’s eyes, just tossed him a tube and backed away. Huh? Did he want me to toss it back? No, wait, it’s a scroll! Why would someone give a scroll to me?

Dunathar Without Name watches the mounted rider approach in his direction. Hmm, a new well-dressed fellow in town. Looks like an easy mark, the dwarven rogue thinks. Nice horse, too. This might be my chance to begin collecting my fortunes! I'll just follow him until the opportune moment arises, he thinks, as he slips quietly back out of the rider's path. But the rider turns to follow him, chasing after him, even calling out his name! Dunathar does his best to hide his surprise and act nonchalant. He can't tell how successful he is.

Etherial strides out of Requiem Hall, confident he will make his way in the world, despite the chaotic times. With great chaos comes great opportunity, does it not? He had not gone far when he sees a messenger approaching him. Ah, he thinks, opportunity may be coming quicker than I even anticipated!

Rowyn Elwick Doublelock Daergal Scheppen III smiled at the attention her clothing and costume jewelry got. All publicity is good publicity, isn’t it? So she wasn’t surprised to see the look of recognition on the mounted rider as he approached her. Probably a fan, she thought as she smiled, ready to enjoy his praises as he dismounted and approached her.

A mounted messenger approaches, leading a riderless mount behind him. He looks like the sort who might deliver messages for wealthy merchants or nobles, you think, as he gives you a message scroll. The message scroll has what looks like the unbroken seal of House Dharnan on it. Never did you think you would receive a message like this!

"Dear citizen, House Dharnan requests your help. Word has reached us of your exceptional abilities, and we believe you may be of service to us, and to the entire kingdom! If you agree to help, please accept this mount as a token of goodwill. It has a few battle scars, but I assure you it is a fine animal, and served its last rider, may he rest in peace, loyally during the recent Gorukan invasion. Make your way north to Carodan, the last outpost on the trade road before the wilderness and Goruka. Travel is dangerous, but a small merchant caravan will pass by your village in a few days. You should have no trouble, riding your new war mount, in signing up with the caravan as a guard. I will meet you at the Slashing Sword. The fate of Shillen may depend on it!"

The letter is unsigned. The messenger knows nothing more. He holds out his hand for a tip.

[You get a light warhorse, military saddle, and saddle bags with waterskins and rations to last seven days. Small characters receive riding dogs. Add your new mounts and equipment to your character sheets. You may name and describe them as you like.]

The caravan arrives as the scroll said it would. It consists of ten wagons and one carriage, all drawn by heavy horses. There are six guards, all humans, on light warhorses, and a seventh on a heavy warhorse. Darien, the armored human mounted on the heavy warhorse, gladly hires you on. He tells you he has recently lost some men, and could use the help. He offers to provide food and water during the trip, and payment of 20 gp when you arrive in Carodan. The price seems pretty standard for this kind of work.

Argent Silvermage

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Etherial sat uneasily upon Spirit. He was unsued to horses and had little formal riding experience. He rode to the front of the Caravan and addressed Darien, Hello Darien, What can you tell me of the person who has requested the aid of one of the Brotherhood? We are not typicaly sent for with out great need. I would know more so that I may prepare.


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Ah yes, an excape! Finally!

Alan thinks as he takes the letter to comb over once again. He walks away, entrapped by the mysterious request, and ignores the messenger. After collecting his equipment, he finally stides back to the messenger, nods aknowledgement, and takes hold of the warhorse's reigns.

"Thank you. Now bugger off!"


Alan spent the next few days doing... well, nothing really. He had forgotten about the caravan until he almost got in a tussle with one of the guards. When Darien approached and stopped the fight, Alan instantly remembered the letter and the request, and asked for a position with the caravan. Obviously, Darien was a bit weary of letting Alan join, but he allowed it. Now Alan eagerly awaits the adentures that he thinks may lie before him, though he is constantly distracted by tales of combat among the other guards.

[Added inventory items, and I got a question: is there any special format you'd like us to use for anything?]


First Post

Putting the scroll aside, Filbert sighs and thinks : I guess I was wrong in thinking I could be a great priest of Fharlanghn, like Pellir, travelling the world and clearing the roads of danger. Maybe I should sell my mule to farmer Bill and start a small business here. It could work well ... He's suddenly interrupted in his reflexions by the arrival of the messenger.
silentspace said:
A mounted messenger approaches, leading a riderless mount behind him. He looks like the sort who might deliver messages for wealthy merchants or nobles, you think, as he gives you a message scroll. The message scroll has what looks like the unbroken seal of House Dharnan on it. Never did you think you would receive a message like this!
Filbert can barely contain his excitement as he reads the letter. Surely, this is a sign of the Dweller on the Horizon. He wants me to travel again ! Oh, forgive my lack of faith, Great Fharlanghn ! With a wide grin in his face, Filbert hugs the messenger (or at least his leg) and gives him a gold coin. "Thank you so much !" With that, he goes off with his new mount to prepare his journey to Carodan. (Preparations include selling his mule to farmer "Bill" for 8 gp and praying to Fharlanghn)
silentspace said:
The caravan arrives as the scroll said it would. It consists of ten wagons and one carriage, all drawn by heavy horses. There are six guards, all humans, on light warhorses, and a seventh on a heavy warhorse. Darien, the armored human mounted on the heavy warhorse, gladly hires you on. He tells you he has recently lost some men, and could use the help. He offers to provide food and water during the trip, and payment of 20 gp when you arrive in Carodan.
As the caravan enters town, Filbert goes to Darien on his riding dog, all gear up and ready to go. The halfling is just happy to accept the offer of the caravan guard. As if he needed to be paid to be on the road ...


First Post
Argent Silvermage said:
Etherial sat uneasily upon Spirit. He was unsued to horses and had little formal riding experience. He rode to the front of the Caravan and addressed Darien, Hello Darien, What can you tell me of the person who has requested the aid of one of the Brotherhood? We are not typicaly sent for with out great need. I would know more so that I may prepare.

Darien studies Etherial for a moment, stroking his graying beard. “The person requesting the aid of one of the Brotherhood…? What brotherhood is that, sir? And here I was, thinking you were signing up with me to be a caravan guard! I was planning on getting you all equipped up, if you wanted to join up with me full time. I can tell by the looks of you that you’re the type that wouldn’t be needing any armor, but I could get some barding for your horse and good weapons and other supplies. It’s dangerous work, guarding caravans. And more dangerous every year, let me tell you, but its honest work. There’s always a merchant that’s looking to hire you, if you have a good reputation, that is. Like Mr. Glendrake, for instance. I’ve worked for him before, and he was glad to hire me on again, even low on manpower, like I am now. Yes, I was hoping to get you guys equipped up at Carodan, if you wanted to sign on with me full time. I’d have to pull out a loan from the Washel Bank to do it, but I hear they sometimes help out honest blokes like me, I could give them some of my gear, as collateral, I suppose.”

Leaning in conspiratorially, Darien continues “About what you should prepare, well, let me tell you. The men I lost were killed by hobgoblins. I’ve been pretty successful hunting goblinoids. You could say I specialize in them. And, well, the thing is…” He leans in and whispers to you, “I think they’re hunting me now. Don’t go telling this to any of the merchants, ok? Especially Mr. Glendrake.”

As you settle in with the caravan, you see that Darien and the other riders move together as one unit. Judging from what Darien said, they are hired guards or mercenaries. They are all well-equipped, and their horses have light chain barding on them (equivalent of chain shirt). The caravan drivers are similarly well equipped.

You also notice two new guards join the caravan, much as you did. The first is a human warrior on a light warhorse, who almost gets into a scuffle with one of Darien’s men. The second is a small halfling, on a riding dog.…


"Dear citizen?"

"Exceptional abilities?"

"Fate of Shillen depending on...?"

"This must be a mistake" thinks Dunathar. "Moreover, nobody would think a dwarf would ride a horse. But hey, it´s free, and maybe I could get what was intender to be for the real Dunathar, whoever that guy could be."

Later, at the caravan, he presents himself to Darien "20 gold? I´m your man!"


Rowyn, thinking the messenger looks a little hungry, tips him a gold.

When her set is done, she changes into earth-tone clothing, packing her performance garb and the message away carefully. She then mounts up and heads out, a little confused as to why she was chosen but willing to go if it would help the kingdom. She briefly thought about the possibility of a trap, but decided it would be easy enough to talk her way out of it if it was. She had a friend look over the mount and supplies, and as nothing seemed amiss, shrugged and decided to go.

When she reaches Darien, she dismounts and sticks out a hand. "I'm Rowyn Elwick Doublelock Daergal Scheppen III. I was hoping to sign on as a caravan guard." She smiles at him, as a mother would a child.


First Post
Darien watches with interest as the kindly looking gnomish lady rides up to the caravan. He smiles at Rowyn as she dismounts and introduces herself. "Pleased to meet you Ms. Rowyn Elwak Dublylik Dreg... err... Can I just call you Rowyn? I'm Darien, and aye, I'll hire you on. There's safety in numbers, after all. By Ehlonna, what a strange day! You're the fifth one so far who wanted to sign on with me as a guard. And an unusual bunch of guards too, not that I mind. Say, you wouldn't happen to be part of this "Brotherhood" too, would you?"

The curtains in the carriage ruffle a bit. Looks like whoever's inside has been watching.
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OOC: Sorry, had some busy days.

Zanock will grab the scroll and make a few steps back, keeping an eye on the rider as he reads the scroll. He'll wait until the rider leaves out of sight before going anywhere.

When the rider's gone, Zanock glances over the horse. Heh, guess I oughta be carefull not to tear it down too much if I want to have any use for it..

Zanock mounts and tries to ride towards where he thinks Carodan lies. When he notices the Horse is growing tired, he will dismount and lead it on foot.

Voidrunner's Codex

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