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Strahd's Goblinoid mini campaign "Yar Gock" - (recruiting is currently closed)

Half way Summery

Half way Summery
Rhun – Goblin Druid ?
War Shrike - ?
Drowned Hero – Race ? Shaman ?
Free Xenon – Bugbear Ranger 1 (Dwarf Hunter/scout)
Red Claw – Goblin Barbarian 2
Micar sin - Goblin rogue 2 (Skirmisher)
Dire Lemming - ?
Tailspinner – Goblin Fighter 2 (Wolf rider)
Paper Bard – Race? Ranger ?
Ethandrew – Hobgoblin bard ?
Doghead – female Goblin ? (Wold rider)

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Guest 11456

Strahd_Von_Zarovich said:
The "Yar-Gock" tribe don't have Worgsat all, only wolves, so it will be a wolf rider.
Better take some "Handle animal" if you don’t want the wolf to dine on you

Updated :)

Dire Lemming said:
I need guidance here. I really don't think I'd enjoy playing an evil character. But I want to be a non-offensive role.

I don’t know what say DL, goblins are evil and are raised in an evil and vicious society, goblins who were banished from tribes can change alignments, but this is not the case, this is a cruel and wicked campaign, focused on the evil acts of goblins, that is the only way a goblin can survive in the hostile environment – To be evil.


First Post
Strahd_Von_Zarovich said:
Rhun – Goblin Druid ?

Correct; I should have Nerrak Spleenbiter posted up by the weekend. He'll also be a wolf rider, but only because his animal companion is a wolf. :D

PC is mostly complete. Need to finish his equipment and pick a feat. Strahd, I'm going to hold off on the hole Greenbound SUmmoning for now, since it isn't much use at low levels (summoning times are to short to take advantage). If we progress in level, I'll bring it up again when we hit Level 3 or Level 6.

"Black as midnight, black as pitch, blacker than the foulest witch."

Nerrak Spleenbiter
Neutral Evil Goblin Druid 2
Experience: 1000 (?)

Nerrak is tall for a goblin, and has a wiry, athletic build. Nerrak’s eyes are a yellow-green, similar to a cat's eyes. His skin is dark, a sort of mottled blackish-grey in color. His features are typically hideous, at least to most humanoids: long, sharp jawline, jagged teeth, long hooked nose. He generally dresses in studded leather armor, over which he wears warm furs to protect against the chill of the wilderness. Nerrak wears several pieces of jewelry fashioned out of odd bits of bone, wood and rock: bracelets, necklaces, earrings and the like.

The story around the tribe is that Nerrak had been abandoned in the wilderness as a youngling. While being taught the ways of the hunt by several adult goblins, the hunting party had stumbled upon a dire bear. Od course, the goblin arrows had done little more than anger the beast. During the ensuing route, the adults had left Nerrak behind to buy time to cover their escape. Somehow, the young Nerrak managed to calm the beast, and then miraculously survived the long and dangerous trek back to the goblin camp alone.

It was at this point that Nerrak found that he had the ability to commune with the earth and the creatures of the land. Although his powers are still weak, they are growing as he learns to control those forces. He can already use his connection with the earth to heal minor wounds, to conjure fire, and even summon animals to serve him. These abilities have elevated him to a level of esteem in the Yar-Gock tribe, and Nerrack has found a place among the witchdoctors.

Always one to carry a grudge, Nerrak made sure to use his newfound authority and power to ensure that those that had abandoned him met with untimely, and quite painful, deaths. Nerrak's wolf companion, a great black beast by the name of Daggermouth, watches the young witchdoctor's back.

Nerrak is a nasty, vile specimen of a goblin, cruel and capricious. He believes he is one of the chosen of Maglubyet...although not a cleric, Nerrak views his closeness with the earth as a closeness to the god, as earth is part of Maglubyet's portfolio. Nerrak is arrogant, and believes that someday he will take his place as true master of the tribe.

Despite Nerrak's connection with the earth (or maybe because of it), the young goblin is deathly afraid of water.

Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height: 3’ 6”
Weight: 45 lb
Eyes: Green-Yellow
Hair: Black
Skin: Blackish-grey

STR: 12 [+1] 6 points, -2 racial
DEX: 14 [+2] 4 points, +2 racial
CON: 12 [+1] 4 points
INT: 10 [+0] 2 points
WIS: 16 [+3] 10 points
CHA: 08 [-1] 2 points, -2 racial

HP: 16 (14 + 2)
Armor Class: 17 (10 base + 2 dex + 3 armor + 2 shield)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30' (30’ base)
BAB: +1
- +3 Shortspear (1d4+1, x2) melee, +4 Shortspear (2d4+1, x2, 20 ft) thrown
- +3 Scimitar (1d4+1, 18-20)
- +4 Sling (1d3+1, x2, 50ft)

FORT: +4 (3 base + 1 con)
REFL: +2 (0 base + 2 dex)
WILL: +5 (3 base + 2 wis)

- Small Size
- Darkvision 60'
- Spellcasting, divine
- Animal Companion
- Nature Sense
- Wild Empathy
- Woodland Stride

1st Level
- To Be Determined

Skills: (20)
Concentration +5 (4 ranks, +1 con)
Diplomacy +1 (2 ranks, -1 cha)
Handle Animal +1 (2 ranks, -1 cha)
Heal +5 (2 ranks, +3 wis)
Hide +6 (0 ranks, +2 dex, +4 size)
Knowledge (nature) +2 (2 ranks)
Listen +5 (2 ranks, +3 wis)
Move Silently +6 (0 ranks, +2 dex, +4 racial)
Ride +8 (2 ranks, +2 dex, +4 racial)
Spot +5 (2 ranks, +3 wis)
Survival +5 (2 ranks, +3 wis)

- Goblin
- Common

Spells Per Day:
Level 0 (DC12): 4 – Cure Minor Wounds, Light, Detect Magic, Resistance
Level 1 (DC13): 3 – Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Entangle


Armor & Shield
- Studded Leather, masterwork (175gp, 10lb)
- Heavy wooden shield (7gp, 5lb)

Melee weapons
- Scimitar (15gp, 2lb)
- Shortspear (1gp, 1.5lb)
- Dagger 2gp, 0.5lb)

Ranged weapons
- Sling (-, -)
- 10 bullets (1sp, 2.5lb)

Miscellaneous Magical or Psionic Items
- N/A


Mundane equipment
- Traveler’s Outfit (1gp, -lb)
- Backpack (2gp, 0.5lb)
- Bedroll (1sp, 1.25lb)
- Flint & steel (1gp, -lb)
- Chalk, 3 pieces (3cp, -lb)
- 4 sacks (4sp, 1lb)
- 5 days trail rations (25sp, 1.25 lb)
- Waterskin (1gp, 1lb)

Weight Carried:
Remaining money:

[sblock=Daggermouth, the wolf]
Size/Type: Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (13 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+2
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6+1)
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d6+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Trip
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Hide +2, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Spot +3, Survival +1*
Feats: TrackB, Weapon Focus (bite)
Advancement: 3 HD (Medium); 4-6 HD (Large)

Trip (Ex)
A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent (+1 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the wolf.

*Wolves have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.
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Dire Lemming

First Post
Didn't you say any non good though? I don't mind playing neutral characters. It's just evil characters I don't like. Being evil is silly and self destructive. Nothing survives in the long term that way.

Micar Sin

First Post
Leaving aside the 'self destructive' thing...you're either stuck playing evil, or stuck playing someone who is just fine with assisting in evil acts on a regular and on going basis, soooo....

Dire Lemming

First Post
Yeah, I guess I just shouldn't bother trying to fit into this game, what with all the other people who are interested and perfectly willing to play evil characters.


First Post
I'd be interested in playing in this as well, which sounds like fun. Here's my idea for a character:

Gortog, Goblin Shaman
[sblock=Background]Growing up in Yar Gock, Gartog knew his future from a young age. He was destined to be a great witch doctor, his mother had told him as much. It was a future he looked forward to, a great future indeed.

The witch doctors, after all, they hold the respect of the tribe. When a witch doctor speaks, people listen. Even the king would think twice before going against a witch doctor, and perhaps the will of Maglubiyet. A witch doctor then, with sufficient ambition, could be powerful. Little glory in the role, perhaps, but with that much influence, that much power, glory could be easily overlooked.

However, as he trained it seemed that a religious path was not easy for a young goblin. Maglubiyet was supposed to be your guide, lead you in your attacks and give a goblin the strength to reach your enemies in their sleep, so you might fell them without fear of reprisal. But, for Gartog, there was no strength granted, no great insight, no... well, anything.

This was clearly a thorn in his side, an obstacle in his pursuits. He started looking elsewhere, and looked to the shamans. Their power was the equal to the priests, they could teach him the arcane arts, and with that perhaps he could find equal power, perhaps even surpassing the priests.

It wasn’t until later in his training that Gartog began to realise what he now considers the truth. The two magics being so similar is no coincidence. They are one and the same, two sides of the same coin. Divine magic is not divine at all, just another crafting of the power of the arcane. Increasingly he begins to believe that Maglubiyet does not even exist, or at least cares little for this mortal realm. That is why he never had the guidance of Maglubiyet, none of the witch doctors do. Their magic, while different from that in which Gartog has now trained, is of no divine power.

Since then, he has considered all witch doctors with a mix of respect and contempt. That they could so cleverly weave their web of lies and convince people of the divine spirit empowering them was genius indeed, but Gartog resents the lies, knowing that he is their equal. One day, he will rise in power and expose the witch doctors for the sham that they have subjected the goblins to, and, when that day comes, he will be known as a hero of Yar Gock. [/sblock]
[sblock=Character Sheet]Gartog Gimm, Goblin Sorcerer 2
Str 8 (2pts)
Dex 16 (6pts)
Con 14 (6pts)
Int 12 (4 pts)
Wis 8 (0 pts)
Cha 14 (10pts)

Hit points: 11
AC: 14, Touch: 14, Flat-footed: 11 (+3 Dex, +1 size)
Initiative +3
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Saving throws:
Fortitude +2 (+2 Con)
Reflex: +3 (+3 Dex)
Will: +2 (+3 Base, -1 Wis)

Base Attack : +1 Grapple –4 (+1 BAB, -1 Str, -4 Size)
Melee: +1 (+1 BAB, -1 Str, +1 size)
Ranged +5 (+1 BAB, +3 Dex, +1 size)

Dagger, melee +1, dmg 1d3-1, crit 19-20/x2
Dagger, ranged 10ft: +5, dmg 1d3-1, crit 19-20/x2
Sling, ranged 50ft, +5, dmg 1d3-1, crit 20/x2

Appraise (INT) +1
Balance (DEX) +3
Bluff (CHA) +2
Climb (STR) -1
Concentration (CON, 5 ranks) +7
Craft (INT) +1
Diplomacy (CHA) +2
Disguise (CHA) +2
Escape Artist (DEX) +3
Forgery (INT) +1
Gather Information (CHA) +2
Heal (WIS) -1
Hide (DEX, Small) +7
Intimidate (CHA) +2
Jump (STR) -1
Knowledge (arcane) (INT, 5 ranks) +6
Listen (WIS, Familiar) +2
Move Silently (DEX, Racial) +7
Perform (CHA) +3
Ride (DEX, Racial) +7
Search (INT) +1
Sense Motive (WIS) -1
Spellcraft (INT, 5 ranks, synergy) +8
Spot (WIS) -1
Survival (WIS) -1
Swim (STR) -1
Use Rope (DEX) +3

Feats: Point Blank Shot (1st)

Languages: Common, Goblin, Draconic

Other notes:
Darkvision to 60ft
Speed 30ft/x4
Proficient with all simple weapons[/sblock]
[sblock=Equipment]Dagger 2 gp
Sling 0 gp
10 sling bullets 1sp
Spell Component Pouch 5gp
Backpack 2gp
Inkpen 1sp
Ink 8gp
2 sheets parchment 4sp
Waterskin 1gp
Mirror 10gp
Blanket 3sp
Belt pouch 1gp

Alchemists Fire 20gp
Tanglefoot Bag 50gp
Antitoxin 50gp

2 potions of cure light wounds 100gp
Scroll of Magic Weapon 25gp
Scroll of Expeditious Retreat 25gp
Scroll of Disguise Self 25gp
Scroll of Tenser’s Floating Disk 25gp
Scroll of Unseen Servant 25gp
Scroll of Comprehend Languages 25gp

Additional expenditure: 100gp for summoning bat familiar

Wealth: 1sp
[sblock=Spells Known]Orisons (DC: 12): Daze, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Mending, Read Magic
1st level (DC: 13): Colour Spray, Ray of Enfeeblement[/sblock]
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Wow, That is a death-wish waiting to happen. ;)
I look forward to seeing this roleplayed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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