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Sultans of Smack


Jeremy - more errata to earlier smacks:
1st page, bottom : another Black Arrow smack (Singh Rager/Iajutsu).
At the bottom, he mentions adding 4 CHA ups the damage by 224 - i don't think that's right, and I know the Swiftness of the Lioness doubling the damage with partial charges is wrong.

Then top of page 2:
both those top 2 smacks are not Smackdowns - they are characters that were developed for a game-exercise. I THINK they assumed like 7 rounds of damage and a certain AC as an opponent.
The values for damage listed are misleading - those are total damage after like 7 rounds - either point that out, or edit it somehow.
Anyway, I'm sure you don't have the time or inclination, but I thought I'd mention them.

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Historical Note:
At one time someone (I don't remember who) suggested using a premade opponent as the judge of a smack down, where the metric used was your damage done - damage taken over some period of rounds (10?). Those guidelines got lost after one of the various thread/board moves. That is what those couple "weird" smacks are about.

long time lurker and lover of the smackdown thread

Well, I'm a little bored so i'll post some combos I came up with a while ago, most require high level spellcasters (perferably Incantrixes). They're not really true smacks, but most can easily be made into them if you want.

Combo's by the self-entitled "Lord of Munchkins":

#1) Arcana Form (Book of Eldritch I)-made persistant via a greater rod of metamagick or incantrix ability and Hide Life (Tome and Blood)
Effect: Cast infinite spells per day, for every round. Effective with Haste and Two Minds (Relics and Rituals I)

-Above combo with Monte Cook's Call to Gem spells (extended for effect), 21st level spellcaster with Ignore Material Components allows you to paralyze someone (emerald) for the whole day, no save if you chose, or similar combos.
-Above combo with (all BoEM III) Scry Blast and Subtle Scrying, basically kill anyone from anywhere. Use Scry Beacon to foil everything but 'One Step Beyond'

Tenser's Transformation+Divine Power (via Eldritch Master Dragon PrC, meaning only usable with sorcerers)
Effect: Have a higher attack bonus than the fighter in your group, best made persistant via rods or incantrix ability.

Antimagic Field (perferably Enlarged)+Mastery of Shaping (Archmage ability)
Effect: Be creative :)

Antimagic Field+Imbue Arrows Arcane Archer ability-Mixed with True Strike perferably, perhaps use Mastery of Shaping combo above, basically a No save, No SR antimagic field.

Ring of Mesos (Relics and Rituals II), Heighten Spell, Improved Counterspell (FRCS), Reactive Counterspell (Magic of Faerun), Sorcerer
Effect: Counter any spell

Master of Secret Sound (Dragon issue with the theme of epic), with your 10th level-Using the Secret Sound, you can do basically infinite things. My current favorite is Ice Assassin (WotC Main Site), basically you can get a couple thousand Sorcerer 10 (unless you want to afford alot of spellbooks or took alot of spell mastery feats)/Masters of the Secret Sound 10 in a day, doubling it day by day as you make copies of yourself.

Psionic-Mind Switch, Body Fuel=Fun

Chained (Tome and Blood) Nightmare, effect everyone in the prime with a single spell, wheee! Now if it would only work... ;)

Handy Reference:
List of vs. SR Boosters: Soul in Receptacle (Book of Vile Darkness) for +10, Archmage High Arcana for up to +6, Red Wizard's/Shadow Adept's Spell Power, Create Magic Tattoo x3 for +3, Shadow Weave Magic/Red Wizard Tattoo for +1 each, Circle Magic (FRCS) (not my idea) for up to base caster level 40, Bloodburn (Spells and Spellcraft) for sorcerers for up to their cha mod in + caster levels.

I have about a dozen more some where, but these are all the ones that I can think of right now
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Tenser's Transformation+Divine Power (via Eldritch Master Dragon PrC, meaning only usable with sorcerers*)

* or a wizard with Limited Wish, or a cleric with Miracle, or a Wiz 11/Clr 7, or a Bard with a couple of scrolls and lots of UMD, or...



Burne said:
For a look, admittedly a silly look, at multiple (non-epic) Leadership you have only to look on Page 2 of this fine fine thread about 80% of the way down the page.

Hehe.... well if you want to allow that, my bizarre epic spellcasting abuse becomes far more insane. The way Epic Leadership is worded, taking it once makes all your non-epic Leaderships use the Epic Leadership table. And if you allow each cohort to then take Epic Leadership themselves.. dear god, the madness. For a rough estimate, take everything I posted, multiply by 7, and square it. o_O

Epic smacks: When in doubt, do what WotC did - multiply things by 10. :) Anything 2000 damage or more in a single round qualifies, although in the epic levels it's more about style and consistency. I nominate 27th level to be the epic reference level, because it's not unattainably high for a campaign that's lasted that long to begin with, and more importantly, because that's the minimum for mine to work. ;)



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Dwarf Rogue

Ok, I need some help here, what is the most playable way to create a Dwarf Rogue? My GM has allowed the 28 point buy system, and items he will deal out once he sees our chracter. Anybody know the most playable way to create one of these guys at thrid level?


First Post
Hypersmurf said:

* or a wizard with Limited Wish, or a cleric with Miracle, or a Wiz 11/Clr 7, or a Bard with a couple of scrolls and lots of UMD, or...


Or a shaman with the hero domain, or a cleric in a campaign where clerics can take the domains in OA that are for samans bc they dont have clerics.


First Post
These are the last days of this thread, the end is nigh. Soon, 3.5 will require to redo all those smackdowns. Lots of work. I wonder if the designers have perused this thread ?


Hah! That'd be great. The 3.5 designers used this thread to close up some loopholes... I'd actually be glad about that, 1) that we contributed to making our hobby better, and 2) ensuring that these tactics while fun to create and devise, become not technically legal for play when you'll be playing with other people who may not have such outrageous capability. :)


First Post
Shifter Smackdown!

Hi Jeremy -- My friend told me about this site just for the Smackdown thread. What fun! -- and I'm so pleased to have thought of my very own. I don't own a lot of books, but I like the simpler Smacks better anyway. Here goes....

Supreme Self-Reliant Shifter Smackdown!
(version 1.0, Invincible Uber-Hydra)

For this smackdown, you need:
-- 4 absolutely official, holy writ WotC products (PHB,
Monster Manual, Masters of the Wild, Tome & Blood)
-- 2 low-level spells, Magic Fang and Might of the Oak,
(optional, for even better smacking), castable by the
smackdown character.
-- 1 (one) commonly available magic item, Boots of
Speed, for a whopping 8000 GP, or even a mere potion of haste will do in a pinch for 750 shekels.
-- And best of all... (sung to your favorite Xmas carol)
0 Bards-a-Singing
0 Clerics Blessing
0 Wizards Buffing
(who needs 'em)

The player may also find it useful to stock up on d20's...

Base Character: Druid 5 / Shifter 7 / Barb 1 / Rogue 3
Race unimportant -- I assume Human for the extra feat.
Stats unimportant, but presumably max Wisdom (I assume 22
-- 18 plus level-ups), and I'd never play anyone without 14 Con or better.
HP: 8 + 11d8 + 1d12 + 3d6 + 32 (14 Con) = 106.5. Round down to 100, or 132 when raging (conveniently divisibly by 12).
BAB: +3 (Druid), +5 (Shifter), +1 (Barb.), +2 (Rogue) = +11
Feats (7): Alertness, Endurance, Weapon Focus (bite),
Natural Spell, Quick Wild Shape, + 2 others of your choice
-- I'll take Improved Init. and Extended Rage.
Skills not important, apart from max in Knowledge (monsters).
The character, like any responsible shifter, is a member of the
local Beastchasers' guild (T&B), and is therefore familiar
with a variety of monstrous forms.

(Just so you don't have to look it up, Shifter 7 allows Tiny
through Huge versions of everything except elementals,
undead, outsiders, and constructs.)

Our hero is cruising around in Ethereal Marauder form as
usual (handy little critter, that, since its home plane is
the ethereal, unlike phase spiders, etc. which require a
supernatural "manifestation" to go ethereal), wearing his
boots of speed, which he chose to resize to fit
his form, as shifters can do (the ethereal marauder is
"bipedal," though I don't know why, since ethereal
creatures just float around in any direction they
please), when he happens upon his next victim(s). He
follows them around for a while until he learns what he
wishes to know about them (mostly who is the wizard, who
will be attacked first, and who is the cleric, who will be
next in line).
WITHOUT EVEN BOTHERING to magic himself up, since he's
decided they look rather puny, he gets within 15 feet,
activates his boots of haste (standard action), rages (free
action) and changes into... (drum roll...)
a 1/2 dragon (black or copper), 1/2 pyro-lernean
12-headed hydra (move-equivalent action).
He now has:
STR 23 (hydra) + 8 (half-dragon) + 4 (rage) = 35 (+12 bonus)
CON 20 (hydra) + 2 (half-dragon) + 4 (rage) = 26 (rage
lasts 16 rds.)
AC: doesn't really matter, but 15 + 4 (half-dragon) + 4
(haste) -2 (rage) = 21
Total attack bonus = +24
Damage: 2d6 (huge half-dragon bite) + 12 + 2d6 (sneak
attack) = avg. 26 pts
Attacks per round....(evil grin)
The Monster Manual clearly states, "The hydra can attack
with all its heads at no penalty, even if it moves or
charges during the round." What kind of action is an
attack minus a move? That's right, a PARTIAL action!
(Bigger evil grin)
Since my opponents are presumably not expecting a massive
hydra to materialize out of the ether, I'd say my chances
of a surprise round are somewhere between excellent and
automatic. So I use my partial action, plus my bonus
partial action, to sneak attack 24 times, all at +24
to hit, for 26 pts. of damage per hit. Here's the math:
Victim AC (flatfooted) Hit % Hits/Damage Total
26 .95 X 24 = 22 X 26 = 572
30 .75 X 24 = 18 X 26 = 468 35 .5 X 24 = 12 X 26 = 312
38 .35 X 24 = 8 X 26 = 208
(Even without counting criticals!)

If he can be bothered to cast Might of the Oak and Magic
Fang (while in Ethereal Marauder form, with Natural Spell),
therein adding +3 to hit & damage, the numbers look like
AC 30 .9 X 24 = 21 X 29 = 609
35 .65 X 24 = 15 X 29 = 435
40 .4 X 24 = 9 X 29 = 261
42 .3 X 24 = 7 X 29 = 203

Best part #1: he doesn't even have 24 heads yet!
(Although he also loses sneak attack damage in subsequent
rounds, and if the opponent(s) are taking off 6-8 heads per round, the damage doesn't actually go up that much.)
Best part #2: should he win initiative, he does 24 more attacks with two more partial actions, and turns back into an ethereal marauder again on his move, leaving anyone still alive to wonder what the *#$% just happened (also, by the way, healing 24 points of damage he didn't take unless one of the victims was a balor and blew up on him or something). Next step: lather, rinse, repeat.
Best part #3 -- DE-FENSE: AC who cares? -- he takes damage
only from slashing weapons, the most damage he can take
from one blow is a whopping 11 pts (132/12), he gets two
heads back for every one cut off until he reaches 24,
unless fire or acid damage is applied to the stump, and
he's immune to fire (pyro-hydra) and to acid (black or
copper half-dragon). Oh, and it hardly matters, but he has
wings and can fly at his normal move (more half-dragon
bonuses). The only problem he might have is against a
colossal number of fighters who could take off 24 heads a
round and keep him under wraps. Or there's always death
magic, so a scarab of protection might come in handy too (but that's why you kill the wizards and clerics first, to avoid being time-stopped, harmed, etc.)

Can this be made even more massive? It sure can, with
the Monster Manual II, which I just got (told you I don't have a lot of books). Check out the "Monster (Pyro-Lernean Hydra) of Legend" variation.
For this our character needs to add two levels to Shifter, for access to Outsider form, and lose two levels of Rogue.
Choosing from the Monster of Legend extraordinary ability options, we'll keep him immune to fire & acid, and throw in poison as well (or fear, if he's taking on a dragon).
Now his AC is 15 + 4 (haste) + 5 (legend) + 2 (dex) - 2
(rage) = 24
Str: 23 + 10 (legend) + 4 (rage) + 4 (Might of Oak) = 41
(+15 bonuses)
Total attack bonus = +28
Damage = 2d6 (Huge Legendary) + 16 + 1d6 (sneak) = 26.5
The math:
AC 30 .95 X 24 = 22 X 26.5 = 583
35 .7 X 24 = 16 X 26.5 = 424
40 .45 X 24 = 10 X 26.5 = 265
42 .35 X 24 = 8 X 26.5 = 212

Basically the same numbers, BUT here's the kicker:
poison bite (Ex. ability) with save of DC 34!! -- 10 + 8 (1/2 of 16 HD) + 12 (Con modifier) + 4 (Ex. ability) -- sapping 1d6 Str. per hit.
Sir Savealot, the 20th level paladin NPC described in the
DMG, has "only" +21 on his Fort save, so he's missing 60%
against my uber-hydra. If we give him flatfooted AC 35 (5
better than listed in the DMG), then he's failing 9 fortitude saves (rounding down), taking 9d6 Str. damage (in addition to 424 pts. of damage), per round. Not a good day at the office for him.


Like it? Clearly, I'm taking advantage of two "broken" things: the hydra's move + attack capacity (probably should be downgraded to "pounce"), and the use of templates for shapechanging purposes (should be disallowed for polymorph self, wild shape, and maybe even the shapechange spell).
But then, finding the seams in the rules is what this thread is all about, isn't it?

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