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Swashbuckling in Freeport

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First Post

Note: I'll update this section as I post new session logs, so if you aren't up to date on the story hour here thar be spoilers.


Catherine “Sully” Sullivan (Human Fighter 6)
Nate Black (Half-Elf Bard 6)
Bronson (Human Cleric of Aster 6)
Tavaari Naaldren (Half-Elf Rogue 3/ Sorcerer 3)


Alice Cleric of Tinel (dead)
Alcindar Dwarven tailor, owner of The Sharp Needle
Dirwin Arnig Gnome Expert, member of Captains' Council and head of the Jewelers and Gem Cutters Guild
Batora Yellow Sign cultist
Belko Sorceror and member of the Yellow Shields (dead)
Galen Cobb Former deckhand and ship's carpenter of the Coup de Grace
Cole Ex-monk
Tessa Corwyn Swashbuckler
Dert Cabin boy of the Albers
Milton Drac Sea Lord and leader of Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign (dead)
Egil Cleric of Tinel (dead)
Enzo Tailor and messenger for the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign (dead)
Morgan Erendyl Elf Swashbuckler and Wizard
Falthar Aasimar diviner, loremaster, and proprietor of Falthar's Curios
Fenn Captain of the Albers (dead, then sea scourge, now dead again)
Edward “Ned” Fletcher Captain of the Stingray (dead, now ghost)
Petra Fricke Sculptor and Captains' Council hopeful
Garek Dwarf master brewer and owner of the Dented Helm
Gorsky Glitterlights Gnome director of Freeport Opera House
Gorn Serpent person rogue impersonating Captains' Council member Brock Wallace (dead)
Elise Grossette Member of the Captains' Council
Gwendolyn Cleric of Shalimyr and member of Captains' Council
Janis Hawthorne Elf fruit seller
Huxley Former first mate of the Albers
Tureg Irontooth Orc smith
K'Stallo Serpent folk cleric, the last priest of Yig.
Lexi Quiet girl
Lucius Librarian at temple of Tinel
Lydon Captain of the Gambit and Captains' Council hopeful
Melkior Maeorgan Member of the Captains' Council and member of Brotherhood of Yellow Sign (dead)
Meepo Kobold
Elina Mere Bard
Mother Merrow Sahuagin illusionist, malenti, and leader of the Sahuagin raiders (dead)
Milos Serpent person sorceror, cleric and member of the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign (dead)
Nell Bard and assistant to Falthar
Nikko Yellow Sign cultist (dead)
Norton Cleric of Tinel
N'tal Serpent person Wizard, high ranking member of the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign (dead)
Orlando Captain of the Sea Maiden (dead)
Ox Crewman of the Albers (dead)
Peg-Leg Peligro Cleric and high priest of Harrimast
Old Pete Crewman of the Albers
Reed Freeport Office of Public Records
Rittoro Leader of the Yellow Shields (dead)
Nifur Roberts Fighter and daughter of member of Captains' Council
Margaret Roth Aristocrat and daughter of head of Merchant's Guild
Scarbelly Captain of the Bloody Vengeance
Selene Mistress of Fenn (dead)
Garen Stonebrake Dwarf, owner of the Chumhouse
Pulma Stonebrake Dwarf, owner of the Chumhouse
Throg Half-orc stevedore
Erky Timbers Gnome Bard, Cleric of Zheenkeef
Tomas Former navigator of the Albers
Marcus Vale Wizard, former first mate of the Coup de Grace
Buster Wallace Son of Brock Wallace, member of the Captains' Council
Wendt Ship's cook of the Albers (dead)

And a cast of thousands…
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First Post
Session 1 - 04/15/2005

Dead Man’s Quest
or A Tale of Three Captains

Catherine “Sully” Sullivan felt the spell smash it’s way past her defenses and into her mind. In the moment before panic overwhelmed all conscious thought she asked herself, “How did I get into this mess?”

Two days earlier Sully and her companion Nate Black had set sail aboard the merchant ship Albers, sailing from The City, capital of the Empire of Thonia, to the independent city-state of Freeport. As the Albers had began it’s voyage that late afternoon, Sully hadn’t been able to watch the great city, with its walled palaces spread across seven great hills, recede into the distance. She had been much too busy with the multitude of tasks involved in getting the ship underway. The whole crew had been hard at work under the watchful eye and sharp tongue of Captain Fenn.

At dusk Sully and Nate had gone below to collect their meal of unappetizing stew from the odorous and foul tempered cook, Wendt. They had found themselves sitting next to Bronson, the other new crewman, an eccentric cleric of the god Aster. Bronson explained that he was traveling to Freeport to found a church for the undead, who he believed just as deserving of spiritual care as the living. The trio spoke to Old Pete, a grizzled sailor and longtime crewman of the Albers. Old Pete warned them of Captain Fenn’s foul moods, but spoke highly of the first mate, Huxley. That evening Sully encountered other members of the crew, flirting with the massive sailor, Ox, and meeting the young cabin boy, Dert.

The next day the voyage turned decidedly strange with the arrival of Ned Fletcher. That afternoon Old Pete spotted a small rowboat with a single passenger along the Albers course. As the Albers drew near the boat’s occupant proved to be a ghostly figure in a greatcoat and tri-corner hat. The transparent sailor soon floated into the air and on to the deck of the Albers. With a flourish he introduced himself as Captain Edward Fletcher, late of the Stingray. Fletcher’s arrival spooked the crew, but Bronson, Nate, and Sully were able to establish friendly contact with the ghostly pirate while Huxley calmed the crew.

Fletcher requested and received an audience with Captain Fenn and the two soon came to an agreement. Fletcher explained that the Stingray had been attacked while becalmed near a small island half a day’s sailing from the Albers’ current position. Fish men had crept up and holed the Stingray below the water line. The men who didn’t drown in the sinking ship were killed by the Sea Devils as they swam for shore. The Stingray had been transporting a valuable treasure to the temple of Harrimast, the god of pirates, in Freeport when she sank. The Eye of the Sea Dragon was a gem sacred to the pirate god. Fletcher asked Fenn to retrieve the Eye and take it with him to Freeport. In return Fletcher offered the remainder of his cargo. Fenn accepted the bargain, and declared that any crewman who volunteered to swim down to the wreck would receive an equal share of the salvage. Sully, Nate, and Bronson were the only volunteers.

The next morning the Albers found not only the Stingray, but three other older wrecks on the reef surrounding the island. Crewman Ox rowed the trio and Fletcher out to the wreck in the ship’s boat. Fletcher explained that he had several potions of water breathing hidden in his cabin that would ease the search of the wreck. Sully, Nate, and Bronson swam down and, with a glowing Fletcher lighting the way, made their way to the Captain’s cabin.

It proved lucky that the potions were hidden, as the Sea Devils seemed to have taken everything aboard ship that wasn’t nailed down. A quick search of the vessel found that the Eye and the rest of the cargo was gone. In the hold they found a pair of lacedons, aquatic ghouls, feasting on the bodies of several of the Stingray’s crew. Bronson, unable to reason with the undead monsters, forced them to cower before him, and the trio made short work of them. Nate went to retrieve Fletcher from his cabin, where the trio had left him, distraught over the fate of his ship and crew, but he had disappeared.

The group soon found a trail of dropped equipment from the Stingray leading toward the island. Cautious and fearing a trap the trio followed the trail until it lead to a small submerged cave entrance among the rocks of the island’s cliff side. The cave was guarded by a large blue shark, but even hindered by the water Bronson’s spells and Nate and Sully’s blades quickly dispatched the creature.

Inside the cave the trio swam along a dark tunnel, but soon saw a distinctive blue glow ahead. Sneaking up to investigate they found a cave full of stolen treasure. The glow came from Fletcher, who was ineffectually trying to attack a female elf with green scaled skin wearing rich jewelry and a tattered gown. The creature evidently had sharp ears, as it turned at their approach. The trio sprung to the attack, wounding the creature, but it retaliated, rending Sully's thoughts with powerful magic.

Sully did not make it far in her headlong flight before she felt the magic induced panic slip from her mind. Immediately she swam back to assist her friends. Little had changed. Bronson and Nate flanked the creature attempting to hinder her spellcasting. Fletcher stood back, lighting the area with his glow. As Sully moved to attack the creature got off another spell, surrounding Nate with a spray of flashing and changing rainbow lights. Nate fell stunned, his senses overwhelmed.

At that moment Sully attacked, and her blade struck true. The creature, gravely wounded, turned to flee. It braved additional blows from Sully and Bronson as it sped down the tunnel and into the darkness.

To Be Continued…
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First Post
Coming Soon

Coming next week:

  • Session two of Swashbuckling in Freeport, brought to you by Sully
  • Character histories for our heroes
  • A thread in the Rogues Gallery with stats, behind the scenes footage from the campaign, and chances to contribute to the next exciting adventure of Swashbuckling in Freeport.
  • And much, much, more!


First Post
Ahead of Schedule

The Story of Nate Black, Pirate

Nathaniel Blackthorne was the only son and heir of Horatio Blackthorne, an influential captain in the Thonian navy, and Silenna Chossum, the daughter of a wealthy Elven merchant family. Ho ratio was assigned to a privateer commission and Nathaniel served as his cabin boy. One of Horatio's comrades, Captain John Flint of the Manticore, turned to true piracy and framed Nate's father for his own crimes. Horatio Blackthorne hung as a traitor and Silenna Chossum committed suicide, a grave sin for followers of the goddess Aymara.

Nate was sold into slavery, first into the service of a particularly vile pirate and slaver named Cuttleblack, and later to Marcus Antonius, the patriarch of a powerful Thonian merchant family. His natural charisma allowed Nate to rise high in the ranks of slaves. He was trained as a musician and later, under the tutelage of another slave, learned the skills of a bard. Nate was serving on one of the Antonius family's many merchant vessels when it was attacked by pirates. Seeing his chance Nate turned on his captors and helped the pirates by killing the captain of the vessel, who happened to be both Nate's master and the youngest son of Marcus Antonius.

Nate decided to embrace the pirates' life aboard the Red Lady. His newfound acceptance in the pirate crew was short lived when the pirates turned on their captain, Bonny Bill. Nate took the wrong side in the mutiny and fought beside Bill and Sully, another loyal pirate. Bonny Bill was killed and Nate and Sully were marooned by the leader of the mutiny, Bonny Bill's former first mate, a treacherous one-eyed dwarf named Dirty Steve.

Nate and Sully soon escaped their island prison by signaling a passing ship on its way to the Thonian capital. Shortly after reaching The City Nate and Sully found work aboard the Albers, a merchant vessel sailing for Freeport.

Nate has decided to raise his own crew, make his fortune and take his revenge against the navy and the merchants who ruined his previous life. Despite his troubled life he has a cheery outlook and has accepted the way his life has turned. Although denied the success of a wealthy life in the navy or as a merchant he's more than happy to make his fortune any way he can.


First Post
Session 2 - 04/25/2005 (Courtesy of Sully)

Yar! Bronson, Sully & Nate started out with Fletcher in a small room full of treasure, recently abandoned by the green, scaly elf broad. While trying to determine what to shove in their pockets first, they were assaulted by a fishman and 4 or 5 zombies. Bronson acted immediately by rebuking the zombies (and Fletcher. Oops.) With the zombies cowering in awe (and Fletcher crying like a little bitch), our heroes concentrated their efforts on the fishman. Unfortunately, luck was not on their side, and Sully and Nate nearly died. (Not good.) After a couple of good hits, however, the fishman fled, leaving only cowering zombies to fight. Yar! Bronson, Sully and Nate made short work of them and moved on.

At this point, they decided that it might be a good idea to send a message to the ship to see if they had any healing potions and considered getting Fletcher to go to save time. For some reason, they ditched that idea, but I can’t remember why. Fortunately, Nate discovered that Fletcher could turn invisible, and Fletcher was able to scout the network of caves invisibly. Yar! He reportedseeing only two fishmen and the green “elf.” He was able to describe the caves and passages in great detail and explained the locations and conditions of the remaining fishmen AND the dragon eye gem. Unfortunately, he was unable to heal Sully and Nate. Arrrrrrrrgh!

Nate swam out to tell Ox that they would be taking longer than expected and show him some treasure. Meanwhile, Sully and Bronson brought most of the treasure into the “garbage room.” Avast, me hearties!

After debating whether or not to rest, Bronson, Nate and Sully decided to try to use Fletcher as a distraction and attack the lone fishman in the fishman barracks. It worked like a charm, and they were able to defeat the fishman quickly.Yo-ho-ho!

At this point, Bronson, Nate and Sully decided to go topside and check out the island. A large boulder obscured the exit to the surface from the sea, making this a potentially outstanding future pirate hideout. Avast! After more debating about whether or not to rest, Bronson, Nate and Sully heard a fishmanon the ledge by the exit to the surface. Employing the Fletcher distraction technique, they easily killed her. Hooray!

Now,with only one injured enemy remaining, they devised a plan to finish her off as well. Upon returning to the garbage room to hide the treasure, they found the stripped but clothed body of Fletcher. The body was neither naked nor hot. Yar! So, they grabbed some nets and set a trap for the fish elf lady and used the wonderful Fletcher surprise technique on her. Yar! Luckily for them, she was not terribly skilled with her trident, and they were able to defeat her without dying. Yo-ho-ho!

After that, they were able to take their time and get all of the treasure back to their ship. Ahoy!

They were welcomed back by their mates. Fenn had Huxley lock up the bootie, and Bronson, Nate and Sully rested until the following morning. Yo-ho-ho!

The next morning, when Nate, Bronson and Sully were on duty with Old Pete, they heard a woman’s scream from Fenn’s cabin. They broke the door down and found Celine, Fenn’s mistress, hysterically screaming and Fenn slumped over his desk… DEAD! They sent Old Pete to fetch Huxley,and Bronson tried to calm Celine down and try to get information from her. According to Celine, the Captain was up late working, and when she woke up, he was dead. When Bronson examined the forensic evidence, it appeared that Fenn had been killed either by poison or by magic. Huxley assembled the men and told them what had happned, and put Bronson, Nate and Sully in charge of the investigation. Bronson put Celine to bed, Sully stopped Ox from spreading ill-will toward our favorite adventurers and Huxley and Nate searched Fenn’s bedroom. Under the bed, he found the captain’s log and payroll information. Avast! Upon examination of the payroll, Nate discovered that Ox, Huxley, Old Pete and Wendt all owed substantial sums of money to Fenn. Ahoy?

OH! And Fenn’s glass eye was missing!

Nate sent a boop-boop (mental message) to Bronson and Sully (which they didn’t find at all odd or disturbing) to meet him in Fenn’s cabin, which they did. They discussed this potential motive and decided to determine if thecaptain was poisoned by capturing a rat and feeding him what was left of the captain’s food. This took several hours, and the rat was unharmed by the food. Yo-ho-ho!

At dusk, Fenn was given a burial at sea. Yar!

The next morning, the ship was becalmed in a sea of fog. Old Pete saw another ship in the fog. Nate looked through his spyglass and noticed that the other ship was listing. Bronson could detect no undead on the other ship, so the 3 went over to check it out. The ship was very similar to the Elbers, so Bronson, Nate and Sully headed straight for the captain’s cabin. The captain was slumped over on this desk… DEAD! On his desk were the remnants of his logbook. Apparently, his ship was also carrying the dragon eye ruby, was becalmed, the crew went nuts, started killing each other, and the captain locked them all in the hold until they died. He also couldn’t get rid of the eye no matter what he did. Yar!


Hello hello!

I'm such a fan of this setting style - and you're doing it proud. The filmic writing and setup are really handled well. (and liked the most recent wave of "yar's" and "ahoy's")

Looking forward to see which direction this sails (groan) off in...

Spider - settles in with beef jerky and a beer for the next update.


First Post
Glad you like it. Sully will be pleased to know that you enjoyed her pirate-y talk. It's a good crew and we're all having a good time. Our next session is Friday, so I wouldn't be surprised if we had another update next week.



First Post
Session 3 - 05/13/05 (Courtesy of Nate)

Nate Black, terror of the seven seas, and his faithful companions Bronson, savage cleric of an exotic god from lands unknown and master of horrid necromantic arts, and Sully the brave and beautiful (but none too bright) blade of the bounding main, were in a tough spot. Becalmed in an uncharted cursed sea of the dead, he and his companions found the ghost ship the Sea Maiden and recovered the captain’s log. He learned that the Eye of the Sea Dragon was a cursed artifact that had its way with the Sea Maiden’s crew and captain. Verily, it did seem the profane stone was having some sport with Nate and his crew before consigning them to a watery grave as it had done to so many lesser sailors. Although Bronson and Sully were dreadfully afraid, Nate would have none of it! He encouraged his companions reminding them that with Sully’s flashing blade, Bronson’s mastery of profane arts and his own sharp wit (and dashing good looks) would see them through this adventure as they had so many times before!

‘Pon returning to the good ship Albers Nate learned, aye, as he’d come to expect, that the craven crew was once again at a loss for what to do. Nate set about restoring discipline as only the most foul pirates know how before retiring below decks to decide what he and his trusted compatriots should do next.

Much to their disappointment it seemed that the lessons learned at the end of his flashing rapier were too soon forgotten, as the crew had once again fallen apart. A fight had broken out between Ox and Huxley, acting captain and all around dullard. Poor old sodding dead captain Fen’s eye was found in Huxley’s locker, and Ox had decided to take matters into his own two ham-fisted hands. The crew was convinced Huxley had killed Fen, as they were unaware of the Curse of the Eye of the Sea Dragon…

(Dramatic pause).

The best captains know that some lessons are better taught through force, and some through bribery. Nate distracted the crew with one of his myriad pirate sea shanties, Bronson escorted Huxley to the upper decks and Sully took Ox below… in fact she took him below several times! Yo-ho-ho! Doubling the rum ration and confounding the men with circumlocutious calumnity, order was restored once again. Nate had a feeling things were brewing topside and decamped to the upper deck. Old Pete, the only sea dog worth a shilling in the pack of them, was dispatched to the crow’s nest with strict orders to report directly to Nate. Bronson and Sully kept an eye on the crew while Nate turned the edge of his rapier like wit against the foul Eye of the Sea Dragon…

(Dramatic pause).

Old Pete’s sharp eye served Nate well, for the ghost ship was seen to starboard. With Nate’s expert leadership and some small assistance from Sully and Bronson the ship and its undead crew were scraped aside like so many barnacles! But it was too easy a victory, for that night one of the sailors wounded in battle returned to unlife and attacked the crew! The undead sailor was dispatched with alacrity by the wicked curved blade of Sully the Fearsome! Sadly this terrible attack was not all, for it seemed Ox was infected by the same foul sorcery. Comforted with an extra rum ration, Ox slipped into death, and his memory was toasted by Nate, Bronson, and Sully.

After the rum was finished Ox was consigned to a watery grave. But the sadness of the crewcould not be indulged for the shot ship returned, and this time it ground up against the good ship Albers and was terribly tangled in their rigging. Fierce battle ensued but Bronson let his true nature shine through his veil of normal humanity, and the undead pirates were cowed. The Sea Maiden’s new captain finally showed his face and he was…

(Dramatic pause)

FEN! Returned from a watery grave and seeking revenge most foul, he had come to claim Nate and Sully as part of his new crew of dead sailors! Bravely battling their way across the decks, Nate and his compatriots surged toward Fen to give him the true death he so richly deserved. Treachery, that whore of the sea Celine turned on the crew in one last desperate attempt to reunite with her accursed lover, Fen. Bronson ended Celine’s sad waste of a life, and Nate and Sully dispatched Fen to the last, final… absolute, decided, decisive, definite, incontrovertible, irrefutable, irrevocable, settled, unanswerable, unappeasable… death…

Victory was at their hands! But no! A terrible whirlpool, a maelstrom of churning cursed sea was pulling the Albers and the Sea Maiden to a watery demise. Nate’s lightning-like reflexes saved the craven crew once again, as he and his compatriots sprung to the rail and cut the Sea Maiden loose. The baleful barge was brought below the bounding sea… and the curse was lifted. The fog faded, and the wind returned. Once again Nate and his crew had narrowly escaped, with glorious treasure! They made sail for Freeport. When they arrived they returned the cursed stone to the Temple of Haarimast, and the craven ghost Fletcher returned to give thanks for allowing him to pierce the veil return to the world of the dead.


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