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SWSE/Scum & Villany I: The Hutt's Offer (Closed)


Thy wounds are healed!
And what about good old HK-47, one of the rudest droids I ever met LOL. ButI do want hands (to hold heavy weapons) so probably the 2-1b seris and he had assassin protocols added so he could make it look like they died of whatever they went to him for. (Jezz I hope it was life threating?!)



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That's too bad Airwalkrr, cya around.

Hmmm, I thought the Pirate was going to be a Scoundrel and ranged fighter. With a Droid covering medic and capable of combat we have the Treat Injury covered without resorting to the equipment droid covering it. We can use a Astromech droid for Use Computer and Mechanics, so we can cover those pretty well.

The Jedi may be too limited with only three people. Without much skills and being a mediocre melee fighter without using the lightsaber, perhaps I need to go back to the drawing board.

Naar: Pilot, melee fighter
Droid: Assassin Medic
Me: Maybe a Human (or other race) Noble for face duties.

I have a female Human Noble already done for a different time period.
Lyra Aragone
I could easily make some modifications to make a different character. I believe there were some other races I was looking at that would work. Being a noble she can take the Treat Injury and HM can be more of a combat droid to round out the group.


@HM; It's an option. Not seeing the droid's build yet, I cannot say what you are sacrificing for the Treat Injury skill.

Without going the full surgery route, a Noble has skills to burn and can take Treat Injury without sacrifice covering basic needs for the group. However a full medical droid with the surgical feats can really heal people up quick. Perhaps our equipment droid can handle that so we don't have to.

But you offered up originally to be the medic to make a 4th, so you tell us how sold you are on the medical part.

For me I am still kicking around ideas for a character. With the Noble I can still go FU too and just not go lightsaber right away. Not sure if KT would let me multi-class into Jedi later as a self-taught FU. Also I think a Scoundrel should be included in our party, just because we are working for the Hutts to begin with. I haven't looked up building one of those yet. But maybe that's BR's plan with Naar to multi-class in Scoundrel later.

Pretty much if we only have 3 interested people, I can be flexible. Of course if we don't have a good balance, perhaps KT has ideas about keeping the scenarios such that we are not penalized because of it. Maybe we really don't need a face at all.


Airwalkrr: Sorry to see you go. If you change your mind, send me a PM and I can see where I can insert you into the game.

Holyman: The following droids can be played as droid heros that have some of the skills you were looking for:

HKB-3 Hunter Killer droid
SD-X-Series Stealth Battle Droid
V2-Series Commando Droid.

For the most part the droid templates for combat droids are:

+2 Dex -2 Int They do not have Constitution scores and have a set amount of hit points. Also due to no constitution score, you have 21 points for character creation or you can use 15,14,13,12,10 to assign to the other ability scores.

They have all droid immunities as listed in the Saga Core book

Equipment: Walking Locomotion, plasteel shell (+2 to armor), basic processor, internal comlink, locked access, 2 hand appendages, and a vocabulator. If you choose one of the models above, then some equipment may be switched out.

Languages: Basic and Binary

Feat: You can pick one Armor Proficiency and one Weapon Proficiency feat for which you meet the prerequisites for.

These can then be used to pick up Soldier levels and the like. Your hit points never change which is nice at lower levels, but at higher levels can be a big deficeit.

Since you do not have access to the books, do you want me to build this for you?

perrinmiller: if you take the Force Sensitive feat at first level, you can level jedi with the noble. Just remember as you level up, it is from your earlier training as you start to remember from so long ago.

As far as Lyra go ahead and make the changes that you want to make and let me know and I will look at her again. I had no problems with anything I saw though.

Blackrat: Naar is fine. What type of ship did you want to pick?
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Blackrat: Naar is fine. What type of ship did you want to pick?

Oh yeah, if Perrin wanted to have pilot too, it's ok for me that he owns the ship if he wants. Altough it could fit well to Naar's background as pirate who's just been released from prison. No money to speak of, and goes off winning a ship :D

I'm pretty much ok with any of those you listed, but since both Dynamic and YT-1300 are a bit of clichee and the YT-1250 looks a bit stupid, I think I'd rather have the Ghtroc 720.


I am waiting for HM before I finish up the Noble. I will consider the FU angle too. For the ship, BR can pick. I will have Pilot too and RP-wise it may make more sense for the Noble to have won it. But she will need a partner, I will try to work something into her background to cover the ship and Naar. Maybe she helped him escape or something.


Greetings... I have been watching this post, himmmmg and hawwwing away of whether to get into yet another SW Saga game on these boards (I am now in two). So I thought I would post and see what happens from there.

As far as characters go... I am not sure what Perrin wants to do. It seems he wanted to be a Jedi but has considered other options as there is a lack in a few places.

So 3, but really two concepts I have considered...

Human Noble (a face for the group) Skill focus in those lovely skills persuasion and deception. At some point anyhow. She, yes a she, would be somewhat of a playgirl who have a rich mommy/daddy who really are clueless at what their daughter is up to.

The second option is a human scoundrel (gunslinnger-dual wielding pistols at some point.) The third option went with this, merely a wookiee gunslinnger. But human will probably win out.

So if there is a spot I'll throw in with some scum to commit some villainy! :cool:


Songdragon; "Lyra" is actually already in another game, so you can take Noble or Scoundrel and fill the 'face' and 2nd Pilot as well. You will have the skill picks to do both most likely.

Then HM can stick with his original plan for Assassin Droid with Medic abilities.

I can stick with Galen and probably take Endurance instead of Pilot.

That way I can play a Jedi somewhere. ;)

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