T1: A Visit to Spelding Square [Completed]

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Red Dragon Square is largely empty. A member of the city guard carrying a taper on a long pole is beginning the evening's lamp lighting round. A pair of scruffy halflings loiter by the stone dragon that dominates the square, one perched on an enormous clawed foot with his legs swinging. An old human, thin, grey and grizzled, stands by a side entrance to the inn with a deep wooden bowl clutched to his stomach. Behind him, two tousle-haired boys carrying baskets squabble as boys do. The priest of Hyrag is familiar to regular patrons of the inn. Not so the ominously large figure with its oversized weapons approaching from his right.[sblock=OOG]Everybody's here, so let's get going![/sblock]


First Post
OOC: I haven't got Peladus' CS up to date, and am not likely to for a while. His spells are listed below. In addition, he has scrolls of Detect Secret Doors, Expeditious Retreat, Floating Disk, Hold Portal, Mage Armor, Magic Missile (x2) and Sleep.

[sblock=Today’s Spells]Spells per day: 4/3

Detect Magic
Read Magic

Level 1:
Color Spray
Mage Armor
Magic Missile
[/sblock]IC: The young man exits the Inn, brushing dust off his sleeve as he does so. His eyes widen briefly as he takes in the big fellow who has just joined them, then he smiles and says to the group at large, "So, does anybody have an inkling of what was causing that curious disturbance?"
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"geen idee nog, no ideas as yet mein frent. Pendgrake, son of Uther, of das noord lands."

A tall (6'6" )young man in his late teens with fair skin approaches the one just arriving. he wears what seems to two bladed weapons at his belt, a long bow and a morning star also hang about his person. hidden beneath waht seems to be some very battle weary clothing is a gleeming chain shirt.

Matching his clothing in battle wearyness is his eyes. At his age one would expect yourthful brightness, but in these eyes, sea green in color, is something that has seen stuff that one so young shuld not have to have seen.


LEW Judge

The young man exits the Inn, brushing dust off his sleeve as he does so. His eyes widen briefly as he takes in the big fellow who has just joined them, then he smiles and says to the group at large, "So, does anybody have an inkling of what was causing that curious disturbance?"

Ngikhnit looks surprised as he turns toward the human. "Disturbance? Did I miss something? I just got to Orussus."

The half-giant tightens his hand around his flail, wondering if this is the kind of disturbance that requires smashing.

Walking Dad

First Post

... His eyes widen briefly as he takes in the big fellow who has just joined them, then he smiles and says to the group at large, "So, does anybody have an inkling of what was causing that curious disturbance?"

I cannot answer your question, neither." Midias answers as he gives the poor old man at the door 5 silver in his bowl.



Midias Sunchosen
AC 17 (T11, FF16), HP 16/18, F +5,R+1,W+5
0 Level: Detect Magic, 2x Light
1 Level: Cure Light Wounds (d) - Bless, Command, Shield of Faith

Effects: -

Gold: 363.5
Got in last adventure: 4 CLW scrolls


Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Ngikhnit looks surprised as he turns toward the human. "Disturbance? Did I miss something? I just got to Orussus."

"velcome to Orusoos mein reusachtige vriend. Zere vas tankards shaking vhen Yoseph vas about to get me ale, then more shaking Und then loud voices here en square. zhne it all stop and bank! bg blast of wind and zhen silent . You here notlhing?"

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