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Tale of the Twin Suns Character Classes [Updated 1/29: Cleric Class Included]

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I've never really had much use for the Duskblade, so I was prepared to be (relatively) non-plussed.

However, the Song of the Rising Suns and Power of the Rising Suns abilities put this one out of the park for me. They're a nice poetic nod to the name of the campaign and to the setting, and provide a solid explanation for the name of the class. (In contrast, "Duskblade" sounds contrived to me.) Plus, they give the class that "extra something" that makes it more than a gestalt Duskblade-Fighter combo. They provide a solid thematic element that tie things together.

I'd actually like to see the abilities spread out more, (with the first appearance earlier in the progression) so that they're gained more incrementally over the life of the character, since they do seem so integral conceptually.

The only thing that raised an eyebrow was the number of skill points--- 10? :confused:

That's more than the Rogue and the same as the Ranger.
Now, if you're going to allot more skill points across the board, then no problem. ;) But it struck me as odd that the Rogue would get less. Plus, the Dawnblade can also be expected to have a very good Intelligence score, and several bonus skill points to spend. That means that the character will likely have more points to allocate than class skills to spend them on.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Dagredhel said:
The only thing that raised an eyebrow was the number of skill points--- 10? :confused:
The skill system still needs to hammered out and smoothed. As soon as I get my hands on the 4th Edition PHB, that is a priority to figure out. When I have it all smoothed out, the class skill points will be allocated appropriately. As it stands right now, all classes get a number of skill points per level equal to half the number of skills on their skill list.

I should have set the Rogues skill points at 13, but this error has now been fixed.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
SilvercatMoonpaw2 said:
So are you trying to make 4e-adapted classes with the 3.5e system?
No, not necessarily. I do want the 4E books for inspirations sake, so that I can finish off the classes I am stymied by. I do want to look at the skill list, because as it stands right now, I've got more skills in the game than you can shake a stick at (I'm looking at you Knowledge skills).


Hi again, Frukathka Reveille. :heh:

I haven't had much free time lately, but I've got this thread bookmarked for when I do. :)

I just (re)read the Ranger class carefully. (I scanned it quickly a few times previously.) I really appreciate the added depth you're adding to the classes, elaborating on their basic themes and incorporating elements that seem naturally to belong. Upping the "power level" generally certainly allows you to explore more options and thematic abilities. I'm again reminded of gestalt, but in this case it's not a matter of combining the best features of two classes as allowing a single class to be twice the standard version, not in raw power but in terms of pertinent detail.

Aside from the kudos, I had one suggestion for the Ranger. Upon reflection, it seems to me that the one piece that the class is missing is a scalable defensive ability. Several ideas come to mind:

1) A bonus to AC based on synergy when fighting with his Animal Companion. (Both the Ranger and his companion could benefit?) Alternately (or in addition perhaps,) you could allow them to pool their hit points to some extent. This would give the Ranger a slight boost, but potentially really help the companion.

2) Link an AC bonus to Favored Enemy or Favored Terrain. The former would represent the Ranger's skill in evading his favored foe's attacks, while the latter could represent the ability to use terrain to defensive advantage. If you went the second route, you could add the ability to effectively use terrain features to gain the benefits of concealment or cover as higher level abilities. A cool, more magical alternative would be to envision the terrain as *actively* aiding in the Ranger's defense: tree branches prenaturally shift to block opponent's attacks, the sand/stone/dirt seems to shift beneath their feet, spoiling their aim, etc.

3) Add "Defensive Combat Styles" to mirror the offensive ones. These could incorporate some of the ideas above, but also include things like Energy Resistances, natural armor, or DR.

Thanks again for sharing these classes. The amount of work you're obviously devoting to them is impressive... and a bit humbling. I hope you keep at it, and look forward to examining the others in more depth as time permits. :D
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First Post
Hiya Reveille!

Abilities: Animus determines how powerful a wind the soul channeler can invoke and how many winds she can invoke per day and how hard they are to resist. To invoke a wind the Soul Channeler must have an Animus score of 10 + the invocations depth.

Just a quick question, how do you determine a characters Animus score? Tried looking over the other classes to see if it was described there, couldn't immediately see it.

The Difficulty Class of saving throws against the greenbond’s spells is 10 + the spell’s level + the greenbond’s Wisdom modifier.

Guess it should be Soul Channeler, not Greenbond.

Class Skills
The Soul Channeler’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Fey & Spirits) (Int), Knowledge (Incarnum), Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spirit Lore (Wis) and Survival (Wis)

Quick question, what does Knowledge (Incarnum) contain? Haven't seen it before, presume its from a house-rule list of knowledge skills?

And another note, the table is a bit messed up, line for level 19 is just added to the line for level 18.

Sense The Living (Su): The Soul Channeler has a personal aura that extends out to a 180 foot radius at first level. For each additional level gained as a Soul Channeler this radius expands by an additional 60 feet. All creatures within this radius that are living are automatically detected by the Soul Channeler and their state of health is also known (status only).

What exactly do you mean by status only? That you know the overall category of the targets health (i.e. wounded, badly wounded, unharmed, dead, death's door, etc)?

Diamond of the Body (Su):

Nothing to say except I think its an especially nifty ability.

Generally, a good class, I would love to see what the Winds are, have a list of them posted somewhere? That would really help visualize the character, at the moment it seems like a bit of a mix between a monk and a spiritist. Going to use existing spells and effects, or making new ones yourself?

But anyways, sweet class.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Just a quick question, how do you determine a characters Animus score? Tried looking over the other classes to see if it was described there, couldn't immediately see it.
Its an oddball of an ability score. It isn't genererated the same way the other 8 abilities are (the other two additions are Appearance & Perception). To determine ones Animus ability score the player adds up all of her characters ability scores. The sum of her abilities scores is then divided by eight. The player then takes the dividend and adds her characters Wisdom modifier. This end result is the characters Animus ability score.

The player now references her Animus score on the ability score chart. The amount of essentia listed two columns to the right of the score is the amount the character starts the game with, before adding any modifiers from background abilities, feats or class features.

Guess it should be Soul Channeler, not Greenbond.
Thanks for the heads up, its been fixed.

Quick question, what does Knowledge (Incarnum) contain? Haven't seen it before, presume its from a house-rule list of knowledge skills?
Yuppers; it is a brand new Knowledge skill that I have yet to detail.

And another note, the table is a bit messed up, line for level 19 is just added to the line for level 18.
Thats odd. Attach a screen capture of the way it is appearing for you and I'll see what I can do to fix it.

What exactly do you mean by status only? That you know the overall category of the targets health (i.e. wounded, badly wounded, unharmed, dead, death's door, etc)?
Same as the status spell except only in regard to their health; unharmed, wounded, disabled, unconscious, dying, nauseated, poisoned or diseased.

Nothing to say except I think its an especially nifty ability.
Thanks. I tried to be as complete as possible with the witeup of it so it would cause as little headaches as possible.

Generally, a good class, I would love to see what the Winds are, have a list of them posted somewhere? That would really help visualize the character, at the moment it seems like a bit of a mix between a monk and a spiritist. Going to use existing spells and effects, or making new ones yourself?
Getting the invocations/winds list idone is next on the agenda. I plan to start going through the PHB later today to pick the spells I want to covert to winds and let inspiration sway me to come up with new ones along the way.

Of course, coming up with this list is no easy task, as with the many books I have it could take quite a while to get it as complete as I'd like it.
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