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D&D 5E Tales From The Awning Pothole


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There was a good crowd of townsfolk on Thrumness point, despite it being a cold day with a likelihood of rain. Two contestants would be competing for the Kingship of Luin today; Inannunot and another man, dressed in sorcerer's robes, whom he did not know. Ayam Newtrall, an elderly druid who would be the referee in the contest, explained the rules. In the unlikely event that both succeeded in the challenge (unlikely in that, in the last thirty-something years, no-one at all had succeeded, let alone two at once) whosoever first set a dry foot on Luin within the prescribed hour would be declared the winner. When everything was understood, he asked them both to identify themselves formally.

When Inannyunot announced himself as ₼₼₼₼₼₼₼₼ son of Donald BlackHair, there was a collective gasp from the onlookers and mutterings of "It's him!" and "He's come back!" and "He's got a nerve" and "Where's your magic carpet, mate?" Evidently some of the crowd had not forgotten the way his supposed father had won the contest half a century ago. It was going to be hard to win back their popularity - Tippy thought he might speak up for his friend later in the day, but right now was not the time for speeches.

His rival named himself as Ballnard Weird-Fingers, Sorcerer at Large, which drew a gasp from Tippy. The very man he had been sent out to find, was right here under his nose. What kind of a coincidence was this?

"The best kind," muttered Skald, who was scrying the proceedings through the all-seeing eye that she shared with her sisters. "The planes of time are sliding and the future is contained within the past," she added unfathomably.

A mysterious stranger in a hooded cloak detached herself from the crowd and stepped up beside Ballnard to wish him luck with a chaste kiss, which he returned fondly. She seemed vaguely familiar but Tippy didn't pay her much attention as he was watching the sky anxiously. Clouds were massing, the wind was getting up and the sea was getting rougher. He was worried that if there were too much of a head-wind, Inannyunot might not reach the island at all before his spell expired; Archie would be on hand to rescue anyone who fell in the sea but it was risky all the same. He shook his friend's hand, gave him the Blessing Of Isis and walked back to stand with the other spectators. People edged away from him slightly but he pretended not to notice.

At Ayam's command the two contestants set off apace. They both had the same idea and cast Fly spells at almost the same time. For nearly ten minutes, as they sped out towards the island, the race was neck-and-neck. A few wind-tossed seagulls rose towards them, screeching at this intrusion on their space, but luckily they stopped short of actually attacking. Even a trivial peck, if it drew blood, could end a man's concentration and send him crashing into the water. But all was well and they both reached the margins of the island almost simultaneously. It would be a race to get down onto dry land but they had to be careful - landing in a puddle and getting wet feet would be the end of one's chances.

Suddenly, Ballnard's spell ended and he dropped like a stone, plummeting headlong to earth. Inannyunot circled, feared that his rival would be killed and he did not wish that on anyone. But the clever sorcerer used a Feather Fall spell at the very last moment to touch foot on the island before his rival, standing on an outcrop of rocks and laughing merrily. Inannyunot was defeated!

Ballnard claimed the Isle of Luin and Inannyunot conceded gracefully. True, the sorcerer's prize was little more than a barren rock, deserted apart from a flock of goats, but it was the prestige of the title 'King' that he had sought; for this, it transpired, was the only way he could win the hand of the mysterious lady in the hooded cloak.

As the pair shook hands, something unexpected happened - a woman emerged from a cave behind a rock and ran towards them at great speed, but strangely making no sound of footfall on the bare earth. Was she some evil hag? Perhaps the island was not so uninhabited after all? But no, it was Char-Ging! Gleefully shaking her collecting bag, she demanded thirty-three years of back taxes from the new king, compounded at 5%, amounting to over three hundred thousand gold pieces. But Ballnard knew her of old and, with a mere flourish, turned her into a goat. The resident billy goat, whose name was Gruff, soon knocked her into line and she was forced to stay on the island, eating prickly gorse leaves, for a very long time until Bar-De-Door eventually came by to rescue her. Even then, it was only because he wanted something.

Ballnard and Inannyunot flew back together to Thrumness point, where Ayam announced the victor. The new king of Luin beckoned to his lady friend and, to great applause from the many witnesses present, she gladly consented to marry him. She was, as you might have guessed, none other than Terri House-Trainger. She had loved Ballnard ever since he first fell into her lap in a tavern long, long ago in a previous lifetime but she couldn't break her promise of marriage to a duke for anyone less than a king, could she?

Tippy now had a problem. He wasn't the only one ...

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"Wherefore art thou?" asked Tasha in a worried voice. "Methinks there is a change in the seasons of this world that is o'erwrought."

And Albert replied "Thou dyd'st speak truly. We are cast adryft in the wynds of tyme, toss'd hyther and yon at the whyms of chance."

"Cut it out, you two," snapped ClaW. "We're in an interdimensional half-plane, not a Shakespearean theatre."

"Why is it almost completely empty?"

"The audience has gone home?"

"We're not in Shakespeare! Will you stop talking about Shakespeare!"

"I wasn't talking about Shakespeare, you are!"

"My auntie had a cat called Shakespeare," offered Jones, "It was half-Persian, with the Angoran tail."

"I'm going to count to three ..." warned Claw.

The scene changed and they were in a dappled glade in a forest of amwood trees. In the distance, deer could be glimpsed grazing between the trees while insects hummed and buzzed and, somewhere nearby, a blackbird sang tunefully. Even the air was sleepy. Just the place, you might think, for wood elves or bandits or goblins, or possible 2d6 of each, to ambush unwary adventurers.

You'd be right.

Simplez the goblin was lurking in front of a tree. It was no good lurking behind a tree because then he couldn't see what was happening because the tree got in the way, so he lurked in front of the tree and that was better. But he wore some amtwigs in his hat so he wouldn't be recognised. He drew his bow and aimed at the group of people who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "HANDS UP!" he shouted. "THIS IS AN AMBUSH!"
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"HANDS UP!" he shouted. "THIS IS AN AMBUSH!"

No-one spoke for a time. In fact the silence just got increasingly embarrassing and more uncomfortable the longer it strained.

"It is clear you have us surrounded." Offered Albert as a prompt to the poor goblin.

"It is? It Is! Yes! Ha!"


"Oh don't start. Just don't. She's not here and that's not funny anymore."

"Uhm." announced Private Jones


"But guys, we aren't surro."

"Be quiet private! We must let this formidable foe take us to his leader for questioning." Albert added with an exaggerated nod and a wink.

"We must? Oh...ooooh yes. This was truly a cunning ambush and damn we are stupid for falling for it." Offered Jones.

"Alright Jones, don't over-egg it."

This was going exceedingly well for Simplez the goblin. He was positively giddy with success. Never had he singlehandedly entrapped three and a half humanoids and an armoured spider. He would indeed take them to his leader. This was where there was a flaw in Simplez's thinking at the point where he realised that he had no leader. His brain did a fart and he shut down for about three rounds. His prisoners waited patiently and coughed to wake him out of his trance. Where would he take them? Where.......... Hmmmm.........He awoke from yet another trance as his head hurt with thinking.

"Ha! Yes! Come with me. Ha!" Simplez bow was still drawn towards the group, it's arrow long fallen out and onto the ground during one of his trances. No-one seemed to notice or care as the party moved onwards towards.......................


First Post
the party moved onwards towards ...

... a stockade manned by hobgoblin slavers. Simplez called out to the gate guard and confidently announced that he was an important super-goblin who had captured these adventurers single-handed and he needed somewhere to put them, so he was borrowing their stockade for a day or two.

The gates were thrown open and the head slaver, Grugnush, was called. Grugnush was wily and drove a hard bargain but with some timely advice from Albert, Simplez unexpectedly found that he was able to drive an even harder one. This was a novel experience for him - usually almost everyone got the better of him. The goblin really was on a roll today. The deal was that Simplez paid a paltry 5cp for the use of the facilities, while Grugnush paid him the astonishing sum of 4cp for the indefinite loan of his captives. You can't say fairer than that, can you? Simplez went back into the forest a rich and happy goblin.

While all this was being negotiated, Albert and Tasha were quietly sizing up the hobgoblins' defences. After a brief skirmish involving a combination of stealth, low-level magic, plane-shifting and fierce halberd-work, various hobgoblins were hobs de combat and Grugnash had politely surrendered.¹

Releasing the slavers' captives from their chains, our heroes were presented with a problem. There were rather a lot of them. An entire caravan of muleteers, guards, cooks, storekeepers, merchants, sages and nobles in fact, and they started to make some quite unreasonable demands as if it were the party's fault they had been captured in the first place and it was somehow their responsibility to put things right.

The muleteers demanded mules, or they wouldn't go anywhere. The guards demanded weapons, the cooks demanded meat and groceries, the storekeepers demanded things to store, the merchants demanded goods to sell to each other, the sages demanded libraries while the nobles refused to walk anywhere and demanded servants. Furthermore, half of them demanded to be taken onwards to Winterford because they had tickets, which they waved under Albert's nose, whilst the other half demanded to be taken back to Shotcaster because that's where they had come from and they would never travel with this caravan company again and demanded a refund.

It was ClaW who resolved the situation by appointing Grugnash as company representative and giving him back his greatsword and manacles while Albert forged a legal document full of tiny writing that retrospectively absolved the caravan company of any responsibilty in the event of pestilence, lightning or capture by hobgoblins.

Walking quietly away, the party followed the road towards Winterford. At least they knew where they were, now. After a few miles they came to a crumbling stone bridge over the River Spate which was guarded by an undead knight on a skeletal horse. A challenge rang out ...

¹ Working out the round-by-round combat is left as an exercise for the reader.


A challenge rang out ...

"KNOCK KNOCK.........."

"....uhm.....who's there?" replied ClaW


"Europe Who"

"Hahahahaha!" The skeletal figure laughed so hard it dislocated its own jawbone.

Tasha had an idea."I think if we can keep telling silly jokes the we might destroy this foe from laughter. Worth a go?"

"Definitely. Does anyone know any good or silly jokes?"...........................


First Post
Albert offered the first joke that came into his head

"A corpse walks into a bar and orders a bier."


"That seemed to amuse him," said Tasha, "Let's try some more bar jokes."

A man walks into a bar and orders a beer.
Sorry, said the barman, we only serve punch.
Okay, I'll have a punch said the man.
So the barman gave him a black eye.

"Hahahahaha!" *clatter*

"That worked well - his arm fell off," said Ha! cheerfully. "I know one."

A jester walked into a bar an ordered a prarie oyster.
The barman cracked an egg and mixed the drink for him.
How much do I owe you? asked the jester.
The egg-white is free, but the yolk's on you, said the barman.


"Not so good. I think he prefers simple jokes. Let's try something different."

How did the goblin try to kill the giant eagle?
He threw it off a cliff !

"Hahahahahahahahahaha!" *clatter* *clunk*

"I think I'm beginning to understand," mused Albert, "It has to be jokes involving death, or at least injury."

What do you get if you catch a basilisk and poke its 'eyes' out?

"Hahahahahahahahahaha!" *clatter* *clunk* *clunk* *clatter*


First Post
Archie was flying Tippy and Inannyunot back to Southborough Castle. It was cold, up in the stratosphere, but Inannyunot had cast Leomund's Tiny Relativistic Hut using Archie's back as an inertial frame of reference, so the two of them were quite comfortable inside as long as Archie flew along the same Levi-Civita connection in the Riemannian metric, which he promised to do. It actually suited him because he could just fold his wings and coast along a geodesic, which he declared was affine way to travel.

"I didn't know your name was ₼₼₼₼₼₼₼₼," said Tippy conversationally.

"I tried to keep it a secret, but I suppose it's common knowledge now. If the Norns ever get to hear it, though, I'm in trouble. They can use a man's true name to pronounce his destiny and the destiny I don't want pronounced, is being tied to a walnut tree, covered in marmalade and torn apart by fruit bats."

Listening intently through the oyster shells that Tippy and Inannyunot still carried, Skald made a mental note to get some marmalade next time she went to the shops, which she already knew would be next Tuesday morning in Reykjavík. She would be going into Bónus on Laugavegur at precisely 11:43am. Being the Norn who determined the future was handy sometimes, because it meant your diary was always right and you never had to re-book appointments. She did Norning when she had time off from her day job as a Valkyrie. Ho jo to ho !

"We don't want you coming to a sticky end," agreed Tippy with unconscious humour. "I've got the problem of deciding how to tell Cholmondeley that his intended has run off to marry a king. The poor chap is going to be devastated."

"If only I'd beaten Ballnard to the ground, she might not have done."

"Don't blame yourself. She would probably have run off sooner or later anyway. Mysterious strangers generally do," he added.

"Thanks. But should we go looking for the others?"

"They were supposed to be getting themselves to Southborough Castle. Maybe they are already there, waiting for us."

The faint sound of a snigger came through the oyster shell in Tippy's pocket, but he didn't hear it.

Suddenly, Archie spread his wings and dived towards the ground. "Problem!" he shouted, his voice resonating through his scales in the thin atmosphere. Tippy and Inannyunot were left fighting for breath as the Hut vanished around them, but fortunately Inannyunot had read the safety card that said "In the unlikely event of loss of cabin ..."
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"In the unlikely event of loss of cabin ..."

......"Dragon Masks will drop and provide oxygen. Place the little scaled cup over your mouth and nose, tighten the strap, and breathe fire/lightning/poison/cold/acid normally."

Indeed, two Dragon Masks miraculously dropped in front of them. Tippy put on the blue one and Inannyunot the white one.

"Why are we descending?" Asked Tippy with a sound of bane and static. "What's the problem?" He added.

Archie strained his neck back to speak to them, saw the Dragon Masks laughed a little and then got serious again.

"Look up. Beholders. Dozens of them. I have no idea why they would be here, let alone why so high."

It was weird listening to Archie with the Dragon Masks on. His colourful accent had disappeared. They both looked up and there was indeed a swarm, no a flock, no, no, no. A Beauty of Beholders. No wonder Archie had accelerated to escape velocity. Tippy did the calculations and surmised that they were heading straight for................


First Post
Tippy did the calculations and surmised that they were heading straight for..................

... a patch of snow drifts on the north bank of a river, at a place where the river made a wide sweep through snow-covered countryside. Just at the bend, clustered around a ford, there was a small town of thatched houses. It looked to Tippy as if they might be able to reach it.

As they descended, Inannyunot conjured himself a book about beholders. On skimming through it, he learnt that there was a very rare form called a BeHelder that is filled with helium, like a balloon, and can float at very high altitudes; that flocks of them are known to gather at certain times of the year in the migration season to take advantage of the stratospheric jet stream; and that they are extremely dangerous not only to each other but even to themselves. It was lucky that Archie had spotted them in time to escape.

Archie landed in the snow and his passengers dismounted and headed for the town. The first person they met was the town dentist, on his way to torment a patient. Rather to Tippy's surprise, the man turned and ran away shouting something about "The Dragonborn Cometh!" and started hammering on the door of a house down the road, whilst fearfully looking back at Inannyunot and Tippy.

"That's odd," remarked Inannyunot.

"Maybe we should take these dragon masks off?"


It wasn't long before the town guard arrived. All one of him. He tried to look official but as he had just been in the bath and had to get dressed in a hurry without getting properly dry, he had a rather soggy appearance that somewhat detracted from his overall image. "I warn you," said Corporal Glint (for that was his name), "I've got back-up."

"I am Sir Theodore," replied Tippy politely, "Priest of Isis, and this is my companion Inannyunot son of Donald BlackHair, the late King of Luin. What town is this?"

"You don't fool me," shouted Glint, "We saw you land. You're dragons, disguised as people!" At this, he waved a cudgel in a manner that suggested he wasn't afraid to look as if he might use it. "If you've come looking for maidens to eat, you won't find any in Winterford, I can tell you!"

"Please, we mean you no harm. We are not dragons," interposed Inannyunot. "Look, these masks are just masks to let us breathe ..."

"You don't even breath! You're undead dragons!"

At this point, the backup arrived.

"Tippy! Goat!"


Glint looked uncertainly at Tasha. "You know these undead dragons personally? We might have to reconsider your contract ..."

"It's alright," said Tasha. "They can help us explore the ruined abbey just outside of town."

"What ruined abbey?" asked Tippy.

"I'll tell you later."

Tippy (Cleric-5; Hammer, Oyster Shell, 17 g.p.) Inspiring Leader
Inannyunot (true name ₼₼₼₼₼₼₼₼, aka Goat) (Wizard-5 Conjurer with 3x/day headbutt attack; books, clay tablet, Oyster Shell)
Albert (Sinister Thief-5; 3 daggers, magic club, 26 g.p., TotM pole, funny bone) Dungeon Delver
Tasha (Half-Orc/Half-Orc Fighter-4 Battlemaster; Versatile Double Halberd +1 of Dragon Summoning & Sling, 17 g.p.) Heavy Armor Master
Ha! Fling! (Hobbit of The Planes; three stones, griffon feather hat, 17 g.p.)
ClaW (Lobster; Tippy's ex-familiar; Boomerang) Magic Initiate
Micromanage (aka Mike; ClaW's familiar; Miniature Human Wizard-½; Knobbly Staff, Pointy Hat)
Jones (Private; from stores and requisitions)


Abbey was ruined. She had put all of her shares in the skiing industry only for Char-Ging, some tax collector, to take it all away from her. Since then the Orcs took over the slopes without paying one groat, and the tourism fell to nothing. She was completely ruined. To make things worse, the Orcs held the high mountains around Winterford and regular ski patrols harassed the locals just to keep the best slopes to themselves. After hearing all this Tippy piped up.

"What were you going to do about this folks?"

"Well," replied Tasha. "We were about to go on an Orc hunt. Private jones has requisitioned some uhm V22 Superslider Skis."

"Yes they outpace the BStaar-Plus by about a rate of one foot per second due to the frictionless balm administered during the engineering process."

"Tasha. Are you OK about hunting Orcs?" Asked Tippy sensitively.

"Sure. I'm only Half Orc."

"But." Private Jones interjected.

"Dont!" came the voices of everyone else in unison."

"Abbey. We will get your slopes back. These Orcs are taking the piste and that snow joking matter. Private Jones, you might just need to find me some.........uhm..........stabilizers?" stated Tippy in a rare moment of insight.

The reunited party set off........................

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