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Tales From The Old Bald One-Eyed Salty Red Dog Tavern! (chapter 1, now closed)


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Ranger Rick said:
Like a dog, the man's head follows the waggling bread. Than follows the arcing flight as it crosses the room. Deep in concentration he follows the bread as it bounces off the floor. Before the bread stops, the watress is standing in front of him, blocking his view. She asks him for his order, Looking down at the table than up to her face he drawls, "Hello mame, I....I...would ...like...a..t.t.tankkkk...a tankard of water please. Thank you."

"Um... Sure thing hon, right away..." Muirna says with a quizzical look on her face. She makes a *tch* sound with her teeth and sets off for the water.

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Gray Shade

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"Very well, Ranti, Elven Clothier and Warrior Master. The first bonds of friendship are so forged, and ours shall be a friendship replete with righteous violence and high adventure." And here, in a touching moment, Sheriff Berserker Bill, man of the northern kingdoms and result of 9 generations of human Berserkers, offers his hand (wiped on a clean rag as well as he can) to one of that immortal race of honor and gentility, the Elven lord of panache and "that certain, I know not what", Ranti.

With an apologetic glance at Sunderkeg, Bill says, "Get Ranti what he desires, soup and greens, and pass the game hen or pheasant on to yon . . . man." (indicates Ranger Rick) "Perhaps he is in need of more sustenance."


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Sunderkeg knows good customers when he sees 'em

At all the mention of so much food, drink, and - strangely enough - adventure, Sunderkeg turns to Berserker Bill and says, "Quite the generous one, aren't ye? I troost ye've got th' gold t' back up all yoor oorderin'... Aye, I'll troost a man o' th' law." His eyes narrow quickly as if to say, "I'll trust you - for now..." and this look is quickly replaced by a hearty smile and laugh. "Let me clear a table for ye."

He walks over to a largish table at which are seated three dour-faced regulars. "Clear off, ya louts," he says matter-of-factly, and picks up the table (!), moving it closer to a torch sconce by the wall. He turns back, takes a look at the regulars sitting there mouths agape, looks purposefully at their chairs, then looks back at them. They quickly stand up and take their chairs over to the table, then meld into the rest of the crowd.

"Aye, there y' are, m'lad," he says as he hurries back to the kitchen to fetch the food and drink.


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*tear* That was beautiful, I mean emotions.... those are great.*sniff*

You can call me K. And to the proposal of course I say, Yay! As long as it's altered to my partner and I's sense of style referring to his being very covered up and her not And it has a wide brimmed hat I would like a hat and I could use something to eat, though that doesn't matter to the proposal. Nor was it even directed toward you turning to sunderkeg I would like something to eat
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The gaunt man in the rust-colored robes carefully places a bookmark in the small folio he has been reading, and places back in the bag next to him. He carefully pays attention to the various forms of conversation going on around him. When he feels there is a natural lull in the coversation he steeples his wraith-like fingers in front of him and leans forward.

"I am pleased to have found a group that incorporates so many vasts interests," he remarks. "I will offer some introduction as well. My name is truly unimportant, for I serve that which is larger than I, which is larger than all of us." He stops for a moment, and you aren't sure if he has simply lost his train of thought, or just following a particular idea down a complicated avenue of speculation. "But be that as it may, if you have the need to address me ... you may call me Speaker, for I speak for that which has no voice, only need."

He looks around to make sure that everyone has heard him, then continues. "I desire neither material wealth, unless it allows me to help in my master's endless chore. I am a servant." The gaunt man then smiles generously at everyone.

Ranger Rick

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The man in patch work clothing that still needs mending, ignores the Speaker's speech as he focuses on the well dressed man's tunic.


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The most regular of regulars arrives!

LogicsFate said:
turning to sunderkeg I would like something to eat

"Certainly m' dear, certainly," Sunderkeg says as he and Muirna fill the table with bowls of soup, plates of fruits, vegetables, cheese, and bread, a couple of roast squabs, and various tankards of drink.

At this time a distant but clear bell rings out; if any of you had to venture a guess, you'd think it came from the vicinity of the city center you passed on your way into town. As the bell rings, every patron in the tavern turns towards the front doors, where it opens slowly, as if it didn't quite have the strength to make it all the way. Those townspeople who were situated in the center of the tavern scoot to either side, making a clear pathway through the room from the door to the bar.

Just when you wonder what in the world could be happening, the most amazingly decrepit-looking beast slowly meanders into the room. This animal is old... And bald... It wears an eye-patch (which is strange for any manner of beast, much less this one)... It has an air about it that, inexplicably, brings to mind the salty sea air... It's shaggy coat of fur is red (although it is shot through with flecks of grey and white)... And, most amazingly of all: It is a dog.

As it creaks its way across the tavern floor, every patron it passes raises his or her drink in salute. Punctuated by the resolute silence of the crowd, it seems like ages before it finally makes its way to the bar where it carefully hops (inasmuch as this ancient beast can hop) up a few crates which were put there expressly to facilitate his way up to the top of the bar itself. Once on top of the bar, this venerable canine turns toward one of the far corners of the room and lets out a plaintive mmBYYAWRK! mmBYYAWRK!, immediately after which the tavern turns toward the same corner and erupts in a cry of "To Berny!" The dog immediately answers with another mmBYYAWRK! mmBYYAWRK!, and again the crowd lifts their voices in unison, turning back toward the bar, crying, "To Rufus!" and they drain their mugs, finishing with a hearty cheer, and The Old Bald One-Eyed Salty Red Dog sloooooowly lowers himself down, props his chin on his forelegs, and keeps watch over his beloved people.


OOC: That was cute but painful....

::I turn to look at the dog::

"Now that is a splash of color is an otherwise colorless town. Someone needs to give this town a cheering up. However that is not me."

I turn back to the food and start eating the cheese and assorted greens, pushing the meats as far away from me as possible::

"Did you know that meat is bad for your complexion. It also leads to bad breath and poor taste in wine selection. My family learned this generations ago and now they are some of the best grape selectors in the kingdom. I see we have 3 yea votes on the uniforms, so Mr. Bill I would like to request an advance to purchase the required yardage of the uniforms. I can do hats and such and I will try to keep in mind the style requirments. K likes to have a lot show, Richard likes to have a little show, Speaker appears to like Robes, and the quiet easily distracted individual appears to like shinies. So no shinies on his outfit but lots on ours to keep him following us with our packs and such. Mr. Bill, what cut of uniform would you like, and do we all agree that a basic black and royal blue with red highlights would be an acceptable choice for the unification of looks. This way when we are in the midst of battle we know that the royal blue is a good place to not aim. Hmmm, maybe bells as well..."

I proceed to eat more::

"I would asume that I need at least 30-50 gold depending on the cost, style, and amount of fabrics that they have available. I also think it might be wise to try to get matching gear for the horses. Hmmm. I need a horse as well... Does this mission provide a means of travel?"

Gray Shade

First Post
Berserker Bill watches the dog enter with soulful eyes and raises his tankard to Rufus, but only smirks when the locals toast Berny. Once the dog is settled, Bill approaches it, produces a small biscuit, and lets the animal eat it out of his hand while with the other hand he scruffs its bald, soft skin gently, first under its jaw then behind its ears. (OCC: I'll use Animal Handling, if it matters) Bill then gives the dog a knowing smile and sits at the table Sunderkeg has offered.

"Thank you, Sunderkeg! You are both a fearsome and congenial host." With that, he slips the dwarf 20 gold to reassure him that his efforts are not in vain.

He then throws 50 gold to Ranti and says curtly, but with a smile, "Cape and kilt (38 waist). NO BELLS: I must be able to approach silently when need be." If anyone glances at his jingling spurs, he adds, "Those will be removed" He tosses Ranti another 5 gold and nods at the man nearly in rags, "and get him something decent, but like you say not too shiny."

He turns to the others and says, "K., Speaker, very nice to be acquainted. Please, sit with us and we will begin. Richard, pray sit, sir. Are you not hungry?"

Noticing that the one in tattered clothing still has not moved, Bill stands, pushes back another chair at the table, and guides the man to it (gently) and seats him. He moves his head in order to force eye contact and says, "what is your name, friend? Have you any skills to offer an adventuring party, or would you prefer to be left behind?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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