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Tatters of the King [Recruiting] Realms of Cthulhu (Savage Worlds)

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The idea of the alienist is growing on me. I see Reed as one who intensely observes, reasons it out and then takes actions rather than a 'face'/therapist type, so his contribution would likely be in theorethical paradign shaping and as an expert consult on difficult cases rather than as primary care giver? Maybe an administrative/Board of governors position at a local asylum for some practical experience?

I'm thinking Renaisance Man overall, with a variety of interests and (a very few) publications in each of his fields (biology, macabre anthropology and, of course, psychology). Low aristocracy or legacy (royalties from an uncle's invention/litterary work) to explain why he has the time and ressources to do so?

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
What do you think about a closer connection between our two PCs, GreenKarl? Brothers/old school chums/lovers/something else maybe?


First Post
I am totally down with being related somehow. Let me drag out my Realm of Cthulhu book tonight and start figuring out a character. I am well verses with Savage Worlds though I just don't want to over look any Edges that might come in handy :)

Base idea was a Rookie cop in whatever city we are playing in. Only on for a year. Had always been into music and Jazz and not really interested in being a cop. Saw a lot of corrupt on the force and got really disillusioned with it all and left the force to take up Jazz music full time.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Milestones in Jazz history: https://www.apassion4jazz.net/milestones.html

If the other more out-there options don't call to you, GK, I'm thinking 'old boarding school chums' would be the one that attracts me most right now. Doesn't have to be 'chums' either: could be rivals (for a girl?), senior/junior mentorship, member of the same club/sports team?

Never played Savage World myself, although I do have Savage World Deluxe.

Anything specific we should know about re the setting or char gen, Yellow Sign? (you mentionned pre-gens and I'm guessing sanity plays a role somewhere in there :))

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