(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn IV

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Thomas Hobbes

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The group, once assembled and with all the paticulars dealt with, may leave the inn.

ooc: Ioleta's welcome to join us. :) Consider Jaan's stuff bought (although I believe he gives room an board to you for free as an adventurer). And I'm sorry for the slight delay this weekend; in general I'll be more on the ball....

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Deep blue eyes bright and dazzling smile wide, Ioleta drops another fine curtsey to her companions, "Ioleta, of the winding roads, teeming cities and, lately, the monastery of Saint Feragon." Her eyes shadow ever so briefly at mention of the monaster, but dance again as Jaan eyes her pack questioningly, "It is a burden at times, but I assure you, it is a neccessary one. I will endeavor not to let it slow us down."

Biting her lip as she lifts the pack to her shoulder... Guess that soak will have to wait. ...she sighs as it settles and smiles broadly again dancing a bit of a jig as she catches nearest arm, whether Velbrik's, Jaan's or Troi's, and spins toward the door.

"Goodbye Joe! Keep the ale flowing and the bathwater hot!" She calls over her shoulder, spinning still, her boots tapping a merry rhythm on the floor. She doesn't seem so much skilled as energetic, though, with the added weight of the pack, she is growing a trifle flushed.

Whirling her press-ganged dance partner out the door she calls to the other table, "Good luck, I will not forget your valor!" as she disappears from sight. The sounds of her boots and her laughter grow quiet as she reels from the Red Dragon and into adventure.


Living EN World Judge
Nodding once more to the aasembled group of would be helpers, Urgan says 'Well then, me'n me brother'll need a few hours o'sleep, as we's been in th' saddle fer far too many hours straight w'out a rest. I reckon the ponies is in nedd o' a breather,too. If'n you goodfolk don 'ave mounts, I kin front a portion o'the payment. In fact, 'ave a bag o' five 'unerd Glinty right here, so's you kin buy mounts'n anything else ya sees fit ter buy.Shall we say we head out in four hours,then?'.
Urgan deposits a bag upon the table, standing and tapping his brother upon the shoulder (the other Dwarf having been near falling asleep with his chin propped upon the table).Both Dwarves stand and (depositing a few coins upon the bar for the space), smile and move off to the Sleep Commons for a few hours of precious sleep.

OoC: Starting an Adventure thread.
Make any purchases,including at least one mount,in your first IC post.Since you each have 75 GP from the fronted amount, even Telerin and Aranel should be able to afford a riding horse at 75GP.It will come with 2 weeks feed and tack etc, to make things a bit smoother.


Rurik comes stumbling out of the washroom, considerably refreshed, and in time to hear the dwarf's last instructions. Taking a portion of the payment, he ambles off to bed.


First Post
An elf wearing nondescript grey enters the tavern. He's none too pleasant to look at. Not that he's grimacing or dirty or anything like that. He's just, well, kind of ugly. Well, not really ugly, just not too attractive. There's something about him that reminds you of an alley cat. Or maybe the rats that alley cats prey on. Nonetheless he seems goodhearted and trustworthy. Or at least hungry, which is sometimes just as good. He's not the wealthiest of fellows, you can see. He carries a shortbow, rapier, dagger, pack, and not much else. His grey leather armor is a little shabby, but well-kept. He moves with an agile grace, and is fairly well-muscled. Looks like he might be capable.

He shuffles up to Joe to say hello. Then he calls out "I'm Atella, sort of a roguish type. New in town and looking for work."
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First Post
"What's that Joe? I missed everyone, eh? Kinda silly making me announce myself when there's no one here, eh? Ah well. How about some ale?" Atella shrugs off his cloak and settles in a chair, idly twirling a dagger between his fingers in the empty tavern.

Telerin thanked them for the gold and looked to Aranel, who still looked reluctant, "Oh, c'mon...I bet there's a lot more of this stuff where they want us to go help out. Can't be that bad..."

The Goblin King

First Post
A small green figure enters the tavern. He throws back his hood and cautiously surveys the bar. He is ugly like most Goblins but has an odd air about him. He has a look of resolute calm and peace on his face. Seeing that no one will try to kill him on sight ((I hope)) he marches up to the bar.

"Master Joe, I presume? I am Zhangsun." He bows deeply. Zhangsun hands an envelope across the bar.

"That is a letter of introduction from the mayor of my home town of Lanrick. He told me that if I seek adventure I should go to this bar and meet you."

"No, he wasn't very specific on the details."

"Ah, I see. I shall wait until another job becomes available."

Zhangsun finds an empty table to sit at. He puts his pack down with a sigh of relief.


First Post
Aranel looked at the gold, then at the retreating figures, then at Telerin. "There'd better well be a bloo-min' lot of it or I shall be pi-peeved." She grumbled darkly. "I get to this fine town and find out I have to spend all my life running around forests and treading in cr-kak and now we're going to be following Dwarves who've barely said more'n hello to me since I knew 'em..."

To the hells with them all, if she was't offered lots of nice shiny things in retun there'd be a few traps that didn't get noticed. "Fine." She grumbled. "Let's go buy a beast or two before sense catches up with me."
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LEW Judge
The elf walking through the streets of Orussus in light green garb was unusually tall and heavyset for an elf; onlookers might guess he was part-human, although his features and his gait were characteristically elfin. The way he turned his head around, taking in the cityscape, revealed that the town was unfamiliar to him, although he still seemed relaxed. An eagle was flying overhead, doubling back repeatedly so as not to get too far ahead of the slower-moving pedestrian.

The elfin traveller stopped in front of a tavern and read the sign: Red Dragon Inn. This, he thought, would be a good place to stop for a minute. He held his hand out, beckoning the bird to land. Once the eagle was at ground level, the elf addressed him:

"Haisi, I think this is a place where elves, humans, and our humanoid kin gather to eat, drink and socialize. Unfortunately, I do not know if this city has such a place for birds. I will see if the owners here will allow you to join us. If not, will you wait for me? I promise we won't stay long in town.

Whatever the bird did was obviously interpreted as consent, because the half-elf opened the door to the Red Dragon Inn and walked in. He greeted the bartender: "Hello, good sir. I have travelled far, and need a good meal. I do not know what you folks in this part of the world like to eat, so I will just ask you to prepare a hearty and nourishment dish of your recommendation."

He paused before adding, "Also, I have a request. I have a friend waiting outside, because we are not sure if his kind are welcome in an establishment such as this. He is an eagle, and I would ask if I may invite him in? I realize that birds do not normally frequent establishments such as this one, and he will not be eating as he as already dined well today. But I do not wish him to get lonely while I eat, and I know I will enjoy my meal better with him at my side. I can assure you he is a very well-behaved bird.

Noticing the sign overhead, he then turns to the assembled patrons and says,

"My name is Jo Guilan. I am a friend of nature and a practitioner of nature's rites. I travel the world to meet more of nature's wondrous denizens.

If Joe gives the OK to bring the eagle in, Jo opens the door again. When his avian companion enters, Jo introduces him: "Everybody, meet Haisi, my best friend and travelling companion."

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