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[Tavern] Tower's Shard '09

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Shava raises an eyebrow at the comment but otherwise keeps herself firmly in line. The goddless cave crawler, ooze festered. . .

"Oh I agree, there's no competition. There's no Drow, who can do, what I do. I am d'Lyrandar." She actually managed to dig up a bit of pride for even her family, considering the insults.

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Mal Malenkirk

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The drow walks towards the dwarf at the bar, "Dwarf, we go to destroy some undead and save that man's livelihood from some kobold's attacks" Tamarand says, gesturing to the shop keeper they saved, "We have need of another to join us, you interested or should I have Brew order you another drink?" he continues with a grin.

-''AH! What a great opportunity. Rob Kobolds! Plunder Undeads! Of course I am interested!'' Shouts Brenron with glee. ''If we only we ale on hand to celebrate... Real ale.'' he adds with a nasty look at the waiter who had perked up at the wish for a drink.

-''You will not regret my services. I make short work of undead. No bragging, just fact. The divine might of Kol Korran makes short work of these dangerous enemies of all he stands for! Because, you know, of their potential use as free slave labor, which undermines the whole economy... Also, I am no axe-bearer, but fear not, I still fight from the front! You won't see me hiding in the shadows, I will struggle shoulder to shoulder with... huh... huh... Brenron looks around with increasing worry at the assembled adventurers. ''Shoulder to shoulder with her!'' he says finally, pointing at the Goliath.

-''Stone Lady, I hope you are good.'' he whispers to Rohna.


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Roswyn finally emerges from the back room. She starts towards the dwarf, extending her hand, then stops as she spots the half-elven newcomer. A large smile brightens her pretty face as she changes direction, half-skipping towards the tall Lyrandar.

"Arawai's breath! Shava d'Lyrandar! What a surprise to see you here! How are you, how have you been, what are you doing in Sharn?"


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A familiar voice spoke her name, and at first she whipped her head around in a stern manner thinking a former shipmate had found. The face of Roswynn, was certainly a surprise. I never would have expected to see HER in HERE. Immediately her tough demeanor melted, and her military posture melted into a more relaxed state, so happy for some pleasantness and positivity.

She took a step forward, and while she may have done otherwise had she thought it through, she gave the gnome a large hug, before remembering herself and standing back up.

"Roswyn d'Sivis, it is a joy to see you. Never would I have thought-" She suddenly held her tongue, resting slightly against a nearby stool. Considering the strangeness of the situation, discretion I think. Drow, Dwarf, Halfing, Goliath, and Half-Orc. Draconic I think. She conintued after a moment.

"Algbo si nurti ornla tepoha epec ekess ocuir wux persvek wer Inloilfrey, batobot ui|ulph ihk jaunus Roswyn. Si shilta ergriff assem nomeno ulph creolnali ekess tir mrith Sivis, vur si tir ti tuor ekess vucot batobot put leun wux tuor ekess visp ve. Shar si geou visp kii si mi tenpiswo, shar siofmeir sia sijor demansk," She paused here to make an over dramatic face of displeasure. "wux proab migt tepoha reaz sia opsola jahus onvil. Vaci ulph ut ve gethrisjir spical vur foth rionib Sharn vur Stormhome, tawurair pol persvek wer cur." She rolls her eyes. "Si swa sjek voga Cannith xoalic ekess lea ve shafaer wer vaeri flir mrith hes chalsid duw- ilrigan. Si xoal'si ekess coven het, mobi re byanlti youwei si culd qe tirir, jaci disred, vur jaka si mi persvek rigluin usv creol vern sret svern ulk'igh. Si tir ti sose mobi ulph vi darastrix ivnod persvek nomeno svetgon?" She motions toward the group.

[sblock=Draconic]"Well I never would have expected to see you in the Shard, that is for sure Roswyn. I can only assume this has something to do with Sivis, and I do not want to know that part unless you want to tell me. But I will tell why I am here, but considering my unhappy demeanor," She paused here to make an over dramatic face of displeasure. "You probably might have realized my father was involved. He has got me going back and forth between Sharn and Stormhome, working people in the courts". She rolls her eyes. "I swear if another Cannith tries to lead me on the dance floor with his hands down- anyway. I tried to convince him, there are better things I could be doing, he disagreed, and now I am in need or some serious start up money. I do not suppose there is a dragon involved in this somewhere?" She motions toward the group.[/sblock]


First Post
Roswyn listens intently to her friend's rundown, nodding sympathetically at several points. She responds in the same language.

[sblock=Scorpius]Nice Draconic! Is there a "Draconic filter" or something you use? I don't have time to do the same at the moment...[/sblock]
[sblock=Draconic]"Sounds like a lot of the same old, same old... only worse. Well, maybe there's an opportunity here for you to make some money and have a little bit of non-courtly fun!

"As for me, well, I am indeed here in Sharn on Sivis business, but it's quite boring and routine, I assure you. I just stumbled across this place and these halfling gentlemen who needed help. They've hired us to do a little bare-knuckled negotiation "
- Roswyn makes air quotes with her fingers - "with some pesky kobold street gang. Apparently the gang has quite a bit of liberated wealth which we, in turn, are going to liberate from them.

"And is there a dragon involved? Not that I've seen so far, although..."
The gnome lays a single slim finger alongside her nose, as her eyes track briefly over to Rohna. "It wouldn't surprise me at all if we should happen across one. Especially now that you've shown up out of the clear blue sky! Er... out of the stormy grey sky, rather." Roswyn tips her head back and laughs merrily.[/sblock]

Without waiting for a response from her friend, she turns to the group. "Everybody, did you meet Lady Shava here? We're old friends. I think she can help us. And..." she steps over to the dwarf, extending her hand. "I'm so sorry for my rudeness! I am Roswyn, of House Sivis. Has anyone discussed our endeavor with you? The more, the merrier!"

OOC: are we all good to go? I think so...


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[sblock=ryryguy]Nope, it's an online translator I found. It doesn't pick up on all the words, but it gets most. I just change the rest at random. Draconic Translator [/sblock]

Shava stifled a laugh as Roswyn went on. Roswyn d'Sivis engaged in common mercenary work, or less likely, humanitarian dirty work. I take it, what's really going on here I'm not to know about. Oh well.

She tried recompose herself, back to work mode, as her friend moved on. The disciplined stature came naturally, but her seriousness was only half-hearted though.


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OOC: Let's go back to the game thread to avoid clogging this up. Back to work. I won't be around until Monday. For now, figure out how to get inside the Dancing Kobold. From your earlier actions, they probably won't be keen on letting you in. Disguises and other trickery or brute force may all work.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
As the half-elf and Talk Gnome spoke in the kobold tongue, Tondrek stuck out his tongue and focused intently on a particularly tough knot in the chain puzzle in his hands. With a grunt and a twist, it opened up, releasing the entire contraption to the floor with a loud tinkle. The half-orc chuckled then looked up confused as if forgetting where he was. He blinked a few times, then absently pet Doggie. After a moment of staring at everyone, comprehension dawned and he exclaimed, Now go kobold get?

OOC: Onward to here!


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Tamarand grabs a shot of whatever passes for hard liquor at the bar, takes it back in one shot and slams the glass back down on the table. He nods to Brews, who hands him a small wrapped package, then follows Tondrek outside, "Yes, let`s go and take care of those kobolds" the drow says to the others before allowing the door to shut behind him.


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Shanairra slipped into the inn with a mischievious grin, looking about for anyone who looked like they might tell her where to go. After a few minutes of graceful fumbling, she discovered the protocol of announcing oneself to the inn's participants, and so she complied, wondering if any would recognize the young woman's name here in Sharn.

"Shanairra Zanne d'Lyrandar, not much else to say really... nice to see all these strangers!" She grinned, her violet eyes scanning the crowd for anything remotely familiar.

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