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[Tavern] Tower's Shard 2010

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I have a Revenant Warlock nearly done, but just over the weekend I decided that I wasn't into playing him.

So, I put together a Hybrid Wizard/Swordmage that I just need to put on to the character web page (although hybrids are in PHB III as well, they first came out in Dragon so they should be on the approved list).

However, this PC is not really a defender per se. More of a Controller since there are so few controllers here.

I was planning on bringing him into the tavern in a few days.

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The tavern door swings open and a large warforged wearing a shield walks in. Brews rolls his eyes and smiles - and carefully sets away the glasses he was cleaning.

"Greetings, allied unit - Ryda! Your health and pigment appear unchanged. I came to share with you things that I have learned this past week. Primarily, I have learned that choosing a name for oneself is very difficult."

Unit 16 moves to Ryda's table and sits. He is clearly more animated than usual (which is to say, he is animated at all). "Summary of learned information regarding our marks: they have been appearing for thousands of years, as you indicated. Traditionally they appear during a humanoid's early growth stages. They often appear without notice or randomly. In fact, the most predictive trait when dealing with marks is their unpredictability. I conclude that while yours manifested while you were defending yourself, it could be a coincidence. This also gives me no information about the cause of my mark. Furthermore, while marks used to appear only on certain races it is now evident that there is even less certainty about where they will appear. In short: I have learned that it is very difficult to learn anything substantial on this subject." Unit 16 seems quite pleased with this conclusion, its substance notwithstanding.

[sblock=ooc]Oh HELLS YEAH I'd love a short 2-man something-or-other with these characters! That'd be a blast! We don't need no stinkin' leaders! :) 16's got 10,000 AC and a million HP anyway - WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG! :) (Seriously tho, I'm totally up for it!)[/sblock]

[sblock=rules questions]Do LEB characters get one "free" overhaul before they hit their first level up like L4W characters do? Also, is it also required in LEB to get your LEB character up one level before you can make a 2nd one?[/sblock]
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Greetings again Susan, I was wondering if you'd be returning soon or if you had gone of to explore the world. Yes, marks are a big mystery, the only thing for sure is that those that have them are usually going to do something important. She says, sliding the arrow she was examining back into one of her quivers. Now, I know you don't need to eat, but do you mind if I do? I lost all track of time double checking my gear that I've completely forgotten to eat.

Assuming Unit 16 has no objections, she quickly hops up and retrieves a mug of water and a bowl of stew. Exhaling over it in an attempt to cool it, she returns to her new friend to start in on her meal.

[sblock=OOC]I'd be down with a duo, trio, whatever, I'm game for just about anything. Regarding the questions, yes, I believe you do get a rework, and yes, you need to have a lvl 5 before you make a second character.[/sblock]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: I have kalashatar cleric ready, but my first character is still deep in 4th level (on his first adventure) so if I cannot introduce Venakhad and go with you just for fun, then no go. If I can use the character without leveling another (just not get XP as he cannot be approved) I can go with you, unless somebody introduces new one.


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[sblock=OOC]I'm cleared enough to bring in Minkahar. For the moment, his class is up in the air a bit; once a GM and a game actually get started for him, he'll end up as a Warlord or Ardent. It's under control.[/sblock]
A crashing counterpoint to their quiet conversation, the door to the Tower's Shard smashes open, and a frail-seeming man stumbles inside, his eyes wild. A halberd lashed across his back catches a coat rack, becoming entangled in a cloak and sending the whole thing to the floor with a thump.
Waves of fear, anger, and static wash over the room, the emotions leaking from the newcomer as clearly as a scream. He grabs up a used mug from a previously-occupied table, downing the dregs of alcohol as fallen silverware tinkles across the floor.
Casting aside the second-hand drink, he weakly pushes against Unit 16, momentarily stuck behind the Warforged. His very touch feels infused with unfamiliar emotions of terror and dizziness. From behind Unit 16, he calls out to Brews, but his lips never move.
Barkeep! Strong drink...please!


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Oy, a drunk Kalashatar who really likes to project, this can't be good. Ryda thinks to herself and NOT towards the newcomer. Swallowing the bit of stew she was chewing on, she calls out, You alright sir?


"You... took... my friend's... drink," Unit 16 manages to get out, clearly bewildered.

[sblock=ooc]I figure if we're the only ones who've been here for like two weeks (and Brews isn't completely incompetent!) then the mug you grabbed would have had to have come from our table. :)

Also, I'm confused: I thought that race was also PHB3 material? I can't keep up![/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC]I’m thinking his second-hand alcohol will fall under “time flows differently in PbP” rule, since Ryda is only drinking water. For all we know a group had just left the Tavern befor we got here, and Brews has been busy cleaning up all those glasses he’s been dropping… Kalashatar are basic Eberron, so his race is fine, and apparently something has been worked out regarding the warlord/ardent thing, so I’m not going to worry myself over it and assume everything’s fine. If he suddenly vaporizes in a godly smite, well that would be most unfortunate.[/sblock]
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FYI, I've sent an adventure submission in to the judges. A nice short adventure to kill the time while you wait. [/sblock]


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"No!" he cries aloud. "Yes! Maybe!"
Warforged armored Cannith swordborn. Cannith run? Cannith fly? Tie a rope and climb the sky.
He straightens his back, extending a hand to Ryda, but staring, glassy-eyed, past her. His projected fear congeals into a vague static of uneasiness.
"Hello! We're not ourselves today. I'm going to drink an entire bottle of something foul. Maybe pass out for a while. Then we can get along just swimmingly."
He pivots on his heel, tossing out a quick "Hullo hullo!" to Unit 16 and tipping an imaginary hat as he wobbles towards Brews.
Hit me hit me HIT ME. One to the head ping the thoughts go away. Knock your lights out and the lights go off.

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