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Terra Subterranea and The Caverns of Lost Time


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Opale doesn't take time to think and cast Haste, englobing almost everyone.

[SBLOCK=OOC]If the formation hasn't changed (except for Hulgyr I suppose) everyone should be 30 feet from each other and be affected by the Haste, except Hulgyr as he must have travel a bit farther. If we are a bit mroe spread after that stop, I will leave Eternity out of teh area to make sure Zack and Duncane are Hasted and have their extra attack.[/SBLOCK]

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Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: I figured you'd do that. If she moves a bit forward, then yes, she can easily get everyone in a 30 foot radius except Hulgyr, who is over 100 feet further than Zack)

*Opale increases the speed of everyone except Hulgyr dramatically.*

*Suddenly, there is the sound of rushing air, as a dragon wings down at them from over the rise. It's scales are alabaster white, and they seem to shine brilliantly from all the sunlight reflected off the snow and ice. It has a beaked nose and a crest on its head supported by a single protruding spine curving backwards. From the air above them, it unleashes a cone of icy death that hits everyone except Hulgyr. It's daunting presence causes many of the group to be shaken.*


Aya--dodges partially out of the way and takes 12 Damage. She is not Shaken.
Ducane--Fails to get out of the way, but gets lucky and takes only 13 Damage. However, the way his brother was brutalised causes him to be Shaken by the dragon's attack.
Eternity--Also fails to avoid the attack and takes 20 Damage (or less if she wants. She can also spend 1 PP to get a +4 if she wants, but she rolled pretty low--on the other hand, it would probably make the Frightful Presence save succeed). She is Shaken by the dragon's aura.
Hulgyr--Can't even see the dragon and is thus not frightened. However, he takes 17 Damage from the avalanche and is still trapped
Michael--Manages to avoid the worst of the breath attack solely due to Opale's Haste granting him extra speed. He takes only 7 Damage. He is undaunted by the dragon's display.
Opale--Is not so lucky. She takes 20 damage and is Shaken by the dragon's presence.
Zack--Can't try to avoid because he's stuck. He takes 28 Damage from the Breath Attack and 6 Damage from the Avalance, total 34. Understandably, he is quite Shaken up by this

Eternity <----- we are here

Everyone can definitely post actions though)


Eternity will use her 1pp to try and amplify her chances of avoiding disaster (and being shaken). How far is the creature? Eternity would like to blast it with an energy ray (full power 10pp fire ray), but that has short range. If that is not possible she'll probably assume the form of something (not sure yet what) that would let her fly.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: It's only about 45 feet away from her, but that's probably somewhat out of Close range. Oh, and your steeds also took equal damage to each of you. That means Michael and Ducane keep their steeds for now. Everyone else falls to the ice and has to make a Balance check to avoid falling prone. Also, movement is tricky as well.

Eternity manages to avoid being Shaken, but not the breath attack )

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Make another Balance check to try to stand up as a move action

EDIT: Oh, and importantly, it's 45 feet from you by the Pyhtagorean Theorem when you were standing or on the horse. While prone, the distance is too far. Fortunately, the DC to stand is not high.)
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Michael should be weeping in fear and fouling himself.
This is a dragon. Teeth like swords, claws like...really big swords...scales like iron shields...
It's not pretty to think about one of those things biting into his chest.

On the other hand, Michael has lived with many things biting into his chest and if this is bigger than ghouls or Afflicted, Michael has spells and armor and isn't paralyzed.
This is arguably the best shape he's been in for a long time on an adventure.

It's almost with a sense of relief, then, that he leaps off his horse into a snowbank and shouts a prayer to Sela. At least he can give the dragon a fight before he dies horribly.

(OOC: Dismount for a move action, preferably into any cover that may exist. Michael considers the phantasmal mount cover if no other option is available. Cast prayer, ideally catching party and dragon in the radius.)

Never Mind....

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: @Velmont--Eternity can't move while prone unless she crawls.)

*Michael dismounts and utters a prayer to Sela, but that doesn't leave him enough time to find much cover.*

(OOC: Move to dismount, standard to Prayer, that leaves not enough left to go move to better cover than just behind the horse.

Everyone has +1 to attack, damage, checks, saves, etc except Hulgyr. Dragon not affected)

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