The Beast Within. [Was Exit 23 OOC, D20 Modern with Dark*Matter elements]


I'm looking for 4 to 6 players for a D20 Modern game. It'll be a loose conversion of the Dark*Matter setting, along with a few elements taken from one or two of the settings in the core D20 Modern book. I know that's not the most detailed description ever, but I don't want to give away any secrets yet :)

I'd prefer it if any applicants for this game haven't played/run/read the Exit 23 introductory adventure for Dark*Matter, as that will be the starting point for the game. OTOH, if you have played/run/read this adventure, don't feel barred from joining the game, but please note you will need to keep a firm barrier between IC and OOC knowledge.

Also, don't feel that you need any prior knowledge of the Dark*Matter setting. I'm no expert on the setting myself, and may be making some major changes to make it better fit my game.

Character Creation rules:

Make your character someone normal. I don't want a group of covert-ops specialists, or hired goons. Think doctors, journalists, office workers, police officers, and so on. Also, limit equipment to what your character is likely to have. In particular, this applies to weaponry. It's unlikely to be appropriate (or necessary) for every PC to own (or to be proficient with) a gun.

  • 1st level.
  • 32 point buy for ability scores.
  • Humans characters only.
  • Your starting Wealth score will be 5 + Occupation bonus + any feat or other bonuses.
  • Some reason for your character to have been traveling on the I-90 highway. Doesn't have to be anything dramatic, driving home works just fine. (The reason? The game starts in the Exit 23 rest stop on said highway.)
  • Your characters don't need any prior knowledge of each other. In fact, it's rather unlikely that any of you will know each other, unless you were traveling in the same vehicle.
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First Post
Put me down for interest! My sole experience with Dark*Matter is with Jonrog1's story hour, which does happen to start with Exit 23... but I read it so long ago I only remember the broad strokes of the thing. If you still want me, I'll come up with a concept and some stats.


That's fine, loxmyth. Welcome aboard :) To be honest, I expected at least one applicant to have read Jonrog1's story hour. Just shows you've got good taste!

Another couple of notes on the game:

1) You'll all start out with cars, free of cost. After all, you need to have got to Exit 23 somehow. Just try not to make them all sports cars, eh? :D

2) Don't be put off my note about previous experience of the adventure. Exit 23 is quite a short scenario, and is only the starting point for the game. There will be more to come after we finish it!


Hammerhead said:
Well, I have also read Jonrog's Story Hour and read Exit 23, but I'm definitely interested in this sort of game.

Then sign up :) Again, no real problem on you having read Exit 23, but I will need you to keep a solid distinction between player and character knowledge.

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Another person with good taste, it seems. That story hour rocks! But since it seems to be almost the status quo, I don't expect that'll be a problem. I'll be good. :p We gonna get a rogues gallery thread or what?


Hmm, looks like the majority are regulars at Exit 23 ;)

Thomas Hobbes said:
We gonna get a rogues gallery thread or what?

Yup, I'll go start one up.

EDIT: You can find the Rogues' Gallery thread here.
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First Post
I wanna Join! Haven't played, nor read Exit 23, so there's no hiccups in that regard. I'll get a character made up. Hmm...I need an idea...


Hey Sixchan, good to have at least one player who doesn't already know the module ;)

Right, that brings us up to four players. I'm willing to DM for as many as six, if there's any more interest, but I'm happy to start the game once I've got characters from you all.


First Post
I don't suppose there's any chance I can swap out the Athlete's Archaic Weapons Proficiency for EWP: Nunchaku, is there?
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