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The Black Nimbus

aye ahoy! all ye sea farin sky pirates! i am Captain Thaelen glimmerfrost and i be searchin fer a crew to man my ship..If ya be interested i be hirin for the price of 5 gold a day. Those wishin to join should be approachin me as soon as possible for i am itchin to set sail soon. Those joinin should be knowin that i plan on huntin a dragon or two for capture and alive at that!...so hurry up ya landlubbers and sand cutters i be needin a crew in a hurry!

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Cain Thorn

First Post
*posted on simple parchment, using a uniform print*

Pray tell that you have more information about such an ideal. Does thou even know the dragons he is hunting and hoping to hire a crew with so little to offer, perhaps I may join this crew of yours, though You be admiral and I captain, two ships is better than one...

for me to join, do tell how much of the horde the dragons stow is mine along with the standard pay that you have said. Answer what I have asked, then I'll decide wether or not to join your journey...

*signature is only a kittens paw print*
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First Post
Reading the posted messages today, Ruthia happens across this one. Stopping and reading, blinking, rereading, and shaking her head with a chuckle she walks away*

o O(Oh this could be good for a laugh, Doesn't he relize what dragons DO to people when they find out their being hunted? This is too rich! I must go see a few friends.....)

dragons and moneys

well it be seemin that some o ya want to be knowin about the dragons and of course i should a been guessin, more money. well the dragons be two young adult dragons that stay far from argonessen and usually fly about near the Xendrick coast or the elven isle of Stormwatch. as fer the money, i am willin to up the ante to 10 gold a day as well as split half of any treasures accumulated as well. half is soley mine while the other half be splittin between whoever else be involved. as fer me bein admiral and not captain, i dont think i be doin that fer anyone. its me personal ship i have been buyin with me own money so i am captain, though i be willin to have another vessel at hand if there be any who have one......Thaelen glimmerfrost

Cain Thorn

First Post
*posted on simple parchment, using a uniform print*

Ah the good captain makes a reply. You have answered the questions well, but with limited answers. As for being two young adults, do they travel together, with another flight, or are they each single and fly two different paths?

perhaps my questions could be answered in person rather than here. I am sure the good captain would like to see the crew in person, if I am not mistaken.

As far as vessels go, if you would be so kind, can you post a rough sketch of what she looks like or at least estimates of her size with no picture? If this is asking too much of the captain, I do understand.

*signature is only a kittens paw print*

Size o the Black Nimbus

Aye ahoy once again! it seems i be needin to explain meself some more...The size o the Black Nimbus has come into question and i am willing to describe her in much o the detail. First off ya be needin to know she be quite a fine vessel if i do be saying so me self. She be made entirely from aft to stern of Darkwood. From end to end she be the size o three dragons put together and she be as wide a two frost giants side by side. At her center she be sportin three main masts evenly spaced that is. Each mast be the size o two and a half dragons. She also be having what i like to be calling Fan sails..Each one be lookin like a half o moon when they be openin fully, not to mention she be havin magical means o the travelin when the sails cant be used. At the bow, she havin a winged mermaid carved into er with emerald eyes. As far as her height, she be standin from belly to deck about the size o two cloud giants..she be havin two galleys and very accomodatin sleepin quarters as well. My favorite and most special thing about the Black Nimbus be her power center..deep inside she be carryin a large loadstone that gathers elecotricity that be keepin her afloat. when no storms be available, she be usin a rechargeable lightnin rod to keep her goin..she be havin plenty o protection as well if ya be worried about that that is..she be sportin seven fireball canons on each side and five lightning cannons on each side o her deck as well. at the center mast she be havin a wizards tower roost for any necessary spellcastin that may be needed..aslo each timber she be built with has a ruin o the protection from fire and lightnin as well...not to mention a long spike stickin horizontally from her bow be castin an anti-magic field big enough to be protectin the whole ship...so,if there be any other questions ya need answerin, just a be lettin me know......Thaelen glimmerfrost... the captain

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