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The Chaos Effect updated 10/11/05 Exit the Dungeon + New Players intro

Kerrick looks at it in amazement.

The size and general appearance fits his own tokens. The color is off plus a hole has been made to allow it to hang as a medallion. Carefully scratching at it with a knife tip you discover it has been coated to appear different. The horse with flaming hair is part of the series that Kerrick holds!!!!!

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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
ooc: Oh, the, pfft, that medallion. Right. So it's only mithral-coated?

Tamin turns the medallion around to look at the etchings on the back. "Does this help?" If it helps no one, he'll scratch at the medallion there, to see what is under the coating.


Clang holds the mysterious item. He calls up on his powers of the mind and reality and studies it.

"Magic. I can tell you anything."

"Mithril coating ....someone spent a lot of expence covering up this medallion." Clang adds.

OCC: Anything else?


Once more you stopped for camp. The mountain you seek is within sight but still a long way aways.

Then the horse becomes aggitated. Something is scaring it. Something coming from the mountains.

Give me a rough idea of what you want to do over the course of the next three rounds.

Hide, spot, prepare for battle etc. I will fill in voids or make adjustments if the actions don't fit at all. example- I want to be peaceful and speak. Rd 1 a rageing dragon approaches. needless to say I doubt you wish to remain to talk nice to the engine of destruction.


The man with the probe
Vander will dismount, calm is horse, and look around. If something he deams a unaproachable thread appears far away, he'll draw his bow and filre. If it's close, he'll draw his warhammer and shield and approach (He has quickdraw, so he won't draw them till they are definitively needed). Either way, if combat is apparent, he will activate his Shield of Faith ability (Should be a standard action). He's not too worried about his Warhorse spooking.

If he spots something he thinks he can talk with, he'll call out to it/them and try to engage it in a conversation, or at least try some diplomacy with it. As mentioned before, he has quickdraw, so he won't draw a weapon till it is clear it is needed to try to help keep any potentiat enemy calm why he talks with them.

I know this is vague, but I hope this is what you were looking for. Should give you a general outline for what he intends to do under just about any circumstance.


First Post
"We had best prepare our defenses in case the approaching party is hostile. Here's what we do; We'll hide and wait for whatever it is to come into view and see whether it's hostile not." Spike has obviously switched into his "military mode" again. He almost feels at home with possible danger approaching.

Round 1: Draws greatsword and activates his Motivate Ardor aura.
Round 2: If hostile he gets into melee and activates his Accurate Strike aura.
Round 3: Keep hitting the hostile forces till they're vanquished or fleeing.


First Post
Clang readys himself drawing his mw crossbow
stays silent,
waits for someone else to attack or talk.

If friendly encounter.
Listens does not say anything unless asked.
if he is asked a question he replys in quick answers.
Continues to stay ready for combat until the encounter is over.

If unfriendly
1. fires crossbow or attacks with staff if in close range keeps on attacking until foe is defeted.
he withdraws if he is down to 1/4 hp's or below

Voidrunner's Codex

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