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D&D 5E The City of Is'Merith

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I already struggle with residual memory of rules from my 3.5 playing ten years ago when I run 5E. Even little things like listening to a podcast of 4E play can throw off my rules knowledge since they all use the same terms and tweak them. I DM a group online over Roll20 and I love it (I'm converting War of the Burning Sky on the fly for 5E), but little bits of rules always get twisted up in my head (how do death saves work for this edition, critical damage, etc...). It's one of the reasons that I'm a little cautious about jumping into playing or running Pathfinder. I would hate to keep mixing myself up.

I actually subscribed to the Pathfinder adventure path once I got back into roleplaying last year after I enjoyed reading WotBS so much. I could run Giantslayer or Hell's Rebels for 5E. Zeitgeist also looks amazing. I have some of the earlier adventures and they're fantastic, but I'm afraid the later ones might be difficult to convert to 5E. It looks cool enough that I'm tempted to start learning Pathfinder to do it though. I also have two of the 5E paths (Tyranny and Elemental) that I'm reading through. And another part of me wonders if PbP would be a good place to practice creating a game designed around the PCs where I try to build a story around what the players want and the backgrounds they provide instead of running prewritten adventures.

I'm just rambling at this point. I'm having a blast with this game and feel lucky to have gotten into it. I kind of want to be able to give back to the community so more people can play too. Maybe I should start with a single adventure? I'll keep mulling it over.

Ok, so Alejandro has already ripped out the half Orc teeth, glaring at anyone who challenges him.

The head, schmead, that can get buried, but by god he's having that tusk. Half orcs killed his parents, it means a great deal to him as a trophy.

Beyond that, I want the thieves tools (I have proficiency but don't own any) and I'm intrigued by the exotic shield, for sure, although it's broken.

As for armour, I get to have a base AC of 13 with no armour, 15 with a shield, so unless I get an improvement on that I'm easy osey.

Swords are Isaacs bag, more than mine (Alejandro likes to beat things).


I don't mind retconing Al ripping out the teeth. Daedarai still has the skull wrapped up in his pack for burial post that happening then.

Thieves' tools for Al sounds fine too. I didn't realize you had proficiency (which means your roll to pop that lock was even higher. I'm ashamed).

Does anyone have a proficiency in the poison kit? I wouldn't mind picking up the skill, but by RAW, it takes 250 days and 250 gold to learn a new tool proficiency. I don't know if we'll have that kind of downtime.

I was initially trying to avoid looking at everyone else's character sheets, but now that I started, I glanced over all of them to figure out the loot.

Either medium armor would give you a net benefit. You would lose your con mod, but would get to still use your dex. For a chain shirt that's AC 15 w/no shield and a breastplate would be AC 16 w/no shield factoring in your dex. Those numbers are the same for Isaac. That half-plate if repaired would give either of you AC 17.

Mina should have proficiency with Thieves' tools from her multiclass to rogue, but I didn't see it listed. I don't remember the details when Pathfinder joined us, he may have negotiated a swap of that proficiency for something else. Anyway, if she's proficient, she would be the only other one who might want it.

Since we're at a point where so many items are going to have overlapping needs, maybe it is worthwhile to put a value on them and treat them like cash with the characters purchasing them.

I included my Prof bonus already in the roll. Totally expecting a cock up but happily not! I like to type then roll then type the result so I could've looked like a right plonker there!

Thieves tools, if Mina wants is ok, but Al will fight for the gold tusk so that might rule him out of some of the other stuff. Mind you, a tusk and a broken shield...urchins don't ask for much...


First Post
FWIW Mina already owns thieves tools (and is proficient- I just forgot to add that to the sheet); I don't think there is anything there that looks compelling for her. We'll have to see about some Detect Magic/Identification from our friendly Guild fence (when/if we get back into the city).

On an unrelated note, I will probably be out of communication most of this week, from Tuesday night to Saturday- holiday travel to the in-laws, who computer resources are rather meager. I'll catch up when I get back, but in the event I'm slowing things down feel free to NPC Mina (or leave her catatonic with goblin-viscera induced trauma...


First Post
As to the whole LPF thing, it really isn't for me. I was involved in the Living Eberron (both 3.5 and 4e) and in the Living 4e forums, both of which seem quite dead, and they were fun- I would join up if there were a Living 5e (or 5e Eberron). But, oddly enough, despite the forum name (which has its roots in LARPing more than anything else), I'm not into Pathfinder the system. I don't have the brainspace or the money to be conversant with another ruleset right now, I guess...


Instead of cluttering the game thread, I'll ask this here. For the armor, ghost sound doesn't exist yet in 5E. I think it got folded into minor illusion. Do you want the ability of the armor to mimic the 3E spell?

For everybody else, here's my suggestion for dividing the loot. I say we value the items at half price (similar to if we bought them from the guild fence even though some items fall out of that range), and keep a tally until we get back to town. At town, we’ll use whatever coins we have found to balance the haul as much as possible for everyone. I’ve gone ahead and written out how I think we should divide things and started a tally. I also went back to Sezarious’ post for shopping and tried to extrapolate a scale to price the magical items. If you think that I under or over valued something, let me know.

Here’s the list of items:

  • - Studded leather, thieves' guild markings, immaculate: (continual prestidigitation and allows ghost sound at cost of hp) Just the cleaning enchantment was a X3 modifier before. I think the extra enchantment because of the drawback is probably only worth another X2 so a total of X5. (45/2)X5=112 gp 5 silver
    - Gold tusk/teeth: - Maybe 5gp?
    - Elven shortsword w/scabbard: (light enchantment and can count as magical to bypass DR with cost) the glowing enchantment was worth a X5 modifier before. I think the additional enchantment w/ the drawback is similar to the armor for another X2. (10/2)X7 = 35 gp (note that the shortsword from the fence was silvered which added 100 gp to the initial cost. As far as I can recall, this blade wasn’t described as silvered)
    - Thieves' tools: 25/2 = 12 gp 5 silver
    - Poisoner's kit: 50/2 = 25 gp
    - Healing Potion x2: 50/2 = 25 gp(ea)
    - Clear liquid: ???
    - Yellow liquid x2: ???
    - Breastplate: 400/2 = 200 gp
    - Chain shirt: 50/2 = 25 gp
    - Half plate (damaged): I’m going to halve the value twice due to the need for repairs – (750/2)/2 = 187 gp 5 silver
    - Shield: 10/2 = 5 gp
    - Spiked shield: I think the unique nature of it adds value over a normal shield so my gut says 50 gp since it works as a shield and a weapon then halve the value twice due to repairs – (50/2)/2 = 12 gp 5 silver

With that said, here’s how I would divide the loot to try and spread the wealth. These are my thoughts. You need to decide what's right for your character. I'm just afraid that we're all so polite that unless we have a decent starting point, no one will take anything:

Isaac - the magical sword, chain shirt (for wearing now), and broken half plate (for later)
The half plate would give disadvantage to stealth checks which I believe Al would want to avoid. Isaac has heavy armor proficiency so he may prefer we sell the half plate and go for Scale or save up for Plate.
Total value (w/half plate): 247 gp 5 silver
Total value (w/o half plate) 60 gp

Al - the Lizardfolk shield, breastplate, golden tusk+teeth (he ripped 'em out so it seems fair to keep them), thieves' tools, and one healing potion (already used)
The breastplate has a better AC than the chain shirt, but Isaac is getting a magical weapon. Plus, the breastplate is probably the best armor for Al w/o any enchantments or more ASIs.
Total Value: 255 gp

Shen - healing potion
Total Value: 25 gp

Mina –

Daedarai – Poisoner’s Kit ((I was reading on it. It looks like we can use the tool, but it would just be a normal ability check -maybe int. If you're proficient with a tool, you get to add your prof. bonus on top of that roll. So the tool is still potentially useful for us even without proficiency)
Total Value: 25 gp

Remaining loot:

Unknown potions - divide after identifying

The spare shield - sell

The guild armor - I like it because of the ancient guild markings. It speaks to me on a narrative level. I'm playing my character as trying to figure out the ins and outs of the guild with its history and goals so a link to guild's past is compelling to me. However, Mina, Shen and Daedarai could all use it. I'm planning on going Arcane Trickster next level so the cantrip ability would probably be wasted on me at that point though (I'm pretty sure minor illusion will be one of my cantrips). I would be okay giving up the armor if narratively whichever character takes it (Mina or Shen) allows me to study it and maybe replicate the design. Honestly, Shen has been scouting ahead and has no way to produce magical effects to help her so it might be best for her.

Voidrunner's Codex

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