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The Closed Eye, part II (DM: covaithe, Judge: garyh)


ooc: quick results: Atreus hits. It's insubstantial, so it takes 10 damage. Waiting for Tander. Regarding terrain, the leafy squares are low vegetation that is difficult terrain but does not provide cover or concealment. So no hiding.

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Round 1

Atreus strikes true with a sling bullet. The stone goes clean through the shadowy being, leaving a vaporous hole that quickly fills in. (ooc: hit, 10 damage (insubstantial))

Woe, Tander and Palindrome pause, waiting for Arnest and his bodyguards to act.

Arnest's face flushes with suspicion. "Why are you waiting? We're under attack! Do something! Unless... Did you do this? Are these creatures your doing?" His hands crackle with magical energy, but he holds it back, awaiting your actions.

His guards follow his lead, waiting to see what Arnest does. (ooc: all delay 'til after you guys go. :devil:)

The nearest specter disappears. A moment later it reappears next to Arnest. It sighs with an evil hiss, and exhales a cloud of sickly white mist engulfing Arnest, Woe, and one of the bodyguards. Atreus crouches and lets the half-orc's bulk take the worst of the blast. (ooc: goes invisible, then reappears, using spectral breath. Atreus is missed due to cover from the orc, but Woe, Arnest, and the orc are hit. They take 6 psychic damage and fall prone.)

The mote disappears.

The wraiths glide silently forward, passing through branches and leaves without a stir. One goes for Woe; it's chill touch does little damage, but makes Woe's legs weak and sluggish. Another goes for Arnest, missing. The remainder go for the bodyguard farthest forward, swarming around him. (ooc: rolls. Woe takes 4 necrotic and is slowed TENT (wraith 1). Orc 1 takes 12 necrotic and is slowed TENT (wraith 6).)

Two more wraiths appear up the path. (7 and 8)

[sblock=initiative and status]

Atreus hp 29/29 surges 7/7 <=== You're up
Woe hp 30/40 surges 10/10, prone, slowed TENT (wraith 1)
Palindrome hp 24/24 surges 6/6
Tander hp 29/29 surges 8/8
Arnest 6 damage, prone
Half orc 1 12 damage, slowed TENT (wraith 6)
Half orc 2 unharmed
Half orc 3 6 damage, prone
specter 1 10 damage
mote 1 unharmed, invisible.
wraith 1 unharmed
wraith 2 unharmed
wraith 3 unharmed
wraith 4 unharmed
wraith 5 unharmed
wraith 6 unharmed
wraith 7 unharmed
wraith 8 unharmed

Resources used:
specter 1: spectral breath

[sblock=map (unchanged)]



First Post
OOC: Going to have Tander go before Atreus so he can get a buff from his power. Assuming this is ok with you guys.

"Fools! Have you never seen battle before? Have you never formed a line?" Tander, angry at his so-called allies hesitation, steps forward (OOC: move 2 squares East) and raises both hands. A wash of power flows forth, suffusing Atreus, Arnest, and the nearest half-orc with power while draining the life force from the nearest wraiths (OOC: Divine glow - Atreus, Arnest, and Half-orc 3 get +2 power bonus to attack rolls until end of Tander's next turn. Glow hits nw wraith reflex 24, ne wraith reflex 18 for 6 radiant damage).

Tander shouts out as power continues to spew from his body. "Arnest - save your darkest powers for another fight - these beasts are partially immune" (OOC: Let Arnest know he shouldn't use necrotic ;))

OOC Tactics: Tander is hoping to get as many undead near him on the next turn as possible so he can drop Turn Undead

[sblock=Tander Stat Block]
Tander Oaksmith, Human Cleric 2
Passive Perception 15, Passive Insight 20
AC 17, Fort 14, Reflex 15, Will 19
Resist 5 poison
HP 29/29, Bloodied 14, Surge Value 7, Surges 8/8
Speed 5, Initiative +7
Action Points: 1

Current Effects

Encounter Resources
Spiteful Glamor
USED Divine Glow
Healing Word One
Healing Word Two
Channel Divinity (Turn Undead or Divine Fortune)
Second Wind
Use Action Point

Daily Resources
Beacon of Hope
Cure Light Wounds


First Post
Arnest's face flushes with suspicion. "Why are you waiting? We're under attack! Do something! Unless... Did you do this? Are these creatures your doing?" His hands crackle with magical energy, but he holds it back, awaiting your actions.
"You damned bunch of pansies," yells Palindrome, "What's the matter? Do you squat when you pee? I was trying to make sure that you and your pig-faced girlfriends weren't in the line of fire, but since you and the retard squad decided to make a mess of everything, I've got no choice but to do this, but let me put a ***** defensive spell on you first. Hell, you should be able to tackle the undead with this one."

  • Bluff Check -- about 'Defensive Spell' and that it's all Arnest's fault -- 1d20+9=28
  • Minor: Palindrome casts Light on Arnest's head -- a brilliant, flashing, multi-colored, 'please attack me' sort of light.
  • Move: Palindrome moves from R1 to T3. (Hopefully the difficult terrain will slow down the specters.)
  • Standard: Palindrome casts Grasping Shadows, centered on Q9.
    [*]1d8+4=5 psychic damage, slowed until Palindrome's EONT; creates zone until Palindrome's EONT -- creatures in zone are slowed and suffer 4 psychic damage -- v. Will (1d20+5=19, 1d20+5=12, 1d20+5=10, 1d20+5=13, 1d20+5=20, 1d20+5=23)
    [*]19 v. Will -- Specter 3(?)
    [*]12 v. Will -- Specter 5
    [*]10 v. Will -- Specter 4
    [*]13 v. Will -- Orc 2
    [*]20 v. Will -- Orc 1
    [*]23 v. Will -- Specter 6

[sblock=Palindrome's Stats]Palindrome - Human Wizard (Illusionist) 2
Passive Perception 13, Passive Insight 13
AC 15, Fort 12, Reflex 16, Will 17
HP 24/24, Bloodied 12, Surge Value 6, Surges 6/6
Speed 6, Initiative +3
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Illusory Ambush, Magic Missile, Scorching Burst
Encounter Powers: Dire Radiance, Grasping Shadows, Shield
Daily Powers: Flaming Sphere
Cantrips: Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation[/sblock]
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First Post
“Screw ladies first policy!” Woe grunts, with only partial intention behind the pun.

He stumbles to his feet by pushing off the nearby bodyguard’s face, seeking to test the corporeality of their spectral assailants.

“Just like old times, Arnest,” he pesters the noble while sizing up the situation. “Once more we have to clean up your mess, with your orc goons kissing the dirt, and your failure on display at any semblance of control over the undead.”

Woe lashes out at a nearby apparition, doing his best to shake off the drain on his body.

“Don’t get no ectoplasmic goo on the New and Improved Punani Penetrator, spirit!”

[sblock=Actions]Woe stops delaying, stands, and attacks (marking). He hits AC 28 (near-crit!) and deals 6 damage (minimum, sigh).

Was the spectre left off the map by mistake? Or did it both go invisible, attack, then go invisible again in the same turn? If it’s visible in range Woe uses Cleave, dealing 6 damage to it and 4 damage to wraith 1. If the spectre isn’t in range, Woe uses Crushing Surge on wraith 1 instead, dealing 6 damage and gaining 2 temp hp on a hit.

Woe Chinua - Human Fighter 2
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 20, Fort 19, Reflex 17, Will 14
HP 30/40, Bloodied 20, Surge Value 10, Surges 11/11
Speed 5, Initiative +3
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
Powers: Cleave, Crushing Surge, Tide of Iron; Pass Forward; Spear of Myrdroon's Shard;
Steel Serpent Strike; Comeback Strike, Inspiring Word; Spear of Myrdroon's Shard [/sblock]


First Post
Atreus looks at Arnest with contempt as he suggests that they have something to do with this darkness. " Fool, start casting spells before I change my mind about this arrangement! " and the rogue thanks Tander with a quick acknowledging nod for the buff.

[sblock=To Covaithe]
I know you have a lot to manage, but you didn't answer my question about buying healing potions before getting here. So is it okay if I bought some or is it far too late :).
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First Post
"Oh, nooooooo, Palindrome! We can't possibly kill him!" Palindrome says in a high-pitched mockery of Atreus's voice.

"In case you're wondering: No. I never get tired of being right."

[sblock=Atriden]Hey, I think you've already made your attack for this round, with the sling. Are you posting your action for round 2?[/sblock]


[sblock=ooc]Dunamin: Yes, the specter should be visible, just north of Arnest in P6. I just forgot to make him visible to players again. Still, he's out of range for Woe's cleave. Also, Tander kills Wraith 1 before Woe's turn; can you restate your action in light of that?

Atriden, and others if you're so inclined: Sure, we can say that you passed through the market on your way out of town and can buy potions if you like; but if you want to do that, do it now please (and not, say, when your character is unconscious. ;))

Atriden, can you restate your action, since the specter is in P6? I'm not sure your action works from where you are. Also, and this is a minor point: the Quick draw feat lets you draw a weapon as part of the attack action, not the move action. Normally (without the feat) it's a minor action to draw the weapon, so you wouldn't be able to it as part of a move action. That's a 3.5 thing. ;)

Palindrome, would you like to change anything, since your action as stated will provoke an OA from specter 2 that has appeared in Q2?

Round 2

Tander strides east, but just as he does so, a previously-invisible specter touches him with an icy claw, becoming visible just to the north. Tander's divine radiance blasts one of the wraiths, dissipating its wispy structure to nothing. (ooc: specter 2 appears in Q2 and makes an OA on Tander, which hits for 4 necrotic. Tander's divine glow hits wraith 1 and 2 and kills them. He needs another attack roll for specter 1. And, there might be another invisible creature in the blast; I need to check when I get home. I was dumb and forgot to save the files appropriately so that I can update from work. In any case, +2 to damage attack rolls all around.)

[sblock=initiative and status]

Tander hp 29/29 surges 8/8
Woe hp 30/40 surges 10/10, prone, slowed TENT (wraith 1) <=== You're up
Atreus hp 29/29 surges 7/7 +2 to attack rolls TENT (tander)
Palindrome hp 24/24 surges 6/6
Arnest 6 damage, prone, +2 to attack rolls TENT (tander)
Half orc 1 12 damage, slowed TENT (wraith 6)
Half orc 2 unharmed
Half orc 3 6 damage, prone, +2 to attack rolls TENT (tander)
specter 1 10 damage
specter 2 unharmed
mote 1 unharmed, invisible.
wraith 1 unharmed
wraith 2 unharmed
wraith 3 unharmed
wraith 4 unharmed
wraith 5 unharmed
wraith 6 unharmed
wraith 7 unharmed
wraith 8 unharmed

Resources used:
specter 1: spectral breath

ooc: no map update, since I screwed up the files. I'll get it tonight.
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First Post
[sblock=Re-Actions (Badabing!)]
Yes, the specter should be visible, just north of Arnest in P6. I just forgot to make him visible to players again. Still, he's out of range for Woe's cleave. Also, Tander kills Wraith 1 before Woe's turn; can you restate your action in light of that?
Sure thing, we could say Woe used the At-Will power of his spear instead to hit Spectre 1 with lightning reach.

Two things I think you may have missed, though: Tander's Divine Glow should give +2 to attacks not damage, and I don't think Woe was included in it (so no bonus for him).[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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