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The Closed Eye, part II (DM: covaithe, Judge: garyh)


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Atriden, and others if you're so inclined: Sure, we can say that you passed through the market on your way out of town and can buy potions if you like; but if you want to do that, do it now please (and not, say, when your character is unconscious. ;))
Ok, Woe will have bought a Potion of Healing.[/sblock]

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First Post
[sblock=Ack!]Yeah, let's change the boy's move action. Palindrome will shift to S2. You know, that nice, safe place behind Tander.

And my boy has purchased two potions of healing.[/sblock]
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Round 2, continued

Tander's blast of radiance misses the specter. (ooc: and if there are any other invisibles in the blast, they're missed too. Not that I'm saying there are.)

Woe rises and jabs his spear forward, lightning flashing from the end and further eroding the shadow creature. (hit, 3 damage after insubstantial)

Palindrome ducks away from the new newly arrived specter. He casts a "protective spell" on Arnest, then conjures illusory shadows to bend and writhe around the lead bodyguards. His shadows are extraordinarily effective against the wraiths, dispersing all but one of them. Unfortunately, the bodyguards take damage as well. (ooc: hits all but wraith 4. Wraiths 3, 5, and 6 die. Orc 1 and 2 take 5 psychic and are slowed TENT (palindrome))

[sblock=initiative and status]

Tander hp 25/29 surges 8/8
Woe hp 30/40 surges 10/10, slowed TENT (wraith 1)
Palindrome hp 24/24 surges 6/6
Atreus hp 29/29 surges 7/7 +2 to attack rolls TENT (tander) <=== You're up
Arnest 6 damage, prone, +2 to attack rolls TENT (tander), "protective spell" from Palindrome
Half orc 1 17 damage, slowed TENT (palindrome)
Half orc 2 5 damage, slowed TENT (palindrome)
Half orc 3 6 damage, prone, +2 to attack rolls TENT (tander)
specter 1 13 damage, marked by Woe
specter 2 unharmed
mote 1 unharmed, invisible.
wraith 1 destroyed
wraith 2 destroyed
wraith 3 destroyed
wraith 4 unharmed
wraith 5 destroyed
wraith 6 destroyed
wraith 7 unharmed
wraith 8 unharmed

Zones in effect:
* burst 1 around Q9: grasping shadows. Until Palindrome's ENT, creatures who enter the zone take 4 psychic and are slowed TENT(palindrome)

Resources used:
specter 1: spectral breath
Tander: divine glow
Palindrome: grasping shadows




First Post
Out of Character

Whoo! We're fighting minions! I dig minions!

Hey, did our party lose a turn because dingleberry and the tuskettes didn't act?

Nerdytenor: Jerk! Moving meatshield Tander out of the way! :(


Hey, did our party lose a turn because dingleberry and the tuskettes didn't act?

ooc: Effectively, yes. You all delayed until a condition happened (after they acted), which didn't happen this round, because they delayed too. That's arguably a slightly mean interpretation, but the image of you guys staring at each other, each unwilling to make the first move while the undead move in to surround you all.... too good to miss. :)


First Post
Atreus puts his sling in his pocket.
Kenhood said:
"Oh, nooooooo, Palindrome! We can't possibly kill him!"
Kenhood said:
Palindrome says in a high-pitched mockery of Atreus's voice.
" Mock me again and I will cut that wicked tong of yours out " he says coldly and he pets his deathstalker dagger on his belt and then turns to his objective.

Atreus looks hard at Arnest " Move and you die " and then he uses his back as a support to make a sommersault over the specter 1 while pulling his dagger in mid air and striking it as he lands on the otherside.
[sblock= New Actions]
Minor Action - Shoves his sling into one of his pockets.
Move Action - Makes a acrobatic stunt over the specter 1 to land in O6 ( and I believe provoke an attack from specter 1. I get +3 to AC because my artful dodger rogue feature. Got 25 !
Standard Action - Attacks Specter 1 with sly flourish, hits AC 16(flank bonus not included) and does 22 damage. ( I actually hit AC 17 without flank bonus, since I have a +10 attack bonus with deathstalker and not +9)
[sblock= Old Actions]
Minor Action - Shoves his sling into one of his pockets.
Move Action - Moves to O4 and pulls his new magic dagger forth
Standard Action - Attacks Specter 1 with sly flourish, hits AC 16(flank bonus not included) and does 22 damage.

I made my turn since I was confused about who's turn it was since everybody delayed their actions.
[sblock= Healing Potions]
I will buy 2 healing potions.
[sblock=Atreus Stats] Atreus D’torian - Human Rogue 2
Passive Perception 16, Passive Insight 17
AC 17, Fort 13, Reflex 18, Will 15
HP 29/29, Bloodied 14, Surge Value 7, Surges 7/7
Speed 6, Initiative +7
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: Not Used Yet
Powers: Deft Strike, Piercing Strike, Sly Flourish, Fleeting Ghost
Positioning Strike, Blinding Barrage, Deathstalker Dagger [/sblock]
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Round 2, continued

Atreus threatens Arnest, then leaps acrobatically over the specter. Unfortunately, his brilliant leap carries him directly into another specter, invisible until now. He feels a cold chill sap his strength, and the shock distracts him enough that both specters are able to get through his defenses. Undeterred, he whirls and stabs the first specter, dissipating a wide swath of its shadowy substance. The specter's translucent outline now appears ragged and tenuous; it is close to losing its grip on unlife. (ooc: Atreus provokes OAs from specter 1 and specter 3, which was invisible until now. I gave him an extra +1 AC for being cool, but the specters weren't having it; they both hit him anyways for 15 total necrotic damage. In addition, Atreus discovers that the specters have an aura: adjacent enemies take -2 to defenses. Atreus hits with sly flourish for 11 after insubstantial; specter 1 is bloodied. Finally, Woe would get a combat challenge attack on specter 1, but he's not adjacent.)

Arnest glares at Atreus, but then he shoots Palindrome a begrudgingly grateful look. "Thank you for the protective spell." He stands, and orders his bodyguards, "Kill this one," indicating the faltering specter in front of him. Arcane energies form at his fingertips. (ooc: stands up, readies an attack for when specter 1 dies)

The nearest bodyguard leaps to his feet and swings his axe in a professional arc, smearing a bit more of the specter's substance away, but not yet killing it. The next bodyguard steps out of Palindrome's illusory shadows and finishes the specter. The bodyguard steps in front of Arnest. (ooc: orc 3 hits for 4 damage after insubstantial. Orc 2 hits for 6 after insubst., killing it. Orc 2 shifts into P6.)

Arnest, ready now that he is no longer threatened by the shadow, unleashes a blast of lightning from his fingertips, destroying three of the wraiths. (ooc: dancing lightning hits wraith 4, 7, and 8, killing them.)

The last bodyguard steps forward and strikes at the newly appeared specter, a careful but feeble blow. Still, it draws the creature's attention. As the half orc moves, the mote becomes visible again. (ooc: orc 1 moves to P8, provoking an OA from mote 1, which was invisible, that misses. orc 1 hits specter 3, shifting into P7.)

The westernmost specter drifts closer to Woe. Woe and Tander feel the draining chill of the creature's proximity. It exhales another cloud of sickly white vapor. Tander withstands the miasma, but Woe, Arnest, and two of his bodyguards sway and fall to the ground again. (ooc: specter 2 moves to Q3. Woe and Tander are in its aura and take -2 to defenses. It uses spectral breath missing Tander, but hitting Woe, Arnest, Orc 3, and Orc 2. They take 13 psychic damage and fall prone. Woe is bloodied.)[/i]

The other specter blasts out a cloud of unholy vapor as well, encompassing the same group, with similarly devastating effect; only one of the orcs escapes the effect. (ooc: spectral breath, same blast area. Woe eats a crit, everyone except orc 3 is hit, for 8 psychic damage and knocked prone. Woe takes 14.)

The mote, newly appeared where one of the bodyguards stood, flits over next to Arnest's supine form. It flashes with an intense cold light, then disappears again. (ooc: mote 1 was in Q9, and it did get hit by Palindrome's grasping shadows earlier, so it's slowed. It moves to Q8 and uses Chill of the Grave, close burst 2. Only hits Arnest, for 9 cold damage, and Arnest gains vulnerable 3 cold (save ends). The mote disappears again.)

Two other motes appear in similar flashes of blinding cold, and immediately disappear. Miraculously, only Atreus is hit by the first blast, but the second is devastating. Woe, Atreus, and Arnest fall unconscious. Arnest manages to twist his body and look Palindrome in the eye as he crumples. "I don't think your protective spell is working," he quips. "Remember: if I fall, your deeds will come to light." (ooc: mote 2 and 3 appear in O5 and P5, respectively. Same attack; mote 2 hits only Atreus (the roll is a 9, but Atreus has -2 to defenses from the specter aura, and the mote is flanking him with the specter for CA, which hits his fort of 13 exactly). Atreus takes 6 cold damage and gains 3 vuln cold (save ends). The second mote hits specter 2, Woe, Arnest, Atreus, and orc 1. They take 8 cold damage, and Atreus and Arnest take 3 more from vulnerability. All those guys gain 3 vuln. cold (save ends). Arnest, Atreus, and Woe are unconscious. Orc 1 becomes bloodied.)

Finally, three more wraiths emerge from the trees. Two attack Palindrome, and the third heads for one of the bodyguards. Palindrome avoids both attacks, but the bodyguard is not so lucky. (ooc: wraiths 9, 10, and 11 come out. 9 hits orc 1; 10 and 11 miss Palindrome. rolls)

[sblock=initiative and status]

Tander hp 17/29 surges 8/8, prone <=== You're up
Woe hp -5/40 surges 10/10, dying, prone, vulnerable 3 cold (save ends)
Palindrome hp 24/24 surges 6/6
Atreus hp -3/29 surges 7/7 +2 to attack rolls TENT (tander), dying, vulnerable 3 cold (save ends)
Arnest 47 damage, dying, prone, +2 to attack rolls TENT (tander), "protective spell" from Palindrome, vulnerable 3 cold (save ends)
Half orc 1 29 damage, bloodied, slowed TENT (wraith 10), vulnerable 3 cold (save ends)
Half orc 2 26 damage, bloodied, prone, slowed TENT (palindrome)
Half orc 3 19 damage, prone, +2 to attack rolls TENT (tander)
specter 1 destroyed
specter 2 unharmed
specter 3 4 damage, vulnerable 3 cold (save ends)
mote 1 unharmed, invisible, last seen in Q8
mote 2 unharmed, invisible, last seen in O5.
mote 3 unharmed, invisible, last seen in P5.
wraith 1 destroyed
wraith 2 destroyed
wraith 3 destroyed
wraith 4 destroyed
wraith 5 destroyed
wraith 6 destroyed
wraith 7 destroyed
wraith 8 destroyed
wraith 9
wraith 10
wraith 11

Zones in effect:
* burst 1 around Q9: grasping shadows. Until Palindrome's ENT, creatures who enter the zone take 4 psychic and are slowed TENT(palindrome)
* enemies adjacent to specters take -2 to defenses.

Resources used:
specter 2: spectral breath
specter 3: spectral breath
Tander: divine glow
Palindrome: grasping shadows



ooc: Whew! That was some update. I count 30 attack rolls I made in that round, and that's not including Arnest and the Tuskettes.


First Post
[sblock= OOC]
Wow, that was a big update indeed Covaithe, and thanks for letting me pull of that stunt.

Man how unlucky can we be, this is Crazy! I am pretty sure that my character feels like a mistreated punching bag by now...

How is it that our enemies always manage to almost kill us, hehe. First the bloody elves and now these ghosts! I hope we survive this, don't want to turn into one of those wraiths ;)

So whats the plan guys?

Voidrunner's Codex

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