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THE DUNGEON: (1) Out of Whistle


Living EN World Judge
The Demon Spider looms above you all, it's fangs glittering with malice and the desire to eat your Souls...

Suddenly a blur of motion ends with an apple-sized orb landing underneath the Spider's abdomen.

A thunderous explosion occurs, the Spider caught in some form of energy release, it's bloated form lands twisted and quite dead upon the corpse-strewn floor of it's lair.

The Spider, the corpses, indeed even the very walls asr starting to melt before your eyes, turning to a slime-like goo...

A figure stands a short distance away, an odd coat and hat upon it's form. With a sigh, it says 'Damn, that was my last Thermal Grenade,too...'

<Enter ferretguy>

Two things stand out from the gooey landscape, a pile of glittering loot, coins,weapons, odd objects of various sorts, and a pale circle hanging in Mid-air.
Kael and Kax recognize it as a Portal. It would seem that this Demon was a Guardian like the Riddling Elemental that you encountered before.

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Argent Silvermage

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Aska walks cautiously up to the newcomer. Thank you for destroying the spider demon. It killed one of our party and would have gotten the rest of us. I'm Aska Masaki. Priestess of the Weaver. Who are you? Aska appears to be a human woman with emerald green hair and deep purple eyes. she is wearing plate armor and caries a mace. (For Ferretguys info)

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Kazareen scrapes some of the muck off of himself and wanders over to the pile of treasure. He mutters a few words in Kender and casts Detect Magic. Hey guys! Looks like there's some interesting stuff in here. He begins to "borrow" much of the hoard.


First Post
Kael eyes the newcomer warily. He's met enough interesting people in this realm to know that not all of them conform to his perceptions of what is real and what is not. "That's a mighty interesting... um... incendiary device you had there, sir. I hope you have more--we may need them in this place.

"We should pack up that hoard and get through this portal as fast as we can. You never know how long they'll remain."


First Post
The man steps into the light as he takes off his hat, his slicked back hair holding in place, brown eyes sparkling with humor. He quickly wipes off the residue of spider guts off his grey pinstriped shirt. Well nice to meet ya' Doll. Jasons the name, avoidin' coppers my game. Me and my gang, just casin' this here joint for possibe buisness ventures if you know what I mean. He smiles patting his Thompson Unfortunatly, don't have any more of those large ordinance, but ol'Betsy here will do her best.

OOC: Sorry about the delay fellas', just needed to get my act together...
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Thank you Jason Aska says, That thing Killed my Takote. She collapses into Jasons arms and starts weeping uncontrolably.

Kazareen looks over to Taklinn and Keal and says, I could use another few hands here guys. The Kender has been scooping as much as his bag of holding will contain.


Living EN World Judge
Jack Lobbons flys over to Jason, hovering above him, zipping here and there,astonished at his colorful dress. 'Cor! I could do wit an outfit like this'un, whut. Coppers? Yeah, we try to avoid them as well, nasty things not worth, well...not much at all, really.'

Kaz continues to scoop random loot ino his sack, coins, jewels,a helmet with a hole in it the size of a fist, a strange small red cannister with a white swirl upon it and much small runic script. Suddenly, his hand moving in and out so fast, Kaz accidently throws something from inside the Haversack. It is one of the little Chess Pieces that he had picked up from the 'living room' when eating with the family of illusions...
The small ivory figurine hits the ground and explodes in a flash of violet light.
Standing there is an elf, bow in hand and keen blade upon his hip. He shouts 'Die Demon!!!' and quickly fires one then two shots at nothing, the arrows striking the melting walls, sinking out of sight even as they hit.

Enter Valendir the lost


Valendir was frantic, Jornag, Johnnie the Fist, Mevagorm and even Rolandir had fallen to the Spider-Demon. None of their magic seemed to harm the thing, though Johnnie's Firearm had given it a wound or two. Valendir's bow spit steely death as well, but the thing had taken arrow after arrow, bullets and spell, all to little effect. Valendir was drawing yet another shaft, aiming for the Spider's open maw and...

... Conciousness slamming into Valendir, he shook his head, reeling for some disorientation.There was no sign of the Spider Demon,the thing must have turned invisible! Shouting in defiance 'Die Demon!!!', Valendir released a shaft and a quick second one. Both hit the far wall, sinking through it...there was no sign of the Demon.
Looking around, Valendir saw many folk.
Nearby, a small halfling stared at him with amusement, his hand in mid shovel, as he put loot from a pile into the sack. There was a short man in a flashy suit, like Valendir had seen in some Realms, a wide hat and a strange looking firearm, one that looked much more powerful than Johnnie's. A woman, wearing livery of the Weaver stood in his arms, weeping. The man looked a bit confused at the whole thing, waving weakly at you and smiling.

An elf was near at hand, a long and wicked spear in his hand, mail and shield protecting his form. He, too, wore the the livery of one of the Monitors, the Shielder.

A Dwarf was nearby hacking at...pieces of what could only have been the Spider Demon with a big axe, pausing to swig from a green glass bottle, whiskey by the smell of him.

Oddly (and comfortably normal looking for the Dungeon), a Faery flitted about, alittle fellow in pointy shoes and tights, though this one bore a crossbow sized for him, and he wore a dagger that served as a Sword to him.
All eyes turned towards Valendir, looking only mildly suprised to see him...

<originally, this was how I was bringing ferretguy in>
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First Post
Valendir the Lost, elven cleric

Valendir quickly draws his longsword and charges at the fallen spider demon. He's about to perform a coup de grace when he finally notices it is already dead. He rushes around, pushing the strangers out of his way, searching for his fallen comrades. There might still be time to save them! Rolandir, at least, and maybe Johnnie, looked like they were still alive, though bleeding horribly. Then it slowly dawns on him that they are gone. Or perhaps, he is gone, sent through yet another Portal. Valendir was alone again. And still lost.

Well, maybe not exactly alone, he thinks as he looks at the others.

I am Valendir, Valendir the Lost. Lady Lynnareen has seen fit to channel her divine power through me, though I can't say if she believes I am useful to her, or it just amuses her to do so. I've been searching these many years for my kinsmen, The Zemalin, a band of elves from another world. Have you seen them? I've also lost many other friends along the way, like my comrades Jornag, Johnnie the Fist, Mevagorm and Rolandir. They lie dying as we speak, slain by another of these accursed vermin.

Valendir's voice cracks a little.

On behalf of my fallen comrades, and my lost tribe, I thank you for slaying the spider demon. It may not be the same one we were fighting, but at least we share a common enemy, so thank you.

Valendir looks pretty average for an elf, if you've seen one before that is. He has black hair and green eyes, and wears a chain shirt and a buckler on his arm. He travels pretty light, with a longsword at his hip, a quiver over his shoulder, and a small backpack. You see him put his composite longbow in his quiver, which is a little odd because the quiver is much smaller than the bow, but then again, you've seen much odder things.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
A small man walks up to the newly arived elf. He looks like a slightly too tall Halfling. He carries only a bag and a staff with a slingsot type device on one end of the staff. Hi I'm Kazareen Bricklebottom. My friends and I are here to take something to some one but I kind of forgot who. Hey is that shiney? He says and walks back to the remaining hoard and starts repacking his bag.

The woman stands tears still in her eyes and bows, I am Aska Masaki. I'm honored to meet you. Please forgive me but I must tend to my love. Aska moves her Green hair out of the way and walks over to Takote's body and weeps as she makes sure his eyes are closed. She will kneel and pray over his body until they need to go.


First Post
"Curiouser and curiouser. Welcome to our... merry band, as it were, Valendir. Jason. It..." Kael notices Aska's brief attachment to Jason, then her prayers over Takote. Odd--he hadn't seen her weep before. He holsters his spear. "It seems fate has seen fit to draw us together in odd patterns. Buggered fate. Taklinn, will you keep Kazareen from hoarding all of that? We'll have no way to separate it out if it gets mixed in with that kender's junk.

"Sorry, but we've had an interesting time of it recently. I feel for you, Valendir--we've also had a friend recently die. Or, to be more truthful, be turned undead by this spider daemon, and then killed by our hands. Takote, at least, has been able to leave this forsaken place.

Kael turns to Jason. "You do speak an odd form of English, sir... but given it's the only English I've heard since coming here, I welcome it. Pray tell, do you come from Earth as well?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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