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The Dungeon:The City of Clocks


Living EN World Judge
Argent Silvermage said:
Kazareen Bricklebottom walks up to the guard and says, Excuse me Mr. guard. As My friend has said we are enspelled. I can already feel the magic building within my body. Aska Masaki, Taklinn the dwarf and my self would seem to be coming to some detonation point. I'm fairly certain that if we do not deliver this package NOW then we will explode taking a huge chunk of this city with us. I'm sorry for the inconveniance to you and your survivors but we are not leaving here without either seeing the king or being killed. and when we die unfortunatly we will take the lot of you and most of this city with us. The Kender says seemingly more coherant than he has been in weeks. The worst problem is that I can feel the spell build when I walk away from you so I'm fairly sure even if we were to run as fast as we could to get away from innocents and out of the city that we would not make it further than maybe 100 feet from this spot. I'm sure you can understand out predicament now. We do not want anyone harmed but we have no choice in this.

The Kender's speech has an immediate effec on the guards. With a shout of 'BOMB!', they orient upon the party, massive torsos spinning with a whir-click-whir, lights suddenly flashing about their bodies and...
...fire something small and dark into the group of petitioners.
Even as you see masks drop upon the faces of the Gnomes inside the huge golem-mecha, you begin to choke and sputter.

<DC 18 Fort save vs. Knock-Out Gas.Kaz fails,Aska fails,Taklinn Saves,Damien saves,Jason fails,Kael saves,Jack Lobbins fails...>

Taklinn,Damien and Kael stand coughing (at least for this round) as a side door opens and a dozen burly little gnomes exit,dressed in some form of blue-grey plate armor. As well, Several massive apes can be seen coming out from another side-door, followed by a half-dozen more Gnomes.All of these seem to be wearing masks like the ones that the Mecha-Pilots have on.The Apes' faces are covered by muzzles fitted with some form of breather-mask.

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Taklinn quickly scoops jack into his satchel, leaving room for him to breath and grabs the kender and aksa by the back of the belt.

" You obviously undersant how important our pakage is." Taklinn says coughing. "which way to the king?" and he begins walking towards the gate unthreateningly as possible.

Two thoughts occur as he begins striding I like liquid to knock ME out and that kender is smarter than I thought [I/].

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Living EN World Judge
GoldenEagle said:
Taklinn quickly scoops jack into his satchel, leaving room for him to breath and grabs the kender and aksa by the back of the belt.

" You obviously undersant how important our pakage is." Taklinn says coughing. "which way to the king?" and he begins walking towards the gate unthreateningly as possible.

Two thoughts occur as he begins striding I like liquid to knock ME out and that kender is smarter than I thought [I/].


OoC:You currently have a dozen and a half gnomes and 2 Dire Apes bearing down on you. the gates that they exited were side-doors, sally ports of you will.The main Gates are closed(they closed behind the Administrative Gnome) and there are two Golem/mecha/whatever-they-are in from of Taklinn.
All in a day's work, really...The Gnomes/Apes have acted this round, but they don't look like they plan on hugging you. they are armed with clubs, btw...


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"Oh, bloody hell," says Kael, matter-of-factly. What's best to have up and running? Someone who can help us heal, and fight at the same time. I don't even know if this will work against their gas, but it's worth a try.

Kael whips his scroll of neutralize poison out of his haversack, and reads from it while touching Aska. "Come on, Aska, wake up, wake up! There's a battle afoot!"


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Maybe that kender ain't so smart afterall

Taklinn gently drops his friends, steps out of the cloud holding his weapon behind his back and saying," we don't want to fight, we just want to give the king this box!"

This is NOT how you get invited to dinner


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OOC:damn should of posted yesterday....

Jasons mind (or at least 3 of them...)fall into the darkness yawning to meet them...

Wynter Wolf

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Damien steps in front of the group weapon in a defensive posture.
"This is not neccesary if we do not deliver this package those 3 will wither and die, They will not explode that was a ruse please desist the hostilities."

Damien will ready an action to strike the first attacker that comes into range for combat.


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Valendir moves back, exiting the cloud. Pulling a tiny pinch of cat fur from his pouch, he utters a few divine words and gestures, boosting his agility in case this gets worse then it already is [cat's grace]


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"Please stop! This is all a misunderstanding! They said they only wanted to deliver a package or they would explode, figuratively speaking. They didn't say the package would explode!"

Could the package really be a bomb? We don't even know what the package is!

Valendir tries to distance himself from the others, hoping the gnomes and guards will think that he was not with Kaz, Aska and the others, but merely waiting in line at the door. At the same time, he grabs Jason and pulls him back (Jason is the only one besides Valendir who hasn't taken any actions which could be interpreted as aggressive), saying

"Let's get out of here, those folks look like they've accidentally stirred up some trouble with the guards!"


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OOC Forgot I gave Valendir 10 ranks in Diplomacy! (With a Cha of 8! Must've been smoking something that day :p ) I guess it's too late to use that now. Valendir's gettin ready to Dimension Door James and himself out of there, down the street and around a corner or some such. Maybe Jack Lobbins too. He'd come in pretty handy if we need to do a jail break :D Where is Jack anyway?

Voidrunner's Codex

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