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D&D 5E The Elementalists (FULL)


Homebrew HOMEBREW HOME. BREW......HOOOOOOMMMMEEEE BRRREEEEWW. I did have an idea for elemental primal path for barbarians whilst in the shower lol... ill try get something typed up. Rough idea would be elemental damage when raging an elemental "cloak spell"(fire deals dmg earth boosts AC or resistance air knocks back etc) and some spell casting based on rages. Would only get the goodies of their worshipped element

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This makes 5. I would let one more join, if they wanted. Otherwise, five is good enough to start. I'll leave it open, just incase there's one more who wants to play, then I'll start a new OOC thread, with more direct rules on character creation, and combined setting detail.

I'm the type of DM who likes to incorporate as much of the character's backstories into the game as possible, so the reality is that I won't have a story until I hear who your characters are. I do have a BBEG, a Crisis, but who you bring to the table will be paramount to the story itself.

Feel free to start thinking about characters, and I'm not going to hold you to any class combinations. If you all want to be sorcerers, then I'll adjust accordingly. If your element is not a major part of your character, then I suggest holding off on choosing one until we see what everyone else wants. If it is, then by all means, choose an element. Part of me does believe it would be a good idea, story wise, to have one of each element, and then a balance between them (monk or druid), but I'm just not prepared to hold the characters to that until I see what you all want to play.

As for an elemental barbarian homebrew, PM me a write up. If it looks on par with the other Barbarian paths, I'll definitely consider it. Especailly depending on your race. If you're a Genasi of that type, then it would make sense that a Barbarian would learn to chanel his rage into the element he's connected to. If not, we can say he was born a sorcerer, but instead of studying magic, he grew up a barbarian and channeled it through his rage.


I'll try get a write up done within the next couple hours tis bathtime then food time and I have to many ideas. Like I said ill take what ever is left over so you guys pick away I'm easy like Sunday morning.

P.S it wont look pretty
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
My thoughts revolve around either a white dragonborn sorcerer, or a water genasi elf warlock. I am particularly focused on the warlock, with a Great Old One patron (perhaps an ancient kraken?) that taught him to "speak underwater" (telepathic speech).

I'm ill today, though, so no build until at least tomorrow.


Well I was going to say I wanted in, but now that Leif is here I don't know........

Hi Leif:angel:

But yes count me in as your sixth T. I very much tend to martial classes. Let me look over the new races and toss out a few ideas.


Really looking forward to this game.

I must admit though I have lost track of who intends to make what LOL.

I have a few ideas. I'll have to look over the new way of 4 elements stuff first.


This is probably a good idea. Now that we have six people, everyone should know where they stand.

So, put in your pick for which element you want. Right now, duplicates are fine. We'll discuss otherwise afterwards.

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