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The Enemy Within: Shadows Over Bögenhafen

Dr Simon

Aaryn sees the blood trail that Kildrak pointed out. To him it looks like whatever left it (and it is the green of ork/goblin blood) was heading east to south. Beyond that, just the group's own dancing shadows in the torchlight.

No changes to prices, no, although effectively things that have a price in CP and SP are relatively slightly cheaper since there are 12 (copper) pence to 1 (silver) shilling and 20 shillings to 1 (gold) crown. If I still had my old WH rulebook I'd check on prices in there to see if the base D&D prices are worth changing, but the setting is generally fairly stingy for treasure so I'd say not.
It isn't a massive reward (if a showman can afford half of it it can't be), but neither by the standards of the setting is it that paltry. You can still follow or not as you wish.

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OOC: Well 100 gp is a lot more than we've seen so far and it would go a good way towards putting us where we are assumed to be for a "standard" 4e D&D campaign. Right now we are trailing quite a bit.


Aaryn takes the lead and follows the blood drops, although he has a pretty bad feeling about the whole thing. He doesn't remember the goblin bleeding last time he saw it. Not that a bloody goblin is a bad thing.

Dr Simon

OOC: I'm going to assume that Hans isn't in the sewers unless I hear otherwise.

Aaryn follows the trail of blood. It isn't a lot of blood. A few spots every few paces, the kind of flow from a minor scratch or a nose bleed, not from a life-threatning wound. Likely the goblin injured itself in the escape. Probably...

The trail follows the main tunnel of the sewer, which the dwarves notice gradually curves to the right. Many smaller, minor, sewers branch off from the main tunnel; little more than small pipes. The goblin would be able to fit in them easily, the rest of you less so but it would be possible. And here you lose the trail.

OOC: Another Perception check might discern it again. Open to suggestions for other skill checks.

Hans notices an inn, The Crossed Pikes, near to where the others have entered the sewers. As evening is now beginning to set in, the inn is getting busy with those coming from the festival. But what his trained eye spots are some chalk marks discreetly etched near the door, that denote that the building is a safe house for thieves.


OOC: I'm going to assume that Hans isn't in the sewers unless I hear otherwise.
Hans notices an inn, The Crossed Pikes, near to where the others have entered the sewers. As evening is now beginning to set in, the inn is getting busy with those coming from the festival. But what his trained eye spots are some chalk marks discreetly etched near the door, that denote that the building is a safe house for thieves.

Hans decides NOT to get his clothes dirty and instead heads to the Crossed Pikes, a nearby inn. Inside, Hans will find a table where he can sit with his back to the wall and watch the front door. He will order a modest ale and wait for his companions.

Walking Dad

First Post
Gorim Grimmson

Not very perceptive, Gorim tries to use his knowledge in navigating underground to discern the logical route of the goblin.


[sblock=Mini stat block]
Gorim Grimmson
Perception: 13 Insight: 13 Low-light Vision
AC 18 Fortitude 17 Reflex 12 Will 13
Initiative: +2
Hit Points: 37 / 37 Bloodied: 18
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:9 Surges per day: 12 / 12
At-Will Powers: Brash Strike, Cleave
Encounter Powers: Dwarven Resilience, Hack and Hew, Boundless Endurance
Daily Powers: Driving Attack




Aaryn looks around carefully for the trail, making sure to keep his light active at all times. "Drat it all. Seems to have escaped us for the moment. Gorim, what do you estimate his next logical step to be?"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Forgot the elven bonus so should be 17...

"I don't think we can follow it through this muck. But I don't see what else can we do. Let's just pick a direction, preferably one that leads out of the city."

Dr Simon

Gorim assesses the sewer tunnels. There is one main route, the larger tunnel that you are in, which has a slight downward gradient and an easy route along the walkways. Although the goblin could fit down the sie tunnels, goblins generally take the easiest route, so, logically, it should lead stright on. Or so he guesses.

Working on this, Kildrak soon picks up the trail a little further down the sewer tunnel, and you follow it along the main tunnel to, surprisingly, a door set in the wall of the sewer. An old, slime-covered door with a small grating at about eye height. There are traces of goblin blood beneath it, and a small smeary foot-print halfway up the door.

Meanwhile, Hans enjoys the atmosphere of the Crossed Pikes, which is full of revellers fresh from the fair. The barman comes over to his table in one of the quieter moments to collect his empty beer mug.

"Get you another?" he asks. Hans notices that the man has a tattoo of a dagger on the back of his right hand, marking him as a member of a thieves guild.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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