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The fate of the Advanced Player's Guide


What is the Advanced Players Guide exactly?
A 3rd party book that intended to take all of the 3e PHB options that were left out of the 4th ed PHB and convert them.

So, barbarian, druid, bard, monk, summoning/illusion/necromancy/enchantment, gnomes, half-orcs, etc.

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A 3rd party book that intended to take all of the 3e PHB options that were left out of the 4th ed PHB and convert them.

So, barbarian, druid, bard, monk, summoning/illusion/necromancy/enchantment, gnomes, half-orcs, etc.
Of course, it was written for Necromancer Games, meaning it had a distinct old-school feeling.

So, the stuff had more of an older edition feel, I guess. So not illusion powers for the wizard, but instead a full-fledged Illusionist in the vein of older editions.

Druids probably more like the nature specialist priests of 2E than the 3E druid.

EDIT: I've done some searching... from here:
Orcus quoting Ari said:
So what have we got for you? The gnome and the half-orc as PC options make a return in the Advanced Player's Guide, as does the “shire halfling.” He's an older fashioned halfling, not the lithe athlete of modern editions but the portly, comfort-loving, hairy-footed hobbi... er, little guy of fantasy's most classic roots.

The furious barbarian, the inspirational bard (available in both singing and non-singing flavors), the nature-shaping and prayer-casting druid, and the unarmed monk all make their 4E debuts in the APG. And we've also called our old buddy the illusionist off the bench as well.

There's more, of course, as I mentioned above--new paragon paths, new rituals, new feats--but the races and classes represent the true beating heart of the Advanced Player's Guide, the reason for its existence. I hope you're at least half as excited to play them, moving into the game's new era, as I was to design them.

Ah, seeing Orcus' enthusiasm back then... :(

Cheers, LT.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
It is simple. WotC had no involvement.

Everyone is welcome to have opinions, but you should all be aware that nigh-contentless negativity that is tangential or unrelated to the real topic at hand is classified as "threadcrapping", and we discourage it, because it tends to start arguments. This is not a "Bash on WotC" thread - if you want to complain about WotC, do it in a reasoned manner, in some other thread. Don't laden this good news with extraneous nastiness, please.


First Post
It is indeed nice to see some good news. And that is pretty darn classy of Clark, all things considered. Congrats, Ari. I know its not the books, but I hope that takes some of the sting out of it.


First Post
Give it Time

Hey guys, give Ari a break and some room to maneuver here. Finding a publisher to take a completed manuscript and get it published in a short period of time isn't a trivial pursuit. This is the type of book that is going to require a lot of artwork and good layout to enhance its usability and sales. These things take time. Advertising to the distributors also takes time.

While it would be fantastic to see this book out in October, you have to realize that this is highly unlikely. If it does come out (in print) in October you'll probably have to order direct from the publisher to get it (I am pretty sure any window to get something into distribution for October is long past).

Please give Ari time to find another publisher, and then please be patient with that publisher and give them time to give you the best product possible. Those of you that know Ari will also know that he wants to put out the best book(s) possible.



First Post
The only 3PP product I ever bought was the Privateer Press IK stuff (which I purchased enthusiastically) because I generally have a policy of not purchasing 3PP content. Just not very interested.

I'm totally making an exception for this. I want this book, not only because it has crunch I want to see (and use! Illusionists, hooray!), but because I'd like to see 4E 3PP content succeed to show others it can happen.

PS: Artwork? Pshaw! We don't need no steenking artwork! Put it in an ASCII text file, and I'll buy it!


New Publisher
Ari and Clark: this is the book I was looking forward to purchasing most this fall. Of all the gaming books announced, this is the one I wanted. I hope it see print.

Clark: classy move.
Ari: I hope you find someone to print it.

I'm still sad that we aren't getting Necro products any time soon for 4E.

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