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D&D 5E The Fifth City - Episode 1: The Gathering


Queen of Everything
"You can come with us!" Amisi chirps. "We have a whhoolleee building all to ourselves. Of course if any more mages show up most of you will have to leave but for now, why not keep us company and keep our staff busy and out of trouble? Yes, I think it's an excellent idea."

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Dr Simon

Veer turns around, to see that the group from earlier is nearby, and that the slightly tipsy human woman was addressing him.

"Oh, ah, thank you Miss, er, Ma'am, er...," he says. There is an awkward pause, then he sticks out his hand in greeting."Veer. Veer Kotto," he says. "Is it always like this here?"


Queen of Everything
Amisi delicately offers her hand with a light laugh. "According to my colleague Markus, no. Now I think it's very exciting here all the time! Although perhaps not 'ambassador in bed with two women while speaking to us' exciting. Then again, that very same ambassador just propositioned me just before I met all of you, so..." She shrugs. "My name is Amisi. Mage Corp." Her brows furrow together. "Though it seems I lost my gloves somewhere. But I promise, I am Mage Corp."
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"It may not always be like this, but we do not lack for excitement as the lady mage said. Shall we move on?" asks Felix. Worldly though the young man tries to act, he is somewhat embarrassed by the brazen ambassador. His cheeks redden.


Ambassador G'Kar seems to have no modesty or shame whatsoever as the tiny robe he's wearing does little to cover his scaly but well-muscled physique.

He replies to Castagyr, "My brother?" He shoos his two companions away and invites Castagyr inside his living quarters, closing the door behind him.

[sblock=Castagyr and G'Kar, behind closed doors]

"You are either an assassin or an unwitting pawn...perhaps both, but I doubt it. My brother has been trying to have me killed for years. You look far too noble to be an assassin, however. So, pawn it is. Good."

He considers for a moment while pouring two cups of Griffon Egg Nectar, a technically illegal drink among humans but a rare delicacy for the Dragonborn.

"Those other people outside with you, one of them, the human female, is of interest to me. She is a mage and, according to my sources, a mage with unparalleled magical potential. She has refused my offers thus far so I want you to join their little cadre. Make something up if you have to, but find a way in to her confidence. Become her bodyguard. And report back to me anything of use. Dirty little secrets. Hidden agendas. Everything."[/sblock]

Sakai sighs heavily and heads up the stairs to Lord Clarion's living quarters, taking Clarion by the arm and whispering in his ear. He smiles, even blushes a bit, and replies to Felix rather distractedly, "Um, yes, very good. I'm sure everything's been taken care of. I'll see that you get a commendation." He then lets Sakai drag him inside and closes the door.

Ambassador Mollari promptly slams his door with a final, bellowed, "GO AWAY!" that can be heard through his closed door.


Queen of Everything
Amisi has a wide eyed look on her face. "Well, that was... interesting... all around. I agree with Markus, let us move on. Either for more adventures or for bed. I am starting to get rather tired," she says as she covers her yawning mouth. "And Master Kotto needs a place to stay. Let us take him back with us. I believe our staff will be much happier with more to do, rather than sit around and gossip all day because they are bored. What say you all?"


First Post
From Lord Clarion's residence and the various embassies, it is only a short walk back to the house that the Mage Corps was using as a base, especially for those familiar with the city's geography. Even this late at night, there are quite a few people (of many races) still out and about- though the rather diverse group does draw a few curious glances...

As the group turns the final corner before the house, they are greeted by a somewhat unsettling sight- that particular street, perhaps only by coincidence (or perhaps do to the reputation of the Mages), is all but empty of traffic. In fact, only one person is visible- a small woman clad entirely in soft grey clothing, including a rather bulky hooded jacket, is standing on the front step of the house. The sharper-eyed folk of the group quickly recognize her as the elven woman who had left the bar so precipitously earlier.

Only now, the hood of her jacket is up, her face is veiled- and she is holding a longbow with an arrow nocked, and not quite drawn...

OOC: And I'm back

Voidrunner's Codex

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