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The First (IC) (d20/3.x D&D)


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Wolves Round 6, And A Box At Camp

Theris and Tianulien take a look at the shiny box Metliz revealed......

Theris replies "Hmmm....... Looks relly well-made. Don't think I could make anythin' that nice even if I 'ad the materials. See 'ow closely the pieces fit..... But, I think it's made fer them t' move. Slide around...." The dwarf reaches out and grabs the top of the small metal box, twisting it slightly. There's a slight clicking sound as the top section turns.

Tianulien just stares at the box with a fascinated look on her face for a moment. Then she sings out a short, lilting tune in Elven, and stares at the box some more. She says after a few moments more "It's so pretty, but it's not magic. Not sure how I know that, but I just remembered that little tune....."

[sblock=Camp OOC]Think a really shiny, gem-studded, linework-decorated Rubik's Cube, rather than color-coded.

Apologies again for the slow updating, but EN World is still working terribly for me. I need to try installing Firefox this weekend to see if that'll solve my browser problems with EN World's stupid GoogleAds (I can't turn off the very bottom GoogleAd through my Community Supporter account, dangit, so it does me only a little good to shut off the other ads).[/sblock]


Kaznak breathes forth another weak plume of sparse, dark-red flames, but the wolf is so wounded from Falryn's strike and the minor burns that it passes out from the new minor burns......

Jaegar tries to hack away at the other wolf with his longsword now, but has terrible luck and stumbles a bit in his rage, and distracted by checking to see how Angrboda is doing. "Accursed wolf! Forge, take care of this thing! I must check on Angrboda!"

The wolf snaps at Jaegar again, badly wounding his other leg, but he shakes it off before it can even try to trip him up.

[sblock=Battle OOC]Apologies again for the slow updating, but EN World is still working terribly for me. I need to try installing Firefox this weekend to see if that'll solve my browser problems with EN World's stupid GoogleAds (I can't turn off the very bottom GoogleAd through my Community Supporter account, dangit, so it does me only a little good to shut off the other ads).

Round 6 Initiatives:
21 Falryn (7 dmg)
19 Elldar
12 Kaznak (6 dmg)
12 Angrboda (14 dmg, -6 hp now, unconscious but stable)
12 Jaegar (10 dmg, 4 hp left)
9 Remaining Wolves (w5 2 dmg, w6 unconscious and dying)
8 Forge

Wolf 6 falls unconscious from the firebreath, despite another terrible damage roll.

Jaegar strikes with his longsword but gets another cruddy roll, a 9 total. Curse you, my d20!!!

.......Wolf 5 bites at Jaegar again, with a 21 to hit for 6 damage, and a 6 trip attempt. Jaegar stays on his feet with a 23 Str check. -_-

Forge may take his Round 6 action now.

Round 6 ends, and Round 7 begins. Falryn, Elldar, and Kaznak may take their Round 7 actions now.[/sblock]


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Kaznak, Round 7

Kaznak breathes a short sigh of relief as his attacker drops to the ground. His relief passes quickly as he hears canine jaws biting again. The dwarf spins around and spews forth a cone of fire, thankful that he was granted the power to protect his allies from the flames.

[sblock=OOC, Rolls]
Cone Breath Weapon damage (Reflex DC 15 half): 6. Woohoo! Higher than 3!
Aiming to catch Wolf 5. Allies still unaffected. Don't you folks love Endure Exposure? ;)

Kaznak AC 16 (tree grants +2 extra), HP 8/14


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=ooc]sorry guys hope I'm npt holding anything up Turkey-day then Black Friday have kept me busy.

For the rest of combat Forge will protect Angrboda, draw sword ready an action to attack anything hostile that comes near for Round 6 and keep that up till the wolves flee and there is no more danger[/sblock]


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Elldar, heartened by the flight of the alpha, attacks the wolf near him with renewed vigor...

Invisible Castle isn't working on my comp right now so can you roll for me Ark?


First Post
Wolves Dead, and the Puzzle Box

Forge takes up his greatsword after staunching Angrboda's bleeding, and swings it upwards at the wolf that just bit Jaegar, chopping it nearly in half with a mighty blow! The wolf flops over on its side, dead, as Forge wipes the blood from his sword.

Jaegar sighs in relief, sheathing his longsword and crouching down to take a better look at Angrboda's wounds and all. After a few seconds, he confirms "She is alive.......but needs time to recover. We should not move her for a few hours. Let us move the wolf-bodies away from here and make camp for now. We can move on or return to the main camp after Angrboda is able to move again."

The giant then does a quick bandaging of his own wounds and the rest of Angrboda's, by removing a few minor pieces of clothing like his cloak and tying them around the wounds. Once that's done, Jaegar starts picking up wolf-corpses and hauling them away from here, dropping them a few hundred feet away down-wind. Once he finishes that, he sets out his bedroll next to Angrboda and retrieves his halberd, placing it next to the bedroll and then keeping watch over the giantess.

Angrboda remains unconscious for over half a day, only finally waking up as dawn breaks on the following morning. Jaegar avoids sleeping this night, just tending Angrboda's wounds and keeping watch for any more threats.


At the main camp, Metliz tinkers with the gem-studded metal box for a few hours. There are some kind of patterns to it, but it's difficult to tell what arrangement is needed..........

Theris eats her breakfast, then gets back to work on the wooden stakes for the camp perimeter. Tianulien goes back to work at carving a bow. Seshani wanders about the woods for a while with Hassad, returning after several hours with some herbs, nuts, and berries, as well as some roasted pheasants, the group's lunch.

[sblock=ooc]Metliz: Roll some Intelligence checks. Let's say 20, and we'll see how long it takes Metliz to figure out the puzzle-box.

HolyMan: Don't worry about it. I knew things would probably be slow around Thanksgiving.

Forge's round 6 action was to draw his greatsword and swing it at the wolf that's next to him, Angrboda, Elldar, and Fayne, since the wolf's already threatening Angrboda. Forge gets an 18 to hit, for 15 damage, dropping the wolf and ending the battle! (though I would've preferred Forge roll his own attack and damage)

Post-Battle Status:
Falryn (7 dmg)
Elldar (unhurt, lost 3 crossbow bolts)
Kaznak (6 dmg)
Angrboda (14 dmg, -6 hp now, unconscious but stable)
Jaegar (10 dmg, 4 hp left)
Forge (unhurt)

XP for the battle and other recent events will be posted in the OOC thread sometime Monday or Tuesday.

If Forge has any ranks in the Heal skill, he can try giving long-term care to the injured party members except Jaegar. Just need a DC 15 Heal check for each patient. Jaegar is too busy and not going to sleep this night, so he won't be able to benefit from the Heal skill. Forge can take 10 on the Heal checks if he has enough of a bonus to still make the 15 DC that way (Jaegar does).

Jaegar will use his Heal skill to provide long-term care to Angrboda now. I rolled poorly for regaining consciousness, so Angrboda only wakes up after 14 hours, by which point she has healed 2 HP from Jaegar's ministrations. GlassEye, Angrboda can resume activity now, though still badly wounded and disabled (so nothing strenuous).

He finds some minor herbs nearby to cover the usual requirements for long-term care. Angrboda will heal another 2 HP after another 10 hours of complete rest with Jaegar tending her wounds. Which would still leave her at -2 HP.

However, once Angrboda regains consciousness, she has the option of spending an hour in meditation to ready different spells, and could ready Transfer Wounds (Lesser) as a 1st-level spell or diminished as a 0-level spell. Cast on herself, it'll just convert some of her lethal damage into nonlethal, but that would accelerate her recovery.[/sblock]


When Angrboda first awakens she seems disoriented and mumbles something about her sword. The presence of Jaegar calms her however and she is soon trying to get up and about and only Jaegar's insistence that she rest stops her. She does rest leaning against a tree and seems to sink into herself in meditation.

During meditation she will ready Transfer Wounds (Lesser). And as soon as she is capable will cast it upon herself. Afterwards she will probably lapse into sleep for a while but when she wakes she'll cast diminished versions of Transfer Wounds (Lesser) upon Jaegar, Falryn, and Kaznak.


Untill someone is able to do better, Falryn ties one of his sashes around his leg wound. He then retrieves his glaive, and moves to help set up camp.

Voidrunner's Codex

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