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EYRE 25, 1000

“Whoever is cleaning my pot and pans needs to be better and more thorough!” calls out the changeling.

“No one … is cleaning.” Grunts the knight as he checks in on his upset friend.

“grumble…tumble…fumble….grappleforth…..” snarls the cook. He spots Foel. “You do this?!?”

“No! No! No me. Tis spirits of the woods!” the half-orc spits out with his hands up defensively. Two fingers have bandages from cutting carrots.

“Spirits! Spirits! Like lil’ fairies?!?” he calls out looking around into the woods with suspicion.

“Ask Tucker. Tucker friend.” Says the poor dull cross breed.

As normal, Tucker has taken one group to scout slightly to the north and Orthos to the south with Keldrix and Tyson. Once more, there has been no encounters seen or experienced. Tyson does comment about feeling watched at night. “Could there be woodland creatures here? The Fey?” He recalls little about them. Their origins are deeply rooted to the forests and nature. Most are small, even tiny creatures with magic and wings. Some are bigger. They mean no harm but their antics often bring pain and great discomfort to people not of the area. You know- “city folks”

The knight comments that many nights he hears something in the forest but never sees anything. He always presumed it was a raccoon or even a skunk as something is in the air has a smell to it.

Lunch consists of biscuits with pieces of meat and cheese. Not bad at all (Cook: 20)

Having found and spotted nothing, they return to camp. Orthos suggests they rest well that night as they will enter a deep valley the next day that he has not been ventured in or even near before.

Fifteen minutes later, Tucker, the second druid, returns. Two of his men are missing with no clues. Even Quaud can’t find them.

“Quaud?” asks Tyson.

“Is it he I hear in the forest at night?” asks Feldrix.

“Possibly”, answers the druids.

“Quaud is a creature of the forest. He has taught me much about the world.” Answers Tucker.

“How about the obvious- any tracks in the snow?” asks the Inquisitive.

“Tracks. Yes. That is why I need help.”

“Gather your gear and lets go look.” Says the dwarf as he grabs his scouting pack.

They go a few dozen yards when the Inquisitive keeps hearing something in the brush. “What is that? Are we walking into another trap?” The setting darkness makes it impossible to see into the brush.

“Every time…. I think I can… see something… I lose…. Sight of it.” Adds the undead honor knight.

“That would be Quaud. He has a natural way of blending into the brush. Not to worry. He will be able to help us so long as you don’t panic when he shows himself.

“These are ours,” says the druid as he points to a mess in the snow. “These two paths however are not. They seem to come and go from this center point.”

“So- we divide into two groups- one for each trail.” Suggests Tyson.

Orthos, Feldrix and Tyson take one trail while Tucker, Qraud and two other men take the other trail.

“This better not be a trap.” Grumbles Tyson.

“Paranoid much?” asks the dwarf.

“Not paranoid- expecting…..”

They go about ten minutes with no strong indicators of finding the missing workers. Orthos hopes they will find them before too long. The further they go from the camp and the other search party the less likely they can get aid if they need it.

As they go into a field Tyson hesitates. “What is it City Boy?” asks the dwarf.

“These tracks in the snow…. So jumbled…. Hard to read. But why walk here? Why walk on the snow to begin with?”

“Leave the tracking to me.” Says the dwarf. The knight looks at the inquisitive. He has a point. The druid’s pride is blinding him to this simple fact…. Simple tactic.

The knight steps up and just past the druid to cut him off when he stops suddenly. “Don’t move!” calls out the druid.

“Why?” asks the inquisitive. He sees nothing beyond his torch’s illumination. Then he feels it. A skip…. Then a ripple…..

“%$#@* This isn’t a field is it?”

Suddenly a few arrows miss them but as they hit the snow they skip off. “Ambush!” calls the inquisitive.

The knight takes a quick and heavy step and breaks through the ice that was weakening with the arrival of spring. More arrows…. From another side. “Get off the ice and gain cover!”

Suddenly, even as the knight had fallen through, so does the inquisitive and druid. The knight doesn’t come up. The druid is quick to hop out and evenly distribute his weight so as not to fall through again. The inquisitive just can’t seem to find any leverage to get out of the icy cold water.

Snarls come from the dark as the archers miss as they shot at the torch light that is going out from being dropped into the snow. “Shifters!” calls out the druid.

Suddenly, before two shifters on the edge of the water, the knight bursts out through the water and ice. His own fearful presence and appearance causes the two shifter archers to turn and flee. One doesn’t get far as Feldrix takes him down. Orthos suddenly sinks into the water again but becomes a Northern Pike and swims under the ice to find the shifter archers. Finding the edge, he swims up and transforms in mid air with a sloppy landing. The shifters are trying to decide which threat to target first- the knight or the dwarf.

The druid castes spells of weather in the general direction of the other archers. More shifters whom get up from cover and try to run. They are frozen in place…. Literally. Finally, Tyson climbs out of the water and begins to shiver. He is soaked through and fears he may die from this.

They find the scouts soon. Both dead and set behind brush near the pond. They are quick to return to camp to dry off and report in.


EYRE 26, 1000

“Okay- who messed around with my spice bag?” grumbles the changeling.

“Hee- maybe it was Quaud.” Snickers a young woman from the lost country of Cyre.


“Tucker has a friend. I was told about it last night by Fremont.”

“Okay……,” grumbles the Changeling. Then in a quieter voice “Pillow talk.”

Once more they go out. Tyson has the sniffles. The spicy sausage Zig used has opened up his sinuses.

They enter the valley and soon discover a problem. The expectant stream is a raging wide river. A bridge will be required to cross it. There are many red rounded stones with white and black specks on it. The Red Stone River.

“It’s going to take time to build the bridge. Time that we don’t have.”

“At least a week….” Offers Tyson.

“Know a bit about bridges do ye?” asks the dwarf.

Tyson says nothing. Not worth it.

EYRE 26, 1000

As normal, the day begins with Zig finding someone has messed with his stuff. The Knight has no idea who has been doing it. People dismissively comments ask “Quaud”. @%&$#

Going over clues Tyson is deciphering from the bodies with Orthos’ help, they suspect the Shifters came from the north. It is entirely based on pieces of unique material used by Aundar for their magical catapults. In the north is an area where an Aundairan force attacked fiends and barbarians last year. It is a few hours away. So off they go.

They do come across the main battle field and find human and shifter tracks here. This may be it. After looking around they decide where to best hide. Feldrix takes to the edge of the woods, Tyson behind an overturned and burnt wagon. Strangely enough, Orthos decides to climb a tree near the center of the tracks.

Ten minutes go by….. then twenty. Feldrix does what he does best…. Stand there and wait. Tyson is not so patient nor will he waste time. He reads over the notes for about the 50th time.

So much for Murray’s thoughts of the day and time they may meet thinks the druid. Type of mud, alloys, flower peddles suggesting a time to bloom……

Bored, the dwarf nearly falls asleep when a small bird flutters slowly to the tree. It lands in a branch near him. He looks at it and decides to try to speak to it. It hopes to a branch even closer to him…. As if getting a closer look at the dwarf in the tree. The spell takes effect as the bird hopes over one more branch, within a few feet of his face.

“Hello little one. How are you?” the Dwarf chirps.

“Oh boy! Oh Boy! The master will be so happy with me! I found someone! I did I did!”

“Found someone?” asks the dwarf…. Not the most intelligent druid to ever live obviously.

“My master will be here soon. I must tell him!”

As the bird opens it’s wings to glide away an electrical discharge erupts from the druids leather gloves with copper symbols of electricity. The bird bursts in a puff of feathers and black smoke. He wishes he didn’t have to do that.

Tyson hears several men laughing just as he heard the jolt strike out. Men are coming!

Two sets of men to be exact. Two men come out of the woods near the tree the dwarf sits in and two more from the far side, also out of the woods. Two of these men are dressed in Aundarian soldier outfits. Deserters from the recent conflict.

Feldrix sets his grip on his sword and Tyson puts his book away. His bow and arrows are ready and in easy reach. Then there is a new sound. One that attracts the four newcomers also. A loud rustling within the leaves and brush. Dozens…. Even more – field rats come. They rush the battle scarred field and surround the tree Orthos is in. They have him surrounded as a robed man dressed in grey, green and black arrives. A druid of The Children of Winter!

“Dwarf!” he calls out. “Why do you seek me out? Is it death you seek?” The old man pulls back his over-sized cowl and resets his grip on his over sized walking stick.

“We seek you!” calls out the dwarf. He hopes to keep everyone’s attention on him as the knight creeps up from the brush. Not wanting to spoil the possible ambush, Tyson holds his attack.

Orthos calls up a powerful spell. He plans to use it against the druid once Feldrix attacks. “You are a follower of the Winter? Why hurry the end? It will come quickly enough.”

“Not for some.” Declares the druid as mentally commands the rats to attack. They circle the tree and begin to scratch and claw up the tree. The four soldiers move in as support waiting for him to jump from the tree.

“and so it begins.” Says the dwarf. He points straight up and calls on the weather (slight meta-gaming here sigh) and the druid calls forth the frigid cold from the mountains nearby. The other druid watches it as it funnels down onto the tree. The cold blast of cold kills the rats and two of the men instantly. The dwarf handles it better than them but is also subject to the cold. He had hoped to lure the druid in first. Such is life.

The druid begins to caste a spell but can’t complete it as the undead knight strikes at him. Tyson attempts to take out the two other men but they flee into the woods stumbling and tripping from the cold within their bodies.

“Why do you try to stop me brother? Can you not see how the world is dying. If it must die….. why not rebuild it? To do that the death rattle must commence…”

“Oh shut up you!” declares the annoyed dwarf. The Winter druid is slain.

Tyson looks over the bodies for clues and out of habit. He finds a ring that interests him. In many ways, a ring with fruit is worn the druid. The inquisitive takes it and puts it on. Nothing. Oh well.

They walk back to the camp. The druid’s stomach grumbles. “Hungry?” he asks the inquisitive.

“Not really but I’ll eat nearly anything that changeling will cook.”


EYRE 26, 1000
Coming back from scouting along the river’s edge, Orthos, the undead Knight and the Inquisitive spot something in the trees ahead. Something very very large. And its moving towards the camp!
They hurry to the battle and find….. a welcoming celebration?

Two huge warforged titans are standing within the camp along with a carriage with Cannith markings.

Fearing delays, the Orien camp has hired Cannith to aid them.
“Cadd d’Cannith, this is Orthos, Keldrix and Tyson.” Williams introduces them. “…and these are Axe-Hammer and Hammer-Axe.” He steps back and waves to the two titans.

“They will increase our speed and build our bridge.” Williams says with a smile.

DRAVAGO 5, 1000

A temporary bridge has been completed and the camp successfully moved further west close to the Red Stone River. Orthos has been continuing to search north along the river’s edge. It seems the Children of Winter have either been defeated or has left for easier targets.

Orthos is slightly concerned about the addition of Cannith and its two monsters of technology. In part he joined this expedition to keep the damage to the forest to a minimum. The original plans were to travel directly through the center of the “old” forest. He was able to divert them more to the south along the mountains. But now, with these two engines of destruction, they can cut and work acres of land in a day. What if he and his replacements can not do this? What if they can not keep up with Cannith. These kinds of thoughts can drive a dwarf to drink.

Every morning consists of a brief breakfast meeting as Tucker and Orthos decide where to go next. Once Tucker leaves, the dwarf asks Zigland what he knows of alcohol- especially strong dwarven ale. Zigland smiles big and proudly. He could easily make some. Orthos smiles a toothy dwarven smile and claps the changeling on the back. “Hoy- strong drink it must be. The strongest.”

They look about for the day and find nothing of interest. Fole and Zigland have been busy. They borrow a few items from Cadd whom is also interested in this strong drink. There is an feel of joy and festiveness in the air as they collect potatoes and sugar. A few “secret” ingredients that the Master Chef Talmeo gave him. He is especially careful with these as he wants mere drops added to a multi-gallon pot. (as alcohol is a mild poison…. A stronger brew has a stronger….poison ?!?)

DRAVAGO 6, 1000
The closest thing to an encounter today is Tyson sliding down a dirt hill side and startling a beaver. At least there are no Dire Beavers suggests Tyson. Orthos smiles…. “City Folks…..”

They reach camp and the excitement is nearly palatable (literally) as Zig has made a turkey meal with winterberry sauce and cheese biscuits. After the meal the entire camp comes to the second cook prep table. Here a small fire and lots of tubes intertwine with metal and glass tubes and containers. Tyson sees the alchemist background in Zig’s work.

“You, dear dwarf, get the first drink.” Says Zig as he dips a tin cup into a large bowl of mostly clear fluid. The dwarf smells it first. The hairs around his nose wrinkle. “Smells good….” He takes a sip with everyone holding their breath. Suddenly the dwarf turns yellow and white and his eyes tear slightly. He burps loudly and it echoes in the river valley. “eeeeew ….smooth….” He collects a second cup and toddles to a stump to enjoy this.

Williams declines as his wife gives him a look. She doesn’t stop anyone else that wants some. Tyson has never gotten drunk and will not here in the open forest. The Honor Knight takes a cup. He sits down next to Tyson. “Still have centipedes crawling out of your armor?”

“No. They left by the fifth day. I miss little in my new life…. But this I miss.” He stares down at the beat up dented cup of fluid in his boney hand. “I had many an adventure in Korth before…. Well before.”

Others each take a small cup and walk about with it. Orthos finishes his second cup and stares at the simmering fire as the darkness settles on the camp. It is clear he is more unconscious than sober all ready. A few men have collapsed in mid stride while drinking their one cup.

Tyson is very glad he did not have any. “What did you put in there?” He asks the Changeling who offers him a cup once more but it is waved away. Two more men collapse while saying….”good stuff”. Feldrix watches and stares at his cup once more. He “closes” his mind and envisions life as before. The laughing, the sense of touch…. Sense of emotion….. and he hesitates but a moment before “drinking” the alcohol. It splashes down the back of his armor and down into the armor splashing on his bones within and pouring out the seams under his chest piece.

Once most everyone has passed out a rustle can be heard in the brush. Tyson and Feldrix look. Only the Honor Knight sees him at first. His violet eyes shine in the dark reflecting the camp fire. “Do you enjoy my cooking….Quaud?”

A deep grunt comes from the brush and a rhythm of something heavy shifting on the branches and earth. “You can have some. I wish to meet you.” Says Zig honestly. Something comes forward…. Something very large. A slight musky smell comes with it. Tyson looks up and thinks of the tales of Grendel….. is this Grendel? Were we too loud?

The eight foot tall Sasquatch comes out into the camp light. He is sniffing the air and looking about nervously. It is clear he doesn’t like exposing himself to the camp people. He steps to the food and checks out the turkey. With a very large flat pink tongue he licks the bowl of the winter berries. Then he sniffs the flat pan used to cook the bread and biscuits. Quaud licks the butter knife being careful not to scrap his tongue on the edge. It is clear he has done this before.

Not at all afraid of him, Zig offers water to him. He sniffs then stands up from a leaning over position and looks to the alcohol pot. “If you to try that just say so.” He grunts through his nose and gently touches his stomach like a child asking for food.

He is given a large cup and the mythical creature samples it. His eyes open wide then squint. He points at it and smiles. He pounds the rest and holds out the empty cup. “Even you may want to go easy on this stuff.” Suggests the changeling as he sees the dwarf has passed out after only two cups.

It grunts and moans in a pitiful and also begging way. The second cup is swallowed quickly. He motions for one more cup (or so the witnesses hope). Quaud walks (with a slight zig-zag developing) to a larger stump. He sips a bit then sits down. He misses the stump and laughs. He motions to Tyson and the knight. (See- I thought the seat was here but it was there….funny) Then he gulps the last of the third drink and falls over. His huge feet stick straight up then fan out to the sides. Very out.

“Guess if an Owlbear comes by- it’s up to us.” Offers Tyson with a pleasant smile.


DRAVAGO 8, 1000

The day after the celebration was treated as a sick day. Nearly everyone had a severe hangover. A few even required treatment. Cadd especially. The artificer did not handle his alcohol well.

So the day after Orthos, Feldrix and Tyson were back to searching ahead of the road construction. Around noon they spot a clearing and look to it. There is a ruin of a tower here along with a huge obsidian triangle.

Feldrix goes to the tower as the other two check out the glass structure. The glass is perfectly smooth, the three edges are also polished and smooth.

“This is not good is it?” asks the Inquisitive of the druid.

“No. I fear this may have been built by the followers of Xoriat.”

“Xoriat….. nightmarish deformities come from there…..”

“Not nightmares….. though that works in many examples. Insanity. Lack of reasoning…. No structure.”

“I don’t deal with planar creatures very often.” Adds the Inquisitive.

“The creatures once ruled this area. It is said the brutes in Xen’drik, the giants, unleashed them on the world. Others say the dragons. Doesn’t matter…. They destroyed the giants and when they went for the dragons they were banished.”

“By the dragons?”

“They were a part of it. It is said dragons trained and taught the first druids…. As warriors against the madness. Many warded doorways remain in the area and in the swamps to the south. I suspect that is what has created the Hidden….. Xoriat.”

Suddenly they hear Feldrix call out. Two large owlbear skeletons are attacking him at the tower’s entrance. The druid calls up a storm that greatly damages the one undead. The second one has pursued the knight into the tower. The sounds of it scratching at his armor can be heard all the way to the crystal triangle.

Tyson runs wide looking to help through a hole in the wall on the back of the tower. As he nears a stone structure he suddenly panics and throws himself into the water closer to the crystal structure. He stares in fear at the obsidian and blue crystal ball structure.

The skeletons are very hard to take down but they are defeated. Since Tyson is clearly still unsettled they look about looking for the cause.

The small obsidian cube with a blue crystal ball on top had spoken to him. “It is a warded prison for something in Xoriat. Keep away from it. It wants you to free it…. Whether on purpose on accident- it matters not.”

Feldrix finds a door leading down within the tower. Tyson suspects it has been used recently. He tries to get them to go in but Orthos will have nothing with it. He needs to be sure the road work doesn’t go near here.

Tyson stares at the door as they leave. Does he want to go down there because he is curious or because the voice asked for him to?

Voidrunner's Codex

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