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The Jade Frontier (DM: Ukingsken, Judge: Lord Sessadore)


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"Fair enough, I wouldn't mind scouting out the town a bit as long as no stealth is required. Who else thinks a walk around the town may do some good?"

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I would have to suggest you take Mr. Bricks with you Brewar.. he's adept at seeing things not there to the naked eye.. not to mention he's better at not being seen himself... I would also suggest not taking many more than three at a time for sake of having too many people in one area at once... discretion is best at the moment... I will stay here with Chey and try to piece together what her and I have learned from the Lotus Inn and see if and what connections may be linked to what we have learned thus far... if you all would write down here on this parchment..(and Patronis would lay parchment, ink, and pen on a table near by) ... what exactly you found for information at the Lotus tonight... that would help those staying behind greatly....... Patronis finished his near soapbox-esque ramblings and let those else in attendance a chance to speak...


First Post
[sblock=ooc] Just thought I'd say I love Dming for a group of people who don't need me to push them to RP, and who don't need that guiding "head this way" all the time. Go awesome players go!...That is all.... Continue...[/sblock]
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[sblock=Internet report]Well, I'm back on line again and this time it appears to be stable so cross your fingers everyone[/sblock]

"A little bit of snooping around might shed some light on what's got these folk so nervous - and I'm itchin' for some sneakin' any one got any preferences for where they'd like to start?"


First Post
"My suggestion to you is to start at the Lotus Inn... then work your way around the city and from clue to clue from there....." Patronis utters softly...


First Post
[sblock=Sneaking] Ok which way does bricks want to head? he can either go west around the curve of the road and up toward what looks like a walled off section within the town, or east back by the gate and around the other side.[/sblock]


"There seems to be a walled off section over 'ere" Mr Bricks says pointing to the west. "I wonder what they've got in there," his curiosity getting the better of him.

Mr Bricks starts moving in an almost comical manner as though he was sneaking in the full glare of bright sunlight.

[sblock=Stealth Failure]
Sneaking (1d20+9=11)
I don't believe it![/sblock]

[sblock=Working Stat Block]
Mr, Bricks
Human Rogue 1
Init +4/Passive Insight 16/Passive Perception 17
HP 24/24 Bloodied 12 Surge Value 6; Surges Per Day 6/7
Action Points 0 Second Wind Unused
AC 16 Fortitude 12 Reflex 17 Will 13 - Speed 6 Size Medium Saving Throws +1
Str 12 (+1) Dex 18 (+4) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 12 (+1) Int 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2)
Basic Attack: Dagger/Short Sword Attk: +5/+4 Dmg 1d4+1/1d6+1
Ranged Basic Attack: Sling/Dagger Attk: +6/+8 Dmg: 1d6+4/1d4+4
Range: 10/20 and 5/10
Sly Flourish
Piercing Strike
Deft Strike

Positioning Strike
Trick Strike



Recap Clip Reel

Cheysuli takes up the quill and begins to scribble down anything important that she remembers from the last few days that could be relevant.

OOC: A quick 'previously on..." so we don't have to keep back tracking while we're trying to piece things together :p
[sblock=We gets the job!]
As the curtain parts and you bend your gaze upward a beautiful Genasi woman steps through the curtain. What skin you see is pale blue, with swirls of darker blue here and there. Her hair is a beautiful Jade colour and brushes the back of her knees with every step. Dressed in a kimono of exquisite silk and gems she looks like a high court lass of Daunton dressed for a ball.

Now speak your names, and tell me how you will serve us in our time of need. I am Lao Teshlyn, Magus of the Kingdom of Jade and one of the last surviving true nobles, I will tell you what must be done and set you on the road to Maoleth.

Magus, these are the warriors I recruited in Daunton. I hope that they please the General and bring honour to our Kingdom. He turns to you and speaks an obviously ritual parting Great deeds and noble deaths warriors, may we meet again in this life or the next.

With that said Hedorai withdraws from the tent. Turning her gaze upon each of you in turn the Magus shoulders relax somewhat and she speaks again, this time in a much less formal tone.

We have little time; I am needed at the front with the Shogun. Normally we would have simply employed the Red River Company for this venture, but they are currently indisposed in Daunton and thus we had to seek a less formal group.

We have lost communication with one of our towns in a contested area. While this is not as abnormal as you might think, it has come to my attention through divinations that there is more to it then the simple tides of war.

About 2 days travel north of here is a small village called Maoleth. Before the tide of shadow engulfed our land it was a simple place of farmers and hunters. Since the war it has fallen into land that we still claim, but have little to no power to defend other then maintaining a small garrison in the town.

In the last two cycles of the moon, our messengers stopped returning, and the last supply train is 4 days overdue. My divinations have revealed that some sort of fell influence is growing in the area. While my information is not specific I garnered a single name. Zal' Ekthees, a demigod and former demon worshipped almost exclusively by intelligent undead and necromancers. What this means I am unsure but it can not be good.

Additionally before we lost contact there had been rumours of increased Kobold activity in the area. For these reasons we have hired you and would have you travel to Maoleth and investigate the truth of the malignance I sense and also put an end to the Kobold threat. Each of you will be handsomely rewarded upon your return.

Lao pulls a small pouch from her belt and reaches her hand impossibly far inside pulling out a fistful of gold.200 Gold pieces each upon your return. Do we have an agreement?
Now if that is all I must take my leave of you, the oni are ruthless, and the hardest battles are ones we often don't know exist until we have already lost.[/sblock]
[sblock=We fight off an ambush] [The Kobold’s] companion cries out in broken common “Fresh Blood! Fresh Blood! The shadowed one be pleassed!” As it moves forward, ducking past its companion and stabbing at Mr. Bricks who easily sidesteps the agitated creatures blow.
Mr. Bricks makes several swift jabs at the kobold, but each blow is deflected off the scale shield, making a loud screeching as if scraping along steel. The kobold grins a mouthful of sharp teeth at Mr. Bricks “Shadarxil protects us even in his absence! Hee he he hee he!”The kobold seems to be dissolving into an uncontrollable laughing fit at its unknown joke.[/sblock]
[sblock=We arrive at Maoleth] Several small farm houses dot the surrounding hill, but they appear dark and uninhabited.
In the name of the Platinum Shogun, state your name and business!” Comes the cry from atop the wall, a deep resonating baritone voice lending weight to the command.

"My name is Shayla Brightleaf!" [Shayla] begins trying to carry her voice to any other guards the first might have alerted. "My friends and I are here at the request of the Magus Lao Teshlyn on behalf of the Shogun himself. May we come in and speak more of these matters?"

"We haven't had contact with the Iron Legion in over a month! How do I know you are who you say you are and not another shadow worship... HUrk!"
The soldier’s voice is cut off mid-sentence, choked off by what you can only assume was a swift blow to the stomach.
"Inside you can find lodging in the first home on the left. It has recently become vacant. Someone will be around first thing in the morning to bring you before the lord. Until then rest, and know that we thank you for your help with the kobolds. Let us hope you have not made things worse."
Recalling what you know of the town and it's history, it was once under the protection of the Empire, like all surrounding lands. There was a keep built further to the north of this settlement, where a large contingent of the Iron Legion was traditionally stationed. After the onset of the war, a majority of the legion was called away. In their absence their absence the Oni infiltrated the keep somehow, and you remember a story about the Mad Butcher of Shadowseal Keep, but the details escape you.
As you mingle with the few villagers around, you detect a definite air of unease; something has these people on edge. With a couple well placed questions you learn that not only have the kobolds been causing trouble, but villagers have been disappearing, sometimes from within their own homes after the gates have closed. The villagers worry that the Oni have gained a foothold, and established a cabal within the confines of the town itself. However the lord of the town is quick to dismiss any such notions.
As Miranna listens to Patronis account of the area's history it jogs her memory about what may be an important fact. During the beginning of the war, shortly before whatever calamity befell the area, the Oni enlisted the help of a dragon named Shadarxilantheligost (Shadraxil for short). The beast was drawn from the shadowfell to the life and vitality of this plane when the Oni breached the planar barriers and began their invasion in earnest. A group of knights was said to have vanquished the dragon after shadowseal keep fell. Perhaps the locals would know more.

[sblock=Mr. Bricks talks with Elian] The few people Mr. Bricks approaches are insulted by his insinuation that any kind of criminal organisation exists in their small town. Most stoically ignore him. One elderly dragonborn male however, his scales a dusky brownish grey, stops to speak with Mr. Bricks.

Are you daft child? This town in its heyday barely had 2000 residents, and now we're lucky if we have 200, children included. Times are rough here but we are simple farmers, people of the earth. What would thieves even steal? Now cultists, we've had our share of those, why I remember...
Oh never mind never mind, you don't want to listen to me talk. Well it’s that time. Sakura is about to start, and I want to get my table and my tea.”
"That was a lovely song; anyway I was intrigued about what you were saying about cults..."
Mr. Bricks manages to carefully and succinctly convince Eilian that he is genuinely interested in he crops. Unfortunately every time an opportunity presents itself to turn the conversation away from the crops easily it sails right by without him noticing until its too late. After a long 10 minutes Eilian stretches, yawns and says.

Well it’s been nice to have someone genuinely interested in an old man for once. But I'm as tired as a wyrm after a three day flight. I got crops to harvest, but if you like swing by my home tomorrow and maybe then I'll tell you some of the old tales.[/sblock]
[sblock=Cheysuli talks with Sakura] After the bard finishes her performance, Cheysuli moves over toward her. With a slight bow of respect she says to the songstress:

"My lady bard that was one of the most beautiful, yet wrenching melodies I have ever heard. It called forth things within me that I had tried to ignore; you have reminded me of my purpose; thank you. Though, not speaking draconic, I do not know the details of the tale your song tells; could you enlighten me?"

Sakura looks puzzled momentarily, and then begins to slowly speak.

I am no bard feyborn, merely a woman who knows a story and sings her children to sleep. This is not normally a tale we like to tell, but with things the way they are well, it seemed to fit the mood of these past nights. But I believe I remember the words in the common tongue. It was written long ago, and is a piece of history most around here don't remember.
[sblock=Song Lyrics]
In shadowed keep of tumbled stone,

A peril lurks, for years unknown,
The Kinslayer's spirit guards it yet,
'Gainst a newfound vile threat.

The Kinslayer once was proud and strong,
Until the Night Lord came along.

The thing of evil sent dark dreams,
Nightmares wrought of tortured screams,
The vowed defender's mind did bend,
And with his blade he did rend.

Awakened to the awful truth,
Shattered bones of men and youth,
His wife and children, pride and joy,
Mistaken for demons, forced to destroy.

The Kinslayer fled to meet death alone,
For wicked deeds he must now atone,
And so the fallen Knight must wait,
For heroes to arrive and reverse his fate.
But twisted whispers echo through the halls,
And ghostly blood runs 'long the walls,
None can face those cursed remains,
Fear like water in their veins.
The Night Lords Brood from a cursed line,
Now threatens to awake the unholy shrine,
Dark power craves as men do thirst,
Confining spells to be reversed.
Storm clouds gather with the demon's approach,
And the living dead will soon encroach,
The forces of good will never survive,
For the Kings of Night will soon arrive[/sblock]

As you can now likely tell this is not a tale we normally tell, and not many would want to remember it even if they knew it. But giving them an enemy to focus on will help us come together as a community, even if it is nothing but a wives tale. Now let me ask you how it is I find a stranger in the Iron Lotus for the first time in over a year?
For many years our lands have suffered the taint of demons and devils. Many times before I have met your kind, and most prefer to identify with their fey origins. Who among us wishes to be seen as a demon, especially in a country at war with demons?

The kobolds I know about. They've been around before, but always just a nuisance. Once every few years a roving band of orcs comes along to whip them up and attack the town, but our walls always protect us. Lately things have gotten much worse. The kobolds have become brasher, attacking supply wagons and travellers wantonly. You're the first people to arrive in several months.

As for an undesirable element I'm not sure what you could mean. People are on edge because of the kobold attacks, especially after Elder Laith disappeared. Some folk say he was inside the walls but that’s preposterous, how would he disappear from inside the walls? He must have been out for a walk after dark as he was wont to do.

I wish this were just another chapter in our history books, but that’s not the case. In the past when the orcs came down from the mountains they would rumble across the valley in a large group and attack the town proper. But there have been no sightings of orcs at all this season.
The old man hadn't been the same since his dear wife passed. After she died, he sold his shop to Bairdon Williams, a man who came from some place called Daunton a few years back. Ever since then he only left his house once a day, passing by his old shop as if checking up on an old friend, before heading into the market and then back. And now with him gone it worries me to think that nasty little beasts might have made it inside the walls. Things were bad enough with them burning some of the outlying farms.

In fact with their strange behaviour I wonder if something more sinister isn't driving them this season. I remember it happened once before when I was a whelp, an ogre magus whipped the kobolds into frenzy, and they attacked the wall, nearly losing their entire tribe but still throwing themselves recklessly at us until the ogre was defeated by Kiro... I mean Lord Hastesh's father.

But yes, yes if you could let me know what’s happened to the old wyrm I would appreciate it. He was like a father to me for many years, taking care of me after my parents died fending off one of the orc incursions 25 years ago.

Sakura smiles rather forlornly, obviously lost in the pain of her memories. Shaking her head, as if trying to dislodge the unpleasant memories, her warm smile returns.

I lodge in a backroom here at the Lotus. I'm around most days, except for mornings of holy day when I pray at the chapel.[/sblock]
[sblock=Patronis and Brenwar investigate a carving] As Patronis examines the room he does not sense any arcane emanations, but his attention is caught by a relief carving above what serves as a bar. The carving shows a dark silhouette, horned, with sweeping tail, bound within a scribed circle which looks suspiciously like an archaic version of a powerful binding circle. Standing to either side of the circle are dragonborn knights bearing the holy symbol of Palladys and what might be a Genasi standing near to top focal point.
Looking at it closely Brenwar remembers once when he first began working for the senator, a travelling dragonborn Paladin came and told a tale of a group of knights loyal to Palladys who long ago bound a great evil. The tale said that they built a keep on the site of the binding, reinforcing the mystical arcs of the seal with solid stone and the blessing of their god and the aid of a powerful magus. Not only was the entity bound, but the gateway he had used to cross the planar barrier was sealed. Later that night Brenwar overheard a snippet of Senator Opaten's conversation with the knight, asking if the shadowseal still held back Zal' Ekthees. Before the knight could reply a group of dignitaries approached and Brenwar never heard the end of the conversation.
Patronis leans to the draconic woman behind the bar once more and asks her a polite and simple question...

"Would you happen to know who owns this painting friend dragonkind? My friend here and I are very intrigued by it and was wondering if the owner was about to tell us more about it perhaps?" Patronis asks with a simple smile hoping to win her way as he slips her a gold piece for her trouble as he bugs her once more.
That has been with the Iron Lotus for many generations, I doubt mistress Sakura would part with it. However in the morning I'm sure she would answer your questions. Now please, let us finish up for the night.[/sblock]
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