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The Meeting Place - Discussions and so forth


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I'll be in, after the fun stops. I've tabletop on Saturday nights, and thus.. woe is me.. will miss the fun and games, unless something happens.

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just don't try to catch me when I'm subconscientiously, conscientiously, or inadvertently trying to avoid you

That's where, Jet. :p

What time does your game usuallly finish, Dontella? The only people I know I've recieved times from are Jetbomb and Tharivious, and both seem to be fine with it being later...

At least, I've seen no objections from anyone about it being late. :p

- Pounamu


First Post
Notice that I did not say anywhere in that sentence that I've actually attempted to avoid you in that past, it's more of a warning of a future situation.



Sounds like a good set-up in general, but I have a few questions... :schemes:

1. When the "Cage Fight"'s take place are we shifting all patrons into the Limbo or are we having the two rooms operating at once. Because if the police raid thing happens then, don't we all need to be in the same place??

2. Again in relation to cage fights. How are we going to work the "who-fights-who" thing. Will we all post names on here of those who want to cage-fight and have them drawn out on the night by the WizO or Ref or what?!? Because patron-based could be rather bias and I'm sure the WizO's'd have good ways of randomly picking names out of a "hat".

3. Will this room have a golem of sorts. "Vendinggolem"??? :angel:

In any case . . . I beg you not to split the genders in the cage-fights. I owe someone a butt-kicking. :angelhide

Peace out. :fight!:



I'd be able to run a multi-purpose referee/promotor (hype-man)/cage crew name without much difficulty for the fight matches if no one else is interested in volunteering to help on that end for non-staff players. Only one NPC would need to be active at a time, so it wouldn't be much of a workload to operate them all simultaneously.

As promised, the rough draft of the cage fight material -

Myself... said:
1. Martial Arts Demonstrations
Cage is composed of round 1" steel tubing, welded into a grid of roughly 6" squares, has no roof, and is smooth to the touch. Floor is covered with 1" thick foam-rubber padding to cushion falls.
- Weapons are forbidden, only the body may be used to strike an opponent.
- No striking between the belt-line and the knee line.
- Cage may be used to gain leverage for combat moves, but not as a weapon. (Bashing opponent's head, for instance, results in a disqualification).
- Fight is over after three 5-minute rounds (would need to be streamlined to allow for text-actions), winner determined by judging criteria. May also end via knock-out or submission.
- Judging Criteria (In progress, will be PMed when complete)

1a. Variants
The following variants may be applied to the Martial Arts Demonstration version.
- Blunt weapons: Nunchuku, staffs, escrima sticks, tonfas, and other blunt wooden martial arts weapons may be utilized pending agreement of both participants involved, and the signing of additional release forms. If used, additional judging criteria is added.

2. No Holds Barred Gladiatorial combat
Cage is composed of chain-link fencing supported by 1" square steel tubing, has a roof, and tends to be somewhat sharp. Floor is covered with a wide, unforgiving solid rubber mat that offers little padding but protects the ground beneath from being stained.
- Weapons are forbidden, only the body or the cage may be used to strike an opponent.
- All strikes are legal and valid.
- Cage may be used as a weapon by throwing opponent into it. (For this reason, this sort of fight tends to be quite bloody.)
- Cage may be used for leverage in combat, or climbed for aerial tactics (drop-kicks, flying elbows, etc...)
- Match is decided via knock-out, or via tap-out, 15-minute time-limit where winner will be decided by arbitrary means (the character roleplayed more reasonably/realistically [ie, lack of godmoding, but use of intelligent technique], the character closest to achieving the win via normal means, etc... something that is agreeable to all involved. Alternatively, bring Warden into the picture and have a d100 roll decide the outcome. :p)
- Tap-Out: One opponent slaps the floor repeatedly as a declaration of submission, often due to application of a submission manuever (choke-hold, twisting of a joint, etc...). Merely stating that one gives up will not suffice, the floor must be tapped in the appropriate manner.
- Referee may stop the fight as if a tap-out had occured should a competitor appear injured enough that he would be risking his life or health to continue on with the fight.
- Referee may pause the fight if a knock-out has occured to verify the condition, or if there is a concern of excessive blood-loss (adjudicated on a case-by-case basis, generally if the competitor appears to be getting dizzy or the player is continuously drawing attention to the blood-loss.).
- Failing to obey the instructions of the referee in terms of stopping a match will result in disqualification and/or charges with the local law enforcement agencies for aggravated assault and breach of contract.

2a. Variants
The following are optional variants that may be added to the No-Holds-Barred version.
- Street Fight: This cage is stocked with folding tables, trash cans, steel chairs, broom handles, and other relatively inexpensive alley-type equipment. Tends toward more of a pro-wrestling feel, pushes the limits of what may or may not be reasonable, but with imaginative players could prove interesting.
- First Blood: Rather than relying on tap-outs or knock-outs, the match is depending on which combatant draws blood from his opponent first. Without weapons, this often means the competitor who avoids contact with the cage the longest acheives victory. This could prove to either prolong fights or shorten them depending on how many of the exaggerated stereotypes of ISRP combat rear their heads. May be a good option to add into the later rounds of the matches.

And to try to be helpful. :angel:
Blayde_0107986025 said:
1. When the "Cage Fight"'s take place are we shifting all patrons into the Limbo or are we having the two rooms operating at once. Because if the police raid thing happens then, don't we all need to be in the same place??
Good question here. As I don't know, I can only give an opinion - A fighting tournament taking place in an alley across from a police station will draw attention. And while having both rooms active would mean some would miss the raid (which we don't know if it will even happen yet;)), it would also be more realistic since not everyone is likely to be there when a raid happens regardless.

Blayde_0107986025 said:
2. Again in relation to cage fights. How are we going to work the "who-fights-who" thing. Will we all post names on here of those who want to cage-fight and have them drawn out on the night by the WizO or Ref or what?!? Because patron-based could be rather bias and I'm sure the WizO's'd have good ways of randomly picking names out of a "hat".
Drawn at random from the lot of enrolled contestants will most likely be the way matches are placed initially. After the first round is decided, however, it would lead into standardized brackets.

Blayde_0107986025 said:
3. Will this room have a golem of sorts. "Vendinggolem"???
I believe the bot's name is SAM (Semi-Automated Machine). :D
.. But I may be wrong on that.

Blayde_0107986025 said:
In any case . . . I beg you not to split the genders in the cage-fights. I owe someone a butt-kicking.
Perhaps this should be put to a vote... I think having three brackets would be the best way to go (one for male competitors, one for female competitors, and one for mixed gender competitors), since even in a future environment, not all men would be alright with fighting a woman. Chivalry may be in decline, but it likely wouldn't be extinct 20 years from now. But if the consensus is to have a single mixed-gender bracket, I have no problem there.

Besides, if you really want to fight against a female character, you can always play a female character and enter that bracket. :p


First Post
hey, I did volinteer to help out and the offer still stands. For the raid, maybe the police could chase the participants back into the bar or something?



Well I'm entering the cage fight. My character is female and was to begin with. BTW this is the name that will show up. I vote for mixed gender cage fights obviously!!! No need to be afraid :schemes:

In any case... I've got to go study...




Date change

Don't blame me folks, this came from above. :rolleyes: The opening has been pushed back 1 week, because they want more advertising time.

so... the opening day is Saturday March 5th 2005. Sorry about that. :(

If this is a major problem to you, be my guest and speak out. Just not so forcefully I then have to reprimand you over the CoC!

Dontella, is that an hour ahead of PST or an hour behind EST?

Jet, right this minute I'm not delegating thigns so if you have an idea of what you'd like to help with, spit it out. If it's the raid, better PM or email me.

I've been questioned about whether hits in the fights will be decided by dice or not. I suggest those players interested speak up about which style they prefer, dice or free-form. And keep an eye on Tharivious' posts, because he's the one laying down how it'll work. :devil:
To me, that is up to you. :p

As for whether or not everyone should be in the same place for a raid, that's a bit of a non-question, isn't it? Since when, outside movies and school balls, have cops had the fortune to pin everyone in the same place? I think it would be luck.
Incidentally, the specifics of the raid if it happens would not be discussed in the open. That would defeat the purpose, wouldn't it? Might as well have a police parade. lol

I now have at my disposal a number of pictures from New York city which may be of use to players for inspiration or drawing resources. I am going to start another thread where I'll put the url to the album currently housing them, and where others can add other info or resources if they care to share. Keep it setting relevant if possible please; there's a thread on the ISRP General (OOC) forum for if you just want to show off pics of you, your friends and their cars/pets/partners. ;)

- Pounamu



WizO Pounamu said:
I've been questioned about whether hits in the fights will be decided by dice or not. I suggest those players interested speak up about which style they prefer, dice or free-form. And keep an eye on Tharivious' posts, because he's the one laying down how it'll work.
Free-form would likely move faster, dice-based would be less-prone to player stubbornness. I'm on the fence here. Free-form would be easier for me, but I'm open to popular opinion on this. I think a blend of the two using dicebots for the final outcomes and freeform for the actual combat may be the optimum route to take.

If only I had the power to open up actual polls, I could solve the bracketting and format questions in shorter order. :p But since I don't, I direct posters to the bottom of this post.

Blayde_0107986025 said:
Well I'm entering the cage fight. My character is female and was to begin with. BTW this is the name that will show up.
Right, well... *removes foot from mouth* not easy to tell that with the name there. :p
Reverse the gender pronouns for the same result of the comment of wanting to fight a particular gender, and you get the same result should the split brackets be the popular choice. ;)

Ok, that's one competitor and one vote for mixed-gender brackets. :)

Now, I need more votes on the following two questions:
  • [1]Gender Bracketing - One of the following Choices.
  • Split Gender: Male vs. Male and Female vs. Female
  • Mixed Gender: Every character in the same bracket set.
  • Both: Run three brackets; one male only, one female only, and one mixed.

    [2]Fight Format - One of the following Choices.
  • Free-form: Characters base actions on words alone, playing reasonably and remembering that there are no supermen in this setting type.
  • Dice-Reliant: We use Warden/some bot to determine success on attacks.
  • Mixed Blend: Fight outcomes are determined by dicebot, but individual outcomes are done free-form.

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