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[The One Ring] The Marsh Bell: Character Creation


First Post
The Hobbit Virtue "Small Folk" says something about outside of combat I gain the small trait, see the traits chapter for details. I'm very interested to know what that could mean, and if I have the small trait otherwise?

also, please forgive me if you've already explained, but how often do "episodes" start? Are they like encounters, or rounds, or turns, or...

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First Post
The Hobbit Virtue "Small Folk" says something about outside of combat I gain the small trait, see the traits chapter for details. I'm very interested to know what that could mean, and if I have the small trait otherwise?

So it does. I missed that.

Well, it works just like any other trait - I explained those in this post. You don't have the "small" trait unless you take that Virtue (or some other option that specifically says "you have the small trait").

The Traits chapter does have descriptions of all the traits you can choose at character creation, but not "small". For most of them, the descriptions aren't very specific, though:

Trusty - You are reliable and faithful, and your word is a valid pledge.
Tall - You tower above most of your folk.
Smoking - You have mastered the art of smoking the herb called pipe-weed or leaf, using a pipe of clay or wood. Practitioners of the art say it gives patience and clarity of mind, and helps them greatly to relax, concentrate and converse peacefully with others.

The meaning of "small" is pretty self-evident.

So with the "small" trait, you can gain an automatic success to common skill checks when being small would be an advantage. (But you might want to roll anyway in order to try for an extraordinary success - that's one or more 6's on the d6's.) Or for some situations you can get a roll when nobody else does. ("The creature wriggles away through a tiny crack in the rocks. No way you could fit in there." "But I'm small!" "Ok, roll to see if you fit in there...") Also, if you make a common skill roll and being small is related, you have a higher chance of getting an advancement point for it (it's complicated to be more precise than that, so I figure I'll explain that when it comes up in-game.)

also, please forgive me if you've already explained, but how often do "episodes" start? Are they like encounters, or rounds, or turns, or...

An "episode" is a scene where we detail everything we're doing, as opposed to "narrative time" when we summarize.

For example: We track down a mysterious vagabond the inn in Bree, interrogate him to find out that he was supposed to meet with servants of the Dark Lord at Weathertop, and then the city watch bursts in thinking we're harassing an innocent citizen and we have a chase scene to flee town. After escaping, the GM says, "The journey to Weathertop takes 5 days. Make a couple of rolls to see if you encountered any hardships. Ok, you gain a bit of Fatigue. When you arrive, you spot a fire glimmering at its base..." That's one episode in Bree (which is split into a couple of encounters - interacting with the vagabond, escaping the authorities), followed by a narrative journey, and then when we reach Weathertop we're starting a second episode.

If we'd played through every step of the journey ("Outside town the trail forks in two. Do you want to go left or right? There's something behind that bush - what are you going to do? Yes, we're going to do the entire way to Weathertop in this much detail!") then the journey would be an episode of its own.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
When we're traveling, aren't there certain roles (Scout, Guide, Look-Out) etc? How does that work.

It might be helpful if we, as a group, picked roughly what roles we intend to cover. For example, as an Elf of Mirkwood, my character has skill favored at night plus decent awareness which would make an ideal night-watch person.

Alternately, we could just jump in and not worry about it so we can get playing as soon as possible.

I'm picking a leather corselet, an iron-and-leather cap, and a buckler plus travel clothing. If we have winter clothing, does that cover summer too or do we also need summer clothing?


First Post
It might be helpful if we, as a group, picked roughly what roles we intend to cover. For example, as an Elf of Mirkwood, my character has skill favored at night plus decent awareness which would make an ideal night-watch person.

Alternately, we could just jump in and not worry about it so we can get playing as soon as possible.

I'd prefer that. Half the fun is finding out you don't have any good scouts and have to make do without!

I'm picking a leather corselet, an iron-and-leather cap, and a buckler plus travel clothing. If we have winter clothing, does that cover summer too or do we also need summer clothing?

The way the rules are written, you actually just have one set of clothing that happens to weigh twice as much in the winter. :) It's assumed that you re-equip yourself with the right clothing before any journey, so right now you only need summer clothing.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Well, I have a character description and basic back story done, I'll add more details as we go.

I think my character is complete. Switched to a mail shirt, added a name, few other minor tweaks.

She patrols the borders of Mirkwood, so I figure that her patrol just happened to take her to Laketown.

Ready to go!

[sblock=Authiel Silivrenniel]Name: Authiel Silivrenniel Culture: Elf of Mirkwood Standard of Living: Martial
Cultural blessing: Folk of the Dusk Calling: Warden Shadow weakness: Lure of Power
Specialties: Mirkwood-lore, Woodwright, Shadow-lore
Distinctive features: Hardened, Keen-eyed
Body: 5 Heart: 3 Wits: 6
Body (favoured): 7 Heart (favoured): 6 Wits (favoured): 7
-Common Skills-
  • Awe: 2 Inspire: 0 Persuade: 0
  • Athletics: 3 Travel: 1 Stealth: 2
  • Awareness: 2 Insight: 0 Search: 1
  • Explore: 1 Healing: 1 Hunting: 1
  • Song: 2 Courtesy: 0 Riddle: 0
  • Craft: 1 Battle: 2 Lore: 3
-Weapon Skills-
  • Bow: 3 damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 14 enc: 1
  • Sword: 1 damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 16 enc: 2
  • Dagger: 1 damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc: 0
-Virtues-: Wood-elf Magic
  • Mail shirt enc: 12
  • Cap of iron and leather enc: 2
  • Buckler enc: 1
Endurance: 25 Starting Endurance: 25 Fatigue: 19 Hope: 11 Starting Hope: 11 Shadow: 0 Armour: 2 Headgear: 1 Parry: 6 Shield: 1 Damage: 5 Ranged: 5 Wisdom: 2 Valour: 1 Experience: 0 Total Experience: 0 [/sblock]
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First Post
Cool beans!

[MENTION=51930]fireinthedust[/MENTION], since we haven't heard back from treex, looks like you're in, so I'll need a character from you, too.

The rest of you, are you happy with your chars or still making mechanical changes?

After all the chars are finalized, we have one more thing to do, which is to work out the party's Fellowship score and choose Fellowship Focuses. Then we can start playing!


Woo! Blad I kept with this one. But also Gah! I wasn't sure I'd be in, so I didn't know who to make up. So many options!

I'll think about it today and get back to you.

I'm interested in a Hobbit, but we have three; a dwarf, but we have two; and an elf would be fine. But at the same time, we have no men, and that could be handy.

Where in the world are we starting out again?


First Post
Lake-town, at the tip of the Long Lake, just south of the Lonely Mountain.

Some thoughts: if you're an Elf, you could be an envoy sent by King Thranduil to carry a message to Lake-town. Iron Sky's Authiel could be escorrting you. (That would be a more convenient hook to get elves into the group than a warder on their own.)
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First Post
I think we are 3 dwarves an elf and 2 hobbits. I've updated my sheet, it may change slightly, but the base mechanics are set. That would make you the third hobbit [MENTION=51930]fireinthedust[/MENTION]

Thanks for all the info JNC!
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First Post
Having more dwarves or hobbits are fine, it just means it's a largwr family or whatever.

Also, I just figured out a way to integrate a lone Warder, so if you don't want to take an elf it won't screw anything up for me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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