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The Pantheon Returns

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Mista Collins

First Post
Jemal said:
Both of those look good. However, James, could you list (Major/Greater/Etc) beside each of your domains, like Mista Collins did?

Also, Collins - what do you mean 'how it would be set up'?

To be honest, I really don't recall what I meant by "how it would be set up" :) . Seeing otehr examples and your approval, I was on the right track. I will give more detail and depth to the god over the weekend.


A suffusion of yellow
Furor the Raging One

Furor the Destroyer, the Raging One
god of Natural Disasters

As much as nature is about growth and life, it is also about destruction and decay. The giant Furor is the embodiment of the pure destructive fury of nature, the power of the storm, of the earthquake, of the volcano, the fire and the flood.

Furor claims to be the eldest son of the Unknown, god of Karma and also that he arose from primal seething chaos of fire water and air. How this seeming contridiction of nature and hertiage are reconciled few can comprehend.

Whilst Furor revels in the chaos which he brings and the destruction that he leaves in his wake, he does not consider himself evil but simply as part of the eternal cycle of Growth, Erosion and Regrowth which must be maintained, those who suffer learn to survive.

Furor is prone to fits of destructive rage and is invoked by Barbarians calling upon his supernatural rage to reinforce their own. He can be bloodthirsty and is an acknowledged cannibal, yet he also has the wisdom to act more slowly and surely, like wind as it erodes stone to sand or water as it carves a valley.

Ironically Furor is also worshipped by farmers both to keep his fury at bay but also to celebrate the floods which bring nutrient rich silts from the mountain tops and for the fire which burns away the old to give way to the new.

For the past age Furor has be searching, learning from the Void itself, and if his scheme comes to fruition, soon he will hold the Core of Destruction in his hands...

DOMAINS 68 pts
Major: 5 ranks Nature (15 pts)
Greater: 10 ranks Natural Disasters (30 pts)
Lesser: 7 Ranks Erosion (11 pts)
Lesser: 5 Ranks Survival (7 pts)
Minor: 5 Ranks Rage (5 pts)

PS I'm assuming Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Storms, Fires & Floods all come under 'Natural Disasters' or should they be listed them seperately?
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Tonguez - natural disasters thing is good. I'd allow people to take each of those seperately as Lesser things, just like I allow seperate parts of ANY larger thing. (Trees instead of 'nature', etc)
Looks good, but could you give me a bit of clarification on two of your domains:
What kind of stuff are you seeing Regrowth as? Just forestation? Or all forms of regeneration, and healing? Or somewhere in between?
How is Rage different from Anger for your god? I ask b/c I would rank Anger as a Lesser or maybe even Greater domain, and for Rage to be a 'minor' domain, it would have to be less powerful and encompassing.

On another note, nice t'see you.


A suffusion of yellow
Jemal said:
Tonguez - natural disasters thing is good. I'd allow people to take each of those seperately as Lesser things, just like I allow seperate parts of ANY larger thing. (Trees instead of 'nature', etc)
Looks good, but could you give me a bit of clarification on two of your domains:
What kind of stuff are you seeing Regrowth as? Just forestation? Or all forms of regeneration, and healing? Or somewhere in between?
How is Rage different from Anger for your god? I ask b/c I would rank Anger as a Lesser or maybe even Greater domain, and for Rage to be a 'minor' domain, it would have to be less powerful and encompassing.

On another note, nice t'see you.

Thank you:)

Rage I saw as very much tied to the Barbarian (and wolverine) version of rage - a mindless internal driving urge that manifests as enhanced physical prowess. It is fueled by anger but is a very specific manifestation of that emotion (anger)

* Actually I think I might add Wolverine as Furors favoured creature:)

As to regrowth I'm actually not too sure how I envisage it working - I put it in as a necessary counter to balance his destructive nature. I think the stuff about farmers covers my intention. Regrowth is reflected in the knowledge that erosion creates soil, that volcanic ash carries needed minerals and how fire releases help seeds to germinate and new shoots to sprout. Furor is definately not a healer but his presence can provide a place where new life can establish itself. How this worls mechanically I'm not actually too sure...


First Post
Darn, only 5 domains? Too bad, it'd probably be fun to play a dabbler god, with a few points in a lot of things. But I can't, so instead I'll try this, hoping I guess the categories right:

(Lesser) Language 10 (20 points)
(Lesser) Motion 10 (20 points)
(Greater) Thought 7 (16 points)
(Greater) Strength 3 (4 points)
(Major) Energy 4 (10 points)

The concept is a god who has taken the mundane actions of speech, movement, and thought and empowered them, allowing mortals access to magic (slash, psionics). He's also interested in the sharing of knowledge, peace through diplomacy, and the verbal and physical arts like storytelling, song, and dance.


fenixdown said:
Darn, only 5 domains? Too bad, it'd probably be fun to play a dabbler god, with a few points in a lot of things. But I can't, so instead I'll try this, hoping I guess the categories right:

(Lesser) Language 10 (20 points)
(Lesser) Motion 10 (20 points)
(Greater) Thought 7 (16 points)
(Greater) Strength 3 (4 points)
(Major) Energy 4 (10 points)

The concept is a god who has taken the mundane actions of speech, movement, and thought and empowered them, allowing mortals access to magic (slash, psionics). He's also interested in the sharing of knowledge, peace through diplomacy, and the verbal and physical arts like storytelling, song, and dance.

I'd actualy just ben thinking of that, And I would allow one or two gods of "versatility" or a 'jack of all trades' god, if such would be desirable..
In such a case, you could have as many Domains as you like, but none would be above Rank 5. (Unless you took Versatility or something suiting)

James Heard

On another note: I've been thinking that perhaps my Knowledge domain interest might actually be a Major domain. It would require some definite realignments of points to keep it at 10, but I think it's sufficiently important to the concept.

Also, I thought we were going for "gods who had been around the block" a bit, instead of collections of portfolios? That everyone was going to be playing gods who had been before when the world was younger, then got put aside for a long while and now we're coming back to find out that some young whippersnappers have taken our place? So basically, as long as we didn't try to make up some sort of god that really punched itself into one of the Overgod?Elder god? (I get confused around there, are we the elder gods?) roles we've got pretty good concepts?

Should we be making some effort to fit ourselves together AS a pantheon? That would be another advantage of opening it up past 5 domains too, especially for the lesser or minor domains. For example, my god could gobble up knowledge because that's basically what he's about. Then he could knock in a few "Holy Sites" as 1 level domains, he's got constructs as a level 1 too, so he doesn't need an animal, but he could spend a point on maybe another, or he could pick up "libraries" and still have room to pick up some minor influences in "military logistics" or even the lesser domain of "dawn" I guess. Just to paint a more thorough picture of what sort of deity we're talking about maybe?

Maybe we shouldn't try to assign values ourselves on the domains too, but should let you do that? Then everyone could concentrate on making an interesting deity/character that's been locked away for a long while?

Are you planning on playing out the "hundred years before" or is that going to be the prologue, or how is that going to work?


Also, I thought we were going for "gods who had been around the block" a bit, instead of collections of portfolios? That everyone was going to be playing gods who had been before when the world was younger, then got put aside for a long while and now we're coming back to find out that some young whippersnappers have taken our place? So basically, as long as we didn't try to make up some sort of god that really punched itself into one of the Overgod?Elder god? (I get confused around there, are we the elder gods?) roles we've got pretty good concepts?
Um, yes that's the idea, I'm not sure what you're asking here, but the concepts do look OK so far.
Overgod should be Elder Gods. typing error.
And you guys ARE 'OLDER' Gods, compared to those that are currently here, but the "ElderGods" are the Primal 4. (Good, Evil, Neutral, Focus).

Allright, RE: multiple Domains.
Slight rework : You can have as many domains as you want, but only 3 of them can have over 5 ranks. I'm goign to leave the 'ranking' up to YOU, but I was kinda hoping you'd flesh ot what you wanted the Deity to be like before Ranking it.
If you'll note, i specifically did not state an exact number of points, AND I said i was looking for basic outlines.
As for forming a Pantheon, that will help you have a better chance of being accepted, b/c as I stated, I'm not taking a first-come first-serve basis, that's why I'm asking for 'submissions'.
I'll be picking the gods I believe will make for the most interesting storyline. (Not neccesarily the best Team, as many gods have opposing natures).
The 'hundred years' you've been free has been spent gaining knowledge and REgaining your powers, which had decayed to near-mortal levels during your time away.

Also, nobody's picked a side yet. I asked people to decide their outlook (Good, Balance, or Evil) for their character.

Voidrunner's Codex

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