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The Pantheon Returns


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Hey Jemal...since someone already grabbed the hunter god, I was thinking of creating Whisper in this... It'd be fun to have a more...structured environment to place her in.

Secrets, enigmas, mysteries, riddles... Illusion, deception and trickery.

Despite her sinister methods, I consider her to be neutral. She's not malicious, though is manipulative...

Would that be appropriate, d'ya think, or shall I come up with something altogether different?

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A suffusion of yellow
Jemal said:
Also, nobody's picked a side yet. I asked people to decide their outlook (Good, Balance, or Evil) for their character.

Okay I'm gonna drop regrowth and replace it with something less savory

Furor is gonna be the Bullyboy of Evil :]


Shayuri said:
Hey Jemal...since someone already grabbed the hunter god, I was thinking of creating Whisper in this... It'd be fun to have a more...structured environment to place her in.

Secrets, enigmas, mysteries, riddles... Illusion, deception and trickery.

Despite her sinister methods, I consider her to be neutral. She's not malicious, though is manipulative...

Would that be appropriate, d'ya think, or shall I come up with something altogether different?

That would be acceptable, though I WAS half expecting a dragon god from you..


First Post
Soooo I've been following this a bit and it's definitely interesting. And I'm thinking what if I played a god that created emotions? I'm not entirely sure how I'd breakdown the domains, but I think this would be fun. It'd be Neutral, favoring balance.

Edit: Oooh! And maybe the day-cycle could be its responsibility or power, couple that with dreams as well. So Night/Day, Dreams, and Base-Emotions. Makes sense? Preposterous? Awe-Inspiring? Let me know.
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James Heard

Jemal said:
Um, yes that's the idea, I'm not sure what you're asking here, but the concepts do look OK so far.
I suppose I'm asking for clarification and maybe a little bit more exposition on what you're looking for and what sort of game you're intending this to be.

And you guys ARE 'OLDER' Gods, compared to those that are currently here, but the "Elder Gods" are the Primal 4. (Good, Evil, Neutral, Focus).
Ok. So are these "newer gods" going to be ran by you? Are they comparable in power level with the players or are they related to the players' deities the same way the PCs are related to the Elder gods? When I first read your writeup I assumed that the main play of the game would more or less involve tapping the new gods on the shoulder and going "Yo. I think you're on my domain."...more or less.

Or is it "Hi New God! You know, I don't particularly care that you're the god of Mortal Combat, because I've been the god of video games since before you were born. Nice to meet you."

Or are you planning/predicting that the main play of the game will be the players backstabbing each other and showing what jerks they can be on the forums? That's important to me, because if the game is all about letting people show off their wish-fulfillment rage fantasies to the other players rather than acting in at least a thin veneer of a common interest I'm not sure I'm as interested.

Alright, RE: multiple Domains.
Slight rework : You can have as many domains as you want, but only 3 of them can have over 5 ranks. I'm going to leave the 'ranking' up to YOU, but I was kinda hoping you'd flesh out what you wanted the Deity to be like before Ranking it.

If you'll note, i specifically did not state an exact number of points, AND I said i was looking for basic outlines.
"Only three of them can be over 5 ranks"..."non-specific numbers of points"...I'm not sure what this means. I think I get what you're after, but I'm not as clear that everything is on the same exact page? If we're not supposed to pick the ranks in something, and we're not supposed to know an exact number of points, how can we keep a rank less than 5? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm just unclear how you're supposed to structure a write-up mechanically right now? Or is that the idea, that more or less everyone would be better off ditching a mechanical detail of the proposals altogether because they're not really what you're after/you're going to go back and revise them to your mechanics that you've got on your end later/you're just winging it and I'm being really annoying by asking questions?

As for forming a Pantheon, that will help you have a better chance of being accepted, b/c as I stated, I'm not taking a first-come first-serve basis, that's why I'm asking for 'submissions'.

Also, nobody's picked a side yet. I asked people to decide their outlook (Good, Balance, or Evil) for their character.
That's because I thought our "first" side was going to be in kicking the crap out of the newbie gods and taking back our deity-pants.


Ethandrew - I may give you "EMOTION" itself as a MAJOR domain, as it is a step above any single emotion. such as love, anger, hatred, fear, etc.
But you wouldn't have as full control over any one of them as someone with the same ranks in that specific motion... it would be EMOTION's in general, and all-encompassing.

(Just like the god of nature isn't as in tune with Trees as the god of Trees.)

If you also wanted to take a few ranks each in specific emotions, I might allow those to stack whenever you're trying to effect a specific emotion.
(For example, if you had rank 10 Emotion and rank 3 Fear, whenever you were trying to do something relating to FEAR, you would have a better chance than you would with ANGER.)

Also, Emotion is a pretty big Portfolio all by itself, not sure if you'd have any room left over for others, especially something else fairly big, like Day & Night or even Dreams.

James - The reason I gave out the general point structure was so you guys could have an IDEA of what you might want, not so we could get every last detail fitted down right now. I also gave out the 'general' amount of points..
Also, I had an epiphany regarding how the point system should work, and wanted to post it so I wouldn't forget it.
most of the current Deities are built off of between 20-50 points.
You PC's will be built off of ~ 60-70.
THe 'Elder Gods', if they were ever to be freed, would be about 200.

As for how you respond to the new gods, that's up to each individual god to decide for themselves. Can you live with these lesser gods, or will you destroy them so there are no possible usurpers to your power? (None of the New Gods, btw, will have above Rank 8 in any Domain, so if you have Rank 10, then essentially they're under YOUR Pantheon if you choose to form one).
IE , if the example "god of Video Games" decided to form the Pantheon of Video Games, he could have the "God of Mortal Kombat", "God of Tetris", and "God of Mario" all working with him. (assuming they were willing, or he could 'convince' them).
*OOC NOTE: Anybody read CTRL-ALT-DEL? *L* The gaming gods.

6 ranks in a domain makes you a greater god of it. 9 or 10 makes you the MAIN god of it.
Only one god can have more than 8 ranks in any given domain, and I suggest if it's what you base your god around that you make it 10.
There CAN be multiple Gods of War. But only one GOD OF WAR(Domain Rank 9/10)

The upside is you're about twice as powerful as most of them.
The downside is - There's a lot of them, and you don't really know how closely knit they are.

(And yes, all of the "lesser" Gods will be NPC'd.)

As for what I'm HOPING for.. well, I DID put in a few 'seeds' in the Backstory if you'll note, pointing towards this becoming more of a gods trying to save the universe b/c a flawed universe is better than no universe, "even if I have to team up with my worst enemy to do so. When it's done, I shall gladly dismember him" plot down the road.
In other words, it may eventually become more of an "adventure for gods" later, but at the beginning I want to see how you would roleplay your 'god' coming back into this changed Universe.. Does he/she watch and learn? Interfere directly? Try to rule everything? Destroy? Make alliances with the New (or old) gods? Work with other Gods, or start War with them?

Also, once I've chosen the PC's, I wll also be putting up rules to show how you would interact with other Gods, if you happen to get into a direct physical/magical contest.

Also, I may not have made it clear, and for most cases it doesn't matter except background and maybe some roleplaying aspects, but you "Gods" (Not the new ones, but just you Old-Timer PC's) are not 'ascended mortals' (Which would be what the New ones are), but more 'beings spawned of the universe for a purpose'. You are a VERY powerful race of beings unto yourselves, who have managed to gain a finite control over the fabric of space & time, and the Universe itself.

Anything I missed?

Mista Collins

First Post
Jemal, as much as I've been drooling over this campaign for the past few days, I am going to step down. I am in the process of getting things together to run a PbP on here and most my time I allow myself to devote to online gaming is getting thin. I don't want to try to give 100% to a game like this (with you working hard to run it) and come up short because I have so much going on.

Good luck and good gaming. I will be following this a bit and probably wishing I hadn't stepped down. :)


First Post
Ok, I'll give this one a go if you'll let me. watching over a world of gods isn't as fun as being one, so here goes...

I want to play as "The Swarm", God of Corruption.

I don't know what catagories it's domains fall under, but here is my best guesses.

Corruption - Major - 10 Ranks
Hivemind - ? - The rest of my ranks

Corruption falls under the catagory of taking pre-existing things and warping them to suit the swarms own needs. A very improtant thing to mention about this domain, is it would seperate control of the corrupted item from its God, which is why I thinks its a Major.

Hivemind is the concept of several or more things living under one main thought process. Its followers (whether origionally created to or not) will all fall under this catagory and act accordingly.

The Swarm takes followers from others and converts them (physically and mentally) into its own servants. Its alignment falls into the Evil catagory, since it lives to feed off and consume all others until the universe is as it sees fit. Its primary race, the only things that stems from the God itself, are viruses. In nature, its the purest example of The Swarm.

If you agree to this concept I can insert more of a story/background to it, but for now I'm just pitching the concept.
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Darimaus - Interesting concept. Would you think the 'Hivemind' concept would also link to other intelligent creatures that share thought? (LIke Illithids?)

I'd definitely like to hear more.

Collins - I'm sorry to hear that. Good luck, and hope you enjoy reading.


First Post
The Illithids are a definate example of Hiveminds. They live to serve their brain masters. Even though they are intelligent and free thinking, this need comes first.

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