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The Pantheon Returns


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Draft #2



The Wolf did not remember his Beginning. There was one, no doubt, but it was not in His nature to dwell on that. The present was important. The present meant one had survived the past and would last into to the future. The past was .... unpleasant. There had been the times of growth, the times of conflict, and then the great caging. The Wolf did not like being caged, it was unnatural and uncertain.

The cage had been broken and The Wolf had run into the dark to wait, to watch. There were new hunters, new prey. Which was which would take time to figure out. The Wolf knew there were only three types of beings that mattered: the Alpha, the followers, and the prey. All others were insignificant.

His creatures, the wolves and other carnivores, had flourished in his absense and that pleased him. However, other beings claimed credit or dominance of some of his creations. None dared fight him over his first children, the wolves, but the great cats and the bears especially had their sponsors.

These new beings competed and fought like pups. Some would want to be Alpha, and some would be content to be part of the pack. Those that did not want to accept The Wolf as the Alpha would be stalked, watched for weaknesses, and shown their place. The Wolf was not cruel, however. He did not wish to kill his rivals unless absolutely necessary. Such was wasteful.


The Wolf wants to be in charge, but only over the things he finds important: nature as it relates to carnivores and the ability for the carnivores to have enough prey, loyalty to family, clan, pack, the thrill of battle and testing oneself against another. He is not interested that much in war in and of itself, but in the tests of individuals versus individuals.

The Wolf counts many druids, rangers, scouts and more than a few rogues as followers, along with adventurers in general as they tend to find battle more than most. Although not adverse to civilization in and of itself, he does not mind his druids and priests striking out at civilization. As The Wolf sees it, whichever is stronger will prevail.

The Wolf is working on getting a following among soldiers, and particularly gladiators. He sees the gladiators as an organized form of the fight for dominance among a wolf pack.

I see The Wolf as a more lawful neutral version of Malar in FR.


Wolves (Minor) 10 ranks 10 points
The Hunt (Greater) 9 ranks 45 points
Nature (Major) 3 ranks 6 points
Rangers (Lesser) 3 ranks 3 points
Loyalty (Lesser) 2 ranks 2 points
Battle (Greater) 1 ranks 1 point
Gladiators (Lesser) 1 rank 1 point

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I'd more like to do Emotions than Day/Night/Dreams, and the concept of having Emotions are the big portfolio with other specific emotions making up my minors, etc. is something that I feel would be best for this; ala, while Love and Hate might be the most powerful emotions this god can manipulate and affect, the whole gamut is open and available, just not as easy to field as the primary. I think we're along the same page with this?


First Post
Here's Whisper's ranks as I see them

Secrets (Greater) Rank 9 (25)
Illusions (Lesser) Rank 5 (7)
Dreams (Lesser) Rank 6 (9)
Trickery (Greater) Rank 6 (12)
Shadow (Lesser) Rank 5 (7)

Flavor text to follow.
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Just so you know, I have a couple of ideas that I'm considering. Which would you prefer that I develop further?:

Ananta Khan
The last goddess of her culture's pantheon of gods, Ananta seeks to reclaim her people from the demon prince who has claimed them in the absence of any patron deity. Her provinces include Foresight/Wisdom, Omen-Reading, Psionics, Archery, and Minotaurs. Her moral bent would be toward GOOD.
Problems: Assumes minotaurs as a race fallen (or corrupted) from a developed culture to a savage (or non-existant) one. May bring up images of female Tauren from WoW.

Mareopeia (mar ay OH pay uh)
A fickle sea goddess whose realms include the Sea, Storms, Drowning, and Knowledge. Her tendency would be towards EVIL.
Problems: A long name that no one can remember, let alone spell.

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