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Guest 11456

CanadienneBacon said:
Tailspinner, I know you said Phud is a bouncer at the Golden Cockatrice, but 400 lbs is really hefty, even for 6'10". I don't know whether to be impressed or concerned that Phud would fall through every chasm-spanning rope bridge he tries to cross. :cool:

Just using the appropriate tables for height and weight. Height is at max (obviously) and the weight range for that height is 198 to 438 with average at 318. This puts Phud at the high end og the scale but not the heaviest. How about 350? I invisioned him being above average weight for his height. Most bouncers I've ever seen were on the heavy side of the scale.

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First Post
NG Halfling
Druid 1

Str 6 (-2)
Dex 12 (+1)
Con 14 (+2)
Wis 18 (+4)
Int 12 (+1)
Cha 12 (+1)

AC 14 (+2 hide armor, +1 dex, +1 size)
HP 10
Init: +5

Fort: +4 (2 base, +2 con)
Ref: +1 (0 base, +1 dex)
Will: +6 (2 base, +4 wis)

BaB: +0
MaB: -1 (-2 str, +1 size)
RaB: +2 (+1 dex, +1 size)

Weapon of Choice: Sling (1d4), Yssal the Riding Dog (Animal Companion and Halflings best friend)

Feat: Improved Initiative

Handle Animal 5 (4 ranks, +1 cha)
Knowledge: Nature 6 (4 ranks, +2 int)
Profession: Farming 6 (2 ranks, +4 wis)
Survival 8 (4 ranks, +4 wis)
Concentration 6 (4 ranks, +2 con)
Ride 3 (2 ranks, +1 dex)

Languages: Runic, Sylvan, Common

Commonly Prepared Spells:
lvl 0: Light, Mending, Cure Minor
lvl 1: Magic Stone, Goodberry


Str 15
Dex 15
Con 15
Wis 12
Int 2
Cha 6

AC 20 (+2 dex, +4 natural armor, +4 chain shirt barding)
HP 13
Init +2
Speed: 40ft

Attack/Trip/Grapple: +3/+4/+3
Trip attack as per wolf, Low-light Vision, Scent

Fort: 5
Ref: 5
Will: 1

Feats: Alertness, Track Skills: Jump 8, Listen 5, Spot 5, Swim 3, Survival 1 (5 for scent)
Tricks: Attack, Defend, Down, Heel, Track, Guard, Stay

Wyleck of Orrund grew up the son of a farmer, who also grew up the son of a farmer, who himself was, against all expectation, also the son of a farmer. His father Orleck was fond of saying that the family had farmed the land for so long, the stones in their fields were the bones of their ancestors. Wyleck had no siblings, and had lost his mother when he was but a babe. Most would find living in such a fashion to be lonely, but Orleck taught his son to listen to the winds and the beasts and the birds in the air. Wyleck made his friends among the creatures of the land, naming them and caring for them as best he could. A stranger wandering through the wilderness near the farmstead would encounter nary a living soul, but Wyleck saw it as more populous than any city.

Life was good for many a year at Orleck's farmstead. As Orleck got older though, he began to worry about his son. The boy grew up wise and hardy, but he knew nothing of the world beyond the farm. Orleck, once an adventurer in his own right many years past (just like his father and his father's father before him, which is surely somehow a coincident), wanted his son to know the joys of civilization, something the farm would never offer him. Wyleck was a dutiful son in most things, but on this point he resisted. Wyleck saw nothing of value to be had beyond the boundaries of Orleck's land. Orleck would not argue with Wyleck, but the two men were both very stubborn, and would not reach an agreement. So it was that Wyleck remained on the farm, tending the creatures and the land for several years. Change would not come for several years.

The winter of 60 AV, late in the month of Freyot, saw one of the worst snow storms in Orrunds history. Orleck's farm was crushed beneath the ice and snow, with Orleck growing ill from the cold. Wyleck had never learned much of the healing arts, depending on his father to take care of any injuries, and the sickness scared him. His father raved with fever. Try though he might, Wyleck could not make him comfortable. On the third day of the storm, Orleck of the Golden Grove perished from the illness. Grieving Wyleck carried the body of father out into the storm, and with his bare hands commited him to the frozen earth.

That spring, for the first time in his life, Wyleck found the farm to be a lonely place. In death his father had been proven correct, that Wyleck would need to find companionship, and that such a thing would not be possible so far from the cities of man. Wyleck gathered what few possessions he would need for the journey and packed them onto his faithful riding hound, Yssal. His young life taught him to love the world as the gods had made it. Now it was time to see how well People had turned their hands to the task.
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It's early morning here. I have errands in town today and will return to my computer in the afternoon, which will be about 5-6 pm on the US east coast.


First Post
CanadienneBacon said:
Malvoisin, I like Please and Thank You. I often name my characters' weapon(s). I guess I like campy-ness. :p Half-orcs will meet with some cultural bias in and around Teggest. Year 62 AV (the current year for those who haven't read the OP in full) in the setting marks the 50th anniversary of an invasion of orcs and undead in Teggest. There's still a lot of hard feelings to go around.
CB, I assumed there would be some racial prejudices, based on the history of the campaign world. These prejudices will go a long way in explaining why Baliss is so surly all the time.

Also, I wanted to ask you how well developed your language files are. Specifically, do you have anything on tap for the orcish language? My reasoning is that I am thinking about having Baliss refer to his axes in the orcish tongue, so I want to have orcish words for 'please' and 'thank-you' on hand. If you have no such reference, that's fine, I could certainly just make up appropriate-sounding words. But, I thought I'd ask first.
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[B]Name:[/B]       Rhys Brydon
[B]Class:[/B]      Cleric
[B]Race:[/B]       Human
[B]Size:[/B]       Medium (5'8", 168 lbs)
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Neutral  

[B]Str:[/B] 14 +2   (6p.)     [B]Level:[/B]    1     [B]XP:[/B] 0
[B]Dex:[/B] 12 +1   (4p.)     [B]BAB:[/B]     +0     [B]HP:[/B] 9 (1d8+1)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1   (4p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +2
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2   (6p.)     [B]Speed:[/B]   20'
[B]Wis:[/B] 16 +3  (10p.)     [B]Init:[/B]    +1
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0   (2p.)

                      [B]Base  Armor  Shield  Dex  Size  Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 15              10     +4    +0     +1   +0    +0
[B]Touch:[/B] 11
[B]Flat:[/B]  Uncanny Dodge

                      [B]Base  Mod  Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]  +3              +2    +1   --
[B]Ref:[/B]   +1              +0    +1   --
[B]Will:[/B]  +5              +2    +3   --

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage  Critical[/B]
Longspear                +2     1d8+3     20/x3

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Draconic, Nordic

Endurance [human]
Combat Reflexes [1st]

Uncanny Dodge
Turn Undead
Cleric Spells

Knowledge:: Bonus class skills, +1 CL divination spells
Fate: Uncanny Dodge

0th:  3  (Detect Magic, Guidance, Light)
1st: 2+1 (Command, Magic Stone, True Strike [D])

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 20    [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2

[B]Skills:                      Ranks  Mod  Misc[/B]

Concentration +5              4     +1   --
Heal +7                       4     +3   --
Knowledge: Arcana +4          2     +2   --
Knowledge: Geography +4       2     +2   --
Knowledge: History +6         4     +2   --
Survival +5                  2cc    +3   --

Armor Check Penalty: -4

[B]Equipment:                     Cost  Weight[/B]
When I was but a stripling, I lived with my family in the foothills of Orrund. It was a simple life, the son of a miner, I dreamed of nothing more than to follow in my father's footsteps. He was a great man, honest and hardworking, and I aspired to that ideal. I leant my arms to the chores of the household, and yearned for the day when I would able to follow the men into the very depths of the earth to claim our treasure.

I was out on the moors that day, cutting peat for out fires when I found him. A fragment of bone glinted white in the cold sun and caught my attention. I dug the body out of the bog and stared in wonder at it. No miner, this man was a warrior, clad in armor and carrying a sword. Both were rusted and worthless, but they clearly bore the markings of Gwyund. I shivered as I stared north into the mountains. All had heard the tales of the failed invasion, did one man push ahead of the others and make it this far before he died? Clenched in one skeletal hand, there was a steel disc that seemed to have escaped the ravages of time and the mire. I pulled it from his grasp and left him to sink back into the bog.

The disc itself was odd, a perfect circle of metal, seemingly as new as if it had been cast the day before, not rotting in the mire for an age. It was blank on one side, but the other held the carving of an eye. But not a human eye, something cold and inhuman stared out at me from that disc. I do not know what possessed me that day, but I kept the disc on me as I returned home with the fuel I had gathered.

That night, I dreamed.

I was naked as I walked, but the cold did not bother me. I could see the mountains before me, but could not turn to see what lay behind. My feet moved me forward endlessly, without my will or consent. As I walked the mountains grew closer, and then I found myself climbing them. High into their frozen rocky bounds I walked. I strode through snow and ice, but felt no cold. I reached a strange clearing in the mountains, scatted with rocks and snow, and countless bodies. Their gleaming white skulls grinned at me from the pristine snow. Did the Gwyund invasion still remain here, or was this all just a dream?

I came to a cavern, and my journey took me inside. I walked on in darkness, until I came to one chamber that glowed the light. The cavern was empty, smooth stone walls and floor, but one wall looked odd. It pulsed with life. I moved towards it, and the wall moved upwards, revealing the eye of the gigantic creature that lay before me. The same eye that was carved on the disc.

I awoke in terror, back in by bed, safe in my home. I tried to drive my dream from my mind that day, but the next night the dreams returned, and the next, and every night thereafter. They were not always the same, sometimes I stood before the eye, sometimes I walked strange shores, far from home, sometimes it showed me horrible things, huge winged creatures decimating the land. The fall of mankind is coming, I have seen it in my dreams.

The dragon gods sleep for now, but their slumber has grown restless, and they dream of the new age that is destined. Chronepsis, the eye that sees all, has chosen me to witness the fall of humanity for him. Even in his sleep, his power has reached out and found one to serve him. Did I have a choice? I do not know. Sometimes I wish I were not his herald, but I can not will myself to turn away from this path. Does he drive me? Is it fate? Is it my own desire to witness? I am the herald of his coming. The dragons rise, mankind falls. The turning of an age. [/sblock]
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Malvoisin said:
Really nice background, hafrogman. :cool:

Yeah, I seem to have a thing for young boys being conscripted by dragons. It's all very Freudian I'm sure. But this time I threw in a little bit of Old Mad Col for good measure.


First Post
CanadienneBacon said:
Tailspinner, I know you said Phud is a bouncer at the Golden Cockatrice, but 400 lbs is really hefty, even for 6'10". I don't know whether to be impressed or concerned that Phud would fall through every chasm-spanning rope bridge he tries to cross. :cool:

WIth a 20 STR I'd say he was pretty close on weight...Look at some of the WWE wrestlers. 6'10", solid muscle, easily 350+. Or look at the guys the compete in the Worlds Strongest Man competitions.


First Post
Wyleck has been updated! Everything but character history! Read, and be amazed!

Seriously though, 400lbs is a pretty huge guy, but not beyond the bounds of reason. Besides, my dude weighs, like 30lbs. Between the two of us, we make two normal sized people! Hmmm, could I maybe use Phud as a mount? Ohh, or how about as an animal companion? I could teach him, like, 19 tricks!

EDIT: I'm not serious here. Not really. Not unless you wanna let us do it. :uhoh:
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