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The Second K'ril Incursion (SW Saga, KotOR era) [IC]


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(Kacela and Tom would have joined them yes, once they were done with the droids)

Kacela takes a position at the doorway, watching out for danger, and letting the others do what they do.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Tomalor, while working, seems a different Ithorian---none of his normal cringing or shyness is apparent. He even chortles when the machine comes back up. He starts taping quickly at the data pad, trying to find any sensor reading, log, anything that would tell them what went on and what may still be around.

OOC: Use Computer (1d20 12=21)


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Unfortunately for Tomalor's efforts, it looks like destroying the physical hardware wasn't the only think the K'ril (presumably) did to keep anyone from looking at the security records. Someone did a very thorough job of erasing any records up to at least a day before the attack. Despite your best efforts -- and Devan's -- you only manage to reconstruct a few fragments of the actual attack. He taps in some authorization codes to allow playback.

* * * * *

A handful of people -- of multiple races, though mostly human-looking, all dressed differently, filed into the station's main airlock behind a force of droids similar to the ones you destroyed earlier. One waved her hand, and the image went away.

* * * * *

"Initiate lockout, athorization Rekara 8 Delta 3." A Mon Calimari tech said.

"Lockout request acknowledged. Secondary authorization required." A computer's voice answered.

"Confirm lockout, authorization Stefan Landin 5 Epsilon" The human tech didn't finish. A blaster shot hit him square in the chest.

"Do something about that." A (presumably) K'ril Twi'lek said, and the woman whose hand you saw earlier waved it again and the recording went to static.

* * * * * *


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"Do those names mean anything to you, Devan?" Kacela asks.

I wonder if we were allowed to see that second segment. It seems odd they'd destroy the recorder -after- the lockout.

She resolves to ask about that.


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OOC: I think you're misinterpreting here. The system wasn't completely locked down, because the second Ijatsi tech was shot before he could finish giving his authorization codes.


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Sianni barely covers a yawn after a long boring hour of doing nothing but watching the tech-heads go at it - so boring in fact that she had taken the soldier's notecomp up again and started adding anatomical corrections and some other snide remarks to his "collection".

"So, big man, why did they need you again? The lockdown didn't went through so I guess that none of that mega-unsliceable encryption is in place. Rudimentary stuff, perhaps, but they should be able to crack that, no? And even worse, who is your mole?"


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drothgery said:
OOC: I think you're misinterpreting here. The system wasn't completely locked down, because the second Ijatsi tech was shot before he could finish giving his authorization codes.

(ahh, you're right.l I thought he'd finished, then got shot. Thank you for clarifying. :))


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Douane said:
"So, big man, why did they need you again? The lockdown didn't went through so I guess that none of that mega-unsliceable encryption is in place. Rudimentary stuff, perhaps, but they should be able to crack that, no? And even worse, who is your mole?"

"If the lockdown had gone through, they would not have been able to download any files at all." Devan sighs. "The file-level encryption, though, is always active."


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"Suuure," Sianni replies, wildly rolling her eyes. "Perhaps you should put that stuff on your doors and personal files; they look like they could need it. But regardless, there is really no use in trying to dodge the second part - I'll simply ask again. You got a mole, or better, at least one mole and it'd be nice to figure out his identity before he can do even more harm."


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"I'm not sure I understand your reasoning for arguing I have a mole here." Devan said.

"And as for the other, doors can be cut or blasted through. Stealing data from someone that's careful with it is a bit trickier." Martina said.

Voidrunner's Codex

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