The Secret Scion


Kazan deftly separates the coin into two piles. The copper and silver he places on the ground with loud clanks for all to hear. The five pieces of gold he quietly slips into his own pouch while no one is looking. He makes a show of tossing over the weapons with a clatter, along with the gold collar, announcing quite loudly, "Does anyone want any of this gear? And that necklace looks quite valuable."

The amulet, and the spellbook--in which he hides the piece of parchment after committing the message to memory--he quietly hands to Bail, saying in a whisper only he can hear, "Please hold onto these. They look important." Then in a louder voice so that all can hear, he asks Bail to help him move the bodies out of the way, what with his shoulder and all having been injured in the fight.

It is at this point the dwarf suggests that they alert the guards. Kazan would rather not involve the authorities, but he decides that it's probably hopeless to persuade the others to his course. Besides, it might be a good chance to make some friends that can come in helpful later. "If you think that is the proper course of action, then by all means, let's do so. I was only concerned over your privacy. Often a person in your position would rather have such matters kept away from prying eyes."

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Rystil Arden

First Post
"Maybe I can study the spellbook and learn some new tricks. I've been meaning to pick up that Magic Missile spell that everybody in Aerenal says is so effective."


The man with the probe
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
"Actually, let's please do! You rescued me, you have nothing to hide. The guards will have one less mysterious thing to investigate, and they'll know you aren't hooligans," Kerrik says. "Once we get the guards involved, they can take care of the bodies, and we can go to my uncle's house. The least I can do is give you all a good meal and a soft bed for the night."
"Perhaps your right, I just thought your house might not want this kidnapping known to the public, but I'm sure they can get the guards to keep this quiet." She smiles.

She eyes Arimart carefully as he riffles through the goblins' belongings. She will not mention anything if she does notice something. "You find anything else interesting in there? Or just gear and little coin? That dagger looks pretty, wonder why he had it?"


Harolk, male human fighter

"And don´t come back!" shouts Harolk after the fleeing goblins, then inspects the cut in his thigh.

Rayni said:
"You would have done the same for us, I'm sure. I'm Rayni--nice to meet you Kerrik!"

"Then you have a lot of things to learn, babe." snarls Harolk while cleaning the blood stained sword on the goblin wizard´s robes. He takes the leader´s collar, after inspecting it -after all, he killed him-.

When Kazan reads the piece of parchment, he comments to Kerrik "That´s where the goblins had to carry you, or maybe where they lived. Look, it´s all fine if you want to tell the guards and make sure the goblins end underground or legally turned into zombies, but myself I´d like to avoid the, er, paperwork."

"Though if you have in mind some kind of reward, I´m all for it."
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Rystil Arden

First Post
Harolk said:
or legally turned into zombies

"L..le...legally...turned into zombies?" Rayni stutters, looking horrified as she trembles in loathing, "Legally? could any place be so wretched as to allow such a thing? Undead are abominations that fly in the face of the honoured deathless of the Undying Court, and they must be destroyed, never created! Only twisted, sick, and evil people would ever do such a thing...all that negative energy, slowly sucking the life from us all..."


Bail Human Barbarian

Bail pulls himself together and wipes the tears from his face as the last of the goblins flee. He takes the proffered items from Kazan, shrugs and stuffs it all in his backpack. "You are safe" he says matter-of-factly to the former captive of the goblins.

Slinging his axe to his back he turns to Rayni holding out his hand "Spear please. My thanks".

Bail moves over to the goblin that he killed and kneels before it, head bowed and shaking he looks down at the bloodied mess "Kelek tek dharrk" he spits out before ripping the lead amulet from the body.

Standing the boy strides purposefully over to the freed dwarf "Now we take you home?"
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Harolk, male human fighter

"Then don´t go to Karrnath, if zombies upset you." answers Harolk. "Thinking twice, don´t ever go to Karrnath, it´s full of law-obssesed dorks and don´t like elves at all."

"Er, about what you said before... How do you manage to live forever in elfland, if you hate undead so much? -it´s not that I like them, by the way-"
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Rystil Arden

First Post
"The deathless are not undead," Rayni explains, "Undead use evil and every-hungry negative energy that seeks to feed on the souls of the living to keep themselves alive forever, but the deathless survive benignly by being bolstered by the faith and spirituality of the Aereni people."

Isida Kep'Tukari

Kerrik looks back and forth between the group as they debate the morality of undeath. He quickly tries to interject a word in before it can go any further. "Well, I doubt my uncle would make my kidnapping public, but he needs to know that someone was trying to harm the House. Please, let's go, I know my uncle will reward you," Kerrik says. Assuming the group goes along, Kerrik leads the group further up into the towers. He stops the first guard he sees and rapidly explains the situation.

"I was kidnapped, these brave citizens saved me, three goblins were slain during the rescue, they're down two levels..." is essentially what he says, deflecting attention away from the group. With a few more minutes' worth of questions, a squad of guards goes trotting off to see the scene for themselves. Kerrik assures the captain that the group will be staying at his uncle's house if they want to question them further.

Finally, very late at night, the group arrives at the home of Dargon d'Kundarak. The older dwarven man gives his nephew a relieved hug, and accepts his explanation with little questioning. He waves the group into his home and won't hear a thing until they're seated with copious amounts of food and drink at their elbows. "My House owes you a debt of gratitude. My nephew will be a fine businessman someday, and I fear the intentions of rivals may have attempted to cut his career short. Please, eat, drink, and tell me of you. How did you rescue my nephew?"

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