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The Seven Realms - Chapter The First - A Curse of Storms and Green Eyes


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Round 4 - Cleft Chin - Complete

Positions at start of round:
Aaldar - at top of stairs, looking down into common room
Kaltesis - at bottom of stairs, facing horrific lackey
Aidan - 20' W from main door, 10' from N wall, facing the same horrific lackey
Oxana - 5' from south wall, 15' from kitchen door
Larris - 10'S 10'W from main door
Ari'mone - 10'W from main door, 15' from N wall, facing the same horrific lackey as Aidan and Kaltesis
Calimorton - Near W wall, 20' N of kitchen door
Toby - beside Aidan, facing horrific lackey
Dora - 20'E of kitchen door, cowering, crying, and screaming, covered in blood.
Erkenbrand and Frea - centerpoint of room, or near enough.
Mrs. Calimorton - ?

Init Order:

Kaltesis 18
Larris 15
Ari'mone 14
Oxana 13
Aaldar 12
Calimorton 11
Foe 10
Toby 9
Dora 9
Erkenbrand & Frea 8
Aidan 6
Mrs. Calimorton 3

Kaltesis calls upon the power of the Lord of the Sun, his blade flashing with the light of day as he brings it down upon the unholy thing standing before him. The gleaming blade burns as it smites through bone, and flesh, and mail. (18 points) the thing collapsing in a welter of stink and corruption, the green balefire in it's eyes fading. The follow on strike of the handaxe, while well aimed, is irrelevant.

Larris retraces his steps, dashing the length of the room, back to his table, where he reaches for his wine.

The swift halfling monk also rushes the length of the room, and into the kitchen, where he finds the savory smells of stew and baking bread have been mixed revoltingly with the smell of blood and corruption. A woman, who was probably pleasant enough in appearance in life, is sprawled by a table, her headless corpse lying in a heap, a heavy cleaver by it's outstretched hand.

The missing head, it's features locked in an expression of shock, and fear, is held in the hand of a misshapen horror, one of four that are in the room, all wearing chain shirts and carrying longswords and bucklers. Their eyes gleam with green balefire.

The one holding the head looks at the halfling, and a rasping chuckle comes from it. "Come for a snack, little man? Sorry, the kitchen is closed."

Oxana makes her way to the girl's side, and her sobs quiet a bit. The celestial notes, after a moment, that Dora doesn't seem to be wounded. The blood covering her isn't hers.

Aalder runs across the tavern as well, and gets to a place where he can see into the kitchen.

Calimorton covers the remaining few paces to the kitchen door, looks in. What he sees makes his face go pale, "Molly...?" Then he moves into the room, cutlass held in a white knuckled fist.

The four horrors in the kitchen move to meet the new arrivals, their movements jerky, as malformed as their twisted bodies. Yet their blades move with fell efficiency. Ari'mone ducks under one, but a second blade slides along his back, drawing blood, even as the wound begins to rot an burn (11 points slashing, 2 special) The third horror swings its blade at Calimorton, drawing a gasp of pain from the innkeeper as it bites into his side. The fourth, unable to reach the battle due to the width of the kitchen, reaches down and picks up the hot pot of stew from the large fireplace, and prepares to throw it.

Toby moves, still holding his dagger, carefully avoiding the various bloodstains and such on the floor, moving to where Oxana and Dora are. He says nothing.

Dora looks up at Oxana, and says, through tearstreaked green eyes. "They killed her...they killed her...they...he...reached for me...and Molly swung a cleaver at him...and they...killed her!"

Erkenbrand and Frea thunder into the kitchen just behind Calimorton...but they find that they cannot both enter the immediate fray because Ari'mone and Calimorton take up 2/3 of the available room. Still, Erkenbrand is able to swing once, and his blade bites into his opponent's chest. (11 points) (Making an assumption that Erkenbrand would attack given the option)

Aidan's desire to heal Oxana is somewhat delayed by her movements. He ends up having to cross the tavern almost diagonally to reach her side.

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Larris Human Fighter

Larris has his shield and quiver, but sees the way to the fight blocked by the crowd at the kitchen door. He looks about quickly. Can there be a way to flank these undead horrors?

ooc: How tough would it be to go out a shuttered window and re-enter the inn behind the undead in the kitchen? If it will take more than 2 rounds Larris will switch his sword to the shield hand and begin throwing javelins instead.


First Post
Scotley said:
Larris has his shield and quiver, but sees the way to the fight blocked by the crowd at the kitchen door. He looks about quickly. Can there be a way to flank these undead horrors?

ooc: How tough would it be to go out a shuttered window and re-enter the inn behind the undead in the kitchen? If it will take more than 2 rounds Larris will switch his sword to the shield hand and begin throwing javelins instead.

OOC: Basically it depends on how careful you want to be about it. You can simply crash through the shutters, with a DC 10 str check, as part of movement. In which case it would be three move actions, assuming success on two such rolls, two get into the kitchen behind the horrors. If you stop to try to open the shutters, it will take longer, especially getting back in.


First Post
The young cleric Aidan looks on at the fray in the kitchen, his mind racing to figure out how he can assist.

OOC: Since it didn't work last time, Aidan is just going to use the Cure Moderate Wounds on the most hurt ally he can reach when his turn comes up.


Larris Human Fighter

With a shrug Larris runs at the nearest window and crashes shield first through the shutters and into the storm.

ooc: str. check at +3

Nac Mac Feegle

First Post
Erkenbrand shouts to Frea over the sounds of the fray.

"God damn it, get a spear and get back here."

Attack at +12/+7 for 1d8+4 against the horror in front of him, while Frea will take a double move to get to the stables and grab a longspear from his horse.


First Post
ooc - Going to list two possible actions, depending on options.

"I'm really tired of being called a little man, you big ugly chain freak undead creature," Ari'mone speaks to the one who called him a little man.

Option A: This is the one Ari'mone will try if it is possible. As a move action, he wants to tumble onto the other side of one to get in a flanking position and strike that creature with a Touch of Golden Ice plus his usual surprising back kick. (ooc - I know this is a Tumble check of dc 15, I think).

Option B: If there is not enough room in the kitchen, then the halfling will surge forward with a front kick, doing Touch of Golden Ice, then backroll through his allies legs to let the big men get into position to strike as his move action for the round.


First Post
Oxana - Female Half-Celestial Bard

Seing that Dora is unharmed in any physical way, Oxana will take flight, if possible, and fly out the door and find the window Larris went through. If she still got enough time she will try to shoot one of the horrors through the window.

OOC: Fly speed 60 ft. +7 with bow (only adding bonus for Inspire courage, not sure if she gets any more bonuses), 1d8+2 damage, Threat 20/x3.


First Post
Round 5 - The Cleft Chin

Round 5 – The Cleft Chin

Location: The Cleft Chin common room measures 30’ E-W, 70’ N-S It is littered with tables, benches, chairs, which can make movement a bit complex at times. The staircase leading to the guest rooms is against the North wall. The door leading outside is on the East wall, 10’ from the NE corner of the room. Shuttered windows pierce the East wall at 20’, 30’, 40’, 50’, and 60’ feet from the NE corner. A 5’ wide fireplace and associated stone chimney are at 35’ from the NE corner. The South wall is pierced by shuttered windows at 10’ and 20’ from the SE corner. The kitchen door is on the West wall, 10’ N of the SW corner of the room. There are no windows on the West wall of the common room, but there is a 15’ long carved oak bar starting 50’ from the SW corner.

Both the eastern and western doors are currently open. Lighting comes from six continual flame lanterns set to give coverage to the entire room.

The Kitchen measures 25’ E-W, 15’ N-S. It too has a large fireplace, and an iron stove as well. The fireplace is in the center of the South wall. Doors are in the center of the North wall, the center of the East wall, and the center of the West wall. Shuttered windows flank the fireplace, and the Western door. Lighting comes from a single continual flame lantern hanging in the center of the room, as well as the fireplace.

Init Order:

Kaltesis 18
Larris 15
Ari'mone 14
Oxana 13
Aaldar 12
Calimorton 11
Foe 10
Toby 9
Dora 9
Erkenbrand & Frea 8
Aidan 6

Positions at start of round:
Kaltesis Bottom of stairs in common room
Larris At table in common room, 15’ from kitchen door
Ari’mone 10’ inside kitchen door, facing the horrors in the kitchen
Oxana 25’ E from kitchen door, in common room, comforting Dora
Aaldar 15’ north of kitchen door, in common room
Calimorton 5’ north of Ari’mone, facing the horrors in the kitchen.
First Horror – facing Ari’mone
Second Horror – facing Calimorton
Third Horror – facing Erkenbrand
Fourth Horror – 5’ W of Third Horror, lifting a kettle of hot stew
Toby 5’ N of Oxana
Dora with Oxana
Erkenbrand 5’ S of Ari’mone, facing horrors
Frea 5’ E of Erkenbrand, getting yelled at
Aidan 5’NW of Oxana

Kaltesis makes his way down the length of the common room, making it almost to the door of the kitchen. There are, after all, more undead to kill.

Larris, in an amazing display of strength and speed, charges at the shutters of the nearest window, smashing them asunder as he leaps out in a spray of breaking glass, the storms might slamming into him like a living thing. Dashing down the side of the still well lit inn, He leaps at another window, again smashing his way inward, erupting into the kitchen behind the Fourth Horror.

Ari’mone leaps to the attack, rolling under and between the malformed horror’s legs, and bouncing nimbly to his feet, kicking the back of the thing’s leg, (5 points), willing the golden ice to form…but it does not, the thing able to fight off the ravaging effects of the halfling’s strike.

Oxana, noting that the window Larris just “opened” is a lot closer then the door, follows him through it, taking wing, and unlimbering her bow. She finds that the wind and the rain make flight difficult, and a moment later, finds that archery while flying in this weather is nearly impossible, as her arrow embeds itself firmly in the inn wall, a full 3’ above the window she was trying to shoot through.

Aaldar moves to where he can actually look through the kitchen doors, and ponders what to do next, given the close quarters the fight is taking place in.

Calimorton swings his cutlass twice at the horror he faces, the first blow biting deep, the second stopped by the things unnaturally thick skin.

The First Horror turns to face his agile opponent, the Halfling only barely ducking under the whistling edge of the thing’s blade. “Maybe I’ll make a snack of you, little man.”

The Second Horror hisses it’s laughter as it hacks at Calimorton, more blood and corruption leaking forth as it chops into the tavernman’s leg.

The Third Horror turns it’s blade upon Erkenbrand, slashing a long bloody gash in his arm, after beating down his guard. (9 slashing, 2 special)

The Fourth Horror, turning towards Larris, dumps the hot stew down on his head, the kettle slamming down with brutal force. The thick stew half blinds the fighter (8 bludgeoning, 1 fire, -2 to hit and skill rolls for 3 rnds) Then the Horror draws it’s blade, chuckling in a raspy voice. “Tasty, isn’t it?”

Toby and Dora just hug each other, the young boy trying to comfort his sister, who continues to cry brokenly.

Erkenbrand gives back the damage he just took, and more, his blade flashing in once, then twice, brushing aside the defense of the Third Horror, the balefire abruptly winking out of its eyes, as it collapses in a welter of corruption and stench. (17 points total)

Frea, not a stupid man, and noting the opening that just appeared when the Halfling rolled forward, moves steps up and slashes at the First Horror, but the blow is turned by it’s mail.

Aidan again finds himself abandoned, as Oxana rushes off just as he raises his hand to heal her. Shrugging, he rushes into the kitchen, and seeing Erkenbrand’s condition, calls upon the power of Aeos, a holy light briefly suffusing the room as the Jordman is healed for 15 points.


Orvallon said:
Round 5 – The Cleft Chin

The Fourth Horror, turning towards Larris, dumps the hot stew down on his head, the kettle slamming down with brutal force. The thick stew half blinds the fighter (8 bludgeoning, 1 fire, -2 to hit and skill rolls for 3 rnds) Then the Horror draws it’s blade, chuckling in a raspy voice. “Tasty, isn’t it?”

Shaking stew from his face Larris raises his weapons and attacks the fourth horror. "Delicious, why don't you have a taste of my steel?"

ooc: Assuming we are still buffed from both Oxanna and Frea
MW Bastard Sword +9/+4 for 1d10+6 19-20/x2
+1 Small Spiked Shield Bash +8 1d6+4 20/x2

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