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The Sky Breathes All Life - IC

Lord Wyrm

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"We'll have to make sure there's no one in there, Jesoah I would appreciate it if you keep me an escape route open." Duncan shed much of his unnecessary gear, with his chain safely against him and a dagger handy, he kept his armor on to help absorb any unexpected shocks and stashed two potions of cure lights in his belt. Hearing Lily he called out, "If you have anything to ward me against fire I would be most appreciative." He moved his cloak to shield him from the smoke and guard against the heat and readied to run in.

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Lily winces concernedly. "I don't! Be careful! I do have some healing potion though, if...if you know. You need any."

She stays where she is for a moment, torn between wanting to see to the possible survivors up ahead, and wanting to help Duncan and his plunge into danger in the fallen ship she was leaving behind.


First Post
Alister and Sye:

You approach the ship and realize that the fire is burning much hotter than you thought. It still does not block your path, though once inside the conditions should prove to be miserable. The hole in hull is large enough for both of you to step through one after the other, but you probably shouldn't touch the metal walls. When you get inside you immediately begin to perspire, sweat pouring from your brow and into your eyes, stinging them along with the smoke billowing out of the gash in the underbelly. You realize that you are in the storage space beneath the main deck where the officers normally operate from, and you see stairs leading into that office straight ahead, in the back of the room. Crates litter the ground, some broken open, and all manner of objects lay about. Nothing stands out as being particularly useful at a glance through the plumes of smoke, though you could spend some more time searching if you wish. You also notice that in addition to the smoke billowing out from the opening through whic you both entered, some smoke can be seen going up the stairs as well, suggesting that there may be another way out somewhere.

OOC: During the first round you spend in the hull, you take one point of nonlethal damage due to the heat. In addition, any metal items directly touching your skin begin to heat up.


When you look back towards the objects in the distance, they now seem to be getting closer, though they are still far off and undiscernable.


As you head towards the ship, you see the escape hatch that the other men pulled the one trapped free from. It lies agape, smoke pouring forth from the source somewhere inside the ship. As you get closer, you see that your cloak should be enough to protect you from the smoke and heat, as long as you keep it up and are not inside for very long, as the fire isn't as bad as it first seemed. Climbing the escape hatch is a feat in and of itself, and once you are inside you are in the back of the ship, a room you recognize all too well as the holding area for shipwrights when not in use. No one is in this room, and there are two exits, one which appears to be leading towards the source of the smoke, the other, away from it.

"BE CAREFUL DUNCAN!!!" The men behind you yell for your safety as you enter.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Sye notices the heat and steps back outside for just a second. She removes her fiddle and its bow and places it outside the burning ship - hoping that it doesn't get stolen from among the rubble. A quick look around reveals not too many that are moving anyway, so she decides to test ehr luck and charges back into the ship.

"Sir, if you want to look for useful items, I'll understand. You'd have a better idea of what would be needed anyway. But I'm going up the stairs for a few seconds to see what I can see. I'll return shortly - this smoke is getting to me already!"

She coughs once and and charges up the stairs looking for any sign of life.


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Alister doesn't respond, but follows Sye up the stairs at full pelt. He's not interested in scavenging the wreckage, but only in making absolutely certain of what he already believes in his heart to be true - his father is dead. Beyond that, he's dimly aware that he has a responsibility to be sure of the fatalities among his commanding officers.

Lord Wyrm

First Post
Duncan's mind opens as he rushes in, he lets out his inner self and lets it take control. Vaeris glances to the two exits, his mind is predatory, his vision is clear.
The more that make it out the more I'll have if the elves should turn on us
Vaeris moves to the exit with smoke pouring from it.
If anyone's trapped they'll have less time near here, this had better be fast
Vaeris draws up his cloak and runs in, keeping a hand loosely against one wall to prevent him from losing his way. He calls out loudly for survivors, hoping to hear a voice among the devastation.


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Alister and Sye:

You pound up the stairs ahead of you only to emerge into a veritable inferno. Fire seems everywhere, and there are few places you can step to avoid it. You are indeed inside the command office, noticing the tell-tale signs - lots of scroll cases, nicer furniture (if it isn't burning), and two large windows at the front of the ship, both busted out. Looking around, you see many bodies, and notice officer rank on a few, though it is hard to tell who they actually are.

OOC: You can make search checks to look for anyone in particular, or you can do something else if you would like. Use Invisible Castle for your search checks if you choose to make them. In addition, you both take another point of nonlethal damage from the heat.


As you steady yourself in your path along the wall, it feels hot to the touch. Your call goes unanswered as you move through the doorway, ducking to avoid inhaling the smoke above. It gets progressively hotter past the entrance into what you recognize as more living quarters. You still cannot see the original source of the fire, but there IS fire in this room, albeit very little. Smoke billows out of another doorway down a corridor of cots lined up and bolted to the floor on either side of you, and you see no one in this room.


First Post
Alister looks around him, heedless of the terrible heat, and quickly realises that anybody here is very unlikely still to be alive. Still, though, he's driven by an urge to know for certain regarding his father; he knows he could never press forward without knowing for sure, one way or the other. With a set jaw, one hand raised to shield his eyes from the blistering heat, he presses forward to hunt for his father's face among the dead.

((Search 1d20 [6]+3 = 9.

Circumstances permitting, I'll make another search roll every round until I'm certain one way or the other - but in case something happens in the meantime to prevent that I won't roll ahead.))

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Sye stays beside Alister as well, looking for Alister's father. Trying to conserve energy, she refrains from speaking unless she finds Alister's father.

[Sblock]OOC: She'll make as many search checks as she can before she passes out from heat/smoke/non-lethal daamge. She can stay until she's at 5 remaining and then she flees from the office back to the spot where she left her fiddle. I didn't roll the dice because: 1. I really prefer the DM to roll so as to avoid the whole linking bit and 2. I really don't have an idea how many such checks are possible or necessary - so I thought it best to leave it in the DM's hands.[/Sblock]

Lord Wyrm

First Post
Vaeris kept moving down the corridor, his eyes darting back and forth as he continued to call for survivors. He saw the billowing smoke from the doorway and ran too it. He took a deep breath of the good air before the room and ran in.

Voidrunner's Codex

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